If Jesus descended to earth today

Christians wouldn't recognize Jesus. They would call him anti-christ, devil or something like that...
I don´t think Jesus would discriminate people for what they call themselves, everybody is identified with something fake anyway; so why take it on Christians when there are so many many other people with false identifications such as nationality, morals, religions, etc.?
For one thing, even if Jesus would speak to everyone, I think Christians would be the last people who would pay attention to him; they would literally crucify him again if they could for acting like a genuine person.

Atheists are more likely to pay attention to a man like Jesus, who would be able to give truthfull answers for those who are truly seeking...
In 100 years, 'Christianity' will likely be the name of a Mental Health disorder.

Or Possibly a widespread case of Mass delusion.
For one thing, even if Jesus would speak to everyone, I think Christians would be the last people who would pay attention to him; they would literally crucify him again if they could for acting like a genuine person.

Atheists are more likely to pay attention to a man like Jesus, who would be able to give truthfull answers for those who are truly seeking...

I completely agree.
He'd start raising folks from the dead and have an entourage of zombies. He might even invite them all to a Supper to drink his blood and eat his flesh. He wouldn't get much publicity turning a few loafs of bread into hundreds to feed the multitudes....Mcdonalds has already served billions.
1. There were no Christians until Paul invented Christianity.

2. Jesus doesnt smite. Why bother when you can promise hell instead.

Your first point is not worth replying to.

Jesus will smite and on a massive scale at lest 200million solders of the beast will be virtually liquefied upon His return.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Your first point is not worth replying to.

Jesus will smite and on a massive scale at lest 200million solders of the beast will be virtually liquefied upon His return.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

What makes you think Jesus wants you to announce something this confusing to people over the internet?

Did you have Jesus' message of love in your heart when you wrote that?

You don't need to answer me, because honestly, I would not trust you to know your own heart well enough to answer with the truth. I just think you should consider finding out what you are really doing when you post things like that.
do you think Jesus would think Buddhists were his followers? They seem a lot more peaceful and forgiving.
Your first point is not worth replying to.

Jesus will smite and on a massive scale at lest 200million solders of the beast will be virtually liquefied upon His return.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Are you referring to gentle Jesus, meek and mild ? They had no concept of 200 million in biblical times but don't let that stop you.

All Hail the Age of Reason
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