I hate Christians

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"Atheists DO HAVE an open-mind"
Bull. Atheists do not have an open mind. Atheists do resent christianity. Who are you trying to fool? Athists are a bunch of brainwashed fanatical psychos. You and that other atheists have proven in your own posts how utterly insane you are.

"Atheists have come to "a knowing" in their lives that eliminates any false dogma"
Wrong. Self-righteous. More proof that you are a fanatic. Thanks.
Your self-righteous statements and resentful attitued towards Christianity and religion are a prime example of your own fanaticism. You're a psycho.

I guess it's true. Atheists are brain dead anti-religious closed-minded rejects. Because I still have yet to encounter an atheist on this forum that isn't a raving fanatical psycho.
Cool skill, the only skill you've demonstrated yourself proficient at is trolling. You accuse me of using "loaded" comments and being "self-righteous," and yet appear to exist in a religiocentric world of hatred and contempt for others. I cannot believe you are truly the bastard you pretend to be or that you are really as ignorant as your words reveal.

That leaves trolling.

An open mind gives all religions and worldviews equal respect, as most atheists do. The "do" because they've no reason to disrespect the beliefs of others. The close-minded respect only those that believe in their own religions and worldviews. That description fits some Christians, particularly the fundamentalists.

Indeed I do use words like "cult" and "mythology" when speaking of religion. Why shouldn't I? They are accurate, after all. This is a "science" forum, not a "christian" one. I don't feel the need to be sensitive to Christian beliefs, but I do feel that criticizing christian beliefs is acceptable here.

That's another mark of open-minded vs. close-minded: the ability to accept criticism. I can accept criticism of atheism and atheists in general and wouldn't need to resort to referring to my critic as a "crack addict" or suggesting that my critic was "psychotic."

From the activist-atheist side of me, let me offer my thanks for helping make the christian position look bad. I hardly had to say a word, you did all the work for me. Hopefully, your fellow-christians aren't too embarassed and realize that you aren't representative of true christianity.
Cool Skill said:
You obviously have no concept of what atheism or agnosticism is.
Typical blinded atheist fanatic.
The definitions I used were taken directly from the Oxford English Dictionary. Is there another source, more authoritative that should be used? Perhaps you might enlighten us with your wisdom and educate us all on what it is to be agnostic and atheist.
Cool Skill said:
Atheists are brain dead anti-religious closed-minded rejects. Because I still have yet to encounter an atheist on this forum that isn't a raving fanatical psycho.
Kettles, pots, and several shades of black come to mind. But, again, it's obvious that you are simply trolling. Atheism is the logical choice for one who is open-minded and logical. Critically reviewing the religions of the world and examing the many beliefs that people have that diverge even within specific religions, it becomes clear that none can provide empirical evidence or tangible proof that there are any gods.

But if you aren't trolling, Cool Skill, why do you fear or resent atheists so much? Why the hostility? What is it that drives you to post in a thread regarding atheism on a science message board in the manner in which you do? Are you are rude and distasteful to all those that don't believe as you do, or just to atheists? Did an atheist steal your wife or girlfriend? Why the anger? What did an atheist do to you?

Come on.... talk to Doctor Phil.
atheists and theists pretty much have the same mind, except that I think atheists are slightly more true to actual experience as evidence for their supported truth, than are theists. That Im aware of, no number of two or more people has ever provided witness to a manifested god appearing before them. not that it matters so much what other people experience its just that id be a bit more open to considering it to be a reality if there was even a tiny consensus claiming first hand experience behind the notion. Deists are hard to argue with now. but even still, a deist to me is someone who might believe in santaclaus too, if one christmas a present was found under the tree that was otherwise unaccounted for. I believe in a greater order or fundamental creative resource, but im still skeptical about there being deities out there. traditionally deities arent shy because theu enjoy the worship thing. And too i consider.. if there is a god, what created god? a god is still a thing, so i think that if there is a god it must be a shy demiurge at best.
Originally Posted by Adstar

You poor miserable bastard. What kind of peace can you ever have for the rest of your life. You envious hate filled heart will be a millstone around your neck till the day you die, and even in death you will find no peace.

Originally Posted by Jenyar

I hope this is the loving response she was waiting for to move her towards faith. Jesus would have offered to carry that millstone for her, for then she would experience grace and be able to believe in it.

Move her towards faith? You think our words can move her towards faith?

It is God that gives understanding not the words of men. God guides the humble But resists the proud.

James 4
6 But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: "God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble."

Of all the people in hear who have resisted the Love of the Truth, water is to my mind the most intelligent the most capable the most gifted with wisdom. But it is the wisdom of man. Like most people who have been gifted with such intellectual abilities water suffers from the self delusion that she can figure God out.

Luke 10
21 . In that hour Jesus rejoiced in the Spirit and said, "I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and revealed them to babes. Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in Your sight.

water is proud. she had declared the gospel of Jesus (The love Of The Truth) foolishness.

1 Corinthians 1
23 but we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks foolishness,

But the greatest wisdom an intellectual person can come to is to know that the wisdom of man is foolishness to God. Once they do then they humble themselves and seek God not with the spirit of an inquisitor but with the spirit of a questioner.

1 Corinthians 1
20 Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?

1 Corinthians 1
21 For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom did not know God, it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe.

1 Corrinthians 3
19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, "He catches the wise in their own craftiness";

So back to my words to water:

You poor miserable bastard. What kind of peace can you ever have for the rest of your life. You envious hate filled heart will be a millstone around your neck till the day you die, and even in death you will find no peace.

I suppose the "poor miserable bastard" in the Australian coming out of me. But the sentiment is not of hate but of pity. I could have used wretch instead of bastard but the meaning of the message would have been the same. As for the rest i do not regret saying it. water is trapped between a rock and a hard place. On one side is the rock/God, she cannot go and join the athiests who have been so clearly defined in this thread by cool. water knows deep down that God is. But on the other side of her is the hard place/ The grace of Jesus, the love of The Truth, water cannot embrace and accept salvation through Jesus because the message of Jesus is foolishness to her wisdom/intellectualism.

So now she is stuck in the most miserable position a person could be in. My hope for her is that she will live long enough to come to the realization that her obvious intellectual powers while being an asset in this world will never be powerful enough to figure God out. I hope she will come to God with a contrite heart and ask Him to give her the understanding she lacks:

Mark 9
24 Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, "Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!"

God will never turn away one who comes to him with a contrite heart who cries out to Him with tears.

Psalms 51
17 The sacrifices of God [are] a broken spirit, A broken and a contrite heart -- These, O God, You will not despise.

Isaiah 57
15 . For thus says the High and Lofty One Who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: "I dwell in the high and holy place, With him who has a contrite and humble spirit, To revive the spirit of the humble, And to revive the heart of the contrite ones.

Isaiah 66
2 For all those [things My hand has made, And all those things exist," Says the LORD. "But on this one will I look: On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, And who trembles at My word.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I tell you, Ill skip whatever heaven allows self-righteous condescending followers of spiteful dysfunctional god in, as the favored ones. You preach as though you are wise, and I'm having a hard time pinpointing the humility.
“You accuse me of using "loaded" comments and being "self-righteous,"”
Huh? You mean you are still under the delusions that you are not self-righteous?
I guess all that evidence wasn’t enough? Why am I not surprised?
I guess you forgot. I have yet to come across an atheist that isn’t a self-righteous fanatic.
Maybe I don’t exist either. Maybe I’m just a figment of your narrow imagination. Maybe you should lack the belief in me too. HAHAHAHA.

You don’t know what an atheist is. I guess it should be obvious that you wouldn’t have the slightest concept of what trolling is either.

An open mind gives all religions and worldviews equal respect, as most atheists DON’T. Get it right.
The close-minded ATHEIST respect only those that believe in their own religions and worldviews. That description fits ATHEISTS.

Indeed I do use words like "cult" and "mythology" when speaking of religion. Why shouldn't I?
You should use loaded words. That’s what the typical imposing atheist does.
You are fanatical, and therefore, what you shouldn’t do is try to come off as if you are not attempting to impose your atheist world views.

“This is a "science" forum, not a "christian" one”
More typical closed-minded atheist self righteousness. What a surprise.

“I can accept criticism of atheism and atheists in general and wouldn't need to resort to referring to my critic as a "crack addict" or suggesting that my critic was "psychotic."”
What critic? Like I said, I have yet to see encounter an atheist that isn’t a raving lunatic like yourself.
So what “words” do you use? Troll? Bastard? Oh wait you are self righteous. Therefore, if you call other people names, it is justified. But when others do it to you, it closed-minded. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

“From the activist-atheist side of me, let me offer my thanks for helping make the christian position look bad.”
The typical atheist is not interested in coming to a proper conclusion. Their intention is to make all others that do not share the same belief look bad. Face it. Fanatics such as yourself are everywhere.

“I hardly had to say a word, you did all the work for me.”
Of course you hardly had anything to say. As usual your blinded atheist fanaticism that consumes your pea of a brain is on the loose.
You can’t even think straight.

“Perhaps you might enlighten us with your wisdom and educate us all on what it is to be agnostic and atheist.”
What’s the point? You don’t know what it means. And you obviously know not how to interpret even a single dictionary. Let me guess. You lack the belief in dictionaries too? I suppose there is no end to your delusions.

“Atheism is the logical choice for one who is open-minded and logical.”
Pathetic self righteous attitude. Typical.
Atheists are brain dead anti-religious closed-minded rejects.
I still have yet to encounter an atheist on this forum that isn't a raving fanatical psycho.

“Come on.... talk to Doctor Phil.”
Nobody with a sound mind would want to talk to a reject you oh so worship. I guess you have founded your own second rate excuse for a god. Dunce minds really do think alike. While you go crying to your great doctor Phil, remind yourself to get a life and a brain while your at it.
Actually, I don't particularly care for Dr. Phil, I was making a joke. But don't worry, the wit wasn't for you get. You're too busy masterbating your ego by tossing insults around and trolling for responses...

Why keep saying the same substance-lacking things over and over instead of answering any of the qualitative questions I've given you in the last four posts or so?

Wow. I'm an atheist and, based on your behavior in this thread, I live up to the teachings of christ better than you. Are you an atheist, Cool Skill?
You are a close-minded fanatic etc.
That's the point. I have clearly made my point.
You make my point even stronger everytime you post.

Stupidity such as this: "You're too busy masterbating your ego by tossing insults around and trolling for responses" is exactly why your feeble attempts to prove anything do not work.

Your atheist objective is not to come to a conclusion. You have no premise but win or loose. You are not coming from a frame of arriving at a conclusion. You are coming from a frame of win/loose kindergarten I know you are but what am I debate.

The only way to invalidate my point is to show me an atheist that does not abide by your typical fanaitcal stupidity.
In other words, you aren't going to answer real questions but continue with silly banter, eh?

I'm not feeding the trolls, so have a good night.
Yazdajerd said:
Its really weird why most people would talk about God by personifying him (even the him here is that we just use to use it, not that "he" is male or female or anything corresponding to it)..... but it is really bothering!!

Assuming "he" had human in nature than he wouldn't be perfect, would he?
So the idea of God "loving someone" or "hating him/her" isn't accurate becuase you would be attributing human character to who, theologically speaking, aint human in anyway.....

What really matters in this aspect is what you do, to any religion you belong, what is your response to the tests and different situations you might face during your life time, and what you know and what you don't know is a major factor...........

So, the concept of "God's love to someone" is "silly", and its only a christian concept used to win more converts, but not having any logical backing.

After all, do they have any "covenant" that they might reveil to show the "Devine love" the possess!! I doubt anyone has such a thing.

heh, well, seems to me, that if nothing else, yaz just proved that, at the very least, christianity is dumber than Islam :)

I now officially have a side in the conversion wars, wee!
Raithere said:
Then your problem isn't with the Christians, it's with God.


The problem is with neither God nor Christian but the system that was setup during the last 2000 years to monopolize power and profit.

I don't get upset with Christians except when they tell a bold-faced lie. They are the victim of the system. I feel like I need to sympathize them and help them rather to be mad at them.

I don' think atheists in general are doing enough to counter proselytize Christians.

Of all the people in hear who have resisted the Love of the Truth, water is to my mind the most intelligent the most capable the most gifted with wisdom. But it is the wisdom of man. Like most people who have been gifted with such intellectual abilities water suffers from the self delusion that she can figure God out.

And this is where you could not be more wrong.

I know very well the limitations of the intellect, being so intelligent (" ") as I am.
I am relieved to find that intellect cannot figure out God, or I'd be stuck, for ever and ever studying things in order to then be able to come to God.

water is proud. she had declared the gospel of Jesus (The love Of The Truth) foolishness.

Where have I said so?

But the greatest wisdom an intellectual person can come to is to know that the wisdom of man is foolishness to God.

Don't you think I know that?!

Once they do then they humble themselves and seek God not with the spirit of an inquisitor but with the spirit of a questioner.

You must be misreading me terribly.

water is trapped between a rock and a hard place. On one side is the rock/God, she cannot go and join the athiests who have been so clearly defined in this thread by cool. water knows deep down that God is. But on the other side of her is the hard place/ The grace of Jesus, the love of The Truth, water cannot embrace and accept salvation through Jesus because the message of Jesus is foolishness to her wisdom/intellectualism.

You could not be more wrong.

What, will you tell me "I'm sorry that you won't accept Jesus?" As if one could do so by will. You know, a Muslim might have just as well preach to me about accepting Allah, and someone from religion X that I should accept that one.

How am I to know which one is the right one?!
They all tell me the same thing "Believe in what I say!", and they all accuse of me the same thing if I don't -- that I am hard-hearted and so on.

I don't think you can imagine how it is to be in my place: There is a dozen possible paths, all of them have their validity, and I have to take one. Which one? People on each path tell me to take theirs.

God will never turn away one who comes to him with a contrite heart who cries out to Him with tears.

It must be then that God loves you more than me.

And you did not anser my question: Has this been your final assessment of me? Will you not persevere with me, even if I ask you to?

* * *


Then your problem isn't with the Christians, it's with God.

This is what I have been thinking as well, but I don't think I have a sound basis to hate God for that.
My hate for Christians is that miserable feeling triggered by the discrepancies in the presentation of Christianity: On one hand, it is claimed that God gives faith, on the other hand, so many Christians do as if it was their own merit that they have faith.
"You don't do it yourself, it's all grace, but you do do it yourself after all."

Granted, Christians so often do a shitty job in presenting their beliefs. And when one tries to sort that out, one is accused of intellectual pride and sent away. I am then left wondering how come, and it must be that God loves that so much to allow for that. Or something.

You apparently believe in God and believe that the things the Christians claim about God and being Christian are true, but for some reason you dont want to sign up. Why dont you want to sign up and win Gods favor?

Because it doesn't work that way.
It's not me not wanting to "sign up". I believe just "signing up" would be to join a church and then go there, even though one has no faith in that. "Signing up" would be joining a particular church community, but not necessarily God.

I hated christianity, from the time I was about 5 til I was in my early 20s. I hated the way they condescended to me, and threatened me but more I hated that they seemed to exclude people on this planet that were otherwise completely unaware of their bible and the conditions that needed to be met to make it to heaven. I found I couldnt argue with them without having read their books, and examining their tactics, and so Ive spent all of my life doing just that. The result to this point is that Ive found the bible to be misinterpretted to some degree, incomplete to a large degree, misunderstand in the context that most Christians are very unaware of the actual history of the bible, Jesus, and the evolution of Christianity. The history and events and apparent truths Ive found outside of indoctrination contradict their beliefs and vague practices. In a scientific context, I think Christianity can maybe be compared to alchemy as a valid science, as a valid beliefs system.

*Every* humanly devised knowledge is more or less alchemy, but still alchemy.

At times too, Ive examined other religions and practices such as Buddhism and Hinduism and at the times, I found some great appreciation for some things about them. At present, Ive come to a place where I feel that forming my own opinion about things based on my experience of the world, inside and outside of me, is what's best. I dont believe nor do I believe in a God. Why should I? I figure its my life, why should spend my time mulling over other peoples shit? You can have your beliefs and your justifications for your beliefs and your convictions about having your beliefs but as far as Im concerned if all you can do is believe in what other people tell you is true, youre a sheep. In that context ONLY you are contemptable, and I dislike every last one of you

But I dislike you only in the context that you cant be honest and take what is apparent to you and make something out of it without resorting to making it so much about dead peoples trips. But to each their own.

Unless you have been granted some supreme revelation, you are always "mulling over other people's shit". You never really invent anything, only reconstruct and recombine what others have said or found, and then you fit that to yourself.

Just like language which you have received form other people, religious discourses are also received from other people. You can express *yourself* in a language only after you are fluent in it.

Language is a medium for thought, and religion is also just a medium for thought, action. Unless you are fluent in it, no one will understand you, not even you yourself.
Quote w:
“And? They ought to be "comfortable", according to you, Oprah?”

* How does that make you FEEL?

Quote w:
“Total miss.
God, in His omniscience, knew everything anyway. But it was Abraham who didn't know it, and to make Abraham sure, God did a little test.
People are tested for their own sake, not for God's.”

* It remains a CRUEL test. This is demonstrating this gods cruel character. Its not about who is testing who here. But I understand your angle. And I totally agree.

Quote w:
“It was particularly for such purposes that I have started this thread:

*Thanks, I will peruse that thread when I have more time.

Quote w:
“And? You think God ought to pal around with people, and be like one giant Oprah?”

* Why ever not? Then we can all be one BIG happy family. Obviously, this is not gods plan.

Quote w:
“I take that if you would have been granted understanding, you would not be so negatively biased.
But if you have indeed been granted understanding, if God has revealed Himself to you, and yet you oppose Him, then woe is you.”

* How about … just maybe god HAS revealed himself to me … and what I commit to paper here is my understanding? And what is negative about abhorring violence? Remember, we are only talking Christian “god” here.

Quote w:
“Yes, and opinions guide our lives. They are everyhting but harmless. A life can be wasted because of a shitty opinion.”

* Yup. Hence this dialogue. Imagine the surprise on your face if you get to heaven and Buddha is at the gate!

Quote w:
“Do you know this for a fact? Have you spoken to Him?”

* None of us know the facts, other than what we have come to understand. But yes, for what it is worth, I believe I have spoken to “god”. (for want of a better word)

Quote w:
“That is not the same; "speaking with conviction" doesn't necessarily mean one has understanding and faith.”

* Agreed.

Quote w:
“If only you could define it.”

* How about … “Forget everything you ever heard about god, and find him for yourself”

Quote w:
“Uh. Worth the energy or not, humans hate.”

* Regrettably.

Quote w:
“Please don't say you have been born perfect and hateless. Or have you?”

* Shitty poo baby, if only you knew half of it!

Quote w:
“If you think Christianity is about idolatry, then you aren't talking about Christianity.”

* Well? Where is god then?

water said:

Because it doesn't work that way.
It's not me not wanting to "sign up". I believe just "signing up" would be to join a church and then go there, even though one has no faith in that. "Signing up" would be joining a particular church community, but not necessarily God.

the why do you feel like god favors christians more than god does you? most of them just sign up. if what you say here is true, then your original statement that god favors christians isnt necessarily true.

Water said:
*Every* humanly devised knowledge is more or less alchemy, but still alchemy.

I dont think by definition modern sciences anyways, are considered to be alchemy.,

Water said:
Unless you have been granted some supreme revelation, you are always "mulling over other people's shit". You never really invent anything, only reconstruct and recombine what others have said or found, and then you fit that to yourself.

Just like language which you have received form other people, religious discourses are also received from other people. You can express *yourself* in a language only after you are fluent in it.

Language is a medium for thought, and religion is also just a medium for thought, action. Unless you are fluent in it, no one will understand you, not even you yourself.

Ive had revelations,about things Ive heard and things Ive considered, but Im not always mulling over other peoples shit as far as my spiritual life goes at all. I dont put what is at the ground meaningful to me spiritually in context to any religion, or anything but myself and my experience. If it is just like language, and I dont agree that it is, but if it is, I dont necessarily require language to process it initially. Sometimes I become inspired to try and put things into words for communications to others sake, but I dont need to communicate my experience and unfolding and piecing of the meanings together, into language form. You might argue that its not possible, but the only reason you might is if you cant relate. That doesnt mean what Im telling you isnt so. It is so. So I agree with part of that last bit of quoted statement.. right up until "not even yourself." I understand my way quite well.

Maybe Im not reading you correctly somehow, but you seem to hold the assumption that christian doctrine is correct and that it is a reality beyond the christian words that claim their ideas of the truth are correct. why do you think that it is if you do?
Adstar said:
Move her towards faith? You think our words can move her towards faith?

It is God that gives understanding not the words of men. God guides the humble But resists the proud.

James 4
6 But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: "God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble."

Of all the people in hear who have resisted the Love of the Truth, water is to my mind the most intelligent the most capable the most gifted with wisdom. But it is the wisdom of man. Like most people who have been gifted with such intellectual abilities water suffers from the self delusion that she can figure God out.
I can assure you that she does not. I can't believe you are using the Bible to justify your selfish comment. Your attitude seems to be no different than hers, and you're the one who should know better.

Luke 10
21 . In that hour Jesus rejoiced in the Spirit and said, "I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and revealed them to babes. Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in Your sight.

water is proud. she had declared the gospel of Jesus (The love Of The Truth) foolishness.
She only said she does not understand it. And the gospel of Jesus is not "the love of the truth". The Greeks thought they loved the truth, and the gospel was foolishness to them. The gospel is that God became a man for salvation and the forgiveness of sin. You're right about one thing though: it's God's truth - not yours or mine. I don't see your humility.

1 Corinthians 1
23 but we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks foolishness,

But the greatest wisdom an intellectual person can come to is to know that the wisdom of man is foolishness to God. Once they do then they humble themselves and seek God not with the spirit of an inquisitor but with the spirit of a questioner.
Maybe you haven't been folowing Water's posts, but how is this not what she's been doing, despite her frustrations?

I suppose the "poor miserable bastard" in the Australian coming out of me. But the sentiment is not of hate but of pity. I could have used wretch instead of bastard but the meaning of the message would have been the same. As for the rest i do not regret saying it. water is trapped between a rock and a hard place. On one side is the rock/God, she cannot go and join the athiests who have been so clearly defined in this thread by cool. water knows deep down that God is. But on the other side of her is the hard place/ The grace of Jesus, the love of The Truth, water cannot embrace and accept salvation through Jesus because the message of Jesus is foolishness to her wisdom/intellectualism.
James 3:9-11
With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be. Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring?​
If Water has a hard time understanding God's grace and embracing his gospel, do you think your judgement over her is doing any good? You don't know what she knows or does not know, or what she's struggling with. You don't know what barriers might have to be overcome before God's word can take root and start growing. From what I understand, one of these barriers are Christians who've been treating her like you are now since she can remember. If your behaviour is inconsistent with your message, it's no wonder she has trouble believing it.

So now she is stuck in the most miserable position a person could be in. My hope for her is that she will live long enough to come to the realization that her obvious intellectual powers while being an asset in this world will never be powerful enough to figure God out. I hope she will come to God with a contrite heart and ask Him to give her the understanding she lacks
Maybe you were supposed to be the answer to her prayer. Has that ever occurred to you? Maybe she has been stuck in the most miserable position a person could be in for her whole life, and after trying to figure it out herself she at last reached out for a God who would act. At the moment all her options seems equally valid, and it's an impossible choice - one that seems to depend on her own intellectual powers, and I don't blame her: all gods must seem the same until you find the One who's love is real. Someone can only follow God if they trust Him, and if you propose to be his follower, what does your deeds say about God? Do you decide whether God is impatient, so that you may preach impatience?
James 3:13-17
Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. ...
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.​
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And you did not anser my question: Has this been your final assessment of me? Will you not persevere with me, even if I ask you to?

What do you think my last reply was? if i wasn't persevering with you i would not have posted it.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
Ok Jenyar i do not want to get into a discussion with you but i will comment on your comments. You are a catholic apologist. To me you are not my brother in Jesus. You may as well be a hindu or a buddst or any other religion. Actually catholicisim is worse than buddisim or hinduism they do not twist the Word Of God and teach a balaam jesus. The catholic church was born out of harloty with constantine when it's founders rejected the Messiah's call to "Love you emamies" and joined constantine to kill his enamies for earthly security and wealth. They sold out Jesus for mammon.

Quote from Jenyar:
I can assure you that she does not. I can't believe you are using the Bible to justify your selfish comment. Your attitude seems to be no different than hers, and you're the one who should know better.

Now lets break this down. You call me selfish then you say my attitude is no different to water. So therefore you are saying that water is selfish.

Quote from Jenyar:
She only said she does not understand it. And the gospel of Jesus is not "the love of the truth". The Greeks thought they loved the truth, and the gospel was foolishness to them. The gospel is that God became a man for salvation and the forgiveness of sin. You're right about one thing though: it's God's truth - not yours or mine. I don't see your humility.

Your wrong again: She said a definite NO WAY

Quote from water:
You are blaspheming. You are practically saying that a person can command God around, at will.
"I believe in Christ, so God, save me!" No way.

Thats not "i don't understand" or "I'm not sure." No thats a definit No way answer. Maybe you should read.

And again:
Quote from water:
No, I don't believe in the grace through Jesus.

JayMaybe you haven't been folowing Water's posts, but how is this not what she's been doing, despite her frustrations?

No sir You have not been following her posts. As shown above.

If Water has a hard time understanding God's grace and embracing his gospel, do you think your judgement over her is doing any good?

That's the thing i believe water understands the concept only too well. She just does not believe in it.

You don't know what she knows or does not know, or what she's struggling with. You don't know what barriers might have to be overcome before God's word can take root and start growing.

well i am just a human so i can only know what water tells me. she has revealed that she believes her prayers are not heard. She will not reveal what her prayers where for, so i cannot investigate down that path?

Quote from Jenyar:
From what I understand, one of these barriers are Christians who've been treating her like you are now since she can remember. If your behaviour is inconsistent with your message, it's no wonder she has trouble believing it.

What?? Giving the thought i have to her straight? Talking frankly and plainly? I am being honest with her. Not being namby pamby giving her traditions of man and cheap feel good platitudes. She is too smart for that kind of BS.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
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