I hate Christians

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water: Medicine Woman, Atheists who once thought to be Christians, now resent Christians because supposedly, Christians have lied to them about God and Jesus.
M*W: You're so full of yourself! We don't "resent Chrsitians," we pity their ignorance. A true Atheist wouldn't fret over what was allegedly said by anyone else's God or Jesus. We don't care what they believe, because to us, they're doing the talking for their mythological beings.
water: Congratulations, you have hit a new low.
M*W: "A new low," to you, maybe, because like Joeman says, you "argue for the sake of arguing." You don't know what you believe. You posts are in direct contradiction to your other posts. You admonished me for not believing in God and Jesus, but you turn around and say, "No, I don't believe in the grace through Jesus. I cannot make myself believe that." And you pulled this one out of your ass, "Atheists who once thought to be Christians, now resent Christians because supposedly, Christians have lied to them about God and Jesus."

You know, we Atheists don't resent Christians for the lies they believe. We don't believe anything Christians say. They've lost their credibility to mythological beings.

You said, "Medicine Woman, I can now understand how some people (people like you) can invite others to become fundamentalists."

I have never "invited" anyone to become a fundamentalist. I don't consider myself a "fundamentalist." That word is reserved for Christians. Atheists have an open mind. Fundamentalists do not.

water, you argue with everybody and change your beliefs at random. You're a fence-sitter, so you can argue on the opposite side of whomever is posting. Get a life!

Head in the sand, that's right!

Medicine Woman, I can now understand how some people (people like you) can invite others to become fundamentalists.

* * *


Two fallacies in one: a strawman and a selective observation.
1. You believe that whatever is done in God's name, is indeed so ordained and condoned by God. Which is a strawman argument.
2. You ignore the good works Christians have done. Which is selective observation.

* * *


That is impossible to prove, without God giving confirmation about hating me.[/QUOTE]
M*W: You're so full of yourself! We don't "resent Chrsitians," we pity their ignorance. A true Atheist wouldn't fret over what was allegedly said by anyone else's God or Jesus. We don't care what they believe, because to us, they're doing the talking for their mythological beings.
Atheists do resent Christians. They hate it whenever religion is mentioned in movies. The get upset when they drive by churches.
Atheists do not have an open mind. Your behavior is not a defense of an atheist belief. It is fanatical imposition of your desire to undermine religion, and worship atheism as if it is the more than just a belief system. As if it is in any way superior. You claim that you are not resentful or fanaical. So what is the point of your subjective suprmicism of atheism?
ahhhh the discussions of the religious,,,, and then there is Water.

Hating Christians is your problem, yours alone, you may even become better at it if you are willing to practice, practice, practice.
cool skill said:
Atheists do not have an open mind. Your behavior is not a defense of an atheist belief. It is fanatical imposition of your desire to undermine religion, and worship atheism as if it is the more than just a belief system. As if it is in any way superior. You claim that you are not resentful or fanaical. So what is the point of your subjective suprmicism of atheism?

Without a doubt, there are atheists who are not open-minded or are resentful of christians or christianity in general. There are even those that are resentful of religion in general. But by and large, atheists are very open-minded and not resentful or hateful. In fact, you probably know many atheists personally without even knowing that they are atheistic as many simply keep it to themselves. Some even "go through the motions" of being theistic in the company of Christians.

The reason is probably two-fold: atheists realize that atheism isn't well-received among most and wish to avoid the stigma; and atheists simply don't wish to offend Christians or are sympathetic to their beliefs. I've felt myself to be in both categories for different reasons even recently.

However, atheists also desire to discuss their worldviews among each other and christians. An internet forum such as this provides a wonderful mechanism to do so -relative anonymity; the ability to read or not read the views of others; the ability to vent frustrations; etc.

I will admit to being frustrated with christians on many occasions, but not because they were christian, but because they were either pushy with their religion; condescending; preachy; hypicritical; etc. I have several friends who are very religious and know that I'm an agnostic-atheist and we have fantastic discussions. In fact, one of my christian friends is always interested in my perspective with regard to biblical mythology, ancient Near East history, or even contemporary issues that affect christians. And in each conversation I'm sympathetic to his religion and respectful and wouldn't use terms like "biblical mythology."

But I've come to understand that the typical christian wants atheists to be dogmatic in their atheism, pushy, resentful, hateful, and generally angry (a mirror of themselves in their christianity?), but this simply isn't the case. It might be the case here, in sciforums, but not with atheists in general.

But I'm most amused by the comment that "atheists do not have an open mind." A true, free-thinking atheist has a very open mind, which is why they aren't blinded by cultural indoctrination and taboos -able to think for themselves and examine world cultures other than just christianity. Most atheists I know recognize that all religions are equally valid and don't subscribe to the notion that one is superior. Of course, these atheists are anthropologists and the like...

I say you and I are both atheists. I just believe in one less god than you do. Once you figure out why you reject all other gods, you'll understand why I reject yours. I'm paraphrasing Stephen Roberts here, by the way.
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"But by and large, atheists are very open-minded and not resentful or hateful."
Wrong. Not on this planet. It's a generalization that cannot be proven.

"I will admit to being frustrated with christians on many occasions, but not because they were christian, but because they were either pushy with their religion; condescending; preachy; hypicritical; etc."
Get over it. Atheism is exactly the same thing.

"I'm an agnostic-atheist and we have fantastic discussions."
Wrong there is no such thing. That is a contradiction. I suppose you like many atheists are completely unaware what atheism even means.

"In fact, one of my christian friends is always interested in my perspective with regard to biblical mythology
And in each conversation I'm sympathetic to his religion and respectful and wouldn't use terms like "biblical mythology.""
Of course. That's a typical atheist loaded statement. There is no point to use it in front of Christians. There is no point to use it anywhere. It's loaded fanaticism. There is no such thing as biblical mythology. It's a loaded terminology created for the purpose of fanatically imposing atheist beliefs. Nothing more.

"christian wants atheists to be dogmatic in their atheism, pushy, resentful, hateful, and generally angry (a mirror of themselves in their christianity?), but this simply isn't the case."
Wrong. Nobody wants atheist to be that way, and that simply is the case. You are only making statements you cannot prove.

"But I'm most amused by the comment that "atheists do not have an open mind."
good because they don't. You cannot prove otherwise. And the reason you are defending against comment is?

which is why they aren't blinded by cultural indoctrination and taboos
Utterly self-righteous typical fanatical garbage that cannot be waaaay further from the truth. Even you are a typical example of a person that appears to be blinded by the typical atheist cultural indoctrination and taboos that atheist relish in so much to make them feel better about themselves.
Thus far there have been more atheists on this forum splurging out links to atheist indoctrined websites than all the other religions put together spouting their doctrine.

I'm paraphrasing Stephen Roberts here, by the way.
What is the point of paraphrasing somebody that divulges incorrect statements?
water said:
I hate Christians because God loves them more than me.

Luke 10:16 He that heareth you heareth me; and he that despiseth you despiseth me; and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me.

Matthew 10:
22 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.
@Cool Skill: Such anger and detestment. That certainly isn't within the spirit of the teachings of Jesus (assuming he is real).

With regard to the assumption that atheists are more often than not angry and hateful toward christians and that they are not open-minded, I must remind you that this is your claim. I doubt it to be true and thus the burden of "proof" is upon you. Perhaps you would be willing to offer some empirical data that demonstrates your claim.

With regard to my comment of being an "agnostic-atheist," you betray your true ignorance and bias when it comes to your cult. The various cults of christianity seem to promote misinformation about non-believers among their members, so the fault is likely not your own. "Agnostic" describes a condition which is beyond the material, observable and testable universe is unknown and unknowable. "Atheist" is quite literally one who denies or disbelieves the existance of a god.

I hold that the supernatural and metaphysical mumbo-jumbo of the world's religions are not observable or testable and because of this lack of observation and empirical evidence, as well as other logical reasons, I believe that the various gods of human cultures do not actually exist. I fail to see how the former, an adjective, contradicts the latter, a noun. It's clear which of us is truly ignorant with regard to atheism.

I also fail to see how the term "biblical mythology" can be considered "loaded fanaticism." The bible is clearly mythology. That doesn't de-value it as a wonderful work of literature and source of information and insight into the early historical cultures. But there are clear mythological themes within the bible that existed in other literature of earlier cultures than those responsible for the authorship of the bible. That is, perhaps, another thread, however.

Your "open-minded" criticisms are the most ironic, though. It is fascinating to see someone so biased accuse those that refuse to see their point as close-minded or "blinded." Because I refuse to accept what I view as nonsense and superstition (or "mumbo-jumbo" as I noted above), I'm automatically wrong. What about the beliefs of Hatians who subscribe to the practice of Voo Doo or Santaria? What of the Fang in Gabon, Africa who believe that witches ride banana leaves in the middle of the night and abduct people? Or the Azande who believe that there is a substance called mangu inside witches and healers? I'm curious, are they more or less right than I?

But I'm most curious how you can call free-thinking people, who refuse to subscribe to cultural dogma that makes no logical sense, as not being open minded. Surely it is the person who can evaluate the logical merits of an idea and choose to believe or disbelieve based on the amount of empirical evidence that is open-minded; and the one who simply accepts an idea on faith, devoting one's life to illogical doctrine without a shred of evidence, all the while faulting those who don't believe in their cult that is close-minded.

You speak of atheists (and myself in particular) as being "utterly self-righteous" and "fanatical," but it is you, sir (or ma'am), that fits that description. You step in and make the claim that atheists are angry and hateful without a shred of supporting evidence or citing any literature and expect us to all bend over and think you to be enlightened. You speak of "atheist cultural indoctrination and taboos," undoubtedly from a cult of christianity that picks and chooses which parts of its texts are valid based on the superstitions and beliefs of the cult hierarchy.

Indeed, there have been a significant number of atheists speaking out in this forum, but the correlation is that this is a "science" message board, where free-thinkers and open-minded people come together to discuss and debate. One should expect more atheists than theists in a science-minded site. Educations in science often provide clarity and critical thinking skills that create free-thought -free of the cutlural indoctrination and brainwashing of dominating religions like chrisitanity. Not that I'm suggesting that all or even most people educated in the sciences become atheists or question their religions. They may or may not.

But the one thing that is clear in your anger and self-righteous position is that it is you that resent atheists.

Personally, I'm a proponent of atheist activism. I think atheists should come together, organize, and begin counter-"prostelyzing" in places like schools. I believe we should stand on public sidewalks outside of schools and pass out atheistic texts and literature, particularly on the days that christians are passing out little orange New Testaments. I think we can probably show up with a couple cases of Coca-Cola and offer to exchange a soda for a NT, which we can promptly drop in the recycle bin at the county landfill later that night.

You see, I am an angry atheist. I'm pissed at religious nutters that believe they have the monopoly on righteousness and morality in spite of the fact that it is usually they that fuck things up in this world: Slavery, war, creationist bullshit, faith-healing, bigotry, sexism and gender discrimination, hate-crimes, racism, terrorism, jihads, fatwahs, etc. I'm tolerant with any person of any religion until they begin affecting the freedoms and liberties of others; or until they begin talking their self-righteous bullshit and how they are right and the nation was built on their bullshit.

I don't get pissed when I pass a church. I don't get upset when I hear a religious comment in movie or even on TV. Hell, I don't even mind when christians try to prostelyze me as long as they can accept a polite "no, thank you." I'm even willing to engage such christians in casual conversations about their beliefs and my own. I only get angry with religious nutters when they start acting like you, cool skill: generalizing and stereotyping those that believe different, shouting irrational criticisms without supporting evidence.

I can accept we believe differently. I can't accept that you have to be rude about it.
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Such anger and detestment. That certainly isn't within the spirit of the teachings of Jesus (assuming he is real).
Anger and detestment? Um. Are you smoking some serious crack? You're a crack addict right? Popping pills or some kind of hallucinogen? You must be if you interpret normal discussion as anger and detestment. Get a grip on reality. Or maybe you need a new dose of your antipsychotic? :rolleyes:
“With regard to the assumption that atheists are more often than not angry and hateful toward christians and that they are not open-minded, I must remind you that this is your claim. I doubt it to be true and thus the burden of "proof" is upon you. Perhaps you would be willing to offer some empirical data that demonstrates your claim.“
Wrong. You made the claim that they are open minded or somebody did. Burden of proof of what? That you are closed minded? Just look in the mirror.

“With regard to my comment of being an "agnostic-atheist," you betray your true ignorance and bias when it comes to your cult. “
Loaded. Typical. Cult? Will you ever get real? I guess you can’t think of a more loaded term? How sad.
You obviously have no concept of what atheism or agnosticism is.
Typical blinded atheist fanatic.

“I believe that the various gods of human cultures do not actually exist.”

“It's clear which of us is truly ignorant with regard to atheism.”
Yes you.

“I also fail to see how the term "biblical mythology" can be considered "loaded fanaticism." “
Which makes you all the more self-righteously fanatical.

“The bible is clearly mythology. That doesn't de-value it as a wonderful work of literature and source of information and insight into the early historical cultures. But there are clear mythological themes within the bible that existed in other literature of earlier cultures than those responsible for the authorship of the bible. That is, perhaps, another thread, however.”
Who cares. You clearly do not recognize a completely loaded statement. It could be the most mythological book on the planet, it does not make the statement any less loaded. Next time, try axing the ‘mythology’ part. Simply biblical would fit your purpose just fine. Unless of course your purpose really is to be loaded.

“Your "open-minded" criticisms are the most ironic, though. It is fascinating to see someone so biased accuse those that refuse to see their point as close-minded or "blinded." “
You mean like yourself?

“Because I refuse to accept what I view as nonsense and superstition (or "mumbo-jumbo" as I noted above), I'm automatically wrong. “
Nobody made that claim as to why you are wrong. Go back to kindergarten and learn some reading comprehension skills.

“But I'm most curious how you can call free-thinking people, who refuse to subscribe to cultural dogma that makes no logical sense, as not being open minded. “
Wrong. Typical self-righteous fanatical garbage. Thanks for proving my point though. Is there a reason why you would be perpetuating everything that the self righteous fanatic atheist believes in?

“Surely it is the person who can evaluate the logical merits of an idea and choose to believe or disbelieve based on the amount of empirical evidence that is open-minded; and the one who simply accepts an idea on faith, devoting one's life to illogical doctrine without a shred of evidence”
Do you actually expect me to respond to this completely self righteous flimsy bit of pointlessness?
Or do you actually believe this is not typical self righteous lunacy that is far from the atheism by definition?

“You speak of atheists (and myself in particular) as being "utterly self-righteous" and "fanatical," but it is you, sir (or ma'am), that fits that description. You step in and make the claim that atheists are angry and hateful without a shred of supporting evidence or citing any literature”
Here’s some literature: ”Surely it is the person who can evaluate the logical merits of an idea and choose to believe or disbelieve based on the amount of empirical evidence that is open-minded; and the one who simply accepts an idea on faith, devoting one's life to illogical doctrine without a shred of evidence”

That is your self righteous bore is it not? I don’t think you can get any more self righteous than that. Happy?

“You speak of "atheist cultural indoctrination and taboos," undoubtedly from a cult of christianity that picks and chooses which parts of its texts are valid based on the superstitions and beliefs of the cult hierarchy.”
Wrong. Loaded. Self righteous.

“Indeed, there have been a significant number of atheists speaking out in this forum, but the correlation is that this is a "science" message board, where free-thinkers and open-minded people come together to discuss and debate. One should expect more atheists than theists in a science-minded site. Educations in science often provide clarity and critical thinking skills that create free-thought -free of the cutlural indoctrination and brainwashing of dominating religions like chrisitanity.”
Even more self righteous than before. You obviously have no clue what the definition of atheism is. I doubt you can get anymore self righteous than that.
How about this: Atheism has nothing to do with beliefs. Screw definitions. Atheism is logic and science. That is the new definition of atheism. Congratulations, you have created a brand new definition for atheism. Now be a good sheep and take your new definition back to your fanatical fantasy world.

“But the one thing that is clear in your anger and self-righteous position is that it is you that resent atheists.”
Wow you really are a genius. You have me all figured out.

“Personally, I'm a proponent of atheist activism.“
What a surprise. Another fanatic. Who would have ever guessed.

“which we can promptly drop in the recycle bin at the county landfill later that night.”
What are you waiting for? I’m sure there are tons of excited fanatics eager to join your fanatical hatred for the Holy Bible.

“You see, I am an angry atheist. I'm pissed at religious nutters that believe they have the monopoly on righteousness and morality in spite of the fact that it is usually they that fuck things up in this world: Slavery, war, creationist bullshit, faith-healing, bigotry, sexism and gender discrimination, hate-crimes, racism, terrorism, jihads, fatwahs, etc. I'm tolerant with any person of any religion until they begin affecting the freedoms and liberties of others; or until they begin talking their self-righteous bullshit and how they are right and the nation was built on their bullshit.”
Can we say psycho?

“I don't get pissed when I pass a church. I don't get upset when I hear a religious comment in movie or even on TV.”
Yes you do. You’re a psycho self-righteous fanatic.

“generalizing and stereotyping those that believe different, shouting irrational criticisms without supporting evidence. “
Well I try to do my part, but I leave most of that to you fanatical atheists.

“I can accept we believe differently. I can't accept that you have to be a dick about it. So, fuck you very much.”
And this concludes my logical systematical proof that atheists really are blind self righteous psycho fanatics.
I think we can now all be in agreement. Another atheist pisses all over himself. How’s that for proof?
cool-skill said:
“I can accept we believe differently. I can't accept that you have to be a dick about it. So, fuck you very much.”
And this concludes my logical systematical proof that atheists really are blind self righteous psycho fanatics.
I think we can now all be in agreement. Another atheist pisses all over himself. How’s that for proof?
but he was replying to your self righteous, fanatical and rude, remarks.
you are the rude one, it was only a matter of time before someone retaliated.
if you were a little more civil and wanted an actual discussion, it may have been different, but quite clearly you did not.
Quote w:
“You want a *fight* for survival that is *comfortable*?”

* `K, wires crossed here. I meant religious or superstitious influences.

Quote w:
“You mean Abraham intending to sacrifice Isaac?
Whom was the test intended for -- did God just play a trick on Abraham, or was there a purpose to this test?”

:eek: * Yes, yes Abraham. I`m trying to multitask here. Heh. The apparent purpose of this test was to TEST Abrahams faith in, and love for his god. Nevertheless an absolutely cruel test.

Quote w:
“On the basis of envy.”

* O.K. I hear you clearly. Maybe I am trying to indicate that there are alternate routes available for serenity.

Quote w:
“I do not know where you get the idea from that the Bible is the "message of love". It is the hippy way to see it, but it's not biblical.”

* Hmmm. This is the fundamental message as I understand it – “god so much loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, so that man may have everlasting life.” I would say this sounds like a message of love? All Christians speak of gods love, are they misguided. You feel you have a better grip on the Bibles message?

Quote w:
So? You don't tolerate rats in your house either.
And you deem yourself to be loving?

* I am not the one claiming to be the alpha and omega. I reiterate : 'Take all the heads of the people and hang them up before the LORD against the sun,” is not a LOVING statement. Period.

Quote w:
“Well, if God has not blessed you with understanding of Him, then you can indeed talk shit too, like me.”

* But water, you are being presumptuous. What makes you think that I do not have an understanding of what I consider to be “god’? And I don’t think we are talking shit. We are expressing opinions. I reiterate. The Christian god does not hold the monopoly on truth.

Quote w:
“But keep in mind that we are not blessed with understanding, while some people are.”

* Yes, as we hear Jenyar and okinrus speak with great conviction. Which is great. I can speak with great conviction on what I understand about god too. Break out of the Christian box.

Quote w:
“Don't be silly. It's not about what is worth of hatred. Humans hate.”

* It is exactly as I said. Not worth the energy. Once you have seen through the haze, and things become clearer. Not all humans hate.

Quote w:
“Looking for God somewhere outside of yourself, disconnected of yourself, is idolatry. Idolatry is the best way to lose your honesty, integrity and self-esteem.”

* Idolatry only has value in the eyes of Christianity and the faithfull. And yes you seem to understand what I am saying. God is not in the church.


No, I don't believe in the grace through Jesus.
I cannot make myself believe that.

You poor miserable bastard. What kind of peace can you ever have for the rest of your life. You envious hate filled heart will be a millstone around your neck till the day you die, and even in death you will find no peace.

If i where you i would keep an close eye on your health, I wish for you long life. The more time you have in this existence the more time you have for a miracle to happen in your heart.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
You poor miserable bastard. What kind of peace can you ever have for the rest of your life. You envious hate filled heart will be a millstone around your neck till the day you die, and even in death you will find no peace.
I hope this is the loving response she was waiting for to move her towards faith. Jesus would have offered to carry that millstone for her, for then she would experience grace and be able to believe in it.

“You want a *fight* for survival that is *comfortable*?”

* `K, wires crossed here. I meant religious or superstitious influences.

And? They ought to be "comfortable", according to you, Oprah?

* Yes, yes Abraham. I`m trying to multitask here. Heh. The apparent purpose of this test was to TEST Abrahams faith in, and love for his god. Nevertheless an absolutely cruel test.

Total miss.
God, in His omniscience, knew everything anyway. But it was Abraham who didn't know it, and to make Abraham sure, God did a little test.
People are tested for their own sake, not for God's.

* Hmmm. This is the fundamental message as I understand it – “god so much loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, so that man may have everlasting life.” I would say this sounds like a message of love? All Christians speak of gods love, are they misguided. You feel you have a better grip on the Bibles message?

It was particularly for such purposes that I have started this thread:

* I am not the one claiming to be the alpha and omega. I reiterate : 'Take all the heads of the people and hang them up before the LORD against the sun,” is not a LOVING statement. Period.

And? You think God ought to pal around with people, and be like one giant Oprah?

* But water, you are being presumptuous. What makes you think that I do not have an understanding of what I consider to be “god’?

I take that if you would have been granted understanding, you would not be so negatively biased.
But if you have indeed been granted understanding, if God has revealed Himself to you, and yet you oppose Him, then woe is you.

And I don’t think we are talking shit. We are expressing opinions.

Yes, and opinions guide our lives. They are everyhting but harmless. A life can be wasted because of a shitty opinion.

The Christian god does not hold the monopoly on truth.

Do you know this for a fact? Have you spoken to Him?

“But keep in mind that we are not blessed with understanding, while some people are.”

* Yes, as we hear Jenyar and okinrus speak with great conviction.

That is not the same; "speaking with conviction" doesn't necessarily mean one has understanding and faith.

Break out of the Christian box.

If only you could define it.

“Don't be silly. It's not about what is worth of hatred. Humans hate.”

* It is exactly as I said. Not worth the energy.

Uh. Worth the energy or not, humans hate.

Once you have seen through the haze, and things become clearer. Not all humans hate.

Please don't say you have been born perfect and hateless. Or have you?

* Idolatry only has value in the eyes of Christianity and the faithfull. And yes you seem to understand what I am saying. God is not in the church.

If you think Christianity is about idolatry, then you aren't talking about Christianity.

* * *


You poor miserable bastard. What kind of peace can you ever have for the rest of your life. You envious hate filled heart will be a millstone around your neck till the day you die, and even in death you will find no peace.

Is this your final assessment of me?

Will you now part from me and not persevere with me, not even if I ask you?

* * *

Cool Skill,

Once more tell me to join the atheists, and I will pray to God to smite you with a sign to have for the rest of your life, to remind you of your trying to mislead someone.

What I understand and view in my own life will obviously be torn apart by people here, but I believe it is God who draws people to himself. You may call this a defining or understanding of God as you view that Christians have. Truth is that Christians seem to only scratch the surface of God's depth. Truth is, God is so mysterious or non-understandable that we can spend an eternity searching the depth that he is and still be left empty. Why does the Lord give and take away? Why does rains fall on the just and unjust alike? How is God a God of mercy and grace, but also of justice also? How can us humans perceive unconditional love anyway? We are conditioned to love when it grants us a selfish accomplishment. We love our girlfriend, boyfriend, spouse, ect. because somewhere in us it completes a part of us or brings comfort to us. So then how can we say to God I love you and have no strings attached? So then we view God in the same way. How can God say to us I love you with no strings attached. Thus the atheists and others have a battleground. God loves you so he can make you live a certain way and act a certain way, ect...

As for prayers being answered. The lord giveth and the lord taketh away. The lord rains on whom he chooses to rain. My little sister who is 10 prayed to God about my parents house selling and she told my mom that God told her it would sell to the second people that see the house. Thus they just put their house on the market and it was sold to the second people that saw the house. It wasn't from any cohearsing of my parents either. They liked the house and put an offer on it. I pray for guidance in my own life for stuff and sometimes have clarity and sometimes don't. Thus is the fallability of human minds.
Cool Skill,

Just to let you know, I whole-heartedly agree with you concerning the overwhelming holier than thou hypocricy spewed by SOME atheists out here and elsewhere....especially concerning the topic of preaching. It's been addressed before...there was an entire thread about it not too long ago. You can't tell them anything...so don't try to be rational or fair or logical or anything like that, cause it's not about that apparently. Please always remember that the reason that atheists are what they are is because they do not desire to know the truth about God. Because I know that if they did want to know, then God would make sure that they did know...after all, that's His law. Seek and find, knock and the door will open. See cool...they're not seeking, and they're not knocking, and until they do, they're screwed and there's not much you or I or anyone can do or say about it. You witness to what you know of God and have experienced with Him and they get angry and defensive because they don't want to know, and so they attack in their oh so tired and lame hypocritical fashion. Don't take it personally.


I have yet to encounter an atheist simply abides by the atheist definition and defends it.
Unlike these fanatics that go about with their self-righteousness, imposing attitude, rediculous atheist doctrine, complete resentment of religion, and most of all claiming that they are not fanatics that abide by all of those.
cool skill quoted M*W: "You're so full of yourself! We don't "resent Chrsitians," we pity their ignorance. A true Atheist wouldn't fret over what was allegedly said by anyone else's God or Jesus. We don't care what they believe, because to us, they're doing the talking for their mythological beings."

cool skill replied: Atheists do resent Christians. They hate it whenever religion is mentioned in movies. The get upset when they drive by churches. Atheists do not have an open mind. Your behavior is not a defense of an atheist belief. It is fanatical imposition of your desire to undermine religion, and worship atheism as if it is the more than just a belief system. As if it is in any way superior. You claim that you are not resentful or fanaical. So what is the point of your subjective suprmicism of atheism?
M*W: No, you are wrong. Christians resent Atheists! Personally, I don't have a problem with "religion" being mentioned in movies. Movies are a product of man -- not a product of any god. So, movies are nothing more than entertainment.

I never get "upset" when driving by churches. They're everywhere! Why would an Atheist get upset when driving by a church? It just doesn't make any sense. Atheists are not "jealous" of Christians. Far from it!

Atheists DO HAVE an "open-mind." Atheists cannot and will not be controlled by brainwashing tactics.

People consider anything opposing their main beliefs as "fanatical." Atheists are not usually judged to be "fanatical."

Atheists do not care what beliefs are supreme. Atheists have come to "a knowing" in their lives that eliminates any false dogma like Santa Claus, tooth fairy, Easter bunny, the big green elephant that has trashed their living room, etc..

As a rule, Atheists have more biblical knowledge than the most learned Christian. Christians have no "insight" into the reality of false gods. Christians believe exactly what they are told to believe! Atheists simply don't believe what Christians say to be true.

Faith? Christians believe in faith. Atheists believe in truthfulness. They can handle the truth. Christians cannot.
water said:
I hate Christians because God loves them more than me.
* * *I am fully aware that this thread will most likely get closed or deleted, due to the hateful nature of it.

I could have made a perfectly sound argument, supported theologically, sociologically, historically etc..

But lets' face it: Religion and God are personal matters. At some point, I got so far as to become full and ill of all those impersonal, objective arguments.

Talking about God isn't something where afterwards, you could nicely sit down and have your lunch in peace. It doesn't work that way, and no amount of mental acrobatics won't make it so.

I hate Christians because God loves them more than me.

Hating Christianity worked very well for me too. Hating Christians seems a bit extreme to me. Those people are just looking out for what they believe to be their best interests. You apparently believe in God and believe that the things the Christians claim about God and being Christian are true, but for some reason you dont want to sign up. Why dont you want to sign up and win Gods favor?

I hated christianity, from the time I was about 5 til I was in my early 20s. I hated the way they condescended to me, and threatened me but more I hated that they seemed to exclude people on this planet that were otherwise completely unaware of their bible and the conditions that needed to be met to make it to heaven. I found I couldnt argue with them without having read their books, and examining their tactics, and so Ive spent all of my life doing just that. The result to this point is that Ive found the bible to be misinterpretted to some degree, incomplete to a large degree, misunderstand in the context that most Christians are very unaware of the actual history of the bible, Jesus, and the evolution of Christianity. The history and events and apparent truths Ive found outside of indoctrination contradict their beliefs and vague practices. In a scientific context, I think Christianity can maybe be compared to alchemy as a valid science, as a valid beliefs system.
At times too, Ive examined other religions and practices such as Buddhism and Hinduism and at the times, I found some great appreciation for some things about them. At present, Ive come to a place where I feel that forming my own opinion about things based on my experience of the world, inside and outside of me, is what's best. I dont believe nor do I believe in a God. Why should I? I figure its my life, why should spend my time mulling over other peoples shit? You can have your beliefs and your justifications for your beliefs and your convictions about having your beliefs but as far as Im concerned if all you can do is believe in what other people tell you is true, youre a sheep. In that context ONLY you are contemptable, and I dislike every last one of you :)

But I dislike you only in the context that you cant be honest and take what is apparent to you and make something out of it without resorting to making it so much about dead peoples trips. But to each their own.


But lets' face it: Religion and God are personal matters.
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