i am saudi&muslim girl i want to clearfy my relegion


There are cultures in this world who are permitted to do what we in the 'controlled' west would consider the height of evil, but for them it is acceptable and common place behaviour. These are not evil people, but they behave in what we consider an evil way because..............they are allowed to. Who knows to what extent people in the west would behave with less 'control'.

The culture I speak of is one in India where the men will do the follwoing if a third party informs them their wife 'looked' at another man.

Hang her upside down by her ankles, cut off her nose, pluck out her eyes and cut off her tongue. Then leave her to die, they may even set her on fire. For nothing more than I have detailed. Common occurrance.

The gangs that are not policed in America etc, also not evil but evil acts are permitted and encouraged and becoem 'normal' within that sub culture as a result.

Prisoners have different levels of what is acceptable, men/women will behave differently according to those levels in prison, same with soldiers during war in the past.

All this due to lack of control.

Then that man violated her freedom. She shouldnt be so controlled by him. They have less freedom considering hers as well, not more. This is not lack of control. It is too much control.

There is nothing you can do.

Your children, or your childrens' children, or your childrens' childrens' children will all eventually abandon the Muslim 'faith' and assimilate. How do you like that for sweet reality?

No I will never allow this. As there will be constant reminders.

There are cultures in this world who are permitted to do what we in the 'controlled' west would consider the height of evil, but for them it is acceptable and common place behaviour. These are not evil people, but they behave in what we consider an evil way because..............they are allowed to. Who knows to what extent people in the west would behave with less 'control'.

The culture I speak of is one in India where the men will do the follwoing if a third party informs them their wife 'looked' at another man.

Hang her upside down by her ankles, cut off her nose, pluck out her eyes and cut off her tongue. Then leave her to die, they may even set her on fire. For nothing more than I have detailed. Common occurrance.

The gangs that are not policed in America etc, also not evil but evil acts are permitted and encouraged and becoem 'normal' within that sub culture as a result.

Prisoners have different levels of what is acceptable, men/women will behave differently according to those levels in prison, same with soldiers during war in the past.

All this due to lack of control.

Its part of their religion, their mythological god mutilated women.

Aryan husbands cut off the ears and nose of their wives if they left the house without their prior permission. The Pancatantra mentions one such story [Pancatantra p.54, I.7th story "The Weaver’s Wife"]. The weaver cut off his wife’s nose because she did not respond and he considered her unfaithful. (actually he cut off the barber’s wife’s nose who was there instead.) The Ramayana and Lord Rama practiced the cutting off of womens’ noses for minor offences, thereby providing divine sanction for the custom. Shurpanakha was a Dravidian lady ( referred to as Rakshis or female demons by the Aryans) who fell in love with Rama. She proposed to him, but he directed her to his brother Laxman. He cut off her ears and nose for this crime, and Ram condoned this act. [Alld Chmbrs 1036]

Its part of their religion, their mythological god mutilated women.

Mythical gods don't actually commit acts of good or evil. People who believe in them do. They bomb buildings and school buses; assassinate abortion doctors; burn witches; drown and dismember their infant children; rape women "possessed" by "demons" as a form of exorcism; oppress women and suggest that a veil must be worn or if she's raped/assualted it was her fault, not the man that found her attractive and couldn't control his 'god'-given urges; etc.

This is one reason why religious belief is bad for society. The question then becomes: is the net result for society good or bad? Obviously religious organizations attempt to do good things around the world and many believe they are acting in the best interest of their fellow man.

Personally, I see no reason why religious cults like Islam or Christianity are necessary to do good in the world. Whenever someone believes their version of god(s) wants them to act a certain way and they're willing to die for their god(s), there is an unpredictable element of risk to the rest of society.
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Whenever someone believes their version of god(s) wants them to act a certain way and they're willing to die[/i ] for their god(s), there is an unpredictable element of risk to the rest of society.

1. What do scientists who design weapons for the military, building more and more destructive bombs capable of mass destruction believe in?

2. Are there atheists in the army? Are they willing to die/ kill to defend their country?
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The culture I speak of is one in India where the men will do the follwoing if a third party informs them their wife 'looked' at another man.

Hang her upside down by her ankles, cut off her nose, pluck out her eyes and cut off her tongue. Then leave her to die, they may even set her on fire. For nothing more than I have detailed. Common occurrance.
Where in the world did you gather this information!!! :bugeye: :eek:

Far from truth!
Are those scientists or engineers exploting the work of science? I'd assert that there are very few scientists who do science with intent to destroy or harm.

With regard to atheists, this is a non sequitur. It doesn't follow that because a critical argument can be made about the nature of religious nutters bent on dying for their 'god,' and because there are atheists who may or may not be willing to "die/kill" for their country that we shouldn't criticize religion. We can merely accept that there are a multiple reasons for people to be willing to "die/kill" for, but religion would seem to be the most prevalent.

What's fascinating with your arguments, however, is that they are common attempts at justification by religious adherents the world over so they can excuse the transgressions of those nutters within their cults that go beserk in the name of their gods. It doesn't wash. Sorry.
"Aryan husbands cut off the ears and nose of their wives if they left the house without their prior permission. The Pancatantra mentions one such story [Pancatantra p.54, I.7th story "The Weaver’s Wife"]. The weaver cut off his wife’s nose because she did not respond and he considered her unfaithful. (actually he cut off the barber’s wife’s nose who was there instead.) The Ramayana and Lord Rama practiced the cutting off of womens’ noses for minor offences, thereby providing divine sanction for the custom. Shurpanakha was a Dravidian lady ( referred to as Rakshis or female demons by the Aryans) who fell in love with Rama. She proposed to him, but he directed her to his brother Laxman. He cut off her ears and nose for this crime, and Ram condoned this act. [Alld Chmbrs 1036] ”
Even if we assume what you quoted from the hate site is right for a moment, aren't you doing the same NOW, that somebody else had done thousands of years ago? :D
Are those scientists or engineers exploting the work of science? I'd assert that there are very few scientists who do science with intent to destroy or harm.

With regard to atheists, this is a non sequitur. It doesn't follow that because a critical argument can be made about the nature of religious nutters bent on dying for their 'god,' and because there are atheists who may or may not be willing to "die/kill" for their country that we shouldn't criticize religion. We can merely accept that there are a multiple reasons for people to be willing to "die/kill" for, but religion would seem to be the most prevalent.

What's fascinating with your arguments, however, is that they are common attempts at justification by religious adherents the world over so they can excuse the transgressions of those nutters within their cults that go beserk in the name of their gods. It doesn't wash. Sorry.

In other words, scientists who design the bombs are completely free of any responsibility how they are utilised, even though the primary purpose of a weapon is to kill or destroy.

As for religion being most prevalent, I would say demagogy has the upper hand here and religion is easily replaced by the next populist theme or fear.


“ Originally Posted by Muslim
"Aryan husbands cut off the ears and nose of their wives if they left the house without their prior permission. The Pancatantra mentions one such story [Pancatantra p.54, I.7th story "The Weaver’s Wife"].

Pancatantra is a book about morals - similar to aesops fables

The Ramayana and Lord Rama practiced the cutting off of womens’ noses for minor offences, thereby providing divine sanction for the custom. Shurpanakha was a Dravidian lady ( referred to as Rakshis or female demons by the Aryans) who fell in love with Rama. She proposed to him, but he directed her to his brother Laxman. He cut off her ears and nose for this crime, and Ram condoned this act. [Alld Chmbrs 1036] ”

meaning that they ate human flesh, particularly babies

The whole quote rings of the absurdities that arise when anthropologists attempt to give an analysis of vedic scripture (Dravidian lady - lol )

anyway if you actually want to examine vedic recommendations for gender issues between husband and wife there are more direct and credible sources
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I must say your command of the English language, writing skills, grammar and spelling really inproved with your 2nd post. I see you and Mosheh share the same writing style too. Do you like him?

Exactly! This is what caught my attention too. I'm interested in following this up. And I did consider the possibility that she might have copied it from somehwere else, but I did a search in Goolge and couldn't find any site which had those words (actually Google led me back here). Okay, still, it might have been some obscure site (I glanced at the links she gave and couldn't find anything there, but I didn't go through the whole site in detail). And now she seems to have ended the discussion. Who is interested in following this up? I am! If we analyze the language, maybe we can come up with something...