If there were a just God

If there is a God, he had better have a good explanation for why one of my closest friends has both high-functioning autism and a paralytic disorder.
Actually this is a good statement.
I am assuming you don't believe in a God or at least don't understand why these things happen to people, when it is not their fault in anyway.
I could use scriptures here if you like. But I will first just answer it in my own words. As short as I can.
The first thing is God is not ruling the earth at this time. Satan and man both went against God, and so we live in a world that is run by Satan and is imperfect in mind and body. ( how this came about , and why, are explained in the bible but it is a big study, so I will just keep it simple here)
So imperfections are in all of us and in some worst than others. Satan doesn't care about man, just about himself. ( this is about free will)
God original purpose was to have perfect people living on the earth, in paradise conditions. So there would be no, sicknesses or health conditions like you mentioned here.
This purpose of God has not changed. It is still going to be carried out. Just like he purposed, in the beginning.
Because man and Satan had free will, this question of who man will follow Satan or God had to be answered at some point. This is what we are in now. But this temporary, things will change.
So what does this mean for people that have really no chance for life or were killed in accidents and all the other situations. There have been people all through history than really never had a chance to know of a God , or were killed or died from sicknesses.
The promise God gives is that all people that have died, will be resurrected to this earth,( just as the original purpose was), but they will be raised up without all the health problems etc.
Many of the churches teach that you go to heaven, that is not a bible teaching. ( there are a few that go, but these are only for ones the will be part of the ruling class) People were created for the earth, and that's were they are resurrected to. So all people whether they knew who God was or followed him or not, because they have died , they will be alive again on this earth.
That means you will see parents and grandparents etc again. ( That is why Jesus did resurrections on the earth when he was here) It was to show he was able to do it.
This also means there is not a hell were people that are bad go to. That also is false teaching of Christianity. When you die you are dead, no thoughts or anything, there is not spirit that goes anywhere or anything like that.
In this case that you brought up , both are wrong. You are really talking about knowledge here, not humility.
The humble person need accurate knowledge, but the humility comes from accepting and then following up by what you do and say. So that means even if it is not popular in the world , or to your best advantage as far as the world says, ( like financial, or things like recreation, or travel or others thing like this) you still do what is right from what you learned.
In other words will you give up things or pleasures, to do what it takes to please a God . That is what humility is.
My experience and from what the bible tells us, that most people will not do that. This is true even of religious people . Many will pick a religion based on if their friends go there or not , or it is the family religion, you go on Sunday because it is a social thing. None of these reasons please God. It really comes down to, are you will to do what God asks of his followers or not. Most people aren't willing to do that. That is what humility is.

Carl Sagan disagreed with your supposition.

The writers of religious text were admitting their imperfection yet claim they got it all perfect and you are doing the same thing.
God supposedly greated them all so why the varience in degree of implimentation of the word.
Good question.
As I said earlier, Satan is the ruler of this word. His only purpose to get man to not serve God. Man has built into him this need for answers. Even young kids know about justice, and they want to know were we come from etc.
So we have this need to know and because , Satan can influence us, ( but we do still have free will) one of the best ways is that he do things is by confusing and misdirecting peoples thinking. Thus we have thousands of religions in this world, and even in Christianity. Even people here have been affected by that. I know from some of your comments. Science is just another misdirection. Because if you really look at what science is saying, it is impossible that way.
That is why I have called science a religion, it is just another form of it. And the whole point is too misdirect. People are generally sick of religions. So science is an option.
What doesn't make sense is your extrapolation that the Day talked about in verse 2 is 24hr when the Sun wasn't even created yet... Now that doesn't make sense at MANY levels!

Peace be unto you ;)

What you smoking dude And God said LET THERE BE LIGHT and there was light and it was good and just and it had a facny shine and all that Jazz the sun was not created yet so if it was not what did God do Light a Fart what.
What doesn't make sense is your extrapolation that the Day talked about in verse 2 is 24hr when the Sun wasn't even created yet... Now that doesn't make sense at MANY levels!

Peace be unto you ;)

You take science classes and make that statement!

Do you actually believe there wasn't a sun and yet a day could be counted?
Good question.
As I said earlier, Satan is the ruler of this word. His only purpose to get man to not serve God. Man has built into him this need for answers. Even young kids know about justice, and they want to know were we come from etc.
So we have this need to know and because , Satan can influence us, ( but we do still have free will) one of the best ways is that he do things is by confusing and misdirecting peoples thinking. Thus we have thousands of religions in this world, and even in Christianity. Even people here have been affected by that. I know from some of your comments. Science is just another misdirection. Because if you really look at what science is saying, it is impossible that way.
That is why I have called science a religion, it is just another form of it. And the whole point is too misdirect. People are generally sick of religions. So science is an option.

Ok so why is your God say batter than Saddam Husein's God or Osma Binladens god or Ma hat Maghondi why the difference.
Carl Sagan disagreed with your supposition.

The writers of religious text were admitting their imperfection yet claim they got it all perfect and you are doing the same thing.
Carl Sagan is part of this system, he has been taught though out his life what science thinks, can you expect anything else. Science has it leaders just like many religions.

Yes the writers were imperfect, but they also claimed it was not their own thoughts but were directed by God.
What supports this as true, is that there is one theme in the bible that follows it all the way through, and there were 39 writers written over a 1500 year period. Prophecies come true and, governments were written about that exist in our day.
Carl Sagan is part of this system, he has been taught though out his life what science thinks, can you expect anything else. Science has it leaders just like many religions.

Yes the writers were imperfect, but they also claimed it was not their own thoughts but were directed by God.
What supports this as true, is that there is one theme in the bible that follows it all the way through, and there were 39 writers written over a 1500 year period. Prophecies come true and, governments were written about that exist in our day.

Well actually there were Several more Wirtes the Vatican has all the books of the Bible they released only the ones that flowed to gether and carried a similar message hhhhmmmmm see a patern here One of the Biggest Churches in the World made the Bible HHHHMMMM
Carl Sagan is part of this system, he has been taught though out his life what science thinks, can you expect anything else. Science has it leaders just like many religions.

Yes the writers were imperfect, but they also claimed it was not their own thoughts but were directed by God.
What supports this as true, is that there is one theme in the bible that follows it all the way through, and there were 39 writers written over a 1500 year period. Prophecies come true and, governments were written about that exist in our day.

The earth isn't flat. We lowly humans had to tell God the earth is round and straighten him out on that misinformed supernatural guidance. The earth isn't the center of the universe and after burning Bruno at the stake God found out by us lowly humans he was misinformed again.

The Noah and the Ark story is a violation of the laws of nature and untrue.
Ok so why is your God say batter than Saddam Husein's God or Osma Binladens god or Ma hat Maghondi why the difference.
Well that takes study , which God ask you to do, to prove it for yourself.
There is such a thing as absolute truth. But as humans in imperfection we don't know everything and we are not told everything. But even in the state we are in now, it is possible to make an informed decision. And you do get to see this absolute truth.
It comes from knowledge , but it also comes from heart condition( attitude).
If you have noticed the bible, it is written in a very symbolic way. The reason for this is that God can then give it to ones, he wants too, these ones have the correct attitude.
Well actually there were Several more Wirtes the Vatican has all the books of the Bible they released only the ones that flowed to gether and carried a similar message hhhhmmmmm see a patern here One of the Biggest Churches in the World made the Bible HHHHMMMM

I.D. thieves had a fun time during the writing of religious books.

From Wikipedia,
Thirteen epistles in the New Testament are traditionally attributed to Paul, of which seven are almost universally accepted, three are considered in some academic circles as other than Pauline for textual and grammatical reasons, and the other three are in dispute in those same circles.
Well actually there were Several more Wirtes the Vatican has all the books of the Bible they released only the ones that flowed to gether and carried a similar message hhhhmmmmm see a patern here One of the Biggest Churches in the World made the Bible HHHHMMMM

This is a gets into a pretty big study of why certain books were included. It has more to do with the Jews because they were really the ones that assembled all the writings. This was done under Gods backing.
This is a gets into a pretty big study of why certain books were included. It has more to do with the Jews because they were really the ones that assembled all the writings. This was done under Gods backing.

Nope, the Jews had nothing to do with the New Testament.
This is a gets into a pretty big study of why certain books were included. It has more to do with the Jews because they were really the ones that assembled all the writings. This was done under Gods backing.

The Jews did assemble the old testament but not all the writings.

excerpt from english bible versions,
The canon of the Old Testament was mainly fixed (with a few books still in dispute) by the about the year 400 B.C. The canon of the the New Testament was mainly fixed at the council at Carthage in 387 A.D. I say “mainly” fixed, because there are still differences between churches.
The earth isn't flat. We lowly humans had to tell God the earth is round and straighten him out on that misinformed supernatural guidance. The earth isn't the center of the universe and after burning Bruno at the stake God found out by us lowly humans he was misinformed again.

The Noah and the Ark story is a violation of the laws of nature and untrue.
Actually that is not true the bible talks about the earth as a circle shape long before science understood that.

Isaiah 21:22 There is One who is dwelling above the circle of the earth.....
This was written in a bout 740 B.C.E.

The Noah and the Ark story is a violation of the laws of nature and untrue.

A creator created the laws of nature, he could also use these as he see's fit.
hay_you said:
The first thing is God is not ruling the earth at this time.
Then he is either not omnipotent, or evil.

hay_you said:
This also means there is not a hell were people that are bad go to. That also is false teaching of Christianity.
How would you know? Maybe it's all false.
You take science classes and make that statement!

Do you actually believe there wasn't a sun and yet a day could be counted?

The sun is created on the 14th Verse.....Why should I assume that it was there on the 2nd verse when it EXPLICITLY STATES it on the 14th VERSE... why assume when you have an explicit verse...?.

The 'day' and 'night' are only referred to as separate entities prior to that.

Peace be unto you ;)
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Then he is either not omnipotent, or evil.

How would you know? Maybe it's all false.
Actually he gave man free will. We were not created as robots. That means we can make a choice. That means he did wanted people who wanted to follow him. Not robots. That is a type of slavery.
But with this free will, meant that someone could choose not to follow him.
This happened with the start from Satan and then Adam. That means the rest of us are part of that because we all come from Adam.
But God's purpose is and was the same from the beginning. To make man perfect and on a paradise earth. God gave Satan and man the opportunity to go their own way , and see how it turned out. God knew it would turn out badly so he set a time when he would step in. This time was told in the bible, and one of things mentioned was that the earth would become ruined.
Well we are just about there.
So there was nothing evil about that. But what it does, it answers that question once and for all time. Once this world and man is restored, it will never happen again. The question has been answered.
What you smoking dude And God said LET THERE BE LIGHT and there was light and it was good and just and it had a facny shine and all that Jazz the sun was not created yet so if it was not what did God do Light a Fart what.

So LIGHT CAN NOT EXIST WITHOUT A SUN... is that what you are saying?

Give me a break--- You aren't even fucking reading ahead to verse 14 where the sun is created- and assumed and extrapolated all that bullshit from just 1 verse.

Peace be unto you ;)