If Christians and Muslims stopped eating meat ...

Completely dependent on meat? So very few carbs? Doesnt that result in Ketosis?
Our Paleolithic ancestors gathered fruit, as well as nuts and seeds. That's why we call the people of the Paleolithic Era hunter-gatherers.

In actuality, our civilized ancestors had very nearly the opposite problem. As the rate of human population growth increased in the Iron Age (1500BCE-1800CE) due to all the efficient new agricultural technology, the amount of land available for pasture shrank. So people began to subsist primarily on bread and other grain-based food rather than meat. They got enough milk and eggs to fulfill their minimum protein requirement so they didn't die of ricketts, but they didn't get enough animal tissue to provide them with the vitamins and minerals they needed. As a result, the life expectancy of a human who had survived the health problems of childhood, which was in the low 50s in the Early Stone Age right before the Agricultural Revolution, fell into the 20s in the Roman Era. (They didn't know about vitamins and minerals so they didn't know what was wrong with their diet, the way the British navy figured out that the vitamins in citrus fruit prevent scurvy.)
We don't eat a lot of meat here, but, we eat fish. Fish are like meat.
Fish ARE meat. From a nutritional standpoint, "meat" is any animal flesh. That includes all vertebrates: mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish. It also includes all of the lower phyla: arthropods (insects, arachnids, myriapods and crustaceans), molluscs and other shellfish, even worms. They all have very nearly the same proportions of the various amino acids, so they all satisfy our protein requirement.
. . . . the meat is healthier, if the animal, when he is cut to be eaten, first . . . . cut his neck a little bit, so most of the blood goes out . . . .
That's just Jewish (kosher) and Muslim (halal) superstition. By today's standards it's animal cruelty to let an animal bleed to death--not to imply that factory farming is not also animal cruelty. Blood is quite healthy and nutritious. The Chinese make blood soup. We Americans don't consider a steak Grade A if it doesn't leak a little blood on the grill while cooking.
so, humans, are more healthy if they eat the right meat, the one that don't have deseases in it, or blod, the meat is more healthier, if the animal, when he is cuted to be eated, first he should be like, cut his neck a little bet, so most of the blod go out,

That's silly; blood is a perfectly healthy food. It is wasteful to throw away the blood of food animals, when it can be made into healthy, tasty foods like blood sausage or blood tofu.

And anyone who'd eat a steak that isn't still bloody on the inside is doing it wrong and should stick to hamburger until they figure out how to appreciate fine foods.

M*W: Their holy books changed, because of mistranslations and misinterpretations of earlier books. Language evolves, and therefore, translations evolve.

the quran didnt change
while arabic did evovlved by time, cause of science, alot many vocubulary were added, and more knoledge is knoed

No man-made holy books are true, and none of them are holy.

well, i didnt see silly or stupid things in quran, like, earth is flat, or, the univerce is protected by big foot monsters from devils, :D
in matter in fact, i see it many reseball, but truly, i see the english version kidna silly, :D well, i don't read quran, but some times when i do, nothing weird or stupid in it,
there are even rights for animals! also who hurt an animal, or corrupt a plant or anything, like he betraited god, and helped to corrupt your envirement, but since you don't beleive in god, whatever

Religion is the downfall of man.

then why the muslims, had their golden ages, and shined in discovery and science, after the phrophet Mohamed (salla allahou alih wasallam)
the islamic civilisation, it's science achivement, still even used till toaday, like eye glasses, chemistry, soap, teeth brush, etc... )
while, arabs, before they became muslims, and before the new moralities and life style, they almost did nothing, just desert tribes, with camels, and i think 2 cities, use only commerce, to live, and exept poetry, wich it also had it's golden ages before and after islam,
what maked them achive their golden ages, are, that islam, first rule, and at the first thing ever written in quran was, "read" = seak for knoledge, learn to read, learn to think, ..., the others, is encouraging to work, work, learn to read, ignore the insulters, don't tell back bad words and offensive things, before praying, never hurt or corrupt, any living or non-living thing, never use more that you need, if you didnt do those things, your prayers are almost useless,
also islam say to not force people, to convert, cause if they did, they will hate it, so, better leave them the choise to choose, if they didnt want to, ok, cuase if you forcedf them, they will hate this relegion, and they want even beleive in it, they'll just pertend cause of fear, so, no need to, leaving them how they are is better, also makign them hating it, maked the relegion not a relegion, makes it again, a way to control people, and steal their money, also to never insult any other relegion or beleifs, esspecially those that beleive in god,

at the first years of islam, no one accepted on the idea of islam, esspecially the rich a,d the big guys in the city, cause isllam called to ecaul the poor and the rich, and also called to stop the violence on women, in past, arabs before islam, in a time, if someone had a female baby, he kill her, or if anyone have a female, he sell her, or, torture her, or whatever, so islam called to stop all that, but also stoping the trade of slaves, and owning people, and torturing them, wasnt good for the rich people, it makes them less control on the society, and stops their force, and their ability to rule, also make their buisness fall, cause of stopping trade of aalcoholic drinks, women, slaves, etc ...
so, the small minority, who were muslim at that time, half of them were killed, tortured, and all what you can imagine, you they give up on their new relegion, and choose to pray again for their god, a statue, by the rich people effcorse, but, when the muslims left that city, and runed with their relegion, they went to a christian arab city, where they welcomed them, first they didnt, but when they told the christians about the christ in the quran, they were kinda touched, and welcomed them there, like brothers, so, if not christians, islam would never exist,

so, relegion, is usually, like laws and stuff, made by some people, to make their buisness better, and controll people

do you know that christanity also called for those same things, well, almost, but that was before, many version of it, came, and before teh priests of the churches, use it to controll people and steal, by the name of god, just like some terrorists toaday, kill by the name of god,

but in the islam, "shiiat", the imam, (who lead the pray) is like the "pa-pa" he have a place in politics( long story to tell how the "shiiat" came, or formed; , wich it's not good, but in the islam, sunna,, the imam, is just some one to lead the pray at the mosque, and people can ask him about some social, or relegion stuff,
but nothing more, he's just a pearson, who knows relegion good, he have work, he have a wife, he have a family, etc ...

i'm not trying to prove you how great is islam, cause actually, i don't kare what you think,
i'm proving, that your saying that all relegion are made to control people, and steal their money, is no

also i think budhaism, don't do that, i mean, force people and steal their money
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Our Paleolithic ancestors gathered fruit, as well as nuts and seeds. That's why we call the people of the Paleolithic Era hunter-gatherers.
our protein requirement.That's just Jewish (kosher) and Muslim (halal) superstition. By today's standards it's animal cruelty to let an animal bleed to death--not to imply that factory farming is not also animal cruelty. Blood is quite healthy and nutritious. The Chinese make blood soup. We Americans don't consider a steak Grade A if it doesn't leak a little blood on the grill while cooking.

in islam, and propably for jews, blod, or eating it, is forbiden,
no, there are standars how to kill the animals for jews and muslims, we don' even use teh word, kill, we have another word, wich you don't even have it in your vocabulary, wich it refer like, not just kill him, but, to like, to gorge him, to eat meat, or to get a need from it,

so, here's the rules how to do it:
-The animal, should never see the knife.
-You should never let an animal se another animal get killed (dhabh, in arabic) in front of anotehr animal, means, don't let any other animal let him see what happened to him.
-Never drag the animal, means, to push him with force, to the pearson who will kill him. he should never know that he's going to die. Animals can understand you know, don't mean talking, but, can understand what they see.
-The animal should never be hearted, or hitted at anyhow. Hearting him, is like betrating god, torturing animals, is like torturing humans, and for it, the pearson go directly to hell. Also corrupting plants, and other living things, and non-living things, or destroy them. Also like betraiting god.
There other many, wich i cant list them all, i think this is a comment thing between us and jews.
Our Paleolithic ancestors gathered fruit, as well as nuts and seeds. That's why we call the people of the Paleolithic Era hunter-gatherers.

Fish ARE meat. From a nutritional standpoint, "meat" is any animal flesh. That includes all vertebrates: mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish. It also includes all of the lower phyla: arthropods (insects, arachnids, myriapods and crustaceans), molluscs and other shellfish, even worms. They all have very nearly the same proportions of the various amino acids, so they all satisfy our protein requirement.

ah, i see, but, why do you think blod is healthy, blood is what make the pearson more agressive. We sometimes say for the stupid, meat-head, also who eat alot of meat, meat-head=stupid, well i don't know if it is true, lol
yaek, i hate eating insects, do you know that chinese eat everything? i meant it, everything, even dogs!
ah, i see, but, why do you think blod is healthy, blood is what make the pearson more agressive.

There is no scientific basis for such a belief.

do you know that chinese eat everything? i meant it, everything, even dogs!

Yeah not really. I mean, sure, dogs do get eaten in China, but you're more likely to see them kept as pets than served as food.

And there are plenty of things the Chinese don't eat. Cheese, for example.
the quran didnt change
while arabic did evovlved by time, cause of science, alot many vocubulary were added, and more knoledge is knoed
M*W: I've got to make my reply short.

Can you tell me that with every translation of the Quran that nothing was left out, changed or altered, in some way from the beginning to now?

well, i didnt see silly or stupid things in quran, like, earth is flat, or, the univerce is protected by big foot monsters from devils, :D
in matter in fact, i see it many reseball, but truly, i see the english version kidna silly, :D well, i don't read quran, but some times when i do, nothing weird or stupid in it, there are even rights for animals! also who hurt an animal, or corrupt a plant or anything, like he betraited god, and helped to corrupt your envirement, but since you don't beleive in god, whatever
M*W: Okay, so there is more than one version. That's what I'm talking about.

then why the muslims, had their golden ages, and shined in discovery and science, after the phrophet Mohamed (salla allahou alih wasallam)
M*W: First, prove to me that Mohammad existed. I won't go into that here, because there are lengthy threads that cover this. I understand you are new here, so go look up the older threads on this subject.

he islamic civilisation, it's science achivement, still even used till toaday, like eye glasses, chemistry, soap, teeth brush, etc... )
while, arabs, before they became muslims, and before the new moralities and life style, they almost did nothing, just desert tribes, with camels, and i think 2 cities, use only commerce, to live, and exept poetry, wich it also had it's golden ages before and after islam, what maked them achive their golden ages, are, that islam, first rule, and at the first thing ever written in quran was, "read" = seak for knoledge, learn to read, learn to think, ..., the others, is encouraging to work, work, learn to read, ignore the insulters, don't tell back bad words and offensive things, before praying, never hurt or corrupt, any living or non-living thing, never use more that you need, if you didnt do those things, your prayers are almost useless, also islam say to not force people, to convert, cause if they did, they will hate it, so, better leave them the choise to choose, if they didnt want to, ok, cuase if you forcedf them, they will hate this relegion, and they want even beleive in it, they'll just pertend cause of fear, so, no need to, leaving them how they are is better, also makign them hating it, maked the relegion not a relegion, makes it again, a way to control people, and steal their money, also to never insult any other relegion or beleifs, esspecially those that beleive in god,
M*W: I have many Muslim friends. We have discussed these things you mention. I have no doubt that Islam offered many good things to humanity. All I'm saying is all religions are man-made. I say there is a possibility that Mohammad didn't even exist, so who then wrote the Quran?

at the first years of islam, no one accepted on the idea of islam, esspecially the rich a,d the big guys in the city, cause isllam called to ecaul the poor and the rich, and also called to stop the violence on women, in past, arabs before islam, in a time, if someone had a female baby, he kill her, or if anyone have a female, he sell her, or, torture her, or whatever, so islam called to stop all that, but also stoping the trade of slaves, and owning people, and torturing them, wasnt good for the rich people, it makes them less control on the society, and stops their force, and their ability to rule, also make their buisness fall, cause of stopping trade of aalcoholic drinks, women, slaves, etc ...
M*W: No doubt religions are bad. They are man-made.

so, the small minority, who were muslim at that time, half of them were killed, tortured, and all what you can imagine, you they give up on their new relegion, and choose to pray again for their god, a statue, by the rich people effcorse, but, when the muslims left that city, and runed with their relegion, they went to a christian arab city, where they welcomed them, first they didnt, but when they told the christians about the christ in the quran, they were kinda touched, and welcomed them there, like brothers, so, if not christians, islam would never exist, so, relegion, is usually, like laws and stuff, made by some people, to make their buisness better, and controll people
M*W: My point exactly. Religions are made by men with evil purposes.

do you know that christanity also called for those same things, well, almost, but that was before, many version of it, came, and before teh priests of the churches, use it to controll people and steal, by the name of god, just like some terrorists toaday, kill by the name of god,
M*W: Yes, christians were, and still are, terrorists. They may not be flying planes into buildlings, but they are perpetuating lies into the minds of the emotionally needy.

but in the islam, "shiiat", the imam, (who lead the pray) is like the "pa-pa" he have a place in politics( long story to tell how the "shiiat" came, or formed; , wich it's not good, but in the islam, sunna,, the imam, is just some one to lead the pray at the mosque, and people can ask him about some social, or relegion stuff, but nothing more, he's just a pearson, who knows relegion good, he have work, he have a wife, he have a family, etc ...
M*W: I'm glad to hear the imam has a wife and family.

i'm not trying to prove you how great is islam, cause actually, i don't kare what you think, i'm proving, that your saying that all relegion are made to control people, and steal their money, is no also i think budhaism, don't do that, i mean, force people and steal their money[/QUOTE]
M*W: It's your right to believe what you want to believe.

M*W: I've got to make my reply short.

Can you tell me that with every translation of the Quran that nothing was left out, changed or altered, in some way from the beginning to now?
yes there are old books of quran, since 1400 and 1300 years ago, and still the same,

M*W: Okay, so there is more than one version. That's what I'm talking about.

not exactly, i meant, some versions, they are the same, same meaning, but translated to english, there's one version of quran, even that in islam there are two kinds, sunna and shiia, but both have the same quran, what i meant, that translating the texts of quran as texts, from arabic to english, don't give a good since, or a deep or a wise understanding like in arabi, cause arabic and english grammar are different, it's hard to keep the same style of the phrase, in arabc some timeswords are witched, also have different meaning in the different tense, but can be understood accroding to the tence, and the previous letters, whiel in english, you can translate the explaition and analuyses, but to translate the texts of quran, is hard, and can't have exactly the same as arabic, or even slightly different.

M*W: First, prove to me that Mohammad existed. I won't go into that here, because there are lengthy threads that cover this. I understand you are new here, so go look up the older threads on this subject.

sorry, i don't know how to proove you, but since i'm a muslim, the phrophet is mentioned in the quran, and the jesus, or christ, we call him messiah, is mentioned more than the phrophet,

M*W: No doubt religions are bad. They are man-made.

M*W: My point exactly. Religions are made by men with evil purposes.

those paraghraphs that you quoted them, are what islam denied, islam denied all those bad stuff, wich it wasnt good for teh rich people buisness, i mean, islam, wasnt good for teh rich people buisness, also alot many others, so they tryed to stop it, by killing the minority who beleived in it, and tortured them, cause islam called to stop things that they used to do it, like sex before marriage, alcoholic drinks, slave and women trading, forcing people to relegion or anyother thing, torturing animals, etc... what i listed there, are what islam called to stop, not what it caleld to do, so, try to read it again

M*W: I'm glad to hear the imam has a wife and family.

yeah, in islam, to be an imam, not like in teh churchesn the pa-pa or teh priests have a ruling power somehow, and sacrifise everything to pray, while in islam, it's not good to pray all the time, your 5 prays are ennuf, inless you wanted to do a few more, wich they don't take time, the total prays of the day, 5, takes about 30 min from the hall day, anyway, in islam, the imam, is just someone, who lead people in the pray, and people can ask him about some social cases, or relegion, exept that, he's a wise normal pearson,

M*W: It's your right to believe what you want to believe.

yes effcorse, it's democracy, also islam say that no one should force anyone for any relegion,(not just relegion, any other things also, ) also we should respect any relegion, talking is ennuf, nothing more, it's his choise, and it's his beleife, if he was good or bad, it's between him and god, but you can convince him to stop doing some bad things, like stealing, or roping lol, ...

oh, what is M*W ? lol
It's one thing to be OT: it's another to start up the old propaganda wars; shadow, you're being particularly egregious in this respect. Save the slander against Christianity for another thread.
Yes, christians were, and still are, terrorists. They may not be flying planes into buildlings, but they are perpetuating lies into the minds of the emotionally needy.
Yeah, all that love, peace, kindness, joy, patience, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, and self-responsibility sure is threatening, isn't it?
Yeah, all that love, peace, kindness, joy, patience, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, and self-responsibility sure is threatening, isn't it?
M*W: Yes, it's threatening to people who think for themselves. You're one of their victims, so shut up.
Yeah, all that love, peace, kindness, joy, patience, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, and self-responsibility sure is threatening, isn't it?

Those aspects are fine.

The trouble is in the teaching of a lack of selff responsibiliy, as believers blame God for things, rather than themselves or events.

A person cannot create more self awareness and improve themselves if they are convinced that a Deity is influencing their behavior properly.

Additionally, believers react strongly to scientific progress. There becomes a strong push to promote ignorance, rather than allow discoveries to contradict an age old belief.
This, too, inhibits progress if people believe that it is against God to find the workings of the Universe.

Look at the massive numbers of Christian Websites online that do Everything they can think of to claim that Radiometric dating is a lie.
Look how they try everything they can to deny evolution, and yet, if the Common person had a good understanding of evolution, MSRA would not as likely be the problem today, as the common users of antibiotics would have known better than to kill off the weak bacterial strains allowing only the strongest to flourish.

It's one thing to be OT: it's another to start up the old propaganda wars; shadow, you're being particularly egregious in this respect. Save the slander against Christianity for another thread.

wait right there,
proganada? explain where this proganada is, oh i forgot, proganada is only when i talk about islam, sorry i forgot about that, if i talked about christanity you would never say it is proganada,
also, i didnt even mention christanity, i didnt even say bad things about it, i said, christians, were the only at that time, a christian king is more precise, was the only one who welcomed the muslims who have been suffered by the other king and rich people in mecca, is that a bad thing?! hello!

the only proganda was this; your reply!
It's one thing to be OT: it's another to start up the old propaganda wars; shadow, you're being particularly egregious in this respect. Save the slander against Christianity for another thread.
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Those aspects are fine.

The trouble is in the teaching of a lack of selff responsibiliy, as believers blame God for things, rather than themselves or events.

A person cannot create more self awareness and improve themselves if they are convinced that a Deity is influencing their behavior properly.

Additionally, believers react strongly to scientific progress. There becomes a strong push to promote ignorance, rather than allow discoveries to contradict an age old belief.
This, too, inhibits progress if people believe that it is against God to find the workings of the Universe.

Look at the massive numbers of Christian Websites online that do Everything they can think of to claim that Radiometric dating is a lie.
Look how they try everything they can to deny evolution, and yet, if the Common person had a good understanding of evolution, MSRA would not as likely be the problem today, as the common users of antibiotics would have known better than to kill off the weak bacterial strains allowing only the strongest to flourish.

i beleive in god, i beleive in islam as my relegion, etc... and i love science, and i always wonder about everything, and try to look it up in internet, defferently don't blame god for anything, the only one who should be blamed is me, cause i did that thing, that teach me to be more carefull, and better to handle with problems. I never saw anyone here actually blaming god for his problems, but, i think who do, are incapable of catching the scientific level of others, also cant improve him self, to be more carefull, handle responsability, etc...

well, i don't know almost anything about christian relegion teaching, or anything from that, i only know a few things, like churches songs, people go to church to ask the preisest, go on sunday, light a candle , etc...
can you tell me moe about it, i'm interrested actually to know more, not just the bad things, the good and the bad, both sides i hope
i beleive in god, i beleive in islam as my relegion, etc... and i love science, and i always wonder about everything, and try to look it up in internet, defferently don't blame god for anything, the only one who should be blamed is me, cause i did that thing, that teach me to be more carefull, and better to handle with problems. I never saw anyone here actually blaming god for his problems, but, i think who do, are incapable of catching the scientific level of others, also cant improve him self, to be more carefull, handle responsability, etc..

So, you say you believe in God, yet you also say you remove him from the picture in daily living.
...The trouble is in the teaching of a lack of selff responsibiliy, as believers blame God for things, rather than themselves or events.A person cannot create more self awareness and improve themselves if they are convinced that a Deity is influencing their behavior properly.. believers react strongly to scientific progress. There becomes a strong push to promote ignorance, rather than allow discoveries to contradict an age old belief.This, too, inhibits progress if people believe that it is against God to find the workings of the Universe.Look at the massive numbers of Christian Websites online that do Everything they can think of to claim that Radiometric dating is a lie.Look how they try everything they can to deny evolution, and yet, if the Common person had a good understanding of evolution, MSRA would not as likely be the problem today, as the common users of antibiotics would have known better than to kill off the weak bacterial strains allowing only the strongest to flourish.

True born-again Christians blame God for nothing. They know He gave us free will therefore we fck up on a regular basis. The Christians I know are the most self-responsible people in the country. They don't have their hands out for welfare. They don't blame anyone for anything. A person most certainly can improve no matter what their beliefs. Most Christians I know love science and know we coexist happily. I am proof. We just disagree on some stuff.

So, you say you believe in God, yet you also say you remove him from the picture in daily living.

not exactly, i beleive in god, yes, but, i don't remove him also from the daily life, but i have a mind, and, i don't blame anyone else, not even god, for what happen to me. removing him fom the daily life, is like, not beliving in god. :D
having a scientific mind, doesnt mean to not beleive in god, i didn't see anything stupid in it.

True born-again Christians blame God for nothing. They know He gave us free will therefore we fck up on a regular basis. The Christians I know are the most self-responsible people in the country. They don't have their hands out for welfare. They don't blame anyone for anything. A person most certainly can improve no matter what their beliefs. Most Christians I know love science and know we coexist happily. I am proof. We just disagree on some stuff.

Yes exactly, to love a relegion, and to beleive in god, dpesnt mean to not think at science, and not to create, and to be responsible. Relegion is like, a sicologic back-up, for who know it right effcorse, some people understand some relegions, or teh relegion that they belong to, they undertsand it wrongly, and understand everything upside-down.