i am saudi&muslim girl i want to clearfy my relegion

Many Muslim women look upon the modern sexy, tight fitting and short clothing of the non-Muslim woman as being vulgar and sleazy. She finds it hard to understand why a woman would have such low self esteem as to want to appeal to any mans eyes other than her husbands. Or to have many sex partners when virginity and modesty are the highest thing that any woman, Muslim or not, can bestow upon her husband. She can't understand why the men in the family (fathers, husbands or brothers) would allow and even approve of the women in his family whom he should be protecting, to go outside the house, to say nothing of going to school or work with such little clothes to cover their body. And then to be shocked or surprised when the woman or girl is raped!
what a load of garbage.
it's crap like what you spew saudigirl that gives islam a bad name.
i expect to run into islam in some of the most backwards countrys on the planet.

i especially like the last sentence of your quote.
you said it
covered with burka allows them to marry even the ugliest broad to some unsuspecting dude :D

before the man getting married he can see the woman he want and talk to her if they attracted to each other they get married

exactly right,women go topless or naked on the beaches in Europe,all the time and no one rapes anyone,maybe they are just a bit more EVOLVED than our midle eastern friends,?

the repetetion of sexy pictures ,sexy bodies,sexy videos,sexy clothes make it very diffecult for men to hold theme selves this explainse why prostitution,fornication,husbands betray their wives with other woman and sexual ills are very spread in ur society .. ur men r not more EVOLVED than our men but ur men have many apporteneties to sleep with any woman he want without even knowing her name and some of them are married men what a shame because they dont have morality's deterrent .

saudi girl... isnt a girl... and also isnt one person.

and i say this, because she... or they... have ignored me.

i too read the Koran, and i am a muulah of sorts.

and i have many fundamental questions to put forth in challenge to the basis of your interpretive belief system based on the Koran.

my first question to you... is.. "Does Mohammed contradict himself in the Koran????????"

is it possible for him to contradict himself??

Ok, alot of questions, but here's one more:

If Islam isn't a violent religion, then why is blasphemy considered a criminal offense, punishable by death?

If you will kill your own people for disbelief, why not other people?
Ok, alot of questions, but here's one more:

If Islam isn't a violent religion, then why is blasphemy considered a criminal offense, punishable by death?

If you will kill your own people for disbelief, why not other people?

because what is considered violence is relative. I may eat an apple with a worm inside and for buddhism I have commited an act of killing...
Why is your religion correct, and others are not?
They believe it as firmly as you.

If God talked to Jews first, why are you not a Jew?

because islam is the last religion and prophet mohamad is the last prophet from God and Quran is the last book from God which did not change since over 1400 years..try to enter islamic sites so u find out if this religion is true or not try to read about islam with opened heart i dont say u have to be a muslim but at least try to think again of a religion comes from God ..please open ur eyes open ur heart try to finde the right religion not to be like ur father or mother it is something very important to think about there is an other life after death there is hell and heaven which one u would like u have to work hard to gain heaven it is not that easy to enter it costs u alot of work ur soul deserves to be rescued please rescue ur self i will not gain any thing by writing these lines i just want to wake u up .. u can read about all relegions on earth and deside which one is the right one but dont say i will be just like my parents .. u have ur own mind and can find ur releafe but dont forget that there is a jugment day and u will face God what u will say to him?? i followed my parents !!!u need a stronger excuse.

saudi girl... isnt a girl... and also isnt one person.

and i say this, because she... or they... have ignored me.

i too read the Koran, and i am a muulah of sorts.

and i have many fundamental questions to put forth in challenge to the basis of your interpretive belief system based on the Koran.

my first question to you... is.. "Does Mohammed contradict himself in the Koran????????"

is it possible for him to contradict himself??


IM PRETY SURE......!!!!!!! u r free to belive that iam girl or not ..
but i ignored alot of posts because when i entered my subject i find around 20 posts and did not understand most of the lines and i dont know who to anser my mother language is arabic not english and i take long time to anser each question.

Does Mohammed contradict himself in the Koran????????"
no of course not .. if u want to ask about islam i can give u links for muslim (shekh) who like (priest)in chrestenity who spend their life in studing Quran and islamic doctrine.

my Qs:
what is ur religion?? what do u mean by muulah??
I do read alot about religion. It is my knowledge, rather than lack of it, that makes me decide that there is no God, and no heaven or hell (except in a metaphorical sense). You came on here to clarify any questions or misunderstandings we might have about Islam. Instead of doing so, you implore us to defer our questions to other sources, presumably with more authority. Maybe you should do the same. In fact submission to authority is the whole point of religion. It is a means of social control, and you are very tightly controlled, even your appearance is not under your control, and you like it that way. I suppose it is easy, not having to think for yourself.

But let me address your comment.

You said two things. One is that the last book from God is the most accurate.

Then you say that the fact it didn't change in 1400 years makes it reliable.

Which is it?

The Bible is older than 1400 years, and the Book of Mormon is less than 200. Which is more reliable?
Ok, alot of questions, but here's one more:

If Islam isn't a violent religion, then why is blasphemy considered a criminal offense, punishable by death?

If you will kill your own people for disbelief, why not other people?

i dont understand ur question what do u mean by blasphemy,offense??
my translator could not translate them.
i dont understand ur question what do u mean by blasphemy,offense??
my translator could not translate them.

Denial or questioning wether Islam is true, converting to another religion, converting a Muslim to another religion...
the first half of the Koran.... speaks of peace and love... amoungst all religions and those who believe in and worship God.... Allah.

the one God... the same God of Abraham.. the God of Jesus.

in this way, the first half... brings all religion together in love.

but the second half does not... and the infidel is described.

i put it to you... that they have more often than not... allowed the text of the second half to stand alone... alone and without moderation from the first half.

in this way... they can preach that all who are not muslim must convert or die... by basing their views solely on the second half.

but to do so, is to propose that the words of the second have... superceed, and replace the words of the first half.. and if so.
then they preach based on doctrine which fundamentally allowed for interpretations where Mohammed is allowed to contradict himself.

you said... he does not.

which is it.?

be very careful.... be very wise... the definition of evil infidels are well defined... and jews and christians are not in that group....

mis- interpretation allows many muslim leaders to lead many astray...

just as has happened to christians all over the world... for the last 2000 years.

UNFORTUNATELY theres also Saudi secret police that can arrest detain and TORTURE anyone into confessing any crime even if youre innocent like recently happened to one person (Canadian worker)who was held and tortured for two fng years there,
I bet youve never heard about that??

no i'v never heard about that but before juging our police throgh one accedent u should look how the muslims are treated in guantnamu or abu ghrabe in iraq i pretty sure u'v seen the pictures of naked prisoners and how the army insult them by closing their eyes and dress them women under wear or hang them naked on a tank and frighten them with crazy dogs or how the girls are raped by the american army like animals .. please dont talk about injustice and torture look at palestain,lebanon,iraq every day hundreds of children and women are killed by ur army
i am new member in this forume .. sorry my english language is not that good but i'll try to clearfy my religion (islam) to you by posting these links ..

this site is for priest & preacher enter islam

this site is for christian educated woman enter islam named Merry Watson and after islam named Khadija Watson .

i realy realy realy hope u understand islam as it is not as your media picture it

i watch opra and see how she hates muslim and thinks that all of us are terrorests and women are forced by men to be coverd ...


it is alie

the woman her self want to be covered because it is a command from ALLAh, not from men

i am muslim woman and cover my self when i want to get out of my house and i am happy with this and proud of my self


i have many things and facts i want to show but i dont know where to begin.


I'm a Muslim. Are you married?

I am looking for religious Muslim wife. I am from england, and have a red passport!

I want to become more spiritualistic and learn about Islam.
Denial or questioning wether Islam is true, converting to another religion, converting a Muslim to another religion...

u mean that islam is forcing people to be muslim and kill them if they refuse??
no islam gives u the right to be amuslim or not it is written in Quran dont fight non muslims unless they fight u and treat them in good way ..
no i'v never heard about that but before juging our police throgh one accedent u should look how the muslims are treated in guantnamu or abu ghrabe in iraq i pretty sure u'v seen the pictures of naked prisoners and how the army insult them by closing their eyes and dress them women under wear or hang them naked on a tank and frighten them with crazy dogs or how the girls are raped by the american army like animals .. please dont talk about injustice and torture look at palestain,lebanon,iraq every day hundreds of children and women are killed by ur army

Oh, no, I'm free to condemn both. There are numerous incidents of brutal sentences for what we are free to do in the west, to think for ourselves, to love whom we wish, to vote for the best candidate of any religion or creed...
I do read alot about religion. It is my knowledge, rather than lack of it, that makes me decide that there is no God, and no heaven or hell (except in a metaphorical sense). You came on here to clarify any questions or misunderstandings we might have about Islam. Instead of doing so, you implore us to defer our questions to other sources, presumably with more authority. Maybe you should do the same. In fact submission to authority is the whole point of religion. It is a means of social control, and you are very tightly controlled, even your appearance is not under your control, and you like it that way. I suppose it is easy, not having to think for yourself.

But let me address your comment.

You said two things. One is that the last book from God is the most accurate.

Then you say that the fact it didn't change in 1400 years makes it reliable.

Which is it?

The Bible is older than 1400 years, and the Book of Mormon is less than 200. Which is more reliable?

First I did not understand these words:

what do u mean by other sources?

Iam sure that u did not read about islam from the right sources because ur society represent islam badly try to enter the first link I posted at first u will find the answer of ur questions .. yes my life is under the control of the one who created me ..u believe that there is no another life after death?? Why u borne and live?? Only to eat sleep and having sex!!!

Life is the examination and in the judgment u will receive ur paper and know if u pass the exam or not .. ur belief makes u like animals(sorry) no mind no thinking not deliberate the world around u ..

Yes the bible is older than Quran but people distort it and change it for their interests that’s why God send mohamad to correct the religion and send Quran to him and did not change .