I respect what Hitler accomplished

You can only respect something that you would like to accomplish, or you like to see happen. Given the lack of patriotism that appeals to the wider masses and all the discontent available, I can see why some would respect hitler for what he did.
I have a very deep respect for Hitler, not for what he did, but that he was able to do it. Here was a man that rose, and imposed his will and took the world by the reigns, and submitted to no one. I respect his ego and his strength, as much as I may not approve of what he actually did. The fact that he did it, that he made something of his life, earns him my respect.

You said what I was trying to say and I couldn’t agree more.

i wonder what we would all be saying if he had won. I dont like the man but all of you seem to be basing your assesments on the fact he lost, if he hadnt been so stupid as to atack russia he might well have beaten the allies

I agree here too, what if he had won? The world would be a much different place today and who’s to say it wouldn’t be a better place. Maybe 200 or 500 million more people would have been executed in death camps and genetics would have been improved to the point of eliminating birth defects and making designer babies like we have today. At least the world population would have been cut in half or more thus saving resources and not putting stress on the natural world we live in the name of overpopulation.

Oh and since Hitler did fail, let’s see what we have had since his demise. Today there are thousands of people dying each day in Africa and daily hundreds of children are orphaned by aids, there homeless people all around the world, extreme poverty and starvation, food shortages, and disease let us not forget how many people have died in the Korean war, the first gulf war, the horrors in Bosnia the invasion of Iraq and all the other misery and death that has occurred as the list goes on. Sure Germany today is marked with the humility of the loss of WWII and made to humbly regret it, but I can assure you that if they had won they would be the world leaders and very proud and there’s nothing wrong with that unless you’re on the other side.
Wait... Are you suggesting that Nazi Germany would have led a more peaceful world than other nations have the last 60 years?

If not, then the best thing you can say is "well, if the Nazis had won, we'd be pretty much the same but with an entire race executed and gays, crippled and gypsies dying in mass numbers at the hand of the government."

Not exactly something worthy of respect.
I think he's just suggesting that if ridding the world of jews is the price of world peace he'd take it. I'm just somewhat confused as to why he thinks Nazi Germany would have led the world to peace and happiness. It doesn't really seem to fit with my understanding of Nazi Germany.
Well murdering millions of people does take a heck of a lot of planning, hard work, and dedication.
Wait... Are you suggesting that Nazi Germany would have led a more peaceful world than other nations have the last 60 years?

If not, then the best thing you can say is "well, if the Nazis had won, we'd be pretty much the same but with an entire race executed and gays, crippled and gypsies dying in mass numbers at the hand of the government."

Not exactly something worthy of respect.

I am not suggesting Germany would be more peaceful, but now that you bring that point up I guess if Hitler had won Germany might be like America and the Americans how they live at home in peace and comfort while the US military is all round the world engaged in wars and murder, mayhem and all done with justification while its people lounge in comfort and watch biased media reports on 200 channel cable systems and drive big SUVs.

But yes either way the world would still have mass killing and problems. I mean in the 60’s 20 years after Hitler’s death they were a hanging and a hose’n dem der blacks in the south there in the good ol US of A today Americans want to kill pedophiles because they are sick and demented people but justify it for reasons yet those pedo’s are crippled and mentally “off” but nonetheless most people in the USA can justify killing them.

So Oiram's disappointed that Hitler wasn't allowed to rid the world of Jews.

No I am not disappointed, I actually have family members who are Jewish but I also understand sacrifices for the greater good of humanity. If eliminating an entire class of people was for the greater good then so be it even if I was included in that class of people. I have family members who served in WWII on both side and they fought and were willing to give their lives for the greater good of their countries so why shouldn’t we as a whole be willing to give our lives for the greater good of humanity? Most people talk about what they would do but when it comes down to dying for the greater good they change their mind faster than a Jew picking up a penny on the street.
I prefer labour camps, might as well get some work out of them first. Besides it's cheaper than setting up the slaughter facilities.

My dad on Japanese internment camps: We treated them great for being in internment camps. :D
Except that goes against intuition. America at the time - and now - is generally heading in a direction of greater social freedom and equality. Nazi Germany was, well... Nazi Germany.

I may be wrong, but I think they managed to kill more jews in 6 years than America killed of it's own blacks in such a time.
I prefer labour camps, might as well get some work out of them first. Besides it's cheaper than setting up the slaughter facilities. Obviously Hitler's economic sense was poor.

When you have millions to kill, putting them in labor camps isn’t a good idea because then you millions to guard, feed, and care for. It’s easier and more efficient to simply gas them and bury them like Hitler did.

Maybe if he had used the bodies and butchered them he could have used the meat to feed wild animals in the zoo or guard dogs, and at least gotten some benefit out of the dead people but then again too much trouble, just bury them in mass graves and be done with it.
When you have millions to kill, putting them in labor camps isn’t a good idea because then you millions to guard, feed, and care for. It’s easier and more efficient to simply gas them and bury them like Hitler did.
Who said anything about feeding or caring for them? Work them til they die, some of whom can work digging graves. Everything they do is free labour that your own country doesn't have to do, sure you won't get much out of them, but you're not paying to kill them or wasting extra resources on it, you get several million man hours of labour out of it, they still die. Everyone's a winner.
Isn't exploitation of workers the very foundation of capitalism? :shrug:

Maybe if he had used the bodies and butchered them he could have used the meat to feed wild animals in the zoo or guard dogs, and at least gotten some benefit out of the dead people but then again too much trouble, just bury them in mass graves and be done with it.
Let the prisoners eat them, keeps them alive longer.
i wonder what we would all be saying if he had won. I dont like the man but all of you seem to be basing your assesments on the fact he lost, if he hadnt been so stupid as to atack russia he might well have beaten the allies

Exactly as I said - it was the plan in his mind from the end of WWI. Attacking France, Poland and Russia at the very least. He also managed to piss off the rest of the world. He was doomed before he began.

"We may fail. If we do, we shall drag the world with us....A World in Flames"

-A H 1933
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In what respect nietzschefan?

Mostly it's cencorship.

Cannot play a video game which depicts a decapitation in Germany.

Cannot play a video game or movie which depicts the swastika in Germany(historical or not).

Cannot play a game where the main character bleeds.
etc etc....

Soon the sport Paintball will be illegal.
If we put him in the context of history, he was no different than any people who decided to form a perfect society by eliminating the undesirables.

There are many people in Europe today who want to remove the undesirables and regain what they believe is a perfect society.

Of course. It has occurred here in the United States and was upheld by the high courts.