The OP merely poses a question:
Which is hypothesising that eating meat affects one's religious philosophy. :shrug:
You might claim you're not talking about atheists - but you can't hypothesise such a grand idea and just ignore those that don't fit the idea.
I didn't say driven, merely affected. There is a difference.
Not really... just a matter of understanding what a driver is. Things can be affected by many drivers... some of greater significance than others.
Secondly, what you state above already presupposes the supremacy of the view that man is matter - which yet stands to be proven...
Not really - it was just following on from what you considered support for your idea - that what we eat can affect how we feel, and therefore think.... I am not presupposing anything that
you did not already bring to the table. Nice try, though.
The OP wasn't asking about atheists.
But the question you raised in the OP is based on flawed thinking precisely because of people like atheists.... One can not just simply ignore anything that makes the question look stupid.
I am not trying to convince you. I wish to see that Christians and Muslims who espouse eternal damnation would give some reason why it is allright to eat animals for the sake of pleasing one's tongue.
Fine - then I would suggest you reword the OP to something that actually asks this question, rather than pose some bizarrely thought out hypothesis that is flawed from the outset.
I think you realise by now how poorly the OP is worded, and how flawed the very idea you ask about?
To be honest I would suggest you amend the OP to include what you write below, to clarify the purpose of this thread:
What kind of God or knowledge of God are they working with that makes it seem allright to eat meat. I mean, they claim knowledge of God to a degree where they feel confident to declare eternal damnation to everyone who doesn't believe as they do - and they will say so to a person's face, even kill them in the name of that confidence. I don't see why a person with such confidence would indulge in worldy pleasures. I wrote about this in an earlier post in this thread, in response to 786.
Precisly because God allows them to. Animals were created for Man. Why should Man not indulge of what God has provided.
Would it not be a p****d-off God that provides food only for Man to go "Sorry God, don't want it." What a waste of a day's work for God! He could have provided something else in that day - like an amusement park?
Basically their doctrine does not forbid eating meat - so they eat meat.
If you get them to stop eating meat you will merely end up with vegetarian Christians/Muslims, many of whom would be rather annoyed.
I have been told by Christians before that my vegetarianism is merely "bleeding heart compassion for animals",but they never explained why this is so, and why they think there is nothing wrong with meat eating. To me, it just seems completely counterituitive to believe in God, in love, in mercy, in happiness - and then kill animals just to please one's tongue.
Well, given that Jesus ate fish, hung around with fishermen and even told them where/when the big haul would be, told parables of people slaughtering their fatted calf for when their prodigal son came back etc... I'm guessing Jesus wasn't advocating vegetarianism.
Therefore, if the Son of God was okay with it, surely God must be.
And you have to bear in mind that Christianity does not require total devotion to God to the exclusion of all else. Christianity is primarily about how you treat fellow Man, as I understand it. Animals have no souls as far as Christianity is concerned.
Furthermore, you haven't explained why killing animals
necessarily lacks mercy - and if you have issue with why Man kills animals, what about carnivores in the wild? Any issue with them?