If a man is raped by a woman...

Should a raped man have to pay child support to his offspring?

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No, since it was not consentual and therefore the man doesn't need to have responsiblity over the child

Rather, the child should be given up for adoption and the woman jailed. Although I support capital punishment for rape crimes, I just feel different when it's a woman in question.
the poll obviously shows that it is of no question that everyone agrees that if a man was actually raped he should not pay for some pregnant deed of the raper.

I think more than 5 people have to respond. I think a poll has to be active for more than an hour to be conclusive. :rolleyes:
I wish we would have like cold-blooded aliens from another galaxy being our judges...that way they would not lean to any sexes, nor males, nor females, and judge equally.

Perhaps. Law will be imperfect in that it is run by imperfect beings.
I am saying that law is imperfect when it is applied to the same people who are the victims of that law and its creators.

We humans make the law and we ourselves are affected by it.

Of course. Who else can govern us?
like I said...someone else...like aliens who are not part of our own society and can cold-blooded and emotion-less but extremely neutral and obedient to morality and logic.

Or...machines...but than an algorithm for judge robot would have to be made by another robot...to loose track of the human algorithm ;)

Morality is entirely subjective. Without morality, there can be no law, and therefore, only a being that has morality can administer law.

Law is nothing more than a moral code accepted by society. If I felt that torturing others was the righteous thing to do, who can call me wrong?
Someone from an outside...who sees a bigger picture besides you...someone who is also not involved in any of it.

No, nobody can. That somebody would still be using a morality, their own moral code. Logics cannot solve law.
(just an aside - this topic is focused on a very rare situation. A woman rapes a man. She gets pregnant from this act. It is proven through DNA testing that the child is his. She goes to court and tries to force child support. Perhaps this has happened once or twice. Though I have never heard about it. So I wondered if this situation and the poll related to it will be used to draw conclusions or as part of an argument related to something else. Of course, its rarity of occurance does not make it wrong to talk about. I just wondered it if had some greater relevence.)

If a woman rapes a man and she falls pregnant and gives birth, should he have to pay child support to his offspring for the next 18 years?


But have you ever heard of that happening anyway? Do you have even a single real example case?


How exactly can we figure out who raped who in a raping situation?

Err... use your brain?

snake river rufus:

How likely is it that a woman can rape a man? We are mostly bigger and stronger and (when sober) guys aren't known for doing anything that we don't want to.

I'd say it would be fairly uncommon.
For everyone here saying 'OMG how does a man get raped by a woman?'... can you retards use Google?

After literally 10 seconds of searching:


Dr. Helen, I’ve recently been coming to grips with the fact that I was raped by a woman. While doing online research, I happened upon your blog and read several entries, most notably the relevant “Can Women be Predators?”

If you don’t mind, I’d like to share my story with you.

I am now an editor at a small book company and an activist but in my earlier life I was a Marine.

On a Friday night in 1990, after hanging out with a friend for several hours at a club — said friend disappeared for the night and left his female friend (stranger to me) without a ride and about 35 miles from home. I was plastered, and not going to drive as the club was next to a motel. She asked for a ride and I offered to drive her home in the morning as she was about 6 months pregnant, but I was going to have to get a motel room for the evening as I was drunk and not driving in such a state. We decided to split the cost of the room and both agreed that sleeping was all that was going to take place. She was pregnant and also not my type in the slightest. At the time, I thought I was in love with a woman attending a local college. I seem to recall we even had separate beds.

I woke up about 2 hours later — still destroyed by the alcohol — to find my clothes removed from the waist down and the girl on top of me wailing like a banshee and quite roughly enjoying herself. She had apparently brought me to erection — not hard as I’m one of those men who can hold one for hours, awake or asleep, sober or drunk. She told me everything was okay and to go back to sleep and despite my best effort to the contrary, I was unable to move or speak coherently in my still very inebriated and half-conscious state and did fall asleep again quickly.

After most of my drunken stupor wore off around 7 am or so, I awoke again to find her on top of me — this time with a more menacing attitude as she knew I was in a better position to respond physically this time. I had began to wiggle out from under her (taking care not to hurt her baby) when she sternly warned me to “be quiet” and “not be forceful” and made it clear that she would cry rape if I tried to stop it. I was stunned to say the least and not sure how to respond. I could easily have thrown her across the room and off of me, but was concerned for her child and took her threat very, very seriously. She said it so easily that I doubt I was her first.

I weighed my options for a moment and came to the conclusion that a sober, 6 or 7-month pregnant college student of 24 was far more likely to be believed by the authorities than a drunk 19-year old Marine in the best shape of his life. I frequented that club a lot and I’m sure several people saw me leave with her. I was pretty much f*cked — in more than one way — at that point.

I complied by lying still while she continued to warn and threaten me and she eventually orgasmed again and got off me. I don’t know how long the second rape transpired as I tried to disconnect my mind from that scene. Further, I have no idea how many times she had actually raped me that night (at least twice), but I was extremely sore for a few days. As a small favor, she turned out to be disease free.

I’ve always tried to pretend it was nothing or play it off like an uncomfortable memory of a wild night that ended weird whenever the memory surfaced.

After 17 years of pretending, the floodgates opened this week (thanks to a wonderful woman I work with) and it has been extremely difficult to deal with as my denial was swept away. I have a lot of counseling in my future in order to heal after the band-aid was ripped away.

This was very difficult to admit, not only personally, but to a very dear friend who has been there before. As you know, rape is about power and control. She had power over me that night, even though I could have easily thrown her across the room and off me. Her pregnancy and threat of jail against me were the only weapons she needed to have her way that night.

I spend a great deal of time on civil liberties issues fighting for those without a voice through my publications working on national coalitions with the ACLU and tons of other organization leaders spanning the spectrum from left to right. It is very hard to see myself in the role of victim now, given how much time I devote to advocacy efforts.

Thank you for listening and thank you for what you do.
James R i surpose it depends if your refering to satitory rape or rape rape

if you mean stat rape there was that school teacher in the US who raped a 13? year old and when she got out of prision i THINK she forced him to pay for the kid but i dont quite rember the exact case so i could be wrong
For everyone here saying 'OMG how does a man get raped by a woman?'... can you retards use Google?

Jeez... who needs Google 2 guys were raped by girls on Soap Opera in just the last couple months. Both of which turned up pregnant :p

Scenario #1 She met up with this guy who was having some drinks and joined him. She told the bartender to only send her nonalcoholic drinks. She pretended she was getting drunk but she was drinking "virgin" cocktails and only playing drunk. This guy got pretty drunk and to top it off slipped something into his drink. Then she got someone to help her get him to her car and said she would get him home safely.

She drove off to a deserted street because it was about 2 am, nobody around. She stopped the car leaned over and unbuttoned his pants and got ontop of him. He was so out of it he went along with it almost passed out the whole time.

She checked before she met up with him and knew it was a good time for her to get pregnant.............After she was done with him she took of some of her clothes and his shirt and stuff. She pulled him over so it was like he was laying ontop of her. He woke up and was like WTF happened here ??

Of course she played all innocent....Don't you remember? You got so drunk, I was drunk and you came onto me. I tried to drive you home but you wouldn't get off me so I pulled over. You were all over me and we ended up having sex.... NO WAY?? really I don't remember any of that....

So far she hasn't told him she is pregnant but she just took the test this week :D

He is proposing to his g/f right now too....So next weeks show will be interesting lolol
forget soaps there was a guy in melbourne (i think) raped at knife point by a women and her husband
For everyone here saying 'OMG how does a man get raped by a woman?'... can you retards use Google?

What about the retards who want examples of your thread topic?
james i have to agree with him in part, we just debated is rape wrong and yet we didnt provide one example to prove rape HAPPENs, im sorry but men do get raped, mostly by other men but also sometimes women its a FACT no evidence is nessary