If Jesus descended to earth today

do you think Jesus would think Buddhists were his followers? They seem a lot more peaceful and forgiving.

I have often thought that buddhists would find coming to Jesus easier than most non-believers. But i have found that often the closer one is to God the harder it is to get them to move to God.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
do you think Jesus would think Buddhists were his followers? They seem a lot more peaceful and forgiving.

I suppose that would depend on whether Jesus has a lot of hangups about religous idealogy like so many fundamentalists and literalists do.

The few Budhists I have talked to accept Jesus and many of his finer teachings but they reject the doctrines and idealogies that have been built up around him .
Of course He would recognize us as a father recognizes His children. He loves us despite our imperfections. :)
Are you referring to gentle Jesus, meek and mild ?

All Hail the Age of Reason

Jesus gave up wrath out of loving longsuffering towards mankind. But longsuffering is not eternal suffering and He will bring wrath upon this earth. Judgement delayed in the hope of repentance is not Judgement eternaly blocked.

They had no concept of 200 million in biblical times but don't let that stop you.

LOL :) You know you are right, the human beings of the day did not have the concept of such a vast number. Thats why God gave the number to John when He recieved the Revelation. And of cource we know today that an army of 200million is possable,

Revelation 9
15And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.

16And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them.

Do the calculations two hundred thousand thousand is equal to 200 million.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
If He exist He is in your mind already, God that He is, so surely He can spot you right on :D
Jesus gave up wrath out of loving longsuffering towards mankind. But longsuffering is not eternal suffering and He will bring wrath upon this earth. Judgement delayed in the hope of repentance is not Judgement eternaly blocked.
I can't be the only one who thinks you are revelling in the idea of all those people being " smitten ". You have something nasty inside you struggling to get out.

LOL :) You know you are right, the human beings of the day did not have the concept of such a vast number. Thats why God gave the number to John when He recieved the Revelation. And of cource we know today that an army of 200million is possable,
Revelation 9
15And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.
16And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them.

So you were misquoting the Bible to impress us with what seems like a larger number. Or do you believe that god doesn't know what a million is ? Or John unable to write it down? Why does so much in the Bible have to be interpreted ? Is it because god isn't quite literate , or numerate in this case ?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

All Praise the Age of Reason
I think if Christ was to return...he'd give me one of these looks:

Jesus gave up wrath out of loving longsuffering towards mankind. But longsuffering is not eternal suffering and He will bring wrath upon this earth. Judgement delayed in the hope of repentance is not Judgement eternaly blocked.
I can't be the only one who thinks you are revelling in the idea of all those people being " smitten ". You have something nasty inside you struggling to get out.

I get that a lot from God haters in here. They get this feeling that moves them deep inside to hate me. But the hatred for me is just an extension of the hatred for God. See an unaffected person would just read the statement i made as it is. Without injecting "nasty" intentions in it. But people who are effected need to justify their rejection of God and His messengers by injecting nasty intentions into their words, It helps them feel justified in rejecting them.

LOL :) You know you are right, the human beings of the day did not have the concept of such a vast number. Thats why God gave the number to John when He recieved the Revelation. And of cource we know today that an army of 200million is possable,
Revelation 9
15And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.
16And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them.

So you were misquoting the Bible to impress us with what seems like a larger number. Or do you believe that god doesn't know what a million is ? Or John unable to write it down?

:D John wrote down the right number, He just used another way of stating it. One that it different but still correct. You really are clutching at straws here do you know that?

Why does so much in the Bible have to be interpreted ? Is it because god isn't quite literate , or numerate in this case ?

Interpreted :eek: You mean to actually put forward that interpreting "two hundred thousand thousand" to mean 200 million is some kind of impossible act of spiritual deduction beyond the ability of normal men????

I guess most people looking on to our conversation would have no trouble figuring out that "two hundred thousand thousand" is equal to 200 million. You really have cracked haven’t you.

All Praise the Age of Reason

If you only used some before you made your reply.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I get that a lot from God haters in here. They get this feeling that moves them deep inside to hate me. But the hatred for me is just an extension of the hatred for God. See an unaffected person would just read the statement i made as it is. Without injecting "nasty" intentions in it. But people who are effected need to justify their rejection of God and His messengers by injecting nasty intentions into their words, It helps them feel justified in rejecting them

How nice for you. You get to label people god-haters and servants of satan
and this is not malice on your part
but if anyone notices the rage and hope for vengeance in you
we are projecting.

How immaculate.

You have a very high opinion of yourself. You claim to see with the pure eyes of God.
Of course He would recognize us as a father recognizes His children. He loves us despite our imperfections. :)
M*W: How clever! A supernatural being who doesn't really exist but still loves you! Do those people following you think you're paranoid?

How nice for you. You get to label people god-haters and servants of satan
and this is not malice on your part
but if anyone notices the rage and hope for vengeance in you
we are projecting.

How immaculate.

You have a very high opinion of yourself. You claim to see with the pure eyes of God.

And now you try to paste moral pride upon me.

Get this. I have had this same kind of pointless boring attacks from anti-christs for a long time now and i am bored to the max with it. You can waste your time tagging me with whatever motives you like sunshine, but know this. all your words fall like water of a ducks back.

There is on One who's assessment of me i care for And He knows me. He does convict me from time to time when i act like a fool as a good Parent who disciplines His children should.

Now if you have any other points you want to bring up, points that relate to God, then do so. But please save us from all this finger waving #$*% that your wasting your time on now.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
If it truly was like "water of[f] a duck's back," would we actually be reading your post? Clearly you aren't being honest either with us or yourself.
I admit i am truly frustrated with the time wasting that all these. "Your a nasty person" posts that are directed at me. So i reply out of frustration at time wasted rather than out of feeling guilty about any of the false allegations that are thrown at me by people who simply hate the message i give and decide to try to undermine the message by attacking the one who delivers it.

So yeah maybe some water does get under my feathers but not the water of guilt for being a nasty person but the water of frustration from having to reply to false accusers who are wasting my time with their vain attempts as character assassination.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
And now you try to paste moral pride upon me.

Get this. I have had this same kind of pointless boring attacks from anti-christs for a long time now and i am bored to the max with it. You can waste your time tagging me with whatever motives you like sunshine, but know this. all your words fall like water of a ducks back.

There is on One who's assessment of me i care for And He knows me. He does convict me from time to time when i act like a fool as a good Parent who disciplines His children should.

Now if you have any other points you want to bring up, points that relate to God, then do so. But please save us from all this finger waving #$*% that your wasting your time on now.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I am sorry that you can't see the mote of my pointing out your pride in your abilities
and how it compares to the beam
of your calling me
ANTI-CHRIST and a servant of Satan.