i am saudi&muslim girl i want to clearfy my relegion


Hence why I say everyone should convert to Islam. It tells you to be good all the time. I mean who wants freedom if you're going to be all alone, because you've killed everyone else by expressing your freedom?

basically all religions tell you to be good all the time...so why convert to Islam? If you want to be good all the time why not convert to Buddhism? The Buddha more than anyone else stresses to just do good deeds, as according to him your deeds can never be erased. There is no encouragment of killing like in the Qu'ran
i realy realy realy hope u understand islam as it is not as your media picture it
saudi girl, first question
1) If you had a child and that child converted from Islam to another religion (we’ll say Hindu) and in that new belief found a happiness that was not in their life while living in Islam – would you support their personally decision to convert from Islam to Hinduism?

2) I have many personal friends from the Middle East that were Muslim and now are Atheist. They have all told me that on the day they became Atheist was the first day of their entire life that they truly felt free and at peace. Something they never felt while living in Islam. Would you support their decision to become Ahteist because it has given them peace of mind and freedom?

a) Do you think that people in the West should have the freedom to build Mosques and practice Islam openly and freely worship Allah?
b) Do you think that people in Saudi Arabia should have the freedom to build Temples and practice Hinduism openly and freely worship the Goddess Shiva?

Lastly, much the architecture of Mosques, the practice of veiling womenin Islamic countries didn’t start until the 9th century - it was adopted from the Byzantine Christians.


Hence why I say everyone should convert to Islam. It tells you to be good all the time. I mean who wants freedom if you're going to be all alone, because you've killed everyone else by expressing your freedom?

So, to you, expressing ones freedom means going around killing people?
Freedom isn't a good thing if it's free to be evil, sometimes it is a good thing to be forced to be good. Especially if the evil is directed towards you.

Silly in the extreme, forcing people to do anything doesn't work.

So, if you were free, you'd be doing evil all the time?

And you haven't the brains to figure out that won't work either?
Human civilisation is catergorized according to the degree women exhibit chastity and satisfaction just like men exhibit self control and a sense of responsibility - in the absence of which unwanted progeny are created, which is the greatest contribution society can make towards its downfall in the immediate future (or alternatively abortion can be widely promulgated, which isn't particularly indicative of advanced culture either .....)

So aboriginal people are the most civilized on the planet? Interesting.
saudi girl said:
the woman her self want to be covered because it is a command from ALLAh, not from men

Do you have any objective evidence that 'Allah' exists?

saudi girl said:
i am muslim woman and cover my self when i want to get out of my house and i am happy with this and proud of my self

If I couldn't see your features I might not notice you and certainly nor celebrate your beauty... not even with a glance.

saudi girl said:

Can you define 'truth' for me?
Dear Saudi Girl,

Thank you for the thread you have started

I am not sure what you really want to acheive by this and what you question is?
Are you uncertain about Islam or are you just giving us your view point on wearing the viel??

I dont think you can honestly get half the people on these boards to go thanks Saudi Girl i never knew that....

thank you for the time you have spent so far explainging your view point..

I dont hink in the Quran it says girls should look like the emperor's royal guard fropm Return of the Jedi but just in black...


Take care
i am new member in this forume .. sorry my english language is not that good but i'll try to clearfy my religion (islam) to you ... i watch opra and see how she ... thinks that ... women are forced by men to be coverd ...


it is alie

the woman her self want to be covered because it is a command from ALLAh, not from men....
Guess I'll be the one to break this to you. She didn't lie. Mohammed lied. Allah never commanded you to cover up. Mohammed lied that Allah communed with him and had his scribes write the Koran, the words of a MAN. So man has oppressed you by lying to you and telling you that Allah told you to do that. As for the terrorists bit, I doubt she thinks you're *all* terrorists, but look at the situation from an outsiders perspective. What happened when the pope quoted a statement by another that the Muslim beliefs promote violence. Was the reaction peaceful demonstration? NO. Muslims burnt churches and killed a nun. What do you think would have happened if a Muslim preacher accused Catholicism of the same thing? Absolutely nothing. Now before you jump to conclusions and assume that I am on their side and thus biased you need to read some of my past posts. I am a neutral judge on such matters as I have always said ALL religions are wrong. Christian, Jew, Muslim, Bhudist, Mystery Babylon, they are all wrong. Catholosisms past is just as blood soaked as your religion, but as an outside neutral observer I have to say that at least their church leaders in unison today are anti-violence as the biblical Jesus was. Your Mosque leaders on the other hand have quite a share that endorse terrorism. Would a true religion of God be like yours in that way?
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If you dont think that a girl should be forced to wear a burka than you shoulden't think that she should be forced not to, and then its up to her and her community.
If you dont think that a girl should be forced to wear a burka than you shoulden't think that she should be forced not to, and then its up to her and her community.
No communities shouldn't legislate personal morality. How would you feel if your community decided that you have to wear the number 666 on your head or right hand?
Silly in the extreme, forcing people to do anything doesn't work.

So, if you were free, you'd be doing evil all the time?

And you haven't the brains to figure out that won't work either?


There are cultures in this world who are permitted to do what we in the 'controlled' west would consider the height of evil, but for them it is acceptable and common place behaviour. These are not evil people, but they behave in what we consider an evil way because..............they are allowed to. Who knows to what extent people in the west would behave with less 'control'.

The culture I speak of is one in India where the men will do the follwoing if a third party informs them their wife 'looked' at another man.

Hang her upside down by her ankles, cut off her nose, pluck out her eyes and cut off her tongue. Then leave her to die, they may even set her on fire. For nothing more than I have detailed. Common occurrance.

The gangs that are not policed in America etc, also not evil but evil acts are permitted and encouraged and becoem 'normal' within that sub culture as a result.

Prisoners have different levels of what is acceptable, men/women will behave differently according to those levels in prison, same with soldiers during war in the past.

All this due to lack of control.

There is nothing you can do.

Your children, or your childrens' children, or your childrens' childrens' children will all eventually abandon the Muslim 'faith' and assimilate. How do you like that for sweet reality?