If Jesus died for our sins

Hebrews 6:4-6
oh, we know. Even those who have no law know in their hearts right and wrong and they will be judged in the end by their own heart Romans 2: 11-15
Hebrews 6:4-6
oh, we know. Even those who have no law know in their hearts right and wrong and they will be judged in the end by their own heart Romans 2: 11-15

What a load of crap in the end you are dead and have no way to feel anything in your heart or other wise.
It appears to mean don't hold a grudge. And to be merciful and willing to forgive. The sorrow that leads to repentance is always required of someone. II corintians 7:10
Grim Reaper
The Spirit created the physical. The physical world is only a biproduct of the spiritual world. The Spirit is the cause, the physical is the effect.
Grim Reaper
The Spirit created the physical. The physical world is only a biproduct of the spiritual world. The Spirit is the cause, the physical is the effect.

Oh so now it is a cause there is no sprit it is a myth.
I'm wondering if, given enough time, any religious conversation will degrade back down into "Well, why do you even believe in a god?"

I mean, the OP said "If Jesus died for our sins..." If you don't accept that assumption (or can't maintain it for the duration of the debate), then why debate?

I mean, two people, apparently a Christian and a non-Christian, were debating about whether or not repentance is necessary for forgiveness, and during this, a sound byte was taken out that has the assumption the Bible is true, and that was debated.

Isn't that just a tad trollish?

As bad as an Christian going into the more science-y threads, after two people are debating an aspect of evolutionary psychology, saying "What a load of crap we all know that god made us as men, not from molecules" and someone else saying "You say we evolved, how did you determine that?"

My two cents.
I'm wondering if, given enough time, any religious conversation will degrade back down into "Well, why do you even believe in a god?"

I mean, the OP said "If Jesus died for our sins..." If you don't accept that assumption (or can't maintain it for the duration of the debate), then why debate?

I mean, two people, apparently a Christian and a non-Christian, were debating about whether or not repentance is necessary for forgiveness, and during this, a sound byte was taken out that has the assumption the Bible is true, and that was debated.

Isn't that just a tad trollish?

As bad as an Christian going into the more science-y threads, after two people are debating an aspect of evolutionary psychology, saying "What a load of crap we all know that god made us as men, not from molecules" and someone else saying "You say we evolved, how did you determine that?"

My two cents.

Yes and well said, so with that.

Let's get on with it. Shall we.

Eden, your starting to lose it, what does this mean

disorder is a mess, perversion and dirt

God is order, clean and decent

light not dark

Forget I asked.

Could you please answer my prior question:

No you must tell God you are sorry. Do not worship the creation/creature, worship the Creator.

To sin again and again is to crucify him afresh/over and over. ”

Where does it say that, didn't he die for our sins. So wasn't that death mean't to represent all of what we do, because we do not know what we do ?
If Jesus died for our sins, shouldn't we take full advantage of that and sin all the damn time.

I mean wouldn't it be a shame, no a travesty to have him die for our sins and not be expert sinners.

You should do it up and tell me the story when its over.!!!.

See what people really don't take into account, is that when jesus died for the sins of humanity, its wasn't only for those who had already been born and been tried, but also those who would be born and be tried.

so every sin you commit, he already suffered. :shrug:

you can do everything you want to do, everything you think you should, and you can lust in your mind over everything you wish you could do... and the price is already paid.
You should do it up and tell me the story when its over.!!!.

See what people really don't take into account, is that when jesus died for the sins of humanity, its wasn't only for those who had already been born and been tried, but also those who would be born and be tried.

so every sin you commit, he already suffered. :shrug:

you can do everything you want to do, everything you think you should, and you can lust in your mind over everything you wish you could do... and the price is already paid.

WOO the f8ck HOO !!

Thank you Nisus !!

Oh, I mean Jesus, thank you Jesus !!

haha.... no problem. glad i could clear things up for you.
"Where does it say that, didn't he die for our sins. So wasn't that death mean't to represent all of what we do, because we do not know what we do ? "

Yes, he did die to forgive us for our sins, because we know not what we do (if we did, we wouldn't sin). That doesn't change the fact that to accept that forgiveness, we must first repent.
A mother could forgive (in her mind) a child for misbehaving, because she realizes that the child is ignorant. But the punishment will still come, unless the child has repented.

Which may or may not bring up a discussion on the word "repent". If one does come up, make sure you look up the word "repent" (preferably the definition of the original word that we translated to "repent", and what all the Bible has to say about repentance, but I realize that's not as easily accessible).
The soul is the spirit embodied. I.E. the union of spirit and the body. The body is given to spirits, so that the effects of spirit can resonate in a physical world. And that the spirit would have a greater interaction with the elements. A greater sensation of life...through emotions feelings etc.

All these things are magnified and solidified in the eternal worlds but during mortality they are only for the purpose of proving the spirit, what it would do with a great responsibility... The gift of a body.

There are spirits who have yet to be embodied.
There are spirits, us, who are embodied and are "probationary" souls.
There are spirits that have been disembodied upon death, that are no longer "probationary" but await the final union of spirit and body to become an eternal soul.

Interesting how someone would go into great efforts, and lengths to refute something they don't believe exists...if something doesn't exist, why do you need to be convinced that it doesn't exist? Why do you need to convince others it doesn't exist? Why would you write pages upon pages of reasoning aimed to condition someone not to believe that they are a soul? No identity... and no significance outside of life that you deem insignificant...Truely this would be the definition of no soul. No person to call your own. No thoughts to claim as your own.
"you can do everything you want to do, everything you think you should, and you can lust in your mind over everything you wish you could do... and the price is already paid."

I realize that this is partly a joke, and I may be making this into a more serious debate than it actually is, but...

This may be true to an extent. He did die for the sins you will commit in 13 years. But unless you become truly sorry for those sins, and try to become a better person, one more loyal to God's will afterwards, when you die a year later, you'll be in hell.

If you are the type of person that cheats on your wife because you know you can get away with it for a while, you're probably the kind of person that isn't actually truly sorry for cheating on her as you're asking for her forgiveness. It is possible to truly be sorry at that point, but I'm just saying.

You: "I did it right. I became a Christian. I even preformed miracles in your name."
God: "You're going to hell. I don't accept you."

And I really am sorry for posting multiple times, but I'm manic, and I always keep thinking of more things to say.
"Interesting how someone would go into great efforts, and lengths to refute something they don't believe exists...if something doesn't exist, why do you need to be convinced that it doesn't exist? Why do you need to convince others it doesn't exist?"

I'm confused. You're questioning why people debate? I think there's already a thread on that...or two.