I hate Christians

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So I don't know what you would base your argument on. Based on who you are now, you are no more nor less condemned because of sin than any Christian had ever been. It is because God's love shown in Christ that we follow Him and call ourselves Christians. Not because He called us Christians and then loved us.

God answers your prayers, but not mine. He shows favoritism.

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Water, if you're not a Christian, then is your God the same one as theirs?
If not then why does it matter that their God loves them more than you?

I take there is only one God, and different religions understand this God differently.

If they are the same God then why do you feel that it loves them more than you? What makes you think that?

Look at them. They get what they've asked for.

Is it because of what the Christians believe about their God?

However, if you truly believe in whatever you believe in then it should make no difference what other people believe in, even if it's about the same entity/thing/God/whatever, as you "believe" your own beliefs to be true, regardless of what other people claim.

Other people's beliefs will only worry you / concern you if your own beliefs are failing and you are starting to feel that maybe the others (in this case, the Christians), have a better path - or some such thing.

Apparently, they do.

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As I'd think you to be aware of, anyone who tells you they have insight as to god's preference is uhm... well you know. So your premise is flawed.

Further, I'd think that if "god" were "just" then "he" would love you more than a christian who claimed god loves christians more.

There is no higher blasphemy IMO though, than to speak of "what god would think"... ...as if what "god" might "think" could be remotely comprehensible to humans. Unbelievable arrogance births such ponderance if asserted as more than folly.

There are no answers to questions of god(s).

There goes proving that negative ...

Either God is a revealed God and interacts with His creation. Or God just sits there somewhere, and doesn't care -- then he can go fuck himself.

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God told me, he loves you more than christians.

Really? You sure?

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Wow That's an incredible statement, if it is your true feelings?


2 Peter 3
9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.

I think God is slack when it comes to me.

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I've come to know a thing or two about God through rebirth in Christ, so I indeed call myself a Christian, and I do know very certainly that God does not love me or anyone else more than He loves you.

Well, *I* would not know that.

And isn't what you've said paradoxical? In that if you truly believe what you've attested to, then in doing so, you have actually defined yourself to be a Christian. A confused one, but one none the less.

Believing in God does not make one a Christian.

If you were to come to know God then it would be obvious to you through your interaction with Him that what you're saying is not true. You would know and understand, like I do, that He loves all of us the same...infinitely and unconditionally.

But, it is God who grants understanding ...

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No, it is logic that a deity that "created everything" and "has always existed" DOES NOT EXIST, especially when we are presented with viable, tangible, and more realistic theories and facts such as the Big Bang and Evolution.

No shit, Big Bang and evolution are "tangible"?
You really need to learn something about logic and how to apply it.

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Then why did you post it?

Because I am angry, and I won't let it boil up, and then show it little by little, just here an there. I rather say it as it is, instead of leaving people wondering about a hateful undertone in my posts.

It´s when we start taking ideas and ideals and lording them over our fellow humans that all that nasty emotional brawling starts. If you keep a sense of humor and notice your own fallability then it hurts a lot less.
(by ¨you¨ and ¨your¨ I don´t mean ¨you specifically¨)

In other words, "Be happy with whatever you have".
Willow said:
How does one come to believe that the Christian God loves everyone infinitely and unconditionally?

It seems that one knows that when it happens -- when God chooses so.

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Hello and welcome.
cool skill: You obviously have no reason for hating Christians.
It's ok. I'm sure Christians hate you too. I suggest you go and be another follower of atheism. You'll fit right in perfectly well with them. Most atheists hate Christians just like you. Atheists usually have no understanding of anything, and cry and complain everytime religion is preached.
M*W: I wanted to make a point here that Atheists don't "hate" Christians, we pity them for their gullibility and naivete, and we just flat don't want to be around them. I am not the spokes-person for Atheism; I can only speak for myself. Christians think they know and understand Atheists, but they really don't. Atheists are probably the most peace-loving group there is. We don't harbor hatred for those who are ignorant -- we just don't like to be around them. Concerning this forum, preaching is NOT allowed, but Christians still preach. If this comes any closer to a Christian forum, I'm sure many Atheists would leave. It's only natural for us humans to be with those of like mind.
"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves." Matt 7:15

christians=ravening wolves
Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:10

water said:
My prayers are never answered. And it's not like I'm asking for the proverbial pony.
Go join the atheist congregation as seen in my previous post. You will fit in well with those.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I wanted to make a point here that Atheists don't "hate" Christians, we pity them for their gullibility and naivete, and we just flat don't want to be around them. I am not the spokes-person for Atheism; I can only speak for myself. Christians think they know and understand Atheists, but they really don't. Atheists are probably the most peace-loving group there is. We don't harbor hatred for those who are ignorant -- we just don't like to be around them. Concerning this forum, preaching is NOT allowed, but Christians still preach. If this comes any closer to a Christian forum, I'm sure many Atheists would leave. It's only natural for us humans to be with those of like mind.
Wrong. Atheists hate Christians/resent Christianity. They are an upset group. Atheists do not even know what they are talking about most of the time. They are the most ignorant of all religions. They claim that many Christians do not understand atheists, and that they are peaceful and loving. There is no bigger load of bull and self delusion than that.
Atheists are just short of being another rediculous hate group. Atheists think they are not gullible and naive because they don't believe in religion. They are too gullible and naive to know that one has nothing to do with the other.
Atheists are not emotionally stable. Atheists do cry and complain everytime somebody preaches. Anybody that hates Christians might as well join the like-mindedless atheist hate group. The few atheists that are aware that atheists are as fanatical as any other group at least are more objective.
Any typical atheist that believes atheists are not fanatic psychos trying to impose their beliefs is nothing short of completely subjective minded.
cool skill said:
.. Most atheists hate Christians just like you.
HOW MANY atheists do you actualy know to make such silly statement?

Id wager not many.
its probably what all those idiotic preachers like to pound into your brains...that you are the ones being discriminated against by those evilutionists godless heathens..right?
no morality without God etc..right?
well heres your Gods moral teachings in case you havent read the whole buybull
Atheists usually have no understanding of anything, and cry and complain everytime religion is preached.
b/c religion SUCKS...it stops the thinking mind

seriously dude youre on Sciforums using this invention called computer...who the fuck do you think got you and your deluded narrow minded religious imbeciles this far into the modern age???

certainly not your Church/religions,
hell if it wasnt for the Freethinking atheists you would still be living on Flat Earth and think theres demons and Bad Spirits ready to take over your Soul when you sneeze..and pray to some diety when you get sick instead of going to the doctors..while believing the earth is 6 thousand years young,

and you want to teach this religious horseshit as the Truth in schools..

get real...
cool skill said:
Wrong. Atheists hate Christians/resent Christianity.
what exactly would atheists RESENT xianity for??? :rolleyes:
Atheists do not even know what they are talking about most of the time. They are the most ignorant of all religions.
unlike YOU who actualy THINKS that lack of belief in gods=religion!! :rolleyes:
They claim that many Christians do not understand atheists,
thnx for proving you dont! ;)

now go cruize some atheist sites
such as
and learn what the fuck atheism is and isnt before you embarrass yourself any further here
Funny how Christians on here like to pretend Calvin was wrong.


I like this verse; tis water to my soul.

14What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? Certainly not! 15For He says to Moses, "I will have mercy on whomever I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whomever I will have compassion."[f] 16So then it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy. 17For the Scripture says to the Pharaoh, "For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth."[g] 18Therefore He has mercy on whom He wills, and whom He wills He hardens.
water said:
It seems that one knows that when it happens -- when God chooses so.

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Hello and welcome.

Thank you for the welcome, water. :)

I appreciate your response, however that isn't quite what I was getting at. I am curious as to how a Christian can reconcile the concept of 'unconditional love' with the rest of their Dogma. If unconditional means, not subject to or dependent upon something essential to the appearance or occurrence of something else; then how is Gods love unconditional when in order to be worthy of it according to Christian dogma, one must first accept that Christ made a personal sacrifice for them?

Either Gods love is unconditional, or belief in that sacrifice is not necessary for salvation.

Personally, I like it best when 1+1=2. ;)
It seems God has not hardened water. yet. As for you Southstar maybe He has? Remember you have rejected the Love Of The Truth.

Water what are these unanswered prayers? PM me with them if you like.

You said people can believe in God without being Christian. You are very right. But as a follower of Jesus i believe Jesus when He said:

John 14
6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

If what i believe is true. Then your prayers will never be considered if you do not embrace the Love Of The Truth.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
cool skill: Wrong. Atheists hate Christians/resent Christianity.
M*W: Atheists have no reason to "hate Christians and/or resent Christianity. To atheists. Christianity doesn't really exist, so it's not a threat.
cool skill: They are an upset group. Atheists do not even know what they are talking about most of the time. They are the most ignorant of all religions. They claim that many Christians do not understand atheists, and that they are peaceful and loving.
M*W: Atheists are not concerned with the religious beliefs of others. For atheists, they simply don't exist. Atheists hating something that they don't believe exists is incomprehensible.
cool skill: There is no bigger load of bull and self delusion than that. Atheists are just short of being another rediculous hate group. Atheists think they are not gullible and naive because they don't believe in religion. They are too gullible and naive to know that one has nothing to do with the other.
M*W: Atheists do not suffer from "self-delusion." Atheists are not a "hate group."
cool skill: Atheists are not emotionally stable. Atheists do cry and complain everytime somebody preaches.
M*W: Atheists are more emotionally stable than Christians!!! We simply don't want to hear any preaching. It truly does fall on deaf ears.
cool skill: Anybody that hates Christians might as well join the like-mindedless atheist hate group. The few atheists that are aware that atheists are as fanatical as any other group at least are more objective.
M*W: I repeat -- atheists DO NOT hate any religion. Why should they? These things do not exist for Atheists, so there is no hate involved.
cool skill: Any typical atheist that believes atheists are not fanatic psychos trying to impose their beliefs is nothing short of completely subjective minded.
M*W: As I have stated before, Atheists never try to impose their beliefs on Christians. It takes time for a Christian to see the error of his ways (also called believing in the lies), so they will understand the fruitlessness of believing in a dying demigod savior. No atheist ever forces a Christian to believe anything. It just doesn't work that way.
scorpius said:
HOW MANY atheists do you actualy know to make such silly statement?
All of your statements are completely obsurd and fanatical. Come with something new. Atheists are fanatics. Try not to get carried away with your garbage.

scorpius said:
its probably what all those idiotic preachers like to pound into your brains
As far as the rules go, atheists are the only religion allowed to preach in this thread. You should be happy. And they say the religious are not discriminated against. What a joke.

scorpius said:
religion SUCKS...it stops the thinking mind
Typical atheist fanatical meandering.

scorpius said:
seriously dude youre on Sciforums using this invention called computer...who the fuck do you think got you and your deluded narrow minded religious imbeciles this far into the modern age???
Certainly not brainless atheists are. Learn some logic, and come back when you are ready for reality.

scorpius said:
hell if it wasnt for the Freethinking atheists
HAHAHAHA! FREETHINKING ATHEIST! I'm supposed to beleive there is such thing? And I suppose you believei in Santa Clause too? HAHAHAHA!
I suggest you keep your mythological delusions to yourself. HAHAHAHA!
scorpius said:
what exactly would atheists RESENT xianity for???
If you can't figure it out, I guess have a fairy delusion about what atheism really is beyond the simple definition. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

scorpius said:
unlike YOU who actualy THINKS that lack of belief in gods=religion!!
It is a religion. Get rid of the lack of belief garbage, and try something new. :rolleyes:

scorpius said:
and learn what the fuck atheism is and isnt before you embarrass yourself any further here
You obviously have not the slightest clue about what atheism is. Who's embarrassing yourself now?
cool skill said:
Atheists are fanatics. Try not to get carried away with your garbage.
And Christians aren't fanatics?
A little thing called the Crusades comes to mind...

HAHAHAHA! FREETHINKING ATHEIST! I'm supposed to beleive there is such thing?
And there no such thing as a religiously open athiest?
Have you ever fucking HEARD of Frederick the Great of Prussia?
I myself am an open-minded athiest, so don't generalize people, fucktard.
M*W: Atheists have no reason to "hate Christians and/or resent Christianity. To atheists. Christianity doesn't really exist, so it's not a threat.
Wrong. I'll believe that when I see an atheist that doesn't hold any disdain for religion. I have never met an atheist that is so delusional that he would believe that Christianity doesn't exist.

M*W: Atheists are not concerned with the religious beliefs of others. For atheists, they simply don't exist. Atheists hating something that they don't believe exists is incomprehensible.
Wrong. Atheists hate religion. What is so difficult?

M*W: Atheists do not suffer from "self-delusion." Atheists are not a "hate group."
Wrong. When I speak of atheists, I really mean most atheist. There are of course exceptions. Atheists have plethoras of delusions. They might as well be a hate group against religion.

M*W: Atheists are more emotionally stable than Christians!!! We simply don't want to hear any preaching. It truly does fall on deaf ears.
THIS CANNOT BE FARHTER FROM WRONG. Atheists are the most emotionally unstable you can get. OF course there is the exception atheist that could care less about preaching. But for the most part, those atheists have some emotional control issue about preaching. Such atheists are insane.

M*W: I repeat -- atheists DO NOT hate any religion. Why should they? These things do not exist for Atheists, so there is no hate involved.
Wrong. I repeat - Yes they do hate any religion.

M*W: As I have stated before, Atheists never try to impose their beliefs on Christians. It takes time for a Christian to see the error of his ways (also called believing in the lies), so they will understand the fruitlessness of believing in a dying demigod savior. No atheist ever forces a Christian to believe anything. It just doesn't work that way.
Wrong. For the billionth time, atheists are the biggest fanatical imposers. This whole last paragraph of yours is the most fanatical thing on this entire thread other than the second post.
You are a fanatical atheist. You wish to impose your beliefs on others. Just accept and move on. The fact that you refuse to acknowledge you own extreme fanaticism makes you all the more fanatical.

Congradulations. God hated you before you were even born, like the same way he hated Esau. (Romans 9:11-24)

Remember potter has the power over clay. He can make one object of honor and another object of dishonor with the same lump.

You are the object of wraith, prepared for destruction, to enrich God's glory on the object of mercy, whom he prepared in advance for glory.

By not answering your prayers and condemning you toward eternal torture, God glorifies himself.
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