If a man is raped by a woman...

Should a raped man have to pay child support to his offspring?

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james, though i suspect his stats are wrong to, he has stated his come from the CDC where as yours come from a vilonce against womens group which is hardly an unbiased source
Looks like James Retard can't figure out what the phrase non-reciprocal interpersonal violence means.

Then again this is the same retard who can't even look at a graphic and notice that the sources for said graphic are stated within the graphic itself.

Your statistics are just peachy. You seem to be better at finding information than the OP writer.

Could you find some statistics on how many men who have been raped by women have been compelled to pay child support for the child conceived during the rape.

Your other statistics are, as I said, just peachy, but not really on topic.
Here we go again, people...

Can't vouch for the source but

http://www.techimo.com/forum/imo-community/150314-man-gang-raped-3-women.html viewed at 3:06 AM EST
Man 'gang-raped' by 3 women
24/08/2005 22:52 - (SA)

Borrie la Grange

Johannesburg - A 30-year-old man was off to play pool when three women asked him to direct them to a hotel and he claims they raped him in turn after they had had drinks.

The man, from Roodepoort on the West Rand, was walking from his flat to an entertainment centre shortly after 17:00 on Sunday night when three women in a maroon BMW stopped him.

Captain Paula Nothnagel of the police said the women, aged between 20 and 30, asked him how to get to the Savoy Hotel.

"He explained, but they apparently insisted he should go with them to show them the way.

"He got into the car with them," she said.

On arriving at the hotel the women invited him for a drink.

After drinks and a chat, they asked him to show them where the Station Hotel was.

"On the way to the hotel, the driver suddenly changed direction and drove to an open piece of veld near the Durban Roodepoort Deep mine.

Kept gun on him all the time

"One of the women pulled out a gun and held up the man while the other two undressed.

"Then all three of them raped him in turn, with one of them keeping the gun pointed at him," said Nothnagel.

When they had finished, they forced the man back into the car and dropped him off in Main Ridge Road shortly before 02:00. He walked home and contacted the police on Monday.

Nothnagel said detectives from the police unit for family violence, child protection and sexual offences were still trying to trace the women.
http://www.techimo.com/forum/imo-community/150314-man-gang-raped-3-women.html viewed at 3:06 AM EST

What if the woman (women) got pregnant, does this count? I have a feeling that the outcome is different if it is a woman raping a man than if a man rapes a woman. Just a guess....
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The moral of the story so far seems to be the same for women as it is for men: If you are raped, report the incident immediately.

Do not pass "Go". Do not collect $200. Do not have a drink, pop a pill, smoke a joint, take a shower. And certainly do not wait until a child is born to deny paternity on the grounds that you were raped.

In the meantime, how often does this actually happen?

No, a man who is raped should not have to pay child support.

Oh, and since Kadark doesn't seem to be around to say it, "Go eat a dick Tiassa"
Actually, I agree. Tiassa is right. Just couldn't resist the chance to say that... :p
i suppose then reporting crimes ensures that justice is meted out

a woman raped ..... she was asking for it
a guy raped ......... pussy
Here we go again, people...

Can't vouch for the source but

http://www.techimo.com/forum/imo-community/150314-man-gang-raped-3-women.html viewed at 3:06 AM EST
Man 'gang-raped' by 3 women

http://www.techimo.com/forum/imo-community/150314-man-gang-raped-3-women.html viewed at 3:06 AM EST

What if the woman (women) got pregnant, does this count? I have a feeling that the outcome is different if it is a woman raping a man than if a man rapes a woman. Just a guess....

Look, it's a fine example of a man getting raped by a woman or women. I certainly think it happens. I even think it is possible that some woman somewhere raped a man and then later tried to get child support. I consider that possible and obviously an even more offensive chain of events than 'just' being raped.

However what is L really up to here. If we can't find that single example yet, what is the point of the thread.

If you read the title you get the impression that at least one poor guy out there has not only suffered rape by a woman but is now being squeezed for money.

And given that we now have a couple of examples of men being raped by women and angrybellsprout's outrage that this kind of crime is much less common than the reverse, when are we going to have the thread where we give advice to men
about how to avoid being raped by women.

In your example the man drank
with three women.
In other words he was outnumbered and given that he was drinking perhaps less able to defend himself and read warning signs.
i suppose then reporting crimes ensures that justice is meted out

a woman raped ..... she was asking for it
a guy raped ......... pussy
It is one of the few crimes where in general in the aftermath people judge you as having deserved it
and potentially no longer being an adequate member of your sex.
I know a guy who once woke up with his penis in the mouth of his female employer... at a party. He freaked out and ran outside... it was funny... People laughed and no charges were filed. Now what if the same would happen, the other way around?

Personally I wouldn't mind getting raped by a few hot girls... but then it wouldn't be rape anymore would it :p
Simon's right on the money, the poll's question is so bizarre, so unusual, I'm having trouble believing it could ever/did ever happen in real life.
Simon's right on the money, the poll's question is so bizarre, so unusual, I'm having trouble believing it could ever/did ever happen in real life.

Read post #64, and mine before yours...
In neither of those two instances did the woman get pregnant and demand child support.
I never denied that women are capable of raping men. But think about it, the OP's situation is like a male rapist demanding custody or prison-visitation for his child by the woman he raped? How often have you heard of that?
M*W: I voted "yes," because it's downright impossible for a woman to rape a man. Women seduce men, but women don't rape them. Men don't usually complain of rape nor do they consider it abuse. They may not like the fact that they have been overcome (no pun intended) by a woman's wiles, but they were plain just weak. If they did complain, they would be ridiculed. In fact, most men like being on the receiving end of the stick (no pun intended). If a woman has the upper hand (still no pun intended), the man must like what what she's doing. If a woman drugs a man, then he can't perform anyway. Legally and technically (from my past professional experience), if a man gets an erection and ejaculates (both functions are required to impregnate--even if he doesn't want to have an erection and ejaculate), then he's considered to be enjoying it and participating in it, and he should damn well pay child support.
M*W: I voted "yes," because it's downright impossible for a woman to rape a man. Women seduce men, but women don't rape them. Men don't usually complain of rape nor do they consider it abuse. They may not like the fact that they have been overcome (no pun intended) by a woman's wiles, but they were plain just weak. If they did complain, they would be ridiculed. In fact, most men like being on the receiving end of the stick (no pun intended). If a woman has the upper hand (still no pun intended), the man must like what what she's doing. If a woman drugs a man, then he can't perform anyway. Legally and technically (from my past professional experience), if a man gets an erection and ejaculates (both functions are required to impregnate--even if he doesn't want to have an erection and ejaculate), then he's considered to be enjoying it and participating in it, and he should damn well pay child support.

Wow... just wow. I'm not touching that with a 10 foot pole, someone else with the energy can tackle this.
M*W: I voted "yes," because it's downright impossible for a woman to rape a man. Women seduce men, but women don't rape them. Men don't usually complain of rape nor do they consider it abuse. They may not like the fact that they have been overcome (no pun intended) by a woman's wiles, but they were plain just weak. If they did complain, they would be ridiculed. In fact, most men like being on the receiving end of the stick (no pun intended). If a woman has the upper hand (still no pun intended), the man must like what what she's doing. If a woman drugs a man, then he can't perform anyway. Legally and technically (from my past professional experience), if a man gets an erection and ejaculates (both functions are required to impregnate--even if he doesn't want to have an erection and ejaculate), then he's considered to be enjoying it and participating in it, and he should damn well pay child support.

On the last thing: it is well known that if a woman has an orgasm while being raped, it does not mean that she wasn't getting raped... so that doesn't work. As for the rest, read the thread, there is at least one legit example of a man being raped by women.