i am saudi&muslim girl i want to clearfy my relegion

Do you have evidence that your god commands this? Or do you simply take the word of a writer who claimed his words were divine and not hallucination, delusion or lie? Surely we have more evidence of these three human characters more so than we have of "divine inspiration."

As I recall from reading a long time a go

the Quoran was written in a time when men and women were naked and having orgies in the street.

It was told that women AND men cover their 'jewells', the rules in the Quoran are equally applied to men and women as far as I recall.

The fact that over the yrs this has been taken to an extreme by the women and men further used this 'rule' to oppress women is a statement of men and women and the decisions they make.

You mention superstition skin, are you aware most superstitions stem from real things but those things have been completely lost over time so that all is left is an 'irrational fear' or 'action' that is nonsensical in the modern changed world.

I mention circumsion a lot to demonstrate this point.This practice originated in Egypt as result of snake woprship. NOTHING to do woith Mohammed being born with no foreskin or any other bollocks. Little do all the religions who continue to mutilate baby boys today know they do so because snake worshippers wanted to honour the snake.

Perhaps what is needed in regards to extreme religious practices is a closer
examination of why the dress codes were deemed necc at that point in time
and whether in todays world they are still appropriate. Instead of sticking to them out of misplaced belief.

Note: Humans seem stuck on tradition, in the UK, barristers and judges still wear wigs and bat coats, why?
Allah says in the Holy Quran for the woman to lower her gaze and to cover herself, it is then defined who she does not have to cover in front of and is free to dress in a modest way, namely any male relative who she would not be able to marry. She is further told in another chapter to cover herself when going outside of her house. Both of these references can be found in chapters 24:31 called Surah (meaning chapter) An-Nur and in chapter 33:59, Surah Al-Ahzab.

What is interesting is that it is not the Muslim women themselves who are complaining about their covering. Many of our new sisters to Islam in the United States and Europe have stated time and again how protected and modest they feel when going outside and have notice that those men in which they need to interact with, even though they are not Muslims usually treat them with respect and dignity. The Muslim woman's covering also affords her protection from men and by men.

Many Muslim women look upon the modern sexy, tight fitting and short clothing of the non-Muslim woman as being vulgar and sleazy. She finds it hard to understand why a woman would have such low self esteem as to want to appeal to any mans eyes other than her husbands. Or to have many sex partners when virginity and modesty are the highest thing that any woman, Muslim or not, can bestow upon her husband. She can't understand why the men in the family (fathers, husbands or brothers) would allow and even approve of the women in his family whom he should be protecting, to go outside the house, to say nothing of going to school or work with such little clothes to cover their body. And then to be shocked or surprised when the woman or girl is raped!

I must say your command of the English language, writing skills, grammar and spelling really inproved with your 2nd post. I see you and Mosheh share the same writing style too. Do you like him?

You are being lied to. Sexuality is a healthy part of being human.
even healthier if she has it with her husband

Seeing a pretty girl is no excuse to rape her! It is all the men's fault if this happens. You act like rape is a natural response, and that men have no responsibility for their own actions!

lol - I guess its a conclusion women tend to arrive at, with or without a burka

You imply that people in the west mistrust Islam because we don't understand it. What if we do understand it?

wouldn't have any problems with a burka if you did

Men designed Islam in a way that appealed to them, and women are considered a lesser authority, why?
many such women control their husbands from such an apparently lessened role of authority

Women are humans, they can be intelligent, they can drive a car, learn karate, fight in war, they can do anything a man can do, but instead you become virtual slaves to the wishes of men.
and for women to appear or act sexually loose isn't another form of virtual slavery tot he desires of men?

You brainwash your children to believe that Jews are evil. You forbid them to learn the truth, that all people are animals, evolved from apes, and we came from fish in the ocean.

In other words you have an agenda thatyou think deserves a more credible stance of brainwashing

I dislike all religions, but Islam especially so. So called terrorists are not extreme,
numerous islamic groups have attempted to distance themselves from such non - extremists

You are probably not a terrorist yourself,
... a generous concession on your behalf
but your religion lays the foundation for believing that paradise awaits the suicide bomber.

I think sam has given enough links to indicate that this is not the case

There enough various texts in the Koran to support being a terrorist. Like the Bible, it depends what part you want to pay attention to

so your general principle is that a good should be rejected wholesale if there are traces of it being utilized inappropriately by a few?
I am a swiss cheese with turkey sandwich, I want you all to understand that the peanut butter with jelly sandwich is not the right for consumption..
I am a swiss cheese with turkey sandwich, I want you all to understand that the peanut butter with jelly sandwich is not the right for consumption..

Maybe you should send large military convoys of swiss cheese and turkey sandwiches to the places of peanut and belly jelly sandwiches just to re- establish the proper social paradigm

Allah says in the Holy Quran for the woman to lower her gaze and to cover herself, it is then defined who she does not have to cover in front of and is free to dress in a modest way, namely any male relative who she would not be able to marry. She is further told in another chapter to cover herself when going outside of her house. Both of these references can be found in chapters 24:31 called Surah (meaning chapter) An-Nur and in chapter 33:59, Surah Al-Ahzab.

First of all, I must congratulate you on the staggering improvement of your syntax from your first post, almost as if you were two different people.

What is interesting is that it is not the Muslim women themselves who are complaining about their covering. Many of our new sisters to Islam in the United States and Europe have stated time and again how protected and modest they feel when going outside and have notice that those men in which they need to interact with, even though they are not Muslims usually treat them with respect and dignity. The Muslim woman's covering also affords her protection from men and by men.

Complete nonsense, an extra article of clothing isn't going to provide any more protection than another. On the contrary, it would be far easier to hold on to and pin down a womam wearing all the clothing. It's also ridiculous to claim that women are treated with more dignity and respect, more likely suspicion and fear as they are hiding something.

Many Muslim women look upon the modern sexy, tight fitting and short clothing of the non-Muslim woman as being vulgar and sleazy. She finds it hard to understand why a woman would have such low self esteem as to want to appeal to any mans eyes other than her husbands.

You fail to understand that those women have a higher esteem of themselves than Muslim women, that's why they wear what they want. Hiding yourself completely would mean having low esteem.

Or to have many sex partners when virginity and modesty are the highest thing that any woman, Muslim or not, can bestow upon her husband.

That is the oppression of Muslim men. Women who only offer virginity and modesty as the "highest thing" are not attractive in the least. That merely places them alongside the furniture and pets that Muslim men would own. Attractive women are smart, vibrant, open and are not afraid to express their sexuality. Quite human, really.

She can't understand why the men in the family (fathers, husbands or brothers) would allow and even approve of the women in his family whom he should be protecting, to go outside the house, to say nothing of going to school or work with such little clothes to cover their body. And then to be shocked or surprised when the woman or girl is raped!

You first claimed that it had nothing to do with men or their approval, but everything to do with Allah, now you change your story to what is the reality of the situation, power and control over women. As well, Muslim women get raped, or are you claiming they do not?
I too am starting to think this is a hoax. Clearly, a Saudi girl would not be allowed to converse with strange men on the internet, especially when they are trying to convince her that her faith is irrational. Also, are they allowed to use computers? Why that and no driving? Doesn't make sense.

bigbang...er said:
so your general principle is that a good should be rejected wholesale if there are traces of it being utilized inappropriately by a few?
No, I'm suggesting that the basic idea of a supernatural being in control of the universe promotes irrationality (faith), which contradicts reason, and although there may be some good effects, the overall result is damaging to the well-being of humanity.
I too am starting to think this is a hoax. Clearly, a Saudi girl would not be allowed to converse with strange men on the internet, especially when they are trying to convince her that her faith is irrational. Also, are they allowed to use computers? Why that and no driving? Doesn't make sense.


No, I'm suggesting that the basic idea of a supernatural being in control of the universe promotes irrationality (faith), which contradicts reason, and although there may be some good effects, the overall result is damaging to the well-being of humanity.

I know a saudi girl who not only conversed on internet with stange men, she got pregnant by one and then had abortion in UK at 20 weeks. What makes you believe these girls are as pure as the driven snow?
first of all i copied the second post from the second link i gave to u because as i said i am not so good in english .. again i copied these lines from the same link ..

the Muslim woman is able to work outside of the home, the Muslim woman is not required to pay the bills or support a husband who does not work. The money she earn belongs to her unless she other wise agrees to give up this right. Allah states in the Holy Quran. Surah An-Nisa 4:34, “Men are the protectors and maintainers of women….”

The Muslim woman is not forced into marriage contrary to popular opinion. It is her right to say no if she does not wish to marry a certain man. It is also her right to seek a divorce, in some countries there is a problem about this, it must be noted that it is the country that has the problem not Islam. The woman has had this right in Islam for the last 1427 years, where as the Western and European countries have emancipated women in this area only in the last 150 years!!!.

these are my lines

i am muslim woman have 2 girls and married to very kind and loving husband there is not bad language between us as i see in american movies i even can not say to him u r stuped out of respect not fear and he also can not say any word which may upset me and if he do he will come and say sory .. of course there is not hitting .. in our country we rarely hear about man hit his wife .

i finished collage since 3 years and i am not working , my husband gave me the choice if i want to work or not but i dont want to work i want to be free to rais my daughters the best way .. if we need mony i well work to help my husband but he is an engineerer his sallery around 15,000 per month i live like a princess no body insult me no body can force me to work no body can hit me i can walk alone in a dark street with out fear to be raped because all of us are frightened from God who can see u any where any time not frightened from polis or FBI :confused:

we can sleep while the door of our house is open no fear to be stollen or killed saudi arabia is the most beaceful country around the world ..
but the terrorests (who are considered in saudi arabia as criminals ) made us ugly & evil & killers but we are not we hate terrorests they represent them selves not islam , if u come to saudi arabia u will be shoked by the sciene of people , cities , mosques , hospitals , schools , collages ,culture ..the sciene which is oppeset of how ur media represent it.
first of all i copied the second post from the second link i gave to u because as i said i am not so good in english .. again i copied these lines from the same link ..

Ah, so you plagiarized. Nice.

Allah states in the Holy Quran. Surah An-Nisa 4:34, “Men are the protectors and maintainers of women….”

So, women are chattel.

The Muslim woman is not forced into marriage contrary to popular opinion. It is her right to say no if she does not wish to marry a certain man. It is also her right to seek a divorce, in some countries there is a problem about this...

Yes. it's called Shariah law.

i am muslim woman have 2 girls and married to very kind and loving husband there is not bad language between us as i see in american movies

So, first you accuse us of following the media and now you compare your life to a Hollywood movie?

i even can not say to him u r stuped out of respect not fear and he also can not say any word which may upset me and if he do he will come and say sory .. of course there is not hitting .. in our country we rarely hear about man hit his wife .

And you feel the need to call each other stupid because... ? You rarely hear about wife beating? Gee, that's a surprise.
I know a saudi girl who not only conversed on internet with stange men, she got pregnant by one and then had abortion in UK at 20 weeks. What makes you believe these girls are as pure as the driven snow?
Oh, yes. One of my colleagues is a nice muslim lady who doesn't wear a burkha. She is so clear that it is better to have values than a burkha... and that she knows many burkha-clad girls who go around with men and use the burkha as a 'veil'; and with mini skirts inside!
I too am starting to think this is a hoax. Clearly, a Saudi girl would not be allowed to converse with strange men on the internet, especially when they are trying to convince her that her faith is irrational. Also, are they allowed to use computers? Why that and no driving? Doesn't make sense.

loooool u think we r living in a desert ofcourse we can use computer and enternet .. see!!! this is what make me come and write about muslims and saudis because of the wrong picture u have about us .
wake up coputer is studied here from elementary school untill collage ..my little brother knows how to use internet:rolleyes:

every saudi girl has her own computer ,mobile and other aspects of technology

no body can convince me that my faith is wrong.
Allah says in the Holy Quran for the woman to lower her gaze and to cover herself, it is then defined who she does not have to cover in front of and is free to dress in a modest way, namely any male relative who she would not be able to marry. She is further told in another chapter to cover herself when going outside of her house. Both of these references can be found in chapters 24:31 called Surah (meaning chapter) An-Nur and in chapter 33:59, Surah Al-Ahzab.

What is interesting is that it is not the Muslim women themselves who are complaining about their covering. Many of our new sisters to Islam in the United States and Europe have stated time and again how protected and modest they feel when going outside and have notice that those men in which they need to interact with, even though they are not Muslims usually treat them with respect and dignity. The Muslim woman's covering also affords her protection from men and by men.

Many Muslim women look upon the modern sexy, tight fitting and short clothing of the non-Muslim woman as being vulgar and sleazy. She finds it hard to understand why a woman would have such low self esteem as to want to appeal to any mans eyes other than her husbands. Or to have many sex partners when virginity and modesty are the highest thing that any woman, Muslim or not, can bestow upon her husband. She can't understand why the men in the family (fathers, husbands or brothers) would allow and even approve of the women in his family whom he should be protecting, to go outside the house, to say nothing of going to school or work with such little clothes to cover their body. And then to be shocked or surprised when the woman or girl is raped!


and it is because men are pigs.

but the burka... only allows men to aviod the issue of their own pigness.

and avioding the issue, makes it a non-issue... and men culturally are allowed to be pigs.

and no effort is made towards training in this area....

instead... women cover up.

while it is effective, it is anything but natural.

and what you dont understand about western womans desire to not be veiled or hidden under burkas....

its not comfortable.
and they are not so much concerned with how they look to men, since all men are pigs and like women regardless....

their main concern is about what other women think.
they are all in competition to look their best, hence the make up and clothes and fashion.... all to make them look spectacular....

a beauty contest cannot take place under burkas.

So, first you accuse us of following the media and now you compare your life to a Hollywood movie?

And you feel the need to call each other stupid because... ? You rarely hear about wife beating? Gee, that's a surprise.

very weak words .. Hollywood movies represent ur actual life i want to show u the defferent in family life between u and us .. i surprised how the teenagers treat their parents badly as parents work for them no respect no estimation.

u want to make ur self funy and critic any thing only for criticism in ridiculous way .. yeh it is surprise for u because u used to hear about wife beating in ur society.. the surprise is ur confedence in talking about a society u dont know at all.
loooool u think we r living in a desert ofcourse we can use computer and enternet .. see!!! this is what make me come and write about muslims and saudis because of the wrong picture u have about us .
wake up coputer is studied here from elementary school untill collage ..my little brother knows how to use internet:rolleyes:

every saudi girl has her own computer ,mobile and other aspects of technology

no body can convince me that my faith is wrong.

So why can you use a computer and not drive a car or vote?

Of course you are certain in your faith, that is why it is called faith. A reasonable person can change their mind about something.

What do you mean by clarifying your religion? Isn't it clear? I think it means you want to spread favorable propaganda about your religion. Don't you think that someone indoctrinated from birth, in a country where almost everyone is the same religion will think that this religion is the best? You cannot be anything other than what you are, and that is becuase powerful men want it that way. I find that frightening.
men are not all monks..... but are pigs.
what are YOU ...a fucking LESBIAN???:eek:

actualy in a way youre somewhat right,Ive heard that humans share 50% of dna with pigs
the burka.... allows women to be... a person... and not a sexual object.
since we as men, have no idea what she looks like...
is she hot?
or is she old and butt ugly?
you said it
covered with burka allows them to marry even the ugliest broad to some unsuspecting dude :D
because it prevents cultural evolution of the minds of any given country and community into minds which CAN CONTROL THEMSELVES.

and such an evolution should be incouraged.

exactly right,women go topless or naked on the beaches in Europe,all the time and no one rapes anyone,maybe they are just a bit more EVOLVED than our midle eastern friends,?
first of all i copied the second post from the second link i gave to u because as i said i am not so good in english .. again i copied these lines from the same link ..

the Muslim woman is able to work outside of the home, the Muslim woman is not required to pay the bills or support a husband who does not work. The money she earn belongs to her unless she other wise agrees to give up this right. Allah states in the Holy Quran. Surah An-Nisa 4:34, “Men are the protectors and maintainers of women….”

The Muslim woman is not forced into marriage contrary to popular opinion. It is her right to say no if she does not wish to marry a certain man. It is also her right to seek a divorce, in some countries there is a problem about this, it must be noted that it is the country that has the problem not Islam. The woman has had this right in Islam for the last 1427 years, where as the Western and European countries have emancipated women in this area only in the last 150 years!!!.

these are my lines

i am muslim woman have 2 girls and married to very kind and loving husband there is not bad language between us as i see in american movies i even can not say to him u r stuped out of respect not fear and he also can not say any word which may upset me and if he do he will come and say sory .. of course there is not hitting .. in our country we rarely hear about man hit his wife .

i finished collage since 3 years and i am not working , my husband gave me the choice if i want to work or not but i dont want to work i want to be free to rais my daughters the best way .. if we need mony i well work to help my husband but he is an engineerer his sallery around 15,000 per month i live like a princess no body insult me no body can force me to work no body can hit me i can walk alone in a dark street with out fear to be raped because all of us are frightened from God who can see u any where any time not frightened from polis or FBI :confused:

we can sleep while the door of our house is open no fear to be stollen or killed saudi arabia is the most beaceful country around the world ..
but the terrorests (who are considered in saudi arabia as criminals ) made us ugly & evil & killers but we are not we hate terrorests they represent them selves not islam , if u come to saudi arabia u will be shoked by the sciene of people , cities , mosques , hospitals , schools , collages ,culture ..the sciene which is oppeset of how ur media represent it.
UNFORTUNATELY theres also Saudi secret police that can arrest detain and TORTURE anyone into confessing any crime even if youre innocent like recently happened to one person (Canadian worker)who was held and tortured for two fng years there,
I bet youve never heard about that??
a beauty contest cannot take place under burkas.


The burkas will come off in time. People are people, burka or no burka. Bring your women to America, let them see how ridiculous religious clothing rules are. Sooner or later, I can see it now, A Penthouse spectacular edition of "What's Under the Burka?: Muslim College Girls Pictorial" Millions for Bob Guccione and a bunch of Muslim girls get shot or threatened with death by their own people. It is only a matter of time. Price of individual freedom or the power of money? The old will die and the young will change things to their suiting.

You can say what you want but eventually some girls will revolt and the burkas in North America are out the door. You can run all the 'good' Muslim girls in here that you want but it won't change a thing. The big question is: Are the males of the Islamic religion ready for the cultural flap that will occur? No sense fighting it, you'll only look like an old fashioned fart. You can shoot them or punish them any way you want but it won't stop the wave once it starts.

The American culture will catch up to your archaic rules and your women are going to change. By the time you're an old goat you will be mumbling about the brash females and will go to your grave lamenting the pitiful state of religion.

You can't stop it, you can try using force but even that will not be enough. The burkas will start disappearing some day if they aren't already.
So why can you use a computer and not drive a car or vote?

Of course you are certain in your faith, that is why it is called faith. A reasonable person can change their mind about something.

What do you mean by clarifying your religion? Isn't it clear? I think it means you want to spread favorable propaganda about your religion. Don't you think that someone indoctrinated from birth, in a country where almost everyone is the same religion will think that this religion is the best? You cannot be anything other than what you are, and that is becuase powerful men want it that way. I find that frightening.

we dont need to drive cars we have husbands who are resbonseble to take care of us or if the husband is busy he bring adriver with 700 as asalery per month just to keep woman confortable .. in saudi arabia ther is not voting for men or women .

my religion is totally clear but i want to clarify it to u who dont know any thing about islam

i know that every body carry the same relegion of his parents but this does not mean that this relegion is correct so u have to think again about u relegion because thers is another life after death there is hell and heaven which make us think again and again about our relegion not to be what ever u r when u born.
Why is your religion correct, and others are not?
They believe it as firmly as you.

If God talked to Jews first, why are you not a Jew?
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