If there were a just God

This was the start of an organized state of false religions, they had nothing to do with God. , and every thing to do with Satan the ruler of this world.

You are a follower of those very false religions. :rolleyes:
This was the start of an organized state of false religions, they had nothing to do with God. , and every thing to do with Satan the ruler of this world.

Oh right ok this is what you took from that section ok.
Taken from Wikipedia

This article is about the Biblical story. For other uses, see Tower of Babel (disambiguation).

The Tower of Babel by Pieter Brueghel the Elder (1563).
Engraving The Confusion of Tongues by Gustave Doré (1865).The Tower of Babel (Hebrew: מגדל בבל‎ Migdal Bavel Arabic: برج بابل‎ Burj Babil), according to the Book of Genesis,[1] was an enormous tower built at the city of Babylon (Hebrew: Babel, Akkadian: Babilu), a cosmopolitan city typified by a confusion of languages,[2] also called the "beginning" of Nimrod's kingdom. According to the biblical account, a united humanity of the generations following the Great Flood, speaking a single language and migrating from the east, participated in the building. The people decided their city should have a tower so immense that it would have "its top in the heavens."[3]

However, the Tower of Babel was not built for the worship and praise of God, but was instead dedicated to the glory of man, to "make a name" for the builders: "Then they said, 'Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves; otherwise we shall be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.'" (Genesis 11:4). God, seeing what the people were doing, came down and confused their languages and scattered the people throughout the earth.

The Tower of Babel has often been associated with known structures, notably the Etemenanki, a ziggurat dedicated to Marduk by Nabopolassar (c. 610 BC). A Sumerian story with some similar elements is preserved in Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta.

It was not false gods but to the glory of man and suprisingly enough from the desedents of the great Noah that God seen fit to spare from the flood.
The Tower of Babel has often been associated with known structures, notably the Etemenanki, a ziggurat dedicated to Marduk by Nabopolassar (c. 610 BC). A Sumerian story with some similar elements is preserved in Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta.

It was not false gods but to the glory of man and suprisingly enough from the desedents of the great Noah that God seen fit to spare from the flood.
It actually was for false Gods and for man. Babylon was concidered the beginning of mans empire building ( man's governments, really controled by Satan) and the ziggurats and Etemenanki, were concidered places of worship of false Gods.

E-ana was a ziggurat in Uruk built in honour of the goddess Inanna, the "lady of all the lands"–(E-ana is 'house of ana', or 'Temple of Ana'). Similarly, the lord of Aratta has himself crowned in Inanna's name, but she does not find this as pleasing as her brick temple in Uruk.
This shows that the ziggurats were used for false worship.

The term Babylon the Great in the bible symbolizes all of mans governments and false religion of the earth. These are all part of Satan's rule. So against God.
Even later the Jews who were God's people on earth at that time , went against God's sayings over and over.
The original purpose, was for man to be perfect, and make the whole earth a paradise.
Are you saying that animals didn't kill and eat things - other animals and plants? I'm pretty sure that Adam and Eve used to at the very least kill other plants to derive energy. Surely Lions would track down and hunt things, kill them and eat them?
Once you invent a magic sky fairy to explain everything little matters like truth become irrelevant.
Are you saying that animals didn't kill and eat things - other animals and plants? I'm pretty sure that Adam and Eve used to at the very least kill other plants to derive energy. Surely Lions would track down and hunt things, kill them and eat them?
The bible talks about when this paradise is restored.
“They will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war anymore.”—Isaiah 2:2-4.
“The wolf will actually reside for a while with the male lamb, and with the kid the leopard itself will lie down, and the calf and the maned young lion and the well-fed animal all together; and a mere little boy will be leader over them. And the cow and the bear themselves will feed; together their young ones will lie down. And even the lion will eat straw just like the bull. .*.*. They will not do any harm or cause any ruin in all my holy mountain; because the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of God as the waters are covering the very sea.”—Isaiah 11:6-9
As an interesting point about this is that in WWII the zoo in London could not justify feeding Lions meat, so they just fed them vegetation, during the war years, and they did just fine. There are many people that are vegetarians, now that survive very well.
As an interesting side point to this is that during the time of dinosaurs, where animals hunted and killed each other, this all had a purpose.
The very large animals kept the trees in check , the predators keep other animal populations in check, and so on. The purpose to all of this was to get the earth ready for man. These creatures did this by basically working the soil , ( from their manure and when they died, the same with vegetation.) And also helped spread seeds etc. around the earth. Over thousands or millions of years the soil would be very rich with organic material. Because it would have been just all rock and sand in the beginning. Also the atmosphere would also be need to be change to suit the life that is here. This all would have taken a long time. Then very conveniently most of the dangerous, and large animals became extinct before man arrived. Though the earth does not produce like it did in Adams time and the animals now still hunt and kill each other.
Another thing is that in the scriptures I quoted here when you see the the term 'holy mountain' that really mean Gods government. The bible is really about governments and restoring God's government. Because Satan is the ruler of the world since Adams time. That is why we see the terrible conditions now.
The bible talks about when this paradise is restored.

As an interesting point about this is that in WWII the zoo in London could not justify feeding Lions meat, so they just fed them vegetation, during the war years, and they did just fine. There are many people that are vegetarians, now that survive very well.
As an interesting side point to this is that during the time of dinosaurs, where animals hunted and killed each other, this all had a purpose.
The very large animals kept the trees in check , the predators keep other animal populations in check, and so on. The purpose to all of this was to get the earth ready for man. These creatures did this by basically working the soil , ( from their manure and when they died, the same with vegetation.) And also helped spread seeds etc. around the earth. Over thousands or millions of years the soil would be very rich with organic material. Because it would have been just all rock and sand in the beginning. Also the atmosphere would also be need to be change to suit the life that is here. This all would have taken a long time. Then very conveniently most of the dangerous, and large animals became extinct before man arrived. Though the earth does not produce like it did in Adams time and the animals now still hunt and kill each other.
Another thing is that in the scriptures I quoted here when you see the the term 'holy mountain' that really mean Gods government. The bible is really about governments and restoring God's government. Because Satan is the ruler of the world since Adams time. That is why we see the terrible conditions now.

Wow now that is a new one talk of Dinosaurs being on the planet before man. What happened to the Seven day thing the Dion's were on the earth for a bit more than 24 Hours. Oh wait I know you will say they had a different way of time keeping then and that seconds were years and minutes were decades and so on Oh ok. At least you did not try and pull the old Man exsisted along side the Dino's that i have heard oh so many times before.
Wow now that is a new one talk of Dinosaurs being on the planet before man. What happened to the Seven day thing the Dion's were on the earth for a bit more than 24 Hours. Oh wait I know you will say they had a different way of time keeping then and that seconds were years and minutes were decades and so on Oh ok. At least you did not try and pull the old Man exsisted along side the Dino's that i have heard oh so many times before.

Which day are you talking about? sometimes we call day just the daylight hours, that changes from seasons and where you live, and there is night. Then there is the 24 hour day. Then there are expressions like 'in Noah's day' which means his life time . The bible uses creative day , but there is no length of time given to that. The creation of the universe and the earth, were not even included in the creative days. So what this really means is a period of time when something was done.
You have been learning false stories.
Wow now that is a new one talk of Dinosaurs being on the planet before man. What happened to the Seven day thing the Dion's were on the earth for a bit more than 24 Hours. Oh wait I know you will say they had a different way of time keeping then and that seconds were years and minutes were decades and so on Oh ok. At least you did not try and pull the old Man exsisted along side the Dino's that i have heard oh so many times before.

Which day are you talking about? sometimes we call day just the daylight hours, that changes from seasons and where you live, and there is night. Then there is the 24 hour day. Then there are expressions like 'in Noah's day' which means his life time . The bible uses creative day , but there is no length of time given to that. The creation of the universe and the earth, were not even included in the creative days. So what this really means is a period of time when something was done.
You have been learning false stories.

No not False Bullshit fabrications come to mind but that is another story for another thread. The Bible I was taought from was the King James version of the Bible the orginal or one of them it was published over 100 years ago according to the date stamp in it. So I think that would be closer to the truth I speak of and now where in it I mean no where does it talk of a creative day. It says that it took seven days which I am going to include the nights so it took seven sunrises for God to create the everything.
No not False Bullshit fabrications come to mind but that is another story for another thread. The Bible I was taought from was the King James version of the Bible the orginal or one of them it was published over 100 years ago according to the date stamp in it. So I think that would be closer to the truth I speak of and now where in it I mean no where does it talk of a creative day. It says that it took seven days which I am going to include the nights so it took seven sunrises for God to create the everything.

Can you show how a day (its length) exists without existence of the sun, or the existence of orbits? I'm just curious.

Peace be unto you ;)
Can you show how a day (its length) exists without existence of the sun, or the existence of orbits? I'm just curious.

Peace be unto you ;)

Well form Wikipedia

When God[5] began to create heaven and earth, and the earth then was welter and waste and darkness over the deep and God's breath hovering over the waters, God said, 'Let there be light.' and there was light" [6]

First day: God creates light ("Let there be light!")—the first divine command. The light is divided from the darkness, and "day" and "night" are named

I would say that is enough to make a Day would you not a cycle of Day and Night. One Day 24 hours give or take.
No not False Bullshit fabrications come to mind but that is another story for another thread. The Bible I was taought from was the King James version of the Bible the orginal or one of them it was published over 100 years ago according to the date stamp in it. So I think that would be closer to the truth I speak of and now where in it I mean no where does it talk of a creative day. It says that it took seven days which I am going to include the nights so it took seven sunrises for God to create the everything.

Well Ok . That bible is fine.
If you open it to Genesis 1:1, it says In the beginning....
There is no place anywhere in the bible that says how long that took or was it even in the first 'creative day' it could have been billions of our years no one knows , science has big figures they might be right they may not be.
There is also no mention of how long the 'creative days' were . Were they different lengths of time for each day we don't know. It was an assumption on religious leaders part, that they were 24 hours long. The bible even goes into giving bible readers a hint , because it says God considered the days in different lengths of time, or meaning years or even meaning time periods.
The using of the terms of morning and sunrises, were also figurative to opening and closing of these periods of time.

For a thousand years are in your eyes but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch during the night.” (Ps 90:2,*4)
A night watch was considered short taken from how long a guard would stand watch . So God's comparison of time to us is very different. 2 or 3 hours of his time would be a thousand years for us. There are other place it talks about time also.
Christian religions are considered false religions also, by God. Even though they claim to follow Christ. So the information you get from them is mostly wrong. It is one of the reasons the bible and God in general are not looked on with very much favor today.
I would say that is enough to make a Day would you not a cycle of Day and Night. One Day 24 hours give or take.

Where is the measurement for the orbit? Also where is the mention of the Sun through which we determine our 24 Day... I mean you're missing major pieces here.... so I'm wondering where did you derive the 24 hour Day with only this information. Can light exist independent of the sun? I believe so... I don't see how you can possibly calculate 24 hour day with this information.

Peace be unto you ;)
There is no place anywhere in the bible that says ...

God considered the days in different lengths of time...

The using of the terms of morning and sunrises, were also figurative ...

God's comparison of time to us is very different. 2 or 3 hours of his time would be a thousand years for us.

Not even considering that theists have moved their "timeline" goalposts right alongside the latest cosmological figures, we wonder if this argument is even worth the trouble to ponder, let alone acknowledge.

Does it matter one iota that a god took 24 hours or 24 millenia giving birth to a universe? This would appear to have very little to do with the creationism argument at all, as the main point of contention has always been for theists to produce evidence of their god.

Once we've established his existence, we can then ponder whether or not he spent a day or ten thousand days designing the platypus.

Christian religions are considered false religions also, by God. Even though they claim to follow Christ. So the information you get from them is mostly wrong. It is one of the reasons the bible and God in general are not looked on with very much favor today.

So, not only is the information Christianity provides about the universe wrong, but so is the information about god wrong? I'm shattered.

And, of course, all the information you get about the world around you and god is completely correct down to the last detail? In fact, so detailed, you're probably able to opine on how long it took him to figure out what to do with mosquitoes.
First day: God creates light ("Let there be light!")—the first divine command. The light is divided from the darkness, and "day" and "night" are named
First day: God creates light ("Let there be light!")—the first divine command. The light is divided from the darkness, and "day" and "night" are named

Oh.............. DAMN...................... HOW IN THE WORLD DID I MISS THAT!~~~

Care to read further- or did your Bible finish? The Sun is created on the Verse 14- that is a whole 12 Verses AFTER!

Verse 2 (you quoted) said that God separated light and darkness- and called them different things namely 'day' and 'night'- this is clearly a separation of distinction.

It is verse 14!!!!! That he creates the 2 types of light to ACTUALLY SEPARATE DAY AND NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --- So this is where he actually created 'day' and 'night' as we understand it- That is a WHOLE 12 VERSES LATER!!!!!!!! So everything before this couldn't possibly be a 24hr day, and no one in the world can guess how long this 'day' and 'night' were.

So now here is verse 14 for your consideration where the actual 'day' and 'night' are separated.

'And God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years,'

So now the actual day is made- as alluded by 'serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years'

"I'm so smart I can extrapolate shit that isn't there" :bravo:

Peace be unto you ;)
The bible talks about when this paradise is restored.

As an interesting point about this is that in WWII the zoo in London could not justify feeding Lions meat, so they just fed them vegetation, during the war years, and they did just fine. There are many people that are vegetarians, now that survive very well.
As an interesting side point to this is that during the time of dinosaurs, where animals hunted and killed each other, this all had a purpose.
The very large animals kept the trees in check , the predators keep other animal populations in check, and so on. The purpose to all of this was to get the earth ready for man. These creatures did this by basically working the soil , ( from their manure and when they died, the same with vegetation.) And also helped spread seeds etc. around the earth. Over thousands or millions of years the soil would be very rich with organic material. Because it would have been just all rock and sand in the beginning. Also the atmosphere would also be need to be change to suit the life that is here. This all would have taken a long time. Then very conveniently most of the dangerous, and large animals became extinct before man arrived. Though the earth does not produce like it did in Adams time and the animals now still hunt and kill each other.
Another thing is that in the scriptures I quoted here when you see the the term 'holy mountain' that really mean Gods government. The bible is really about governments and restoring God's government. Because Satan is the ruler of the world since Adams time. That is why we see the terrible conditions now.
So you are saying that God needed to create animals that kill one another just to prepare the earth for humans?


There's no reason why sentient being EVER need to eat. There's no reason sentient beings even need energy. Or matter, for that matter.

I can't imagine a just God making creatures that feel pain in such a way so that they MUST murder other animals for their survival. That seems sick to me.


1) carnivores NEED to eat meat. They can NOT survive and thrive long by eating vegetables. They MUST eat meat. If they did not NEED meat to thrive then zoos wouldn't waste the money feeding them meat and carnivores would just eat leaves.

2) Planets are KILLED when animals eat plants. Why would a just God make a universe where things MUST be killed?

3) God can make sentient beings that do not need planets, that do not need energy, that do not need air, etc... so why make sentient beings that must KILL other things JUST to survive? What an evil SOB.
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