I hate Christians

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cool skill said:
I You had one post before this one. How hard is it to figure out?
Atheists can’t even acknowledge what is in front of their face. Much less the meaning of what they are talking about.

Do you really want me to answer that?
You’re a drop of turtle manure that’s for sure.

I’m not the atheist. That’s you.

What the hell is wrong with you? Did you get up on the wrong side of your urine puddle today?
I think that’s it. Do you really expect me to take you seriously? Go get checked.

Typical delusional behavior. I guess that wasn’t you who made that last post with idiotic remarks against Cool Skill. Sure. Or perhaps you do know you made that post, but I suppose you would be under the impression that those remarks are friendly and constructive. I suppose the delusion in these atheists is nothing to be surprised about. You are probably sitting in your asylum telling yourself how friendly and constructive you have been thus far on this thread. Koo Koo.

It’s not that hard to figure out what religious denomination you are. Especially from your first loser post. And I’m the rude one? Get real.
well when I read this, I was so surprised, you new exactly who I was where I was coming from, your the most intuitive person I've ever came across.
yes I sitting in my asylum(by the way, it's called a church[St Marys church) to normal people), well done.
talking to myself,(and my congregation,) say goo goo ga ga., well done yet again. wow you are good
my denonination does start with a A(Anglican, I'm a vicar) well done again.

but you being the perfect one, new this you could see right through me.I take my hat of to you.
and a very very well done.

1 Samuel 26:21 Then said Saul, I have sinned: return, my son David: for I will no more do thee harm, because my soul was precious in thine eyes this day: behold, I have played the fool, and have erred exceedingly.

Psalms 49:10 For he seeth that wise men die, likewise the fool and the brutish person perish, and leave their wealth to others.
I have met so many Christians who behave with utter elitism, doing as if their faith in God is their own doing, since they are so capable and everything.
And me, the depraved sinner, will always be left out of this relationship with God, because I, as a sinner, am unable to build an intimate relationship with God.

This is what these Christians have taught me. That God loves them, because they are good, but God doesn't love me, because I am bad, and I should first become worthy of His love, but depraved sinner that I am, this will never happen, so I will go to hell.

I'm sorry you where taught this. You have been mislead.

You have no reason to be jealous of the people who taught you this because their claims are lies.

All Praise The Ancient of days
Dont any of you think a thread with such a title has been going on far too long??Maybe it just me, but i see no real point to it....'i hate christians'..yet you give them a cpital letter in the heading,bit of a contradiction...hehe :m:

Does it not disturb you that the first thing you said to me was

Cain felt the same way about Abel. Cain was jealous, but he didn't want to obey God so he could have the same thing that Abel had.

Other people feel the same way: they are jealous of the intimacy that Christains have with god, but they don't want to build that intimate relationship for themselves.

You indirectly accused me of not wanting to build an intimate relationship with God.
And you have said so without inquiring what has actually led me to start this thread.

I am glad and thankful that I don't take offense at such an approach anymore.

It saddens me though to see Christians who have been Christians for so long -- and one would think they would be more expedient in their faith and love -- to see these Christians go and accuse me of things, before even inquring any further information of me. I found myself supposed, maybe some would even view that as accusations, of intellectual pride and that I refuse to build an intimate relationship with God -- just like that, such grave assumptions.

I have started this thread in despair and disappointment, and this thread has helped me overcome them (I'm not really sure, how, but it has).
And I've learned something: If I see a disturbing title like "I hate Christians because God loves them more than me", I surely will not respond to hate with hate.

I don't know who is telling you that you have to be good first, but they are not Christians -- they are liars. Jesus did not tell anyone to straighten up their act first and then come back to Him for salvation.

If we had to be good before we could be saved then nobody could go to heaven.

Salvation is a gift that you ask for, not a gift that you work for. If you had to work for it then it wouldn't be a gift, would it?

I know. Had I been like those people who had taught me otherwise, I'd never open the Bible myself. And don't read this as if I think it is all to my credit.


* * *

cool skill,

You have managed to purge me of the last identifiable iota of atheism that might have been left in me. :)
Wooosh, and it burned away in the fire of your hate!

But I'm afraid this fire is devouring you.

* * *

Cottontop3000 said:
Cool Skill, Are you insecure? You rarely, if ever, make a whole lot of sense. Is it your God who makes you so angry? I would have thought you would have found some peace by now; in the name of the Lord, and all.

For with human children it is thus that God tests them and shows them that left to themselves, they are animals.

Eccl. 3:18 (translated from the Slovene version into English, as the English version (those I looked up -- NKJV, NRV and NIV) are missing the point)
Cottontop3000 said:
Cool Skill, Are you insecure?
Are you delinquent?
You sure have no sense whatsoever.

stefan said:
yes I sitting in my asylum
You sure are sitting in your insane asylum. Good point. Hopefully the doctors are keeping you strapped in for your own protection.

water said:
You have managed to purge me of the last identifiable iota of atheism that might have been left in me. :)
Wooosh, and it burned away in the fire of your hate!

But I'm afraid this fire is devouring you.
The only thing your atheistic lunacy is devouring is you. Get a grip.
cool skill:

I have previously asked you to tone down the personal insults. I have received several complaints specifically about your posts.

Since this thread has degenerated into personal attacks, and not just from you, I am closing it.

If I see more of the same from you, you will be banned, initially for three days.
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