If a man is raped by a woman...

Should a raped man have to pay child support to his offspring?

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For everyone here saying 'OMG how does a man get raped by a woman?'... can you retards use Google?
I'm not sure if you include me in the retards, but my point was not that men cannot be raped by women. I am sure it happens, though incredibly rarely. However that the man gets raped, the woman gets pregnant, she manages to prove paternity and then goes to court to force him to pay child support....

That sounds rather exceptional. What do you see as the point of this thread?
and she falls pregnant and gives birth, should he have to pay child support to his offspring for the next 18 years?

Of course not, for fuck's sake! I don't know why you even felt the need to ask this. Common morality would tell us he should not have to pay for a child he was forced to father against his will.

As for the people in here who are asking how a man can be raped.....ngh, there's no delicate way to phrase this...you do know that men regularly get erections while under REM sleep?

She checked before she met up with him and knew it was a good time for her to get pregnant.............After she was done with him she took of some of her clothes and his shirt and stuff. She pulled him over so it was like he was laying ontop of her. He woke up and was like WTF happened here ??

I want to kill her, I really do, that's such a sick thing to do to someone.
just as likely as a man can rape a woman is a woman likely to rape a man. This isnt about strength...in any situation anything is possible.

Just as likely? I don't think so: we're talking about exceptional cases here.

I want to kill her, I really do, that's such a sick thing to do to someone.

In some ways it would be harder for a man to come to terms with. Gender-reversed rape is similar to domestic violence in that it somehow emasculates the man in the eyes of those around him. Rape is normally a display of strength, aggression and sexual appetite - stereotypically male qualities. It's because of this that it is estimated that there are a fair few unreported cases out there; perhaps even victims who don't know they are victims.

We all need to be a bit more understanding. The virago and the timid male have become caricatures to be laughed at, while we would never find an abused and beaten woman funny under any circumstances.
Just as likely? I don't think so: we're talking about exceptional cases here.

In some ways it would be harder for a man to come to terms with. Gender-reversed rape is similar to domestic violence in that it somehow emasculates the man in the eyes of those around him. Rape is normally a display of strength, aggression and sexual appetite - stereotypically male qualities. It's because of this that it is estimated that there are a fair few unreported cases out there; perhaps even victims who don't know they are victims.

We all need to be a bit more understanding. The virago and the timid male have become caricatures to be laughed at, while we would never find an abused and beaten woman funny under any circumstances.

Completely agree. What the fuck makes abuse funny when it's a male victim? He's still a human being, for fuck's sake.
I have heard of a case where a woman was so desperate for a baby that she collected stolen semen from men to do it. That isn't exatly rape, but the child would still be theirs. Victims should not have to be held responsible for the actions of the ones who hurt them. Bringing a third party into it (the child) is even worse. People can be so terrible.
I'm not sure if you include me in the retards, but my point was not that men cannot be raped by women. I am sure it happens, though incredibly rarely. However that the man gets raped, the woman gets pregnant, she manages to prove paternity and then goes to court to force him to pay child support....

That sounds rather exceptional. What do you see as the point of this thread?

I'm just wondering how common you seem to think it is for a man to rape a woman, when you attempt to downplay women raping men by saying oh but it is just rare...
I'm just wondering how common you seem to think it is for a man to rape a woman, when you attempt to downplay women raping men by saying oh but it is just rare...

Ah come on. It is FAR more common for men to rape women than vice versa. That's not misandry, that's a FACT. Grow some fucking skin. He was not downplaying it, just stating the fact that it is rare.

What the fuck satisfies you that people are not misandrists? It seems that anyone who is not ranting at the top of their lungs about how women are the oppressors must be a misandrist, according to you.
Just like it is FAR more common for men to be apart of non-reciprocal interpersonal violence towards women?

I was not referring to 'interpersonal violence' (what a stupid term, of course it is 'interpersonal'. Are your intestines gonna have fights with each other???), I was talking about RAPE.
Mod Hat - On sources and arguments

Mod Hat — On sources and arguments

Apparently I need to hover over this place and lead some people by the hand.

Lepustimidus said:

For everyone here saying 'OMG how does a man get raped by a woman?'... can you retards use Google?

As I recall, sir, earlier this year when we tried communicating more directly, you mentioned something about university. I had thought you meant as a student, but that's my failure to clarify. For, surely, if you were a student, you would realize the value of being able to provide some sort of evidence to support your argument.

If a thread is not important enough to willingly provide some sort of example of what you are referring to without the whole contemptuous-bastard routine, then put it somewhere other than EM&J. Seriously, if it's not important to you, don't expect anyone else to take it seriously.
Stating the obvious

The moral of the story so far seems to be the same for women as it is for men: If you are raped, report the incident immediately.

Do not pass "Go". Do not collect $200. Do not have a drink, pop a pill, smoke a joint, take a shower. And certainly do not wait until a child is born to deny paternity on the grounds that you were raped.

In the meantime, how often does this actually happen?

No, a man who is raped should not have to pay child support.
I'm just wondering how common you seem to think it is for a man to rape a woman, when you attempt to downplay women raping men by saying oh but it is just rare...
My issue has been the relevence of the thread. Any women who rape men should be tried and put away. I am focused on the thread topic. Specifically its relevence. So far L has not produced even a single case.

Reading the thread title one might think either some men are being forced to pay child support in this situation or at least one man has
or at least that the OP writer thinks this has or will happen.
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SimonAnders the womanizer

a philanderer.
I know you were playing, but I don't get the joke.

I think angrybellsprout is being strange. I think most men would find this thread strange. From sexist men to men who think men and women are equal to men who identify themselves as feminists.

Walk into any bar and ask the guys how many women are demanding child support from the man they raped
and they will look at you funny.
james i have to agree with him in part, we just debated is rape wrong and yet we didnt provide one example to prove rape HAPPENs, im sorry but men do get raped, mostly by other men but also sometimes women its a FACT no evidence is nessary
But the thread is not simply about men being raped by a woman. It is a specific scenario.

Woman rapes man.
Woman gets pregant.
Woman proves paternity.
Woman seeks child support.

Perhaps L really believes this is important. If you look at my first post on the rarity issue I said

(just an aside - this topic is focused on a very rare situation. A woman rapes a man. She gets pregnant from this act. It is proven through DNA testing that the child is his. She goes to court and tries to force child support. Perhaps this has happened once or twice. Though I have never heard about it. So I wondered if this situation and the poll related to it will be used to draw conclusions or as part of an argument related to something else. Of course, its rarity of occurance does not make it wrong to talk about. I just wondered it if had some greater relevence.)

This is hardly a demand for proof. I actually assume he knows it is incredibly rare and is 'up to something' - though I do not mean this in necessarily a negative way.

Should he respond that the scenario actually is common, I might take a different tack.

Notice that he mentions HOW FAST he could google his way to a case where a man was raped (but no mention of the pregnancy, paternity and demands for child support) as if google's speed at finding something might imply something about the incidence rate.

If I start a thread.

If an American citizen flies to France and is beaten by custom officials, should he pay for the bloodstains on their uniforms?

I at least expect there to be a specific example we are talking about. In thread like this one would generally expect it to be a general issue in some way.


It is some kind of thought experiment or proves a point about some other issue.

I tried to clarify this issue with L.

The only response so far by him was aimed generally at the retards - notice Asguard: it was not aimed at those making unfair demands, but at retards - only describes one man who was raped by a woman.

I think your defense is too kind.

Both James and I have been trying to understand the relevence of something we consider incredibly rare.

So far he has not even asserted that it isn't rare. Nor has he explained his point.

I certainly don't think a raped man should pay child support for the child conceived during that rape. Perhaps I have assumed too much. Is he meeting a lot of resistance or controversy on this issue. I am quite sure James will back him up on this issue.



is the inevitable follow-up. What is he getting at?

Just like it is FAR more common for men to be apart of non-reciprocal interpersonal violence

I think your data is badly skewed, probably deliberately.

What was the source?

How was "non-reciprocal violence" defined, exactly?

Please provide links.
I've done a minimal amount of research, and quickly found a number of articles that dispute ABS's data (as I suspected they would).

Of particular interest is this one:

Incidence Rates of Violence Against Women: A Comparison of the Redesigned National Crime Victimization Survey and the 1985 National Family Violence Survey

A brief extract (but please read the whole thing):

Notice that rates of violence perpetrated by wives against husbands are very similar to rates of violence perpetrated by husbands against wives. Herein lies one of the most frequent criticisms of the CTS methodology, that it measures acts of violence in isolation from the circumstances under which the acts were committed. As critics point out, the CTS ignores who initiates the violence, the relative size and strength of the persons involved, and the nature of the participant's relationship. ... "To understand the high rate of intrafamily violence by women, it is also important to realize that many of the assaults by women against their husbands are acts of retaliation or self-defense. One of the most fundamental reasons why women are violent within the family (but rarely outside the family) is that for a typical American women, her home is the location where there is the most serious risk of assault (p.98)." This, of course, remains only conjecture since the CTS does not account for the sequence of events which precipitate and act of violence.


Comparing the Victimization and Family Violence Surveys

From this table, it can be seen that rates of intimate-perpetrated violence estimated using the Victimization Survey are lower than those obtained from the Family Violence Survey. Also notice, however, that unlike estimates from the Family Violence Survey, the Victimization Survey indicates that women are much more likely to experience an act of intimate-perpetrated violence than are men (9.3 per 1,000 versus 1.4 per 1,000).

In addition, unlike the Family Violence Survey, the sample for the Victimization Survey includes all persons, regardless of their marital or living status. Thus, the Victimization Survey can also estimate rates of intimate-perpetrated violence for single, divorced, and never married women. This is important because rates of intimate-perpetrated violence for these women have been found to be significantly higher than those for married women. For example, rates of intimate-perpetrated violence for separated women are over 8 times higher than rates for married women: a rate of 2.7 per 1,000 married women versus a rate of 82.2 per 1,000 separated women (Bachman & Saltzman, 1995).
To understand the high rate of intrafamily violence by women, it is also important to realize that many of the assaults by women against their husbands are acts of retaliation or self-defense

Looks like James Retard can't figure out what the phrase non-reciprocal interpersonal violence means.

Then again this is the same retard who can't even look at a graphic and notice that the sources for said graphic are stated within the graphic itself.