I respect what Hitler accomplished

Ok I can agree with that statement. But please answer my question comparing those three with what you consider worthy of respect. They all lived by the standards you say causes you to respect Hitler I want to know if you extend it towards those men also

Well, no, not really...........true they did as they pleased but their practices do disgust me. And Hitler did what he did for what he perceived was a "greater good", it was an ambition.
How do you know Hitler was afraid of Justice? You argue this because he killed himself? I would kill myself too just to prevent someone else from executing me and using my execution as their own glorification like what happened with Sadam and his two sons.
I respect Hitler, I wish he had lived and been successful, and others might disagree but he has my respect for what he accomplished in a short time.
Well, no, not really...........true they did as they pleased but their practices do disgust me. And Hitler did what he did for what he perceived was a "greater good", it was an ambition.


Oiram yeah I don't think we can assume to know that he was afraid of justice because he killed himself. I don't think it would fit his profile as a narcissist to act from that kind of motive, he would have preferred to control his image than his life as he would perceive one as more important than the other.
Under Hitler’s rein there were many very good things that occurred and technologies we still have to credit his administration with. What about the first jet airplane engine?
Slightly off-topic: that's incorrect.
The Germans did not invent (or build) the first aircraft jet engine.
This was proved in a US court case in the late 80s.
(Insert Title Here)

Spidergoat said:

That's the stupidest thing I've read in a long time.

For me, five minutes isn't so long a time. Like I just read this boneheaded bit about how Africans built walls around their cities because Muslims had been killing people for thousands of years. Almost hilarious, except it's kind of sad, you know?

I don't know what the hell went into that one, but in the present case, I'm wondering more and more why our Hitler fan bothered with, "Note: I am using this question as a debate".

I mean, I understand the whole Devil's Advocate bit, but I would expect something a bit stronger than the kind of doe-eyed innocence of a five year-old under his neo-Nazi daddy's spell would give us.
I read that in a book by an African. I assume they know their history better than I do.
If we respect those that have achieved, something we want to achieve, or see as worthy as achieving, and given Norsefire's support for dictatorial measures, I tend to believe that people that respect Hitler think that dictatorship is sometimes a good idea.
Wrong to respect Hitler? If nothing else, I think foolish. He was championing Aryans, and I think he had his facts wrong on the Aryans at that. I'm not for sure though, but I remember reading that Hitler thought he was of Aryan descent, only for some research to prove him wrong. That would mean all of his ideals/plans were based on incorrect data to begin with. Who would respect that?

He did come from a poor background, and rise to power, but that's all it takes to earn respect? Hitler's a good example of great talents wasted on an unworthy person.
He committed suicide so that he didn't have to be caught, it has nothing to do with "justice"; imagine that you were a resistance force about to be defeated, and you had a choice of being caught by the Germans or committing suicide, and you commit suicide, are you "afraid of justice"?

The victor determines "justice".
he was committing genocide, which isn’t a bad thing if you’re not one of the people in line at the gas chambers.
That sounds like something a psychopath would say.

"The guy who killed oiram's sibling committed murder, but that's not a bad thing if you weren't the victim."

I respect Hitler, I wish he had lived and been successful, and others might disagree but he has my respect for what he accomplished in a short time.

"I respect the guy who killed oiram's sibling, he accomplished a lot in a short time."
My arguments regarding Hitler are just that, arguments and debate, I do have some respect for things that he accomplished and I know some of his history but I was simply trying to get the conversation going with debate by adding more comments.
My parents are not Neo–Nazis and I am not brain washed into praising Hitler or hating Jews or anything like that. I am simply trying to debate the issue and see if others will argue points with me and that’s all. I have already mentioned I have Jewish family members and gay family members and even handicapped and bi-racial marriages in my family so it’s nothing about hate or intolerance for me.

For the record though I do respect Hitler’s fast rise to power and other aspects of his life as well as the German people’s technology and innovations during that time in history and how they all came together.

It would be like me saying I really like and respect Michael Jackson’s musical talent and some of his great songs and videos, but I might not like his personal life, his psychosis and his fetish for little boys and sleep over’s. So in the same way let me say that I like and respect some of Hitler’s accomplishments but maybe I don’t like other aspects of his life or personality.
That sounds like something a psychopath would say.

"The guy who killed oiram's sibling committed murder, but that's not a bad thing if you weren't the victim."

"I respect the guy who killed oiram's sibling, he accomplished a lot in a short time."

My posts have been generalized and I don’t come off attacking anyone personally,

Your post here is attacking me personally and I politely ask that you evaluate that and try to keep it from getting personal.
Who does the job?

Norsefire said:

He committed suicide so that he didn't have to be caught, it has nothing to do with "justice"; imagine that you were a resistance force about to be defeated, and you had a choice of being caught by the Germans or committing suicide, and you commit suicide, are you "afraid of justice"?

In that case I fight to my dying breath. And maybe even in that I would fail. Perhaps I would end up executed by tyrants. But I would certainly not do the job for them. And I certainly would not instruct the scattered remnants of my resistance to kill themselves.

The victor determines "justice".

And every victor pretends their justice is the real justice. There is an abstract concept that transcends the justice that laid John Brown to rest. Or Saddam Hussein. Or Jeanne d'Arc. Or Giles Corey. Or Che Guevara. Or Ted Bundy. Or ... or ... or ....

That we have not yet realized that justice is no reason to surrender to tyranny and hatred.

Perhaps that is a fundamental difference between how you and I view the world.
My posts have been generalized and I don’t come off attacking anyone personally,

Your post here is attacking me personally and I politely ask that you evaluate that and try to keep it from getting personal.
If you look into a mirror and dislike what you see, is that the fault of the mirror?

The quoted sentences in my post are not my opinion. They are your opinion, and your logic, reflected back onto you.

My posts have been generalized and I don’t come off attacking anyone personally
Nonsense. By saying that the Nazi's genocide wasn't bad you are personally attacking all Gypsies, Poles, Jews, Slavs, catholics, communists, homosexuals, disabled people, and others on sciforums:

genocide, which isn’t a bad thing if you’re not one of the people in line at the gas chambers.
Slightly off-topic: that's incorrect.
The Germans did not invent (or build) the first aircraft jet engine.
This was proved in a US court case in the late 80s.

who did? and even if not they had the first jet fighter in use
who did? and even if not they had the first jet fighter in use


Gloster E.28/39 - May 15, 1941 became the first jet engined aircraft to fly in the United Kingdom, and the very first jet aircraft flown by any of the Allies of World War II.
I think Hitler was the first guy to manage to whack off to german child porn with only one testicle. Really Oiram, the guy was throwback in so many ways pretty sad comment on your own obviously depraved psyche to try to attach yourself to such an utter failure.

Not just failure but a destructive failure nearly ruining his own country completely.