If Christians and Muslims stopped eating meat ...

How does that work exactly? I mean you have James here who is a vegetarian and believes in animal rights but he's also an atheist.

James doesn't espouse eternal damnation for all who don't think like he does, does he.

I know many Buddhists who eat meat on a regular basis. Actually while living in Asia I have yet to find a full fledged vegetarian within those who are non christian or muslim.

Buddhists generally do not believe in eternal damnation for anyone, as far as I am aware.
My friend is a Catholic and he is a vegetarian- and I don't think it had any affect on the 'eternal damnation' idea...

I'm still trying to understand why you think these two things have any correlation.

Peace be unto you ;)
Weird there is no correlation between the two in Christianity. Maybe if you gave Orthodox Judaism as the example it may have had some correlation. But as it is the OP is still born.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Oh and as a former catholic i was taught that it was a catholic law not to eat meat on certain fridays. Not sure if it was just a tradition or a law i just did a search on it and found this statement

Found at http://www.catholic-pages.com/life/fridaymeat.asp

Most Catholics think that Vatican II did away with the requirement of not eating meat on any Friday of the year. Most think it is now just Ash Wednesday and the Fridays of Lent that we cannot eat meat.

This is what the new Code of Canon Law brought out in 1983 says about the matter:

Canon 1251
Abstinence from meat, or from some other food as determined by the Episcopal Conference, is to be observed on all Fridays, unless a solemnity should fall on a Friday. Abstinence and fasting are to be observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.

Canon Law still requires that Catholics not eat meat on Fridays!

So it does not seem that it is a tradition at all but is written into catholic law.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
The Catholics are their own denomination--split from the Bible-based church that is simply Christianity. It was alll about power and control. The Catholics have their own Bible. They have their own laws, rules, regulations, and versions of how you get into Heaven. (They say you work your way into Heaven by doing good deeds. (HOGWASH!) They have their own leaders (Popes, bishops, priests etc) who are always good for a scandal or two. They have their own empire--the Vatican, which is richer than many countries. They have you recite "I believe in one Catholic, apostolic church" when you visit them. I almost choked on that when I got caught up reciting the rest of the harmless/generic verse last time I was in a Catholic church for a baptism. Catholics are an interesting/deceived group. I used to be one. I know firsthand.
I'm still trying to understand why you think these two things have any correlation.

Like I said earlier, both are acts lacking mercy.

Do you think that the pleasure you get from eating meat, outweighs the suffering of animals who are held in cruel circumstances in captivity and then brutally killed?

If you are so sure you know the whole truth about God, so sure that you think you can preach eternal damnation to everyone who doesn't believe the same things you - then why seek such worldy pleasures such as meat-eating?

Does your faith in God, your knowledge of God, your service to God, not fill you with enough bliss, and instead you need to go seek for pleasure elsewhere?

I would imagine that someone who has such full certainty of God that he feels confident declaring eternal damnation to everyone who doesn't believe as he does, would have no need to indulge in worldy pleasures, which usually involve acts of cruelty toward oneself and other living beings.

I would imagine that someone who has full certainty of God would be harmless to all living beings. And certainly wouldn't eat them just to satisfy his tongue.
Like I said earlier, both are acts lacking mercy.

Do you think that the pleasure you get from eating meat, outweighs the suffering of animals who are held in cruel circumstances in captivity and then brutally killed?

If you are so sure you know the whole truth about God, so sure that you think you can preach eternal damnation to everyone who doesn't believe the same things you - then why seek such worldy pleasures such as meat-eating?

Does your faith in God, your knowledge of God, your service to God, not fill you with enough bliss, and instead you need to go seek for pleasure elsewhere?

I would imagine that someone who has such full certainty of God that he feels confident declaring eternal damnation to everyone who doesn't believe as he does, would have no need to indulge in worldy pleasures, which usually involve acts of cruelty toward oneself and other living beings.

I would imagine that someone who has full certainty of God would be harmless to all living beings. And certainly wouldn't eat them just to satisfy his tongue.

According to the Bible-- the beasts of the Earth were placed here for our use.
Like I said earlier, both are acts lacking mercy.

Do you think that the pleasure you get from eating meat, outweighs the suffering of animals who are held in cruel circumstances in captivity and then brutally killed?

If you are so sure you know the whole truth about God, so sure that you think you can preach eternal damnation to everyone who doesn't believe the same things you - then why seek such worldy pleasures such as meat-eating?

Does your faith in God, your knowledge of God, your service to God, not fill you with enough bliss, and instead you need to go seek for pleasure elsewhere?

I would imagine that someone who has such full certainty of God that he feels confident declaring eternal damnation to everyone who doesn't believe as he does, would have no need to indulge in worldy pleasures, which usually involve acts of cruelty toward oneself and other living beings.

I would imagine that someone who has full certainty of God would be harmless to all living beings. And certainly wouldn't eat them just to satisfy his tongue.

Well you should get over it becuase if it wasnt for eating meat you wouldnt be here.
Well you should get over it becuase if it wasnt for eating meat you wouldnt be here.
M*W: Now I'm confused. I thought I knew how the human reproductive system worked, but maybe there is something I have missed. What does eating meat have to do with human reproduction? (I'm assuming that Signal is a human being).
M*W: Now I'm confused. I thought I knew how the human reproductive system worked, but maybe there is something I have missed. What does eating meat have to do with human reproduction? (I'm assuming that Signal is a human being).

hi m*w,

humans can reproduce but they would have become extinct.
The Catholics are their own denomination--split from the Bible-based church that is simply Christianity.
Catholics are christians sandy. and they are bible based though not from the twisted lets ignore the bible when i don't like what it says faith you belong to
It was alll about power and control.
Not really.
The Catholics have their own Bible.
??? no they don't.
They have their own laws, rules, regulations, and versions of how you get into Heaven.
all faiths do.
(They say you work your way into Heaven by doing good deeds. (HOGWASH!)
So its hogwash to say you have to be a good person to get into heaven? I never got the delusion protestants(quit saying your not and you hate labels. Your beliefs are protestant.) that basiclly say you can be the greatest evil in the world and yet still get into heaven by going through a ritual. the difference between catholicism and protestantism is a protestant demands you believe in christ to get in to a catholic its far more important that you be and do good. You might be ok with people like ted bundy and john wayne gacy getting into heaven but catholics are not.
They have their own leaders (Popes, bishops, priests etc) who are always good for a scandal or two.
all learders are.
They have their own empire--the Vatican, which is richer than many countries.
they control less than a square mile some empire.
They have you recite "I believe in one Catholic, apostolic church" when you visit them.
No you don't. I have been going to catholic churhes for over 25 years never had to say that. secondly do you even know what that phrase would mean to a catholic?
I almost choked on that when I got caught up reciting the rest of the harmless/generic verse last time I was in a Catholic church for a baptism.
I could understand why you feel christianity should be an exclusive club for those that share your prejudices and delusions.
Catholics are an interesting/deceived group.
catholics aren't decived that would be people like you?
I used to be one. I know firsthand.
funny you also claimed to interact with muslims all the time at a previous employeement though for both catholics and muslims almost everything you say about them is a straight up lie.
hi m*w,

humans can reproduce but they would have become extinct.
M*W: Some say that's what happened to the Neanderthals when they included meat in their diet. The added protein caused their brains to grow bigger and have more intellect. I've also read that the inclusion of meat in their diets caused them to die out due to autoimmune disease. So many theories, so little time.
pj's already fisked this, but what's another good fisking cost us, really?

The Catholics are their own denomination--split from the Bible-based church that is simply Christianity.

We - if being uncharitable - view it rather the other way around. (It's complicated, so neither version is really completely true.)

It was alll about power and control.

Some of it. The same is true of a lot of denominations, of course.

The Catholics have their own Bible.


They have their own laws, rules, regulations, and versions of how you get into Heaven.

To some degree, sure.

(They say you work your way into Heaven by doing good deeds. (HOGWASH!)

Prove it. (You suspect that God isn't able to identify an asshole?)

They have their own leaders (Popes, bishops, priests etc) who are always good for a scandal or two.

Sure: like Jimmy Swaggart, Pat Robertson and Jim Bakker.

They have their own empire--the Vatican, which is richer than many countries.

It's richer than a couple of them. The little ones.

They have you recite "I believe in one Catholic, apostolic church" when you visit them.

No, they don't, you git.

I almost choked on that

I almost choked on your intolerance.

Catholics are an interesting/deceived group.

You forgot devious and evil.

I used to be one. I know firsthand.

Seemingly not. Otherwise, how could the baptismal Creed catch you off guard?
I believe that the diet has an effect on what religious philosophy a person will choose, and how they will present it.
What drives you to this belief? On what is it based?

Furthermore, given that both religious and atheist eat meat, and both religious and atheist are vegetarian, I struggle to see a correlation between eating meat and religious philosophy. For your hypothesis to hold any water, surely there must be a correlation to investigate? Is there a study that supports this hypothesis?

I also struggle to see the connection between the physical consumption of meat and the method one uses to kill the meat? How is the physical consumption of a dead animal, for example, lacking in mercy? Is eating the meat from a naturally-deceased animal - or one that has been killed by a "natural" predator - acceptable to you?
But at present I see no necessary relationship between the two.

So please feel free to provide some supporting evidence for your beliefs - at least an explanation of how the two variables (meat-eating and religious philosophy) are in any way connected?
If Christians and Muslims stopped eating meat, what would happen to their religion/philosophy?

Would they still endorse eternal damnation for everyone who doesn't accept their ways?

cmon its illegal not to eat meat hahaha!