If Jesus descended to earth today

didn't need the crystal ball, Jesus is God, you know the rest

would we have listened? some can't even do the nice things, whats up with that?

first of all, there are things you can not interpret away, any interpretation that goes against the Bible, is false, that divides churches is wrong, that attaches doctrine to culture is wrong, we have leeway, inasmuch as emphasizing ideas or verses up to a point, people that use Acts 2:18 as a test are wrong, mormons that emphasizes prophets or burning bosoms are wrong, the test is the Bible, the Bible interprets Bible


The Bible does NOT interpret the Bible. It is interpreted by people who read into it whatever suits their particular mindset. Where does it say in the Bible that Acts. 2.18 is wrong ? You are expressing a point of view, that is, giving your interpretation which you believe makes others wrong. They would say the same of you.
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The apostles showed on many occasions through the NT that they did not really know who Jesus was. Only at the very end where their eyes opened by the Holy Spirit.

I will take it from your answer that you do not believe.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Well, if Jesus was so marvellous, raising the dead. walking on water, curing the sick and doing tricks with loaves and fishes why did his apostles not recognize him for what you believe him to be ? So the Holy Spirit has to be invoked to explain this. Why did Jesus keep his cards up his sleeve, so to speak?

Your response is typical of the answers I get from Christians who knock on my door. You explain one untenable situation by introducing another notion which is equally untenable. God moves in mysterious ways; he makes it so difficult to get to know him.Why is that ? He gives us reason but we cannot use it to get to know him. For that we need blind faith.
I find it a bold claim that we cease to exist after we leave this body. So????

So do I.. "leave this body"? What is doing the leaving?

Tell me what happens to a slug when it dies. Does some 'inner-slug' wander off to some slug life part 2 in the sky?
I think he would first cast out the Pat Robertsons of the world along with a few other devils.
"Lets say I live by teachings of Jesus but I dont take him as a God."

- Then you are not living by the teachings of Jesus.

-So the point is OBEY and WORSHIP mangod and accept the theory that he died because of our sins?
-Ones actions doesnt count if you dont accept that Jesus was/is the mangod ?
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If Jesus descended to earth, He may say, "Christians will not like to here what I will say. I understand why many curse My name and do not believe in My name, which is because of all the evil that has been done for My name sake."

'Men have built multitudes of religious institutions/organizations/churches in My name. I have asked no man to build My Church. It is written in Matthew 16:18 that I will build My Church."

There are many Christians have merchandised My name for self-gain which may be for profit, to be admired, for power, and etc..

Woe unto them, they knew My commandments and they did not obey!
There is not the slightest bit of evidence to support life after death and that's why I don't believe in it. What evidence have you that I am wrong? And please don't bombard me with what it says in the Bible as I do not regard that as evidence. For once try providing a rational explanation.

As you continue to add posts you show yourself to be more and more cranky. "The Catholic Church is wrong and so is her Protestant daughter "sounds " like you believe everyone got it wrong but Calvin and his followers: do you really believe that ?

No i believe calvin got it wrong also. :) Please read my posts carfully Myles i have stated that i am not a calvanist.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Well, if Jesus was so marvellous, raising the dead. walking on water, curing the sick and doing tricks with loaves and fishes why did his apostles not recognize him for what you believe him to be ? So the Holy Spirit has to be invoked to explain this. Why did Jesus keep his cards up his sleeve, so to speak?

Well they read of moses dividing the Red Sea and they read of other prophets doing miracles so to them Jesus was a prophet. Just because Jesus did miracles does not mean that anyone would have automatically understood His nature, the scribes even claimed that Jesus got his power from a demon and thereby blasphemed the Holy Spirit.

As for keeping His cards up his sleeve, sometimes it is necessary to give the whole message before the meaning of the message dawns upon the ones the message is intended for. Maybe the Meaning of the message had to be partially hidden so that the message could be finished, so as to ensure full revelation.

Your response is typical of the answers I get from Christians who knock on my door. You explain one untenable situation by introducing another notion which is equally untenable. God moves in mysterious ways; he makes it so difficult to get to know him.Why is that ? He gives us reason but we cannot use it to get to know him. For that we need blind faith.

No one knows God 100% other than God Himself. A portion of our beliefs are always based on trust in God. But that does not mean that it is 100% blind faith. God has revealed a lot about Himself in scripture, enough for me anyway. I don't have to understand everything 100% before i believe anything. We do not even know the person next to us 100% many people do not even know themselves. We are given enough reason and a conscience to take in the Message of God and be moved to faith or to rebel against it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Well they read of moses dividing the Red Sea and they read of other prophets doing miracles so to them Jesus was a prophet. Just because Jesus did miracles does not mean that anyone would have automatically understood His nature, the scribes even claimed that Jesus got his power from a demon and thereby blasphemed the Holy Spirit.

As for keeping His cards up his sleeve, sometimes it is necessary to give the whole message before the meaning of the message dawns upon the ones the message is intended for. Maybe the Meaning of the message had to be partially hidden so that the message could be finished, so as to ensure full revelation.

No one knows God 100% other than God Himself. A portion of our beliefs are always based on trust in God. But that does not mean that it is 100% blind faith. God has revealed a lot about Himself in scripture, enough for me anyway. I don't have to understand everything 100% before i believe anything. We do not even know the person next to us 100% many people do not even know themselves. We are given enough reason and a conscience to take in the Message of God and be moved to faith or to rebel against it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I'm afraid it's business as usual. You talk of god and the Holy Spirit with such confidence but can adduce no evidence to support what you say. You don't answer questions: you just talk your way around them.

Can't you understand that what you personally believe applies to you alone ?
Your friend the Pope will tell us you are wrong because you are not a Catholic. Why is he wrong, given that he is just as convinced that his beliefs are true as you are that he is wrong. The Mormons believe they are right and so on. Each group will claim to be right based on their personal beliefs, so what makes you so sure you are the only one who is right ?
No i believe calvin got it wrong also. :) Please read my posts carfully Myles i have stated that i am not a calvanist.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I said it "sounds like....." because of what you say about lakes of fire and so on. Would you care to tell us who, in your opinion, got it right ?
If Jesus descended to earth, He may say, "Hey all you Christian! What's all arguing and fighting about? Oh! You guys want to know who's right and who's wrong. Do you want to know?"
If Jesus descended to earth, He may say, "Hey all you Christian! What's all arguing and fighting about? Oh! You guys want to know who's right and who's wrong. Do you want to know?"

Well some people who claim to have had a near death experience say they have encountered Jesus and asked him: What is the best /true religion?
Answer: Whatever religion brings you closest to God.
So, you are probably right.
It is we humans who have all these quirky hangups about religion ..not God.
Well some people who claim to have had a near death experience say they have encountered Jesus and asked him: What is the best /true religion?
Answer: Whatever religion brings you closest to God.
So, you are probably right.
It is we humans who have all these quirky hangups about religion ..not God.

Do you know of any who encountered non-Christian gods ? What hogwash.
Do you know of any who encountered non-Christian gods ? What hogwash.

Well, I've read of several cases of people who claim they encountered figures from their particular religion. Seems to depend on what the persons' religous or spiritual beliefs were.

Hogwash..perhaps. That's your opinion of course.
You can check out this link yourself if you want.

Well, I've read of several cases of people who claim they encountered figures from their particular religion. Seems to depend on what the persons' religous or spiritual beliefs were.

Hogwash..perhaps. That's your opinion of course.
You can check out this link yourself if you want.


No need. I am aware of ndes. I anticipated your response. Why do you think it is that figures from a person's religious beliefs appear ? Does Jesus appear to Muslims, Mohammed to Christians and so on. Think about it !