If there were a just God

First day: God creates light ("Let there be light!")—the first divine command. The light is divided from the darkness, and "day" and "night" are named

The first part of Genesis indicates that the earth could have existed for billions of years before the first Genesis “day,” though it does not say for how long. But itt does describe what earth’s condition was just before the first “day” began, “Now the earth proved to be formless and waste and there was darkness upon the surface of the watery deep; and God’s active force was moving to and fro over the surface of the waters.”...Genesis 1:2.
Many people consider the word “day” used in Genesis chapter 1 to mean 24 hours. However, in Genesis 1:5 God himself is said to divide day into a smaller periods of time, calling just the light portion “day.” In Genesis 2:4 all the creative periods Or 'days' are called one “day”: 'This is a history of the heavens and the earth in the time of their being created, in the day [all six creative periods] that God made earth and heaven.”
So all the creative days were talked about as one day.

The Hebrew word yohm, translated 'day,' can mean different lengths of time. Among the meanings possible, William Wilson’s Old Testament Word Studies includes the following, 'A day; it is frequently put for time in general , or for a long time; a whole period of time . Day is also put for a particular season or time when any extraordinary event happens.” This last sentence to fit the creative “days,” for certainly they were periods when extraordinary events were described as happening. It also allows for periods of time that are much longer than 24 hours.
Genesis chapter 1 uses the expressions “evening” and “morning” relative to the creative periods. Does this indicate that they were 24 hours long? Not necessarily. In some places people often refer to a man’s lifetime as his “day.” They speak of “my father’s day” or “in Noahs' day.” people may divide up that lifetime “day,” saying “in the morning [or dawn] of his life” or “in the evening [or twilight] of his life.” So ‘evening and morning’ in Genesis chapter 1 does not limit the meaning to a literal 24 hours.
“Day” as used in the Bible can also include summer and winter, and the passing of seasons. (Zechariah 14: 8 ) “The day of harvest” involves many days. (Compare Proverbs 25:13 and Genesis 30:14.) A thousand years are likened to a day. (Psalm 90:4; 2Peter 3:8,10) “Judgment Day” covers many years. (Matthew 10:15; 11:22-24) It would seem reasonable that the “days” of Genesis could likewise have embraced long periods of time—millenniums. What, then, took place during those creative eras.

Now for the light question.
“‘Let light come to be.’ Then there came to be light. And God began calling the light Day, but the darkness he called Night. And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a first day.”...Genesis 1:3,5.
Of course the sun and moon were in outer space long before this first “day,” but their light did not reach the surface of the earth for an earthly observer to see. Now, light evidently came to be visible on earth on this first “day,” and the rotating earth began, to have alternating days and nights.
The light came in a gradual process, extending over a long period of time, not instantaneously as when you turn on an electric light bulb. The Genesis rendering by translator J.W. Watts reflects this when it says: “And gradually light came into existence.” (A Distinctive Translation of Genesis) This light was from the sun, but the sun itself could not be seen through the overcast. Hence, the light that reached earth was “light diffused,” as indicated by comments about verse 3 in Rotherham’s Emphasised Bible.
Then the bible goes on to talk about the second 'day' or period of time.
Hay you

... why are you guys arguing about Genesis in the first place? (I didn't follow the thread... but its completely off topic so just curious how you got here?)

Peace be unto you ;)
Hay you

... why are you guys arguing about Genesis in the first place? (I didn't follow the thread... but its completely off topic so just curious how you got here?)

Peace be unto you ;)
Yah your right I forgot, I was getting kind of interested in the questions.
Yah your right I forgot, I was getting kind of interested in the questions.
I'm still wondering why God made carnivores? Even vegetarians must kill to survive. Hell, mold kills to survive. Some plants kill to survive.

Why did God chose to walk the murder route when It didn't have to?
The first part of Genesis indicates that the earth could have existed for billions of years before the first Genesis “day,” though it does not say for how long. But itt does describe what earth’s condition was just before the first “day” began, “Now the earth proved to be formless and waste and there was darkness upon the surface of the watery deep; and God’s active force was moving to and fro over the surface of the waters.”...Genesis 1:2.
Many people consider the word “day” used in Genesis chapter 1 to mean 24 hours. However, in Genesis 1:5 God himself is said to divide day into a smaller periods of time, calling just the light portion “day.” In Genesis 2:4 all the creative periods Or 'days' are called one “day”: 'This is a history of the heavens and the earth in the time of their being created, in the day [all six creative periods] that God made earth and heaven.”
So all the creative days were talked about as one day.

The Hebrew word yohm, translated 'day,' can mean different lengths of time. Among the meanings possible, William Wilson’s Old Testament Word Studies includes the following, 'A day; it is frequently put for time in general , or for a long time; a whole period of time . Day is also put for a particular season or time when any extraordinary event happens.” This last sentence to fit the creative “days,” for certainly they were periods when extraordinary events were described as happening. It also allows for periods of time that are much longer than 24 hours.
Genesis chapter 1 uses the expressions “evening” and “morning” relative to the creative periods. Does this indicate that they were 24 hours long? Not necessarily. In some places people often refer to a man’s lifetime as his “day.” They speak of “my father’s day” or “in Noahs' day.” people may divide up that lifetime “day,” saying “in the morning [or dawn] of his life” or “in the evening [or twilight] of his life.” So ‘evening and morning’ in Genesis chapter 1 does not limit the meaning to a literal 24 hours.
“Day” as used in the Bible can also include summer and winter, and the passing of seasons. (Zechariah 14: 8 ) “The day of harvest” involves many days. (Compare Proverbs 25:13 and Genesis 30:14.) A thousand years are likened to a day. (Psalm 90:4; 2Peter 3:8,10) “Judgment Day” covers many years. (Matthew 10:15; 11:22-24) It would seem reasonable that the “days” of Genesis could likewise have embraced long periods of time—millenniums. What, then, took place during those creative eras.

Now for the light question.
“‘Let light come to be.’ Then there came to be light. And God began calling the light Day, but the darkness he called Night. And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a first day.”...Genesis 1:3,5.
Of course the sun and moon were in outer space long before this first “day,” but their light did not reach the surface of the earth for an earthly observer to see. Now, light evidently came to be visible on earth on this first “day,” and the rotating earth began, to have alternating days and nights.
The light came in a gradual process, extending over a long period of time, not instantaneously as when you turn on an electric light bulb. The Genesis rendering by translator J.W. Watts reflects this when it says: “And gradually light came into existence.” (A Distinctive Translation of Genesis) This light was from the sun, but the sun itself could not be seen through the overcast. Hence, the light that reached earth was “light diffused,” as indicated by comments about verse 3 in Rotherham’s Emphasised Bible.
Then the bible goes on to talk about the second 'day' or period of time.

Sorry still not biteing it is all about Context you said it yourself in the sentence back in Noah's day. The bible is not talking that way perhaps later on the story teller rewrote and felt he had to as some one likely called bullshit on that story so in order to make it look as though he meant to say well yeah it was not really a day it was a much longer time. No still not biting of the whole god thing and besides what about the Creation of Heavens God is in Heaven supposedly so why they would he have to create it he was there all ready job was already done. Oh wait they are talking about the Sky when then say heavens. And we know there is no mythical being or beast living in the sky dont we. As I said before it is contextual the writer said what he thought was a good story until it was called Bullshit.
Hay you

... why are you guys arguing about Genesis in the first place? (I didn't follow the thread... but its completely off topic so just curious how you got here?)

Peace be unto you ;)

We are discussing it as it is part of the Whole if there were a Just god first you have to establish if there is indeed a God which there is not and this part of the discussion is weather or not the Bible is full of Bullshit story's that weak minded individuals like to follow as a calling to God.

As far as peace being unto me dont waste the time typing it I have been at peace with myself since the first day I told the Church to use their God as it was intended to comfort the sick dieing and weak minded people they seem to gather around them.
We are discussing it as it is part of the Whole if there were a Just god first you have to establish if there is indeed a God which there is not and this part of the discussion is weather or not the Bible is full of Bullshit story's that weak minded individuals like to follow as a calling to God.

As far as peace being unto me dont waste the time typing it I have been at peace with myself since the first day I told the Church to use their God as it was intended to comfort the sick dieing and weak minded people they seem to gather around them.
I really do understand about , the many reasons that people have turned away from God. The complete hypocrisy of many religions and religious leaders. Even in Christianity. And the unjust things that happen in this world. People wonder why God hasn't stepped in, to do something about it.
There are answers to this. And the good news part of this is that once the question of ruler ship has been answered, ,it will be answered for all time. So situations like are here on this earth now will never happen again. So the unjust things that are now will be done away with.
I really do understand about , the many reasons that people have turned away from God. The complete hypocrisy of many religions and religious leaders. Even in Christianity. And the unjust things that happen in this world. People wonder why God hasn't stepped in, to do something about it.

You still fail to understand. It is the hypocrisy of the concept of god itself as well as the religions.
I really do understand about , the many reasons that people have turned away from God. The complete hypocrisy of many religions and religious leaders. Even in Christianity. And the unjust things that happen in this world. People wonder why God hasn't stepped in, to do something about it.
There are answers to this. And the good news part of this is that once the question of ruler ship has been answered, ,it will be answered for all time. So situations like are here on this earth now will never happen again. So the unjust things that are now will be done away with.

I have seen way to many people be taken to the cleaners by religous people asking for things they have no need to ask for other than greed and what does your just god say about that Greed Is it not one of the Seven mortal sins. And is not the Christians amung others that preach the Wages of Sin is Death. Well explain this if that is the case why oh why are there not bodies piling up all over the place. I know why because it is a threat a scare tactic thy use to get people to follow a Mythical all know all seeing being living in the Heavens. Which BTW were are "The Heavens" anyway. There is no God let alone a Just one the sooner everybody sees this the better off the world would be. With out religion of any kind we would be far far better off as there would be no reason other than greed to fight over some elses stuff.
I have seen way to many people be taken to the cleaners by religous people asking for things they have no need to ask for other than greed and what does your just god say about that Greed Is it not one of the Seven mortal sins. And is not the Christians amung others that preach the Wages of Sin is Death.........With out religion of any kind we would be far far better off as there would be no reason other than greed to fight over some elses stuff.

It is called coveting.
You still fail to understand. It is the hypocrisy of the concept of god itself as well as the religions.

Religious text instruct people not to covet and then teaches coveting. The bible instructs people to love one another and then teaches bigotry.
Who is more humble? The scientist who looks at the universe with an open mind and accepts whatever the universe has to teach us, or somebody who says everything in this book must be considered the literal truth and never mind the fallibility of all the human beings involved?
Carl Sagan in an interview with Charlie Rose, 1996
We are discussing it as it is part of the Whole if there were a Just god first you have to establish if there is indeed a God which there is not and this part of the discussion is weather or not the Bible is full of Bullshit story's that weak minded individuals like to follow as a calling to God.

As far as peace being unto me dont waste the time typing it I have been at peace with myself since the first day I told the Church to use their God as it was intended to comfort the sick dieing and weak minded people they seem to gather around them.

Okay.... but did you realize that your extrapolation of bullshit :shrug:

Peace be unto you ;)
I have seen way to many people be taken to the cleaners by religous people asking for things they have no need to ask for other than greed and what does your just god say about that Greed Is it not one of the Seven mortal sins. And is not the Christians amung others that preach the Wages of Sin is Death. Well explain this if that is the case why oh why are there not bodies piling up all over the place. I know why because it is a threat a scare tactic thy use to get people to follow a Mythical all know all seeing being living in the Heavens. Which BTW were are "The Heavens" anyway. There is no God let alone a Just one the sooner everybody sees this the better off the world would be. With out religion of any kind we would be far far better off as there would be no reason other than greed to fight over some elses stuff.
You sound pretty much like me , before I learned some things.
But you have to realize because people claim to follow God does not mean they do. Actually the bible says the very few are actually doing what is right. The bible was written about people of that time, but is for the people of the time when there will be ruining of the earth.
An example of this is Noah, 8 people survived from an estimated number of about a million people on the earth at that time. Job was singled out by God as the only one that was living up to God's standards at that time. When Jesus came, He started things all over again.
So what you see from all the world and it's religions are not examples that God supports. This goes for Christian churches as well.
If there is a God, he had better have a good explanation for why one of my closest friends has both high-functioning autism and a paralytic disorder.
Who is more humble? The scientist who looks at the universe with an open mind and accepts whatever the universe has to teach us, or somebody who says everything in this book must be considered the literal truth and never mind the fallibility of all the human beings involved?
Carl Sagan in an interview with Charlie Rose, 1996
In this case that you brought up , both are wrong. You are really talking about knowledge here, not humility.
The humble person need accurate knowledge, but the humility comes from accepting and then following up by what you do and say. So that means even if it is not popular in the world , or to your best advantage as far as the world says, ( like financial, or things like recreation, or travel or others thing like this) you still do what is right from what you learned.
In other words will you give up things or pleasures, to do what it takes to please a God . That is what humility is.
My experience and from what the bible tells us, that most people will not do that. This is true even of religious people . Many will pick a religion based on if their friends go there or not , or it is the family religion, you go on Sunday because it is a social thing. None of these reasons please God. It really comes down to, are you will to do what God asks of his followers or not. Most people aren't willing to do that. That is what humility is.
If there is a God, he had better have a good explanation for why one of my closest friends has both high-functioning autism and a paralytic disorder.

Simple answer is it is a "Test" just go ask your nearest Christian. And no meanness is ment in any toward you or your friend.
You sound pretty much like me , before I learned some things.
But you have to realize because people claim to follow God does not mean they do. Actually the bible says the very few are actually doing what is right. The bible was written about people of that time, but is for the people of the time when there will be ruining of the earth.
An example of this is Noah, 8 people survived from an estimated number of about a million people on the earth at that time. Job was singled out by God as the only one that was living up to God's standards at that time. When Jesus came, He started things all over again.
So what you see from all the world and it's religions are not examples that God supports. This goes for Christian churches as well.

God supposedly greated them all so why the varience in degree of implimentation of the word.
Sorry dude but that did not make sense on many levels.

What doesn't make sense is your extrapolation that the Day talked about in verse 2 is 24hr when the Sun wasn't even created yet... Now that doesn't make sense at MANY levels!

Peace be unto you ;)