i am saudi&muslim girl i want to clearfy my relegion

I have mixed feelings about your post leo. While I agrees that girls do cry rape WAY too often and often falsely, I don't see what marriage or paying tham have to do with it. Or even punishing them for having sex. A better way to fix this scenario would be for the woman to get the same punishment the alleged offender would get if they found out by some chance that she had fabricated the story. This would stop a lot of the lies.
I have mixed feelings about your post leo. While I agrees that girls do cry rape WAY too often and often falsely, I don't see what marriage or paying tham have to do with it. Or even punishing them for having sex. A better way to fix this scenario would be for the woman to get the same punishment the alleged offender would get if they found out by some chance that she had fabricated the story. This would stop a lot of the lies.

No, no, no.

Rape Laws were written when sex was not the Number One Individual Sport in the Western World ('scoring'). Sex is NOW the most common Recreation, and not simply among male jerkoffs.

Anything that EVERY WOMAN does, or wants to do, every Saturday Night should no longer be seen in terms of DAMAGES.

They should be treated simply like men. If they can claim they have been assaulted then they can pursue assault charges, and damages can be determined just like it is for men, from the number of cuts, bruises and broken bones.

But if Sex had not done them any harm that last few thousand times they have had sex, then it didn't hurt them much just because some guy forgot to by them dinner first.
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So you're saying no rape laws, just assault laws? I don't know...
Allah says in the Holy Quran for the woman to lower her gaze and to cover herself, it is then defined who she does not have to cover in front of and is free to dress in a modest way, namely any male relative who she would not be able to marry. She is further told in another chapter to cover herself when going outside of her house. Both of these references can be found in chapters 24:31 called Surah (meaning chapter) An-Nur and in chapter 33:59, Surah Al-Ahzab.

I have a question though, why should a women be condemned to cover what she usually (biologically speaking) likes to reveil, because some sick bastard is getting funny ideas?

What is interesting is that it is not the Muslim women themselves who are complaining about their covering. Many of our new sisters to Islam in the United States and Europe have stated time and again how protected and modest they feel when going outside and have notice that those men in which they need to interact with, even though they are not Muslims usually treat them with respect and dignity. The Muslim woman's covering also affords her protection from men and by men.

You make it sound like all the girls of the islamic world are veiled! Correction most aren't and they really think thrice before taking a decision on their own. About those american and europian ladies, the change they made in life gave them a feeling of new meaning, if they converted to any other religion they would've got the same feeling, many people expressed the same atittude when they became budhists or sikh or other...

Many Muslim women look upon the modern sexy, tight fitting and short clothing of the non-Muslim woman as being vulgar and sleazy. She finds it hard to understand why a woman would have such low self esteem as to want to appeal to any mans eyes other than her husbands. Or to have many sex partners when virginity and modesty are the highest thing that any woman, Muslim or not, can bestow upon her husband. She can't understand why the men in the family (fathers, husbands or brothers) would allow and even approve of the women in his family whom he should be protecting, to go outside the house, to say nothing of going to school or work with such little clothes to cover their body.

Girl your getting the wrong message, exposing one body is really because we as humans try to seem perfect, consequently we try to prove we are more educated by inlisting in different majors, more wise reading on many subjects, more intelligent, stronger by reveiling big muscles in sports, richer by buying the latest sports car, healthier by keeping attention to our well being, and more appealing to the other sex..... For your information alot of the guys I know find veiled women more attractive and their not only muslim, its known as veil fetishism, they even keep photos of such women for pleasure!!

And then to be shocked or surprised when the woman or girl is raped!

Girl rape is sometimes irrelevant to sexual desire alot of the cases I know where due to humiliate the other family or tribe, or for some family issue like the latest rape case in your own country take a peak at this story:

And more intresting what the UN has to say:

Sorry people but these sites are in Arabic but I wanted Saudi girl to open her eyes, with all due respect
For your information alot of the guys I know find veiled women more attractive and their not only muslim, its known as veil fetishism, they even keep photos of such women for pleasure!!

And you beleive that!?

Hiding every trace of sexuality is now supposed to be the ultimate in sluttiness!

Fine! So what's keeping every Western Woman from now diving down to this newly discovered depth of depravity? Are they waiting for Madonna to do it first?
For your information alot of the guys I know find veiled women more attractive and their not only muslim, its known as veil fetishism, they even keep photos of such women for pleasure!!

Like this kind of veil or the ninja kind?
The Muslim woman is not forced into marriage contrary to popular opinion. It is her right to say no if she does not wish to marry a certain man. It is also her right to seek a divorce, in some countries there is a problem about this, it must be noted that it is the country that has the problem not Islam. The woman has had this right in Islam for the last 1427 years, where as the Western and European countries have emancipated women in this area only in the last 150 years!!!.

Sorry girl, my cousin happens to be a Suadi girl like your distinguished self, but for your information shes was forbidden to marry another saudi she likes just because he is "hadari" I think you know what I mean, and please do we muslims don't remember the laws we have until we find the west applying them, look at this:

This was on alarabiya before, but for some reason it doesn't anymore:confused:

i am muslim woman have 2 girls and married to very kind and loving husband there is not bad language between us as i see in american movies i even can not say to him u r stuped out of respect not fear and he also can not say any word which may upset me and if he do he will come and say sory .. of course there is not hitting .. in our country we rarely hear about man hit his wife .

This is personel experience, not a general fact!

i finished collage since 3 years and i am not working , my husband gave me the choice if i want to work or not but i dont want to work i want to be free to rais my daughters the best way .. if we need mony i well work to help my husband but he is an engineerer his sallery around 15,000 per month i live like a princess no body insult me no body can force me to work no body can hit me i can walk alone in a dark street with out fear to be raped because all of us are frightened from God who can see u any where any time not frightened from polis or FBI :confused:

Really, you live in plutonic world don't you..... WAKE UP for the love of pizzas
look at this:

we can sleep while the door of our house is open no fear to be stollen or killed saudi arabia is the most beaceful country around the world ..
but the terrorests (who are considered in saudi arabia as criminals ) made us ugly & evil & killers but we are not we hate terrorests they represent them selves not islam , if u come to saudi arabia u will be shoked by the sciene of people , cities , mosques , hospitals , schools , collages ,culture ..the sciene which is oppeset of how ur media represent it.

I've lived there in Riyad for 15 years, sorry to tell you gal your country is a mess you want to know more about thousands of shiites in Asir, Najran and Qatif who are being exterminated, sufis in Madina not aloud to to speak for their ideas, and unhuman treatmentof pakis and indians and phillipinos... not to mention the drug and white slave traficing your officials are responsible for!

for white slave trade:

And beleive me I could do this all day, your country, girl, whether you like it or not, is hell re-incarnated! So, I say again WAKE UP
And you beleive that!?

Based on some I know and wikipedia, yes.

Hiding every trace of sexuality is now supposed to be the ultimate in sluttiness!

In Japan, during the samurai and geishas years, hiding more body parts was considered more atracttive... weird? I agree, but then again we all have our kinky desires, somehow;)

Fine! So what's keeping every Western Woman from now diving down to this newly discovered depth of depravity? Are they waiting for Madonna to do it first?

I think they're trying not to look sexy to the veil fetishists:D

as opposed to a command from a man (such as yourself) who also follows a similar system

- I find it amusing that here is a woman saying she is doing something because it is an instruction from god and suddenly she is swarmed by men telling her to do otherwise because it is actually a command from man she is following - so in other words she is doomed either way, with or without the burka, to follow the commands of men?

How many muslim countries have you been to?

regarding the bold
For a theist, scripture fulfills such a requirement

regarding the italics
and what evidence do we have that your gender values will not meet similar consignments to posterity?

No LG , I believe in a balanced system between male and female. Yes, I do live in a mostly patriarchial society but perhaps it will change for the better.
As far as giving instructions to Saudigirl..thats not my place.She is free to do as she wishes...even if that includes following a religion that has so much gender bias.

As far as "For a theist,scripture fufills such a requirement"...that may be good enough for you and others that blindly wish to believe anything that was related as "Gods' will" and "Gods commands"..but I require solid ,logical proof.
Its one thing to follow a belief system ABOUT God, but quite another to follow a belief system that claims that it is the WORD of God.

I have not been to any muslim countries but I have worked at companies with a large muslim population. I would say some have taken the finer elements of Islam and applied it to their lives and are living a good life,others use the dark side in it and use the spectre of God to enforce their hostile nature upon others.

Why don't you stop invading our nations?

Maybe, if you didn't bomb ours then we would be living in our own nations. I am great advocate of all cultures living within their own borders. I don't approve of interracial marriage etc. Actually I believe in national socialism.

Stop trying to get more foreigners to come in when you yourself are barely here and identify yourself more as a "Paki" and a "Moslem" than a subject of the United Kingdom?

Its more of a cultural thing. When the white British invaded India (my homeland) they identified themselves as white Anglos Saxons. The Queens crown contains diamonds which were stolen from India. Why don't you teach in British school about the massacres the British committed in India? (general dyer?) (why talk about Jewish Holocaust so much? thats part of Jewish history the massacres the British committed in India is part of British history) why were non of the families compensated for? why doesn't your Queen apologize for the racist remark against Punjabi's? The attitudes of the British toward Punjabis is part of the reason that Hindi and Urdu speakers view Punjabis as simpletons or inferior to them. We can thank them for contributing to the dilution of the Punjabi language in some areas and lack of appreciation for our own Punjabi literary works such as Bulle Shah's Heer Ranjha and over emphasis on people like Mirza Ghalib. The good thing is that people are aware of this now, and are starting to make little changes like wearing punjabi suits instead of saris or churidar pajamas and teaching their kids Punjabi before Urdu or Hindi.

The amazing thing is, the British loved the Punjabi's when they were signing up into the British Indian army (colonial army) and regarded them as warriors.

Why don't you go back from whence you came instead of mooch off our nations and corrupt our cultures?

How about you compensated for the destruction you British did in our lands first? And what corruption of what culture? the British have no culture. Going down the pup to get pissed up is no culture or drinking lager and watching football is not not real culture.

And for your info, I don't sign-on, and many Indians/Pakis have a right to be in England our forefathers grandfathers fought in world war 2.

If you want a Moslem wife, why don't you go back to Pakistan? If you want to be amongst your people, why don't you go back to them?

How about we do this, you rebuild India like it was reunite compensated the families who fought in world war 2 for the British army and we will go back?

Do you even consider yourself British? Do you practice any British customs? Do you value British historical and cultural figures?

Name some British customs?
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i am new member in this forume .. sorry my english language is not that good but i'll try to clearfy my religion (islam) to you by posting these links ..

this site is for priest & preacher enter islam

this site is for christian educated woman enter islam named Merry Watson and after islam named Khadija Watson .

i realy realy realy hope u understand islam as it is not as your media picture it

i watch opra and see how she hates muslim and thinks that all of us are terrorests and women are forced by men to be coverd ...


it is alie

the woman her self want to be covered because it is a command from ALLAh, not from men

i am muslim woman and cover my self when i want to get out of my house and i am happy with this and proud of my self


i have many things and facts i want to show but i dont know where to begin.

stop lying to yourself, there are many many Islamic women that would enjoy removing their burka

here is a real Ex-Islamic woman who denounces Islam http://youtube.com/watch?v=Yr9mH-hPjwU

The west has no problem with people wearing burkas or veils, the problem is with being FORCED to wear it...why shouldn't women be free to decide?
saudi girl doesn't wear a burkha. duh. She probably does wet t-shirt contests on spring break.
Freedom isn't a good thing if it's free to be evil, sometimes it is a good thing to be forced to be good. Especially if the evil is directed towards you.

Hence why I say everyone should convert to Islam. It tells you to be good all the time. I mean who wants freedom if you're going to be all alone, because you've killed everyone else by expressing your freedom?
Many Muslim women look upon the modern sexy, tight fitting and short clothing of the non-Muslim woman as being vulgar and sleazy. She finds it hard to understand why a woman would have such low self esteem as to want to appeal to any mans eyes other than her husbands...

..Or to have many sex partners when virginity and modesty are the highest thing that any woman, Muslim or not, can bestow upon her husband.

The west dropped the 'barbaric' notions of virginity and modesty long back and believes in the type of liberty (as in Leo Volont's word above) "where every girl thinks it her duty to flaunt her sexuality and to be in constant state of Presentation for Mounting". The girls alone are not to be blamed. The guys find them stupid enough for the free show and gleefully encourage them, so do the beauty/lifestyle/apparels/whatnot business lobbies. The girls in the east too, especially those with low self-esteem, started copying 'this ready state of presentation for mounting' as trend and style of the west or as dignified whoring.