If a man is raped by a woman...

Should a raped man have to pay child support to his offspring?

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But have you ever heard of that happening anyway? Do you have even a single real example case?
I know I've heard of male statutary rape victims being held liable for child support. Here's a quote from an article on the subject (if doesn't list any names, perhaps because the victims are underage?)
Stories of teachers pursuing their underage students have appeared on newspaper pages far too commonly recently. As if this isn't disturbing enough, it has been reported that many women rapists have sued their "lovers" for child support — and won! http://badgerherald.com/oped/2005/09/23/gender_factor_in_chi.php
Hell, I've even heard of sperm donors being held liable for child support. The criteria is "the best interest of the child", not what is just for the man (or boy, as the case may be).
The story mentions the child support thing off hand, but I'd like to see an actual source. I'll be really amazed if it's true.
MW by the way, in addition to my last post. It is funny how you talk about women manipulating weak men, but what if a man manipulates a woman to have sex with him ("player").... shit hits the fan.

It is normal though, of people, to side with their own group. But I just wanted to point out this hypocrisy
Check this out:

and this:

"In California and Kansas, minor boys statutorily raped by adult women must pay child support to the criminals who raped him. In one case, the boy was drugged before sex."

"child support officials cleaned out the bank account of an 85-year-old grandmother whose son allegedly owed child support. The son never paid into the account, which comprised her life savings. She was also charged $75 processing fee"

In the first link the woman got no child support because the boy is being considered a victim. The second is just nuts though, here's a longer version:


In California, minor boys raped by adult women must pay child support to the criminals who raped them. "State law entitles the child to support from both parents, even though the boy is considered the victim of statutory rape," the district attorney's office says. One boy was drugged before the sex. Kansas courts have likewise held that "the issue of consent to sexual activity under the criminal statutes is irrelevant in a civil action to determine paternity and for support of a minor child born of such activity." So much for not letting criminals profit from their crimes.

Seriously? That's disgusting. This is from 2003, I wonder if the law's been changed at all...

Looks like lepustimidus has been vindicated. :mad:
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Then it wouldn't be the best intrests of the child to let his meal ticket off the hook just because it doesn't share his blood, and we'd never actually expect the courts to tell the mother that she is simply a whore and should have to fess up and accept responsability.
Looks like lepustimidus has been vindicated

Ironically, that wasn't the point of this thread.

Admittedly, I had an ulterior motive. In regards to abortion, many pro-lifers are willing to allow the mother to obtain a abortion after being raped. This often raises the (retarded) argument from pro-choicers that pro-lifers are woman-haters interested in nothing more than punishing the woman for having sex.

With this thread, I posted an analogous situation to gauge whether pro-choicers felt the same way about a man who is raped and the must pay child support.

After all, every person I've met is empathic that a father who willingly has sex and gets a woman pregnant should pay child support.

On the other hand, this thread has clearly demonstrated that the majority believe that a man who is raped, and as a result impregnates a woman, should not have to pay.

This poses the question to pro-choicers: Is child support simply a means of punishing a man? If child support were actually done for the child, why don't they expect a man who is raped to provide it?

And then you come to the conclusion: Child support isn't about punishing men, or just about the child, but also about holding men accountable for the outcomes of their willing actions. Likewise, when a pro-lifer want to allow raped women to procure abortions, while preventing women who had willing sex from doing likewise, this isn't meant to be punitive. But just like with the man who willingly had sex, they must accept responsibility for their behaviour.
You're actually expecting femtrolls to say that women should ever have to accept responsibility for any of their behaviour?
this is a very interesting document that might interest people like bells (though im sure she already knows most of it) and james but MH and ABS should really read it

its produced by a center called the Australian Institute for the Study of Sexual Assult (ACSSA) under the goverment institute for family studies (commonwealth gov)

i found it while trying to find the clincal guidelines for treating sexual assult victioms ironically enough concidering that everytime i have searched for male victoms of sexual assult its come up with rapes BY males

anyway i wont post the whole document but here is the heading and the link

No.2 September 2006
Male survivors of sexual assault and rape
by Sarah Crome
Published by the Australian Institute of Family Studies
ISSN 1833-1483 (Print); ISSN 1834-0148 (Online)
ACSSA Coordinator: Zoë Morrison

about the previlance of male victoms. if i have calculated this correctly a third of victoms are men

that number was taken from The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists medical fact sheet on sexual assult

it states that:

Prevalence, incidence & research

• It is estimated that one in four women and one in eight men experience sexual assault during their lifetime, though many instances of sexual assault are never reported. It is also estimated that one in three women and one in six men experienced sexual assault in their childhood [summary estimates of figures from Women’s Health Statewide, South Australia]

viewed 24/07/08 at 13:49

as the genders are roughly equal that means 1/3 of victoms are male
MW by the way, in addition to my last post. It is funny how you talk about women manipulating weak men, but what if a man manipulates a woman to have sex with him ("player").... shit hits the fan.

It is normal though, of people, to side with their own group. But I just wanted to point out this hypocrisy
M*W: I never said "what's good for the goose is good for the gander." It is a double-standard, and it's not fair. Unfortunately, in this day and time, there is probably more equality among the genders of the "players."

Unless we're talking about underage minor males, which I consider them as the rapees, where the female raper should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. In this case, the "playing" field is not so even. I just find it virtually impossible to rape an adult male. All circumstances are different, however, and I'm not opposed to a male bringing such an action before a jury to let them decide if it was a rape or not.

Parental guidance toward girls and boys is not an equal experience. Girls are generally taught from an early age to not let a boy or man touch her. Boys, OTOH, with the exception of teenagers, are not programmed to believe he should not let a girl or woman touch him. It's the double-standard again. The rules are one-sided, but I did not make them.
I just find it virtually impossible to rape an adult male. It's the double-standard again. The rules are one-sided, but I did not make them.
Agreed. A man getting raped by a woman sounds more like the "plot" for a cheesy porno or a wet dream than reality (notice I said man, not boy).
Three easy examples I can think of:

1. Drugging the man to the point where he can't fight back
2. Multiple women against one man
3. The woman having a weapon that allows her to incapacitate the man
Medicine Woman and Madanthonywayne:

While yes it does sound far fetched, it is entirely possible for a woman to rape a man by legal definition and dictionary definition. To think otherwise is to be plain unimaginative, sexist, and (well let's just say it) stupid. I don't believe either of you are stupid, so i guess you must not be trying to use your imagination wise or are you are very sexist.

Basically anything a man can do to rape woman, a woman can turn around on a man. Even struggle is an option as the hormonal difference between Flight, Fight, or F--k are nonexistant. Men often become arroused during struggles. Also honestly arrousal does not mean a man wants to have sex with that particular woman. Just becuase it is hard does not mean men have to use it, or even want to.
TW Scott did you read the links i posted?
i dont think mad or MW have because they compleatly disagree with them
TW Scott did you read the links i posted?
i dont think mad or MW have because they compleatly disagree with them

I read the one about the marine if that was you. However, I do know it is possible for a woman to rape a man. Hell, it's possible for a petite woman to rape Mr universe if she plans it right.