If Jesus descended to earth today

I admit i am truly frustrated with the time wasting that all these. "Your a nasty person" posts that are directed at me. So i reply out of frustration at time wasted rather than out of feeling guilty about any of the false allegations that are thrown at me by people who simply hate the message i give and decide to try to undermine the message by attacking the one who delivers it.

So yeah maybe some water does get under my feathers but not the water of guilt for being a nasty person but the water of frustration from having to reply to false accusers who are wasting my time with their vain attempts as character assassination.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
M*W: Adstar, you are really on the verge of sacreledge. What you believe is truly on the verge of delusional. I know that you are intelligent, but you don't show it. What you believe is ridiculous. You are only fooling yourself. Try to rethink your position. You are totally in left field. You are not a rational person. I feel that you are delusional to the max.
The best thing for Jesus to do would be to come back as a homeless person. Then he would stand on M*Ws corner and when she rolled up to the corner he would say 'hey i'm Jesus' then M*W would respond with Go fuck yourself.

Well ok, not the best thing he could do but it would be pretty funny.
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On this thread we have been communicating 'If Jesus descended to earth'

A question for a new thread is 'will Jesus descend to earth?'
Wait, you mean he's alive and well?!

Damn, and there I was thinking he'd been sacrificed. Oh well..

He was sacrificed. But He was raised in the 3rd day and ascended into heaven.

Come on SnakeLord this is basic Christianity. Why did you even post that one liner?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Wait, you mean he's alive and well?!

Damn, and there I was thinking he'd been sacrificed. Oh well..

Yes don't you know? He was sacrificed on December 21, was dead for 3 days, and rose again on December 25. Oh wait, I was talking about the Sun... Oh wait, so was he.
The best thing for Jesus to do would be to come back as a homeless person. Then he would stand on M*Ws corner and when she rolled up to the corner he would say 'hey i'm Jesus' then M*W would respond with Go fuck yourself.

Well ok, not the best thing he could do but it would be pretty funny.

So I suppose the moral is...be nice to homeless people?
He was sacrificed. But He was raised in the 3rd day and ascended into heaven.

Come on SnakeLord this is basic Christianity. Why did you even post that one liner?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

On miracle I don't understand is how, when he ascended into heaven he managed to sit on his own righthand side. What has scripture to say about this ?
On miracle I don't understand is how, when he ascended into heaven he managed to sit on his own righthand side. What has scripture to say about this ?

I would refer you to the Egyptians to understand the Trinity. How can one god be divided into 3? Well the Egyptians said that the rising sun was the Father, the sun at midday was the Son(Son of the Father), and the setting sun was the Holy Spirit(the sun going into the Underworld to battle Set - hence the term "sunset"). Note that "Holy" is a word derived from the Greek word "helios" meaning sun, and well, you get the idea. All this theology was borrowed from the Egyptians.

That is how he can ascend to his own right hand, because he is merely one of 3 states of the Trinity.
"Holy" is a word derived from the Greek word "helios" meaning sun

Can you show your sources on that one?


"L.R. Farnell[2] assumed "that sun-worship had once been prevalent and powerful among the people of the pre-Hellenic culture, but that very few of the communities of the later historic period retained it as a potent factor of the state religion"

I think that it is high time for sources to be cited in the religion forum.

O.E. halig "holy," from P.Gmc. *khailagas (cf. O.N. heilagr, Ger. heilig, Goth. hailags "holy"), adopted at conversion for L. sanctus. Primary (pre-Christian) meaning is not impossible to determine, but it was probably "that must be preserved whole or intact, that cannot be transgressed or violated," and connected with O.E. hal (see health) and O.H.G. heil "health, happiness, good luck" (source of the Ger. salutation heil). Use of Holy Land for "western Palestine" dates to 1297. Holy water was in O.E. Holy smoke (1889), holy mackerel (1903), etc., all euphemisms for holy Christ. Phrase holier-than-thou in reference to supercilious sanctimony first recorded 1912 in writings of Theodore Dreiser.
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Can you show your sources on that one?


"L.R. Farnell[2] assumed "that sun-worship had once been prevalent and powerful among the people of the pre-Hellenic culture, but that very few of the communities of the later historic period retained it as a potent factor of the state religion"

I think that it is high time for sources to be cited in the religion forum.

The word "HOLY BIBLE," has an origin, which most religious Christian leaders and said scholars obviously do NOT comprehend NOR have investigated. The word "HOLY" is derived from the Greek word "HELIOS," meaning "SUN" The Greek word "HELIOS" is the corruption of ancient Kama'atic word "ON" another name for "RA" meaning "SUN RAys." The English transliterated word "BIBLE" comes from the Greek word "BYBLOS," (PYPLUS); Latin word "BIBLIOS," which both words were derived the ancient Kama'atic word "PYPRUS---PAPYRUS, hence also, the origin of the English word "PAPER."

Why do you think Christians worship on SUNday? It's not my fault you can't see the obvious. The Sun worship and astrology is all over the Holy Bible (Sun Book). Look at my thread "The end is near!" again and read it. I sited the Bible itself as a reference, what else do you need? I am the first one I know of who has fully interpreted that passage accurately. Then instead of letting it sink in and teach you something you call me a FUCKING ASTROLOGER! Why don't you grow the FUCK up and do your own GODDAMN research.

What do you think? You think the religious establishment is going to tell the truth about something like this? Wake the fuck up, they couldn't do it if they wanted to. This is their dirtiest little secret and they can't let it be exposed or it would be the end for them.

You obviously don't know shit about any of these subjects and are serving to do nothing but waste time here. You have been agnostic all your life and you're not going to change because you're not capable of that change. Personally, I don't care, but I am tired of you making idiotic statements like "I think that it is high time for sources to be cited in the religion forum." when I have shown sources and you ignore them. If you like ignorance that's fine by me, but others just might be here to learn something.
Calm down, no one is right all the time. The Sun is a very important part of humanity, just as important as the Earth itself, i will look for the old sun worship thread. I believe that I did a fine job dispelling some myths. My belief is that Sun Worship is more of a modern fantasy than major impact on history. Obviously referances have been made about the SUN throughout history, that is completely logical. There is no need for anger, and if we think differently we will learn more. No harm done.
Calm down, no one is right all the time. The Sun is a very important part of humanity, just as important as the Earth itself, i will look for the old sun worship thread. I believe that I did a fine job dispelling some myths. My belief is that Sun Worship is more of a modern fantasy than major impact on history. Obviously referances have been made about the SUN throughout history, that is completely logical. There is no need for anger, and if we think differently we will learn more. No harm done.

It is not a modern fantasy. Read Manly P. Hall's "The Secret Teachings of All Ages" 1928. He is a 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason. Freemasonry today still holds the secret ancient philosophy of the Mystery Schools which was founded on ancient Egyptian theology and philosophy. The elites know this stuff. Manly P. Hall is one of the initiated and knows these truths.

You call it "modern" because it really hasn't been available information for the masses until modern times. That is why it seems to exist as a modern concept, but I can assure you it is nearly as old as man himself!

These are not "myths" to be dispelled, the Bible, on the other hand, is.
It is not a modern fantasy. Read Manly P. Hall's "The Secret Teachings of All Ages" 1928. He is a 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason. Freemasonry today still holds the secret ancient philosophy of the Mystery Schools which was founded on ancient Egyptian theology and philosophy. The elites know this stuff. Manly P. Hall is one of the initiated and knows these truths.

You call it "modern" because it really hasn't been available information for the masses until modern times. That is why it seems to exist as a modern concept, but I can assure you it is nearly as old as man himself!

Maybe i will read the book but if you are saying i dont know because information has not been available then why would i think that he knows?

Most hidden info supposedly not available to the masses is more artistic than factual, sells book and movies but does not mean i take it seriously. And the people looking for it actually do believe it is true but that STILL does not mean it is. Its all about motivation.
Maybe i will read the book but if you are saying i dont know because information has not been available then why would i think that he knows?

Most hidden info supposedly not available to the masses is more artistic than factual, sells book and movies but does not mean i take it seriously. And the people looking for it actually do believe it is true but that STILL does not mean it is. Its all about motivation.

Whatever dude. You obviously know everything and the rest of us mere mortals can't teach to one as omniscient as you.

Hall is in the initiated class, just like Crowley, and other high level Masons. But your knowledge transcends theirs so it would be pointless for one of your stature to go to such "lesser men" for any information.

I, on the other hand, am not above reading their words, and corroborating their works with the Bible to see where they mesh, so that I might be able to improve the reservoir of my knowledge. Does that mean I agree with everything they say? Of course not! They are pagan theists that believe the Sun, Saturn, and Venus are actually real gods. I am wise enough to see that that is ridiculous, but even so the men understand astrotheology and ancient philosophy better than I.
He was sacrificed. But He was raised in the 3rd day and ascended into heaven.

Come on SnakeLord this is basic Christianity. Why did you even post that one liner?

Because I find it amusing.

Man is bad and the only way to forgive them is for jesus, (it is claimed that he is god), had to sacrifice himself to himself without actually ever being able to die, (unless you assert that for three days god ceased to exist).

So that 3 days was just a big farce. What I don't quite get is what the pretend death of a god and the pretend "oh look, I'm alive again" solved that a simple wave of a hand could not. It would seem ultimately that the fake death was just something to impress humans. Sure, we are all impressed by the acts of great magicians, but we all know the trick is just a trick.
Because I find it amusing.

Man is bad and the only way to forgive them is for jesus, (it is claimed that he is god), had to sacrifice himself to himself without actually ever being able to die, (unless you assert that for three days god ceased to exist).

So that 3 days was just a big farce. What I don't quite get is what the pretend death of a god and the pretend "oh look, I'm alive again" solved that a simple wave of a hand could not. It would seem ultimately that the fake death was just something to impress humans. Sure, we are all impressed by the acts of great magicians, but we all know the trick is just a trick.

It's astrological allegory. That's all it is.