I hate Christians

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cool skill you keep refering to atheist as delusional, however the word delusional can only be connected to someone who has a believe,(delusional: A false belief strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence,a fixed false belief that is resistant to reason or confrontation with actual fact: a paranoid delusion.) tobe an atheist is to have no belief in a god or demons, fairies, unicorns.
Adstar said:
Ok Jenyar i do not want to get into a discussion with you but i will comment on your comments. You are a catholic apologist. To me you are not my brother in Jesus. You may as well be a hindu or a buddst or any other religion. Actually catholicisim is worse than buddisim or hinduism they do not twist the Word Of God and teach a balaam jesus. The catholic church was born out of harloty with constantine when it's founders rejected the Messiah's call to "Love you emamies" and joined constantine to kill his enamies for earthly security and wealth. They sold out Jesus for mammon.
I'm not Catholic, but I find your attitude towards them hateful. It was easy to get the church out of Rome, but it took a while to get Rome out of the church. You might as well blame all Germans for Hitler's war. Their confession of faith is fundamentally the same as any Christian's, so don't let the bells and whistles (or conspiracy theories) confuse you.

I think you should read up on Constantine's rule as well.

Now lets break this down. You call me selfish then you say my attitude is no different to water. So therefore you are saying that water is selfish.
Some of what she said certainly was. However, that doesn't mean I consider her an eternally and inherently selfish person. But you overreacted on her overreaction, and I'm pointing it out to you so that you can correct it. I don't think an apology to her is too much to ask, and I'm sure she will accept it.

Your wrong again: She said a definite NO WAY
Don't tell me you base your whole argument on that!
water said:
You are practically saying that a person can command God around, at will.
"I believe in Christ, so God, save me!" No way.
In other words, she believed someone can't utter those words. Not that she won't. If she has no better understanding of Christianity, do you blame her for it? How is she supposed to learn if you condemn her for every misconception? And she's right that you can't order God around, but that's not what you're doing if you accept Christ as your saviour and declare your faith in Him.

And again:
water said:
No, I don't believe in the grace through Jesus.
No sir You have not been following her posts. As shown above.
And again: She doesn't believe, NOT she won't believe. Does anyone outside Christianity start by believing in God's grace? Like I said, she has probably had no experience of grace, and you're not showing any.

That's the thing i believe water understands the concept only too well. She just does not believe in it.
Because she knows having an intellectual understanding is not the same thing as having an experience of it, and before you believe something you have to trust it. She doesn't trust your faith, and you're giving her no reason to. Confessing with your mouth is not enough, that's just intellectual recognition. It's a little harder to put your heart where your mouth is, because it has more to deal with than blind logic.

well i am just a human so i can only know what water tells me. she has revealed that she believes her prayers are not heard. She will not reveal what her prayers where for, so i cannot investigate down that path?
She is probably not interested in hearing our criticism of her prayers. I know if I prayed for something and felt God didn't hear me, I wouldn't want some stranger to tell me what he thinks I'm doing wrong. That she believes her prayers are not heard does not mean they aren't heard. Anyway, any "advice" amounts to a recipe of how to twist God's arm: ask this why, not that way. If she has enough faith to pray, don't you think we might give God the benefit of the doubt and rather help her where we are able, instead of playing God over her?

What?? Giving the thought i have to her straight? Talking frankly and plainly? I am being honest with her. Not being namby pamby giving her traditions of man and cheap feel good platitudes. She is too smart for that kind of BS.
You're certainly entitled to act any way you please and say whatever you like, but not in God's name. You might feel it's "just honest" to say to someone, "You poor miserable bastard. What kind of peace can you ever have for the rest of your life. You envious hate filled heart will be a millstone around your neck till the day you die, and even in death you will find no peace," but I think all it means is that it's time for some serious introspection.
James 1:26 If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless.​

And if she did ask God with a contrite spirit to give her understanding, I'm afraid you only seem to be standing in God's way.
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water said:
I don't think you can imagine how it is to be in my place: There is a dozen possible paths, all of them have their validity, and I have to take one. Which one? People on each path tell me to take theirs.
I can.

And I cannot reply any better than these:

"Do not believe on the strength of traditions even if they have been held in honor for many generations and in many places; do not believe anything because many people speak of it; do not believe on the strength of sagas of old times; do not believe that which you have yourself imagined, thinking a god has inspired you. Believe nothing which depends only on the authority of your masters or of priests. After investigation, believe that which you yourself have tested and found reasonable, and which is for your good and that of others. "

- Siddhartha Gautama

"Even the finest teaching is not the Tao itself. Even the finest name is insufficient to define it. Without words, the Tao can be experienced, and without a name, it can be known. To conduct one's life according to the Tao, is to conduct one's life without regrets; to realize that potential within oneself which is of benefit to all.

Though words or names are not required to live one's life this way, to describe it, words and names are used, that we might better clarify the way of which we speak, without confusing it with other ways in which an individual might choose to live.

Through knowledge, intellectual thought and words, the manifestations of the Tao are known, but without such intellectual intent we might experience the Tao itself. Both knowledge and experience are real, but reality has many forms, which seem to cause complexity. By using the means appropriate, we extend ourselves beyond the barriers of such complexity, and so experience the Tao."

- Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

water said:
Granted, Christians so often do a shitty job in presenting their beliefs. And when one tries to sort that out, one is accused of intellectual pride and sent away. I am then left wondering how come, and it must be that God loves that so much to allow for that. Or something.
The reason you are accused of intellectual pride and sent away is because they don't have the answers for you. Your questions trouble them.
Not because God likes it that way.

If those you ask do not have the answers you need, seek them elsewhere.

VossistArts said:
But lets' face it: Religion and God are personal matters.

Good post. I think religion and God are personal matters until I find out Christians point fingers at everyone else who isn't Christian and label them as evil.

The world is connected. Personally I don't want religions to be personal or private, because Christians don't think that way. I will fight the war against religion for the rest of my life.
Actually you have made a common theological error. God's love is so great for each individual human life He creates, that it is impossible to compare. He loves no person more or less than another, and even as much as he loved his own son the messiah.
Lawdog said:
Actually you have made a common theological error. God's love is so great for each individual human life He creates, that it is impossible to compare. He loves no person more or less than another, and even as much as he loved his own son the messiah.

That's flat out unbiblical.

"Not only that, but Rebekah's children had one and the same father, our father Isaac. Yet, before the twins were born or had done anything good or bad—in order that God's purpose in election might stand: not by works but by him who calls—she was told, "The older will serve the younger." Just as it is written: "Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated." (Romans 9:10-13)

God hated Essau before Essau was even born. Keep reading Romans until you hit verse 36. There are people who God loves and others God hates even before they are born.
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mustafhakofi said:
cool skill you keep refering to atheist as delusional, however the word delusional can only be connected to someone who has a believe,(delusional: A false belief strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence,a fixed false belief that is resistant to reason or confrontation with actual fact: a paranoid delusion.) tobe an atheist is to have no belief in a god or demons, fairies, unicorns.
That's what I'm talking about. I have stated my claim that atheists are delusional. Your comment about atheism is evidence.
What are you trying to prove? Atheists are not delusional?

I have given many many examples about how atheists are delusional, what atheists are not delusional, and what atheism and atheist delusion is. I have many atheists post lots of delusional material. I have exposed such material, and explained how thet are delusional.

Please what it is you do not understand about all of my examples.
So, from your perspective, is it just people who choose not to believe in any gods that are delusional, or are those that hold worldviews different from your own delusional as well?
cool skill said:
mustafhakofi said:

Originally Posted by mustafhakofi
cool skill you keep refering to atheist as delusional, however the word delusional can only be connected to someone who has a believe,(delusional: A false belief strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence,a fixed false belief that is resistant to reason or confrontation with actual fact: a paranoid delusion.) tobe an atheist is to have no belief in a god or demons, fairies, unicorns.

That's what I'm talking about. I have stated my claim that atheists are delusional. Your comment about atheism is evidence.
What are you trying to prove? Atheists are not delusional?

I have given many many examples about how atheists are delusional, what atheists are not delusional, and what atheism and atheist delusion is. I have many atheists post lots of delusional material. I have exposed such material, and explained how thet are delusional.

Please what it is you do not understand about all of my examples.
it is an inpossiblity for you to exclaim that atheist are delusional, to answer it this way, only prove you are of a infanile mind, and do not understand the meaning of the word, if you have no believe in a thing, you cannot be deemed delusional, it's as simple as that.

however you do fit the criteria, you have a fixed false belief that is resistant to reason or confrontation with actual fact: a paranoid delusion.
Joeman said:
Good post. I think religion and God are personal matters until I find out Christians point fingers at everyone else who isn't Christian and label them as evil.

but saying things dont make them so. christians can judge until theyre blue in the face and it doesnt change a thing. They can call all the people and things evil theyd like to and it doesnt change a person or a thing.

The world is connected. Personally I don't want religions to be personal or private, because Christians don't think that way. I will fight the war against religion for the rest of my life.

Actually that bit about religion and god being personal matters is reposted from Waters first post here. As far as Im concerned everyone walks their own path. They have to, but religion and the beliefs that belong to them are usually shared. As far as christianity goes, Ill continue to fight against the direction the Roman/Catholic orthodox church shoved Jesus and Christianity for the rest of my life too. I think its important to do so. I dont have nearly as many problems with other religions though. The thing that Ive found to be the MOST significant when considering christianity and other religions is the way they make me feel in that space near the heart where the Voice of Truth speaks in all of us. Its a twisted sick feeling when I put christianity there. It has been that way since I was so young I didnt even know what it was about. That voice says it been got ALL wrong. It isnt this way when I put buddhism to the test this way for instance, or the sunrise on any given day, or my children laughing and learning.. In fact its only been recently that ive found a little disagreement with a thing or two in buddhism, but these things still dont cause the horrible feeling that so much of Christianity causes in me. And im not alone with this feeling either. Ive met probably 1000s of people in my life who get the same horrible feeling from it. When the Voice of the Truth speaks, there can be no doubt. I wonder how christians avoid hearing it. Perhaps the Satan they created that they are always wary of has his greatest hold on them, and they dont even realize it. shrugs

see:Satan by Gibran
SkinWalker said:
So, from your perspective, is it just people who choose not to believe in any gods that are delusional, or are those that hold worldviews different from your own delusional as well?
I hjave explained everything already.
You continue to prove your own ignorance.
Then cry that I am assuming everybody that doesn't have my belief is ignorant.
What makes you ignorant is your refusal to accomplish a conclusion.
All you do is restate allegations that have already been responded to and call people names and trolls and bla bla bla.
Try something new. Or go away.

mustafhakofi said:
it is an inpossiblity for you to exclaim that atheist are delusional, to answer it this way, only prove you are of a infanile mind, and do not understand the meaning of the word, if you have no believe in a thing, you cannot be deemed delusional, it's as simple as that.

however you do fit the criteria, you have a fixed false belief that is resistant to reason or confrontation with actual fact: a paranoid delusion.
You claim I have a false belief that is delusional. You have no idea what you are even talking about. You obviously haven't read a single thing I have stated. Then you accuse me of being the delusional one. The only person that has an infanile mind is you. If you only wish to sit here and attack me, you are going to get nowhere. You are only here to impose and harrass.
I simply asked if you believed that worldviews other than your own were "delusional."

Is the Hindu delusional in her belief of a polytheistic pantheon?

Is the Navajo delusional in his belief that a sandpainting can cure an illness?

Is the Fang hunter delusional in his belief that a flying witch on a banana leaf might abduct him if he strays too far from home at night?

Are the Pentacostals of West Virginia and South Carolina delusional because they believe that handling venomous snakes embodies them with the Holy Ghost?

You don't have to go into details... you can just answer yes or no for each or all.
cool skill sez:

You are a fanatical atheist. You wish to impose your beliefs on others

Don't you mean disbeliefs?

If Christians (and other deity based religioins) didn't shove their beliefs down our throats, there would be no concerns.

Unfortunately, they allow their beliefs to control their decision-making processes in that those decisions make their way into society, and inevitably affect our lives, whether we like it or not. In most cases, we don't like it.

For example, decisions to keep certain books out of schools are religious based. The issue of homosexual marriages is being fought on religious grounds. The teaching of Creationism is once again coming to the forefront.

If my life is affected by deity theism, I will protest.

And since I've had ample reason to protest, perhaps you can explain to us how your life has been affected by the decisions of atheists in which you disagreed?

I hate Christians because God loves them more than me.

I don't believe you, but for the purpose of argument...

But lets' face it: Religion and God are personal matters. At some point, I got so far as to become full and ill of all those impersonal, objective arguments.

There is but one religion, and that is to love God, but there are varying varieties of it. There is only one God, but there are innumerable aspects to His Personality.
For some reason you seem only interested in discussing Christianity, but in all your questioning and curiosity I have never seen you mention Jesus Christ. Your main point of focus seems to be 'christians'.
If you want to know about God, via Christianity, I suggest you take in the teachings of Jesus, Muhammad, or read Bhagavad Gita.

Talking about God isn't something where afterwards, you could nicely sit down and have your lunch in peace. It doesn't work that way, and no amount of mental acrobatics won't make it so.

That cannot be universally true.
There is no point trying to understand God purely by discussion with people who are vehemently opposed to Him. That is like asking the enemy of a member of the opposite sex whom you are interested in, his/her opinion of the person.
To recieve the joy of developing God-consciousness you hear it from people who themselves are God-conscious. The standard is already set by personalities like Jesus and Mohammad, and Bhagavad Gita.

I hate Christians because God loves them more than me.

That statement could mean a couple of things, but taken at face value it suggests a lack of understanding of God.
If it is to be taken at face value, I find it strange that you have come to this conclusion.

Jan Ardena.
mustafhakofi said:
cool skill you keep refering to atheist as delusional, however the word delusional can only be connected to someone who has a believe,(delusional: A false belief strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence,a fixed false belief that is resistant to reason or confrontation with actual fact: a paranoid delusion.) tobe an atheist is to have no belief in a god or demons, fairies, unicorns.

An atheist believes that there is no god...has a belief that there is no god, strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence, a fixed false belief blah, blah, blah...
I hate Christians because God loves them more than me.

How do you know who god loves? Did god speak to you? No... I'm sure if there's some sort of God, he wouldn't love or hate anyone... otherwise, he would be like a human - personal. He must be impersonal, otherwise he's evil.
(Q) said:
cool skill sez:

You are a fanatical atheist. You wish to impose your beliefs on others

Don't you mean disbeliefs?
For the billionth time NO.
WTF. Have you not been reading?

(Q) said:
If Christians (and other deity based religioins) didn't shove their beliefs down our throats, there would be no concerns.
Wrong: If ATHEISTS didn't shove their beliefs down our throats, there would be no concerns.

You are changing the discussion that you have not even read.
I have already made comments about the atheist RELIGION on many different posts on many threads.
I have yet to encounter an atheist that doesn't fanatically impose self-righteous BELIEFS. I have yet to encounter an atheist that wishes to come to a reasonable conclusion. All the atheists I have encountered thus far have resulted in personal attacks: insulting and calling names. They only reinforce my claims. You obviously don't even know my claims so I would have to conclude you don't even know what you are arguing about. Just like the rest, you have attacked without insight to what you are even attacking.

(Q) said:
If my life is affected by deity theism, I will protest.
Ok then do so. Nobody said anything about protesting. Congratulations.

(Q) said:
perhaps you can explain to us how your life has been affected by the decisions of atheists in which you disagreed?
More proof that you have not read my comments and are only attacking. Typical. Every atheist thus far on this thread has attacked attacked attacked. Somebody called me closed minded. I was called all kinds of names as such. I then called atheists closed minded. And the attacks on me without regard to my assertions only supported my claim. Atheists are closed minded.
Joeman said:
Good post. I think religion and God are personal matters until I find out Christians point fingers at everyone else who isn't Christian and label them as evil.

That's a lie. I'm a Christian, and I don't do that. Jesus didn't do that either.

The world is connected. Personally I don't want religions to be personal or private, because Christians don't think that way. I will fight the war against religion for the rest of my life.

Jesus teaches about being born again of the Holy Spirit and having a personal relationship with God. Throughout the entire Bible start to finish it's all about different people's personal relationships with God through His Spirit or through Christ Himself. The Bible doesn't have much to say about organized religion, but what it does say is not necessarily positive. God has never equated Himself with an organization, and is not dependent upon one. When the Bible refers to the church, it is referring to those who are born again in Christ, not to those who go to church, or participate in organized religion in whatever fashion. I'm born again, and I do not go to church. I am the church. And according to God, this is not about a political agenda or a power play, it's about you.

Wrong: If ATHEISTS didn't shove their beliefs down our throats, there would be no concerns.

Oh, I see, you would much rather have a world in which everyones beliefs were the same as yours.

Every atheist thus far on this thread has attacked attacked attacked.

I've done no such thing. But seeing as how you interpreted my post as an attack, I can only conclude you are a paranoid delusionist.

And clearly, you do not practice what you preach.
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