If Jesus descended to earth today

If Jesus descended to earth, He may say to all the Christians in the world, "My God is Spirit and He is Holy. The Holy Spirit did not impregnate My mother Mary, Joseph is the quilty one. Also there is something I will tell you about Saul/St.Paul. It was not Me that blinded Saul on that road to Damascus. It is not My character to blind anyone for them to see."
If Jesus descended to earth, He may say to all the Christians in the world, "My God is Spirit and He is Holy. The Holy Spirit did not impregnate My mother Mary, Joseph is the quilty one. Also there is something I will tell you about Saul/St.Paul. It was not Me that blinded Saul on that road to Damascus. It is not My character to blind anyone for them to see."

What would happen to all the Christian institutions if Jesus descended to earth and said the quote above?
oh boy!, I can't believe so much webspace has been used up on this senseless illogical thread!!!
It's not just about the christians.

It's about all people, the bible say that when He comes will He find any faith at all on earth?

You are very observant and correct in bringing up this question.

Written in 'The Revelation', John was shown happenings about 'The Lord Day' and one was found worthy to take book/scoll out of the right hand of Jesus.

Why did John weep so much shortly after Jesus the Alpha and the Omega who sat on throne spoke to him? Why did John weep so much shortly after he saw them saying, "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come! --- You are worthy, O Lord, To receive glory and honor and power:"? And why did John weep so much after he said, "I saw in the right hand of Him who sat on the throne a scroll ---"?

After John saw scroll in the right hand of Jesus the Lord God Almighty , John saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, "Who is worthy to open the scroll". This is when John wept so much "because no one was found worthy to open and read the scroll, or to look at it." But one of the elders said to John, "Do not weep" one has prevailed and is found worthy to open and read the scroll. John looked, and behold, --- stood a Lamb as though it had been slain. Then this Lamb came and took the scroll out of the right hand of Jesus the Lord God Almighty . And they sang a new song, saying: ---".

This one who was found worthy is he who comes in of the Lord that overcomes as Jesus overcame. And if you read about he who overcomes in Rev. 2:26. "to him I (Jesus) will give power over the nations --- as I received from My Father" And him that Jesus will give power to is the one that was found worthy to open and read the book.
He must have had a crystal ball because Mohammed wasn't about at the time. Or is it not the case that he was just making a general statement which you can now conveniently apply to Muslims.
uuhhh, He's God, He can see into the future
Well, if we really think about it, there is no present thing that we call the Future. One cannot open up the Future and read it like a book, not in the present moment anyway.

If God has an advantage of knowing more than we do what will happen in the Future, then it is because of his greater knowledge of the present circumstances and his greater agency in being able to influence events.

But unless God can tie down every last little variable, then even God has no certainty of what will happen in the Future.

Yes, the notions of Greek Philosophy suppose that God has Absolute Power, and then Christianity was hyjacked, via Paul, into presenting the same Philosophical Case. But Religions of Revelation adhere to the point that there is a Disconnect between God and the World -- Freewill. Zoroastrianism expressed it in terms of there being Agencies of Darkness which mitigate any Absolute Power of God. The Earth becomes a Moral Battleground between Good and Evil, or at least between opposing Interests.

It must become difficult for even God to keep score, or rather for Him to tell us what the exact score will be before the Game is played.
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