If Christians and Muslims stopped eating meat ...

Yo all of you involved in the Catholic-Protestant fight- you guys are trolling... and very off subject- take your fight into a new thread.

I wish I was a mod :D

Peace be unto you :)
Fine with me. Sandy: new thread if you want to shoot the rapids on defamation.
If Christians and Muslims stopped eating meat, what would happen to their religion/philosophy?

Would they still endorse eternal damnation for everyone who doesn't accept their ways?

Christians can eat meat, and Muslims have bigger problems than not eating meat. Don't quote Old Testament tradition on me; I've read it, I know what it says.
M*W: The catholic church was formed based on power and control of the masses and was based on the christian myth of the day. For the record, catholics are christians, period. I am now, and have been for years, an atheist and, an anti-christian, and an anti-catholic. As for teaching christianity, I believe the catholic church is the most thorough source of a solid christian education. Even though I believe Jesus didn't exist, and that christianity is a false and man-made religion, I know what the catholic church teaches...and it's about christianity from the beginning to the present. So, Sandy and Adstar, you don't know what you are talking about when you refer to the catholic church. I'm not saying I believe what the catholic church teaches. I emphatically don't. No matter what you say about the catholic church, you have not studied it and do not have your facts straight. I don't like to be in a position to defend catholic christian education, but you two need to do some research instead of contributing false information something you know nothing about.
M*W: The catholic church was formed based on power and control of the masses and was based on the christian myth of the day. For the record, catholics are christians, period. I am now, and have been for years, an atheist and, an anti-christian, and an anti-catholic. As for teaching christianity, I believe the catholic church is the most thorough source of a solid christian education. Even though I believe Jesus didn't exist, and that christianity is a false and man-made religion, I know what the catholic church teaches...and it's about christianity from the beginning to the present. So, Sandy and Adstar, you don't know what you are talking about when you refer to the catholic church. I'm not saying I believe what the catholic church teaches. I emphatically don't. No matter what you say about the catholic church, you have not studied it and do not have your facts straight. I don't like to be in a position to defend catholic christian education, but you two need to do some research instead of contributing false information something you know nothing about.

Essentially, the catholic doctrine maintains the old ways from before the Protestant Denominations protested Catholic interpretation.

The protestant claim is one that is based on the idea that they separated due to their percieved misinterpretations of scripture by the catholic church.

Interestingly, even a Modern Christian might agree that catholic teachings of Christian History may be accurate, they will always deny that catholics follow the One True Word of God...

Whichever that One word is out of so many variations available...
Christians can eat meat, and Muslims have bigger problems than not eating meat. Don't quote Old Testament tradition on me; I've read it, I know what it says.

What did this response answer? I'm confused.

Peace be unto you ;)

the christanity, is a relegion, and the jesus, also meriem, :p ,existed, also they're mentioned in 3 relegions, but what maked the christanity in many parts, catholic, greece church, etc ... and their holy book are different, is because the bible didnt wrote only after genrations, it just kept memorized by generatiosn at thebegening, so, when they wrigt it down, it would have many faults, cause, after genration, it changes, and peopleforget some partos of it, i mean, hwo memorized it, etc... :D

well, that's as far as i know, inless you know something else.

Christians can eat meat, and Muslims have bigger problems than not eating meat. Don't quote Old Testament tradition on me; I've read it, I know what it says.

let me guess, you readed it in english,
also i readed some of it in english, and it looks so cold, and empty in english,
also you cant translate it 100percent the same from another language, also in arabic, there are many words, with precise meaning, that you don't even have them, also the different kinds of tenses, etc... it's not the same grammar,
for example, if you transate it in english, they're not going to say, that the sun is a very hot mass with nuclear explotions, in arabic, it's one word, expressed in quran, i forgot what this word is, i'll try to find it,
you can read the meanings and the analysings in english, but reading the english version of quran, is very different than the original,
the same when once i readed same pages from the bible, propably two, in french, and another one in arabic, and they both sounded silly,
i don't know

Christians can eat meat, and Muslims have bigger problems than not eating meat. Don't quote Old Testament tradition on me; I've read it, I know what it says.

oh, what are those furthr problems? wars in the middle east? that is politics dude!!
or you're talking about terrorism,
ok,i can bring you a list of american cassasins, and savadge criminals, killed 20 person or 10 at least, and i'll say, christanity, encourage that, and tell them that to do it,
well don
Why kill animals to eat when God created flora so we may have food, and there are plenty of different species?

Why kill animals to eat when God created flora so we may have food, and there are plenty of different species?

should we answer that?

well, here's something, that maybe can show you the importance of animals,

flora, needs bugs and the other small insects, the insects, don't live long, cause of the harsh envirement cosidering their size and their kind of structure, insects, multuplie, fastly, so, they need something to eat them, and reduce theirnumbers, so they don't eat all the flora, the eater, if he hadnt an ennemy to eat him, then, he will multiplie, and multiplie, intell he eats everything

for example, humans, we are on the top of teh food chane, we eat everything, and we use everything, no one stop us, and look, we cause alot of dammage to earth, destroyed eco systems, many species are finished, pollution, alot of pollution, etc etc... and we still multiplie, and do what ever it takes to let us survive,
what if there was only flora, and humans,
things will be worst,

also, no animals... no oil, no revoultion of industry, no technology as we know it toaday ....

hmm, what about now, you think they have no role?
Essentially, the catholic doctrine maintains the old ways from before the Protestant Denominations protested Catholic interpretation.

The protestant claim is one that is based on the idea that they separated due to their percieved misinterpretations of scripture by the catholic church.

Interestingly, even a Modern Christian might agree that catholic teachings of Christian History may be accurate, they will always deny that catholics follow the One True Word of God...

Whichever that One word is out of so many variations available...
M*W: The problem is that none of their teachings are true. They are perpetuating the myth of Jesus, that's all. They probably saw it as a money making opportunity, sort of like multi-level marketing operation. But as for the teaching of christianity, the catholic church was probably the closest to the original teachings of their man-made and mythical christ.

M*W: The problem is that none of their teachings are true. They are perpetuating the myth of Jesus, that's all. They probably saw it as a money making opportunity, sort of like multi-level marketing operation. But as for the teaching of christianity, the catholic church was probably the closest to the original teachings of their man-made and mythical christ.

as far as i know, in europe dark ages, churches controills all, by making peopel in fear, and myths, and learning them false things, and making things good for their own good, not community good
the christanity, is a relegion, and the jesus, also meriem, :p ,existed, also they're mentioned in 3 relegions, but what maked the christanity in many parts, catholic, greece church, etc ... and their holy book are different, is because the bible didnt wrote only after genrations, it just kept memorized by generatiosn at thebegening, so, when they wrigt it down, it would have many faults, cause, after genration, it changes, and peopleforget some partos of it, i mean, hwo memorized it, etc... :D

well, that's as far as i know, inless you know something else.
M*W: All religions are man-made religions, so it's not unusual to be mentioned in different holy or unholy books. Their holy books changed, because of mistranslations and misinterpretations of earlier books. Language evolves, and therefore, translations evolve.

No man-made holy books are true, and none of them are holy. There is no god or prophet who inspired the writers of the holy books, and there is no savior or redeemer besides oneself.

Religion is the downfall of man.
as far as i know, in europe dark ages, churches controills all, by making peopel in fear, and myths, and learning them false things, and making things good for their own good, not community good

No: the actual story is much, much more complex and very interesting besides.

As far as "false things" goes, what do you mean? (I think you could argue that knowledge from 1000 years before is fairly primitive everywhere, really.)
Why kill animals to eat when God created flora so we may have food, and there are plenty of different species?
Unlike all other species of apes, the human body does not have a metabolism that can break down raw cellulose. This means we can't access and digest the starch, vitamins and minerals in roots and tubers, and we can't access and digest the protein in grains. The only plant tissue we can digest raw is fruit, nuts and seeds. Fruit can be rich in vitamins and minerals but it contains very little protein. Nuts and seeds have quite a bit of protein, but it is incomplete protein, meaning it does not contain all the amino acids humans need for survival.

We can only digest the nutrients in plants by first cooking their tissues. Therefore, we have only had the ability to survive by eating plants since the technology of cooking was invented, which required first the discovery of ways to create fire. This happened about 100,000 years ago. Before that, humans were completely dependent on meat for survival. Earlier species of humans, whose anatomy indicate digestive systems similar to ours, go back more than two million years, so for most of our existence we were carnivores.

Unlike all other species of apes, our species is completely adapted to be a predatory carnivore. It is not only natural for us to eat meat, but it was absolutely mandatory for two million years. The choice to eat only plants is a luxury that humans have had for only a very short time.

There are other ways of processing plant tissue to make the cellulose digestible, but these technologies were not available until very recently.

Gorillas and chimpanzees, our closest relatives, can graze on raw leaves, grains and beans like cattle and sheep and can digest all the nutrients to remain healthy. (They also "cheat" by eating bugs and small reptiles and mammals.) Humans can't do that. If you tried to subsist on raw plants your body would begin to deteriorate in major ways within about three months, often starting with your teeth falling out. You would soon become so weak that you'd be unable to take care of yourself, and you'd be dead within two years, if not sooner.

You can choose to be a vegan only because some of your really smart ancestors figured out how to tame fire.

No: the actual story is much, much more complex and very interesting besides.

As far as "false things" goes, what do you mean? (I think you could argue that knowledge from 1000 years before is fairly primitive everywhere, really.)

i meant, using relegious, to controll people, and steal their money,
esspecially that what they call the "pa-pa" who is like the big cheaf of the church

Unlike all other species of apes, the human body does not have a metabolism that can break down raw cellulose. This means we can't access and digest the starch, vitamins and minerals in roots and tubers, and we can't access and digest the protein in grains. The only plant tissue we can digest raw is fruit, nuts and seeds. Fruit can be rich in vitamins and minerals but it contains very little protein. Nuts and seeds have quite a bit of protein, but it is incomplete protein, meaning it does not contain all the amino acids humans need for survival.

We can only digest the nutrients in plants by first cooking their tissues. Therefore, we have only had the ability to survive by eating plants since the technology of cooking was invented, which required first the discovery of ways to create fire. This happened about 100,000 years ago. Before that, humans were completely dependent on meat for survival. Earlier species of humans, whose anatomy indicate digestive systems similar to ours, go back more than two million years, so for most of our existence we were carnivores.

Unlike all other species of apes, our species is completely adapted to be a predatory carnivore. It is not only natural for us to eat meat, but it was absolutely mandatory for two million years. The choice to eat only plants is a luxury that humans have had for only a very short time.

There are other ways of processing plant tissue to make the cellulose digestible, but these technologies were not available until very recently.

Gorillas and chimpanzees, our closest relatives, can graze on raw leaves, grains and beans like cattle and sheep and can digest all the nutrients to remain healthy. (They also "cheat" by eating bugs and small reptiles and mammals.) Humans can't do that. If you tried to subsist on raw plants your body would begin to deteriorate in major ways within about three months, often starting with your teeth falling out. You would soon become so weak that you'd be unable to take care of yourself, and you'd be dead within two years, if not sooner.

You can choose to be a vegan only because some of your really smart ancestors figured out how to tame fire.

we don't eat alot of meat here, but, we eat fish, :p
fish are like meat,
so, humans, are more healthy if they eat the right meat,
the one that don't have deseases in it, or blod, the meat is more healthier, if the animal, when he is cuted to be eated, first he should be like, cut his neck a little bet, so most of the blod go out,