If Jesus descended to earth today

I admit i am truly frustrated with the time wasting that all these. "Your a nasty person" posts that are directed at me. So i reply out of frustration at time wasted rather than out of feeling guilty about any of the false allegations that are thrown at me by people who simply hate the message i give and decide to try to undermine the message by attacking the one who delivers it.

So yeah maybe some water does get under my feathers but not the water of guilt for being a nasty person but the water of frustration from having to reply to false accusers who are wasting my time with their vain attempts as character assassination.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

How about we get together and grovel about on our knees before god and then go out and do a bit of smiting. Those false accusers don't know what's coming to them.

All Praise the Age of Reason
Jesus would be hated by the religious leaders of all the Christian churches because He would be against all forms of expliotation including selling the His name and His word for self-gain. For self-gain come in many forms which we see in the world.

For some strange reason, Christians do not believe they would reject Jesus as He has been rejected before.

It is written in John 15:19 that the world loves its own, but he who is chosen by Jesus the world will hate.
If Jesus descended to earth today, would He be a Christian as defined by the 1000 different Christian sects?

If He not a Catholic, the Catholics would reject Him.

If He not a Mormon, the Mormons would reject Him.

If He not a JW, the JWs would reject Him.

If He not a right-wing Christian Fundimentalist, they would reject Him.

If He not a -----, the ----s would reject Him also and so on.

Does anyone understand?
For those that do not understand:

John 15:18 -25 > "If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, 'A servant is not greater than his Master.' If they prescuted Me, they will also prescute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also. But all these things they will do to you for My name's sake, because they do not know HIM who sent Me. If I had not come and spoken them, they would have no sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin. He who hates Me hates the FATHER also. If I had not done among them the works which no one else did, they would have no sin; but now they have seen and also hated both Me and My FATHER. But this happened that the word might be fulfilled which is written in their law, 'They hated Me without a cause."

If Jesus returned today 'They would hated Him without a cause." and also the one Jesus choses would be hated by the religious leaders.
For those that do not understand:

John 15:18 -25 > "If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, 'A servant is not greater than his Master.' If they prescuted Me, they will also prescute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also. But all these things they will do to you for My name's sake, because they do not know HIM who sent Me. If I had not come and spoken them, they would have no sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin. He who hates Me hates the FATHER also. If I had not done among them the works which no one else did, they would have no sin; but now they have seen and also hated both Me and My FATHER. But this happened that the word might be fulfilled which is written in their law, 'They hated Me without a cause."

If Jesus returned today 'They would hated Him without a cause." and also the one Jesus choses would be hated by the religious leaders.

Then what's the point of coming back ?
If Jesus descended to earth today, He would say, "The one that blinded Saul on the road to Damascus was not Me!"
The Damascus road event is the genesis of Christianity. Saul/St.Paul's disciples were first called Christian at Antioch. > Acts 11:26.

The angel of light that said to Saul on the road to Damascus, 'I am the Christ', 'I am He', 'I am Jesus', has come to deceive the world, and has done so with great success as written in 'The Revelation' >>> "--- Satan, who deceives the whole world" < Rev.12:9 + Rev.18:23 > "--- all the nations were deceived." Satan deceived all the nations by saying to Saul, 'I am Jesus' making Saul into St.Paul to be the chief apostle and founder of Christianity.

It is written that Jesus warned, "For many will come in My name saying, 'I am the Christ' and will deceive many" > Matt. 24:5, and in Mark 13:6 is "For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am He' and will deceive many."

If Jesus descended to earth today the foundation of all the Christian churches will crumble because the true personality of St.Paul's Jesus will be revealed to the world.
The Damascus road event is the genesis of Christianity. Saul/St.Paul's disciples were first called Christian at Antioch. > Acts 11:26.

The angel of light that said to Saul on the road to Damascus, 'I am the Christ', 'I am He', 'I am Jesus', has come to deceive the world, and has done so with great success as written in 'The Revelation' >>> "--- Satan, who deceives the whole world" < Rev.12:9 + Rev.18:23 > "--- all the nations were deceived." Satan deceived all the nations by saying to Saul, 'I am Jesus' making Saul into St.Paul to be the chief apostle and founder of Christianity.

It is written that Jesus warned, "For many will come in My name saying, 'I am the Christ' and will deceive many" > Matt. 24:5, and in Mark 13:6 is "For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am He' and will deceive many."

If Jesus descended to earth today the foundation of all the Christian churches will crumble because the true personality of St.Paul's Jesus will be revealed to the world.

What then is the point of him coming back ?
What then is the point of him coming back ?

He'll be back tomorrow, as he is naught but the Sun(Son) in the sky. It makes no difference weather you subscribe to the doctrines of Peter, John, Paul, or any other "prophet". All these men are nothing more than initiates of the mystery schools preaching the message of the Solar Messiah who existed at least as far back as Horus of Egypt. So some people don't recognize the legitimacy of Paul because Paul was more a Roman persecutor of Christians than a Christian. Whatever, still boils down to Sun worship no matter who the representative is.
He'll be back tomorrow, as he is naught but the Sun(Son) in the sky. It makes no difference weather you subscribe to the doctrines of Peter, John, Paul, or any other "prophet". All these men are nothing more than initiates of the mystery schools preaching the message of the Solar Messiah who existed at least as far back as Horus of Egypt. So some people don't recognize the legitimacy of Paul because Paul was more a Roman persecutor of Christians than a Christian. Whatever, still boils down to Sun worship no matter who the representative is.

Sun worship at least makes some sense..
I don´t think Jesus would discriminate people for what they call themselves, everybody is identified with something fake anyway; so why take it on Christians when there are so many many other people with false identifications such as nationality, morals, religions, etc.? For one thing, even if Jesus would speak to everyone, I think Christians would be the last people who would pay attention to him; they would literally crucify him again if they could for acting like a genuine person.

Atheists are more likely to pay attention to a man like Jesus, who would be able to give truthfull answers for those who are truly seeking...
M*W: Well, I finally have something to agree with you about! If Jesus should return (which I'm not waiting for), if he could convince me that I'm wrong about atheism, I might give him a listen. Although, I agree with you that christians might be the last people to recognize him. I just want to know the truth, and if he can convince me of his truth, I might listen. Then again, I might not.
Sun worship at least makes some sense..

Makes perfect sense, after all what provides the source for all life on Earth? To worship it as a deity is not really all that illogical. What is illogical is to anthropomorphize it into something that can hardly be recognized for what it is anymore (unless you are among the initiated elite that is).
Makes perfect sense, after all what provides the source for all life on Earth? To worship it as a deity is not really all that illogical. What is illogical is to anthropomorphize it into something that can hardly be recognized for what it is anymore (unless you are among the initiated elite that is).

Recognition makes perfect sense, worship... well it never makes much sense really..
For this reason I would say that the Vatican is really the only legitimate Christian church, since that is where the initiated priest class that knows the esoteric truth resides. The Protestant church leaders only possess the exoteric knowledge and therefor have no understanding of the underlying hidden truth contained in the scriptures.

How can one interpret an encrypted document without the cyphers? Only the initiated can do this. Note the symbol of the Papacy:

The "keys" (or cyphers?) to heaven and earth.
The Sun recognizes all its children, that includes all animals, plants, bacteria, molds/fungus, viruses, etc.

He loves and nurtures all life equally!:)
His followers weren't christians? Hmm...
M*W: I don't think they were. Christianity didn't really become a household word in after the first century. By then, there were no eye-witnesses. That is not to say there were eye-witnesses during the first century. I have never heard of eye-witnesses during the actual "time" of Jesus. That is what the rule seems to be that there were no eye-witnesses at all...ever at any time.

The NT was written in late in the first century, not even in the early first century. By then, Rome (and Paul... let's assume there was a Paul) started writing the Epistles and later on, the Gospels. Something's not right in Denmark. There was no Paul, but assuming there was, there are just way too many contradictions in the NT to make it believeable. I think Paul was a pseudonym for Apollo. I don't think he wrote anything. Hell, he didn't even exist. So, who, was the actual writer of the NT? I still say it was Josephus. If you go to the Works of Josephus translated by Whitson, it becomes pretty obvious that Paul didn't exist, and Jesus didn't exist, and christianity was a farce from day one, and the NT was written by the Romans as a parody of god... but that's just me.
The Sun recognizes all its children, that includes all animals, plants, bacteria, molds/fungus, viruses, etc.

He loves and nurtures all life equally!:)

It nurtures all life equally, but it doesn't love or recognize. The sun is not a sentient being.