i am saudi&muslim girl i want to clearfy my relegion


I'm a Muslim. Are you married?.

I'm a muslim. Are you available for a fuck?
I am looking for religious Muslim wife.
I am willing to say anything to get into your panties

I am from england, and have a red passport

I am from England and have bought a passport from a guy from the pub for 20quid and I can get you one too;)
I want to become more spiritualistic and learn about Islam.

I want to pretend to leave the bacardi breezers behind so I can get into your panties.

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yes my life is under the control of the one who created me .

Life is the examination and in the judgment u will receive ur paper and know if u pass the exam or not

Then, if you do not pass the examination, Allah is to blame since he controls you.

I'm a muslim. Are you available for a fuck?

I am willing to say anything to get into your panties

I am from England and have bought a passport from a guy from the pub for 20quid and I can get you one too

I want to pretend to leave the bacardi breezers behind so I can get into your panties.

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Why don't you stop invading our nations? Stop trying to get more foreigners to come in when you yourself are barely here and identify yourself more as a "Paki" and a "Moslem" than a subject of the United Kingdom? Why don't you go back from whence you came instead of mooch off our nations and corrupt our cultures?

If you want a Moslem wife, why don't you go back to Pakistan? If you want to be amongst your people, why don't you go back to them?

Do you even consider yourself British? Do you practice any British customs? Do you value British historical and cultural figures?
I believe in equality, and freedom hence i'm athiest and a free thinker.
Yet you still obey and support governments that punish people for trying to teach a lesson on how to interact peaceful in society, not treating police like gods, using drugs, polygamy, and prostetution. A government that doesn't show the same respect to it's citizens that it expects from them.
but a matter of individual freedoms. My life values are about freedom for everyone.
What about freedom for people who's only real skill is theft, a way of life that has been around since before the human race? Is it right to surpress these people? For them to immediately become enemies of a power too strong for them to ever compete with, simply by attempting a different outlook on survival and success is ok? But women being respectful to theirselves isn't?
very weak words .. Hollywood movies represent ur actual life i want to show u the defferent in family life between u and us .. i surprised how the teenagers treat their parents badly as parents work for them no respect no estimation.
First, Hollywood movies aren't even remotely close to anyone's family life that I know. Most disresoect towards parents(in real life, not the movies), stems from the parents having been neglectful or abusive earlier in the teen's life. There is however an extreme lack of respect for anyone from anyone in America. This is because our laws restrict the elders from properly disciplining their younger counterparts, and it gets worse all the time with new laws. The only people who aren't completely void of discipline and respect are the ones who have lives that were worth living, and who have been disciplined by their experiences. But the people in the movies are stupid pussies.
UNFORTUNATELY theres also Saudi secret police that can arrest detain and TORTURE anyone into confessing any crime even if youre innocent like recently happened to one person (Canadian worker)who was held and tortured for two fng years there,
I bet youve never heard about that??
I've heard of America doing the same things, just because they deport innocent detainees first doesn't make it anymore right.
..u believe that there is no another life after death?? Why u borne and live?? Only to eat sleep and having sex!!!

That is correct. I was born like any creature was born. Why is an elephant or a squirrel born? Same reason. I happen to participate in a life which includes more than just sleeping, as do you.

Wanting there to be a grand purpose to life and a devine plan doesn't make it so.

Perhaps the Book of Mormon corrects the Koran. It arrived later.

Perhaps the Urantia Book corrects both, it came later.

Perhaps the book I write tomorrow corrects all of it.
u mean that islam is forcing people to be muslim and kill them if they refuse??
no islam gives u the right to be amuslim or not it is written in Quran dont fight non muslims unless they fight u and treat them in good way ..

Not exactly, if you are a Muslim, and you renounce it, that is called apostasy.

Do you know the punishment for this in Saudi Arabia?
Yazan said:
Quran (holy book of Islam) have never ever been changed not even a single word [...] God said in on of the verses in Quran that this book will be protected by him and it will never get changed till the end of this life.

What is the evidence that a god said this? The answer, of course, is the text itself. The text is true because it says it is. What poppycock. You quoted my initial question to saudi girl asking what evidence she has of her god's command but didn't seem to answer it.

ToR said:
As I recall from reading a long time a go

the Quoran was written in a time when men and women were naked and having orgies in the street.

It was told that women AND men cover their 'jewells', the rules in the Quoran are equally applied to men and women as far as I recall.

Surely you're not saying you were there :) There's no evidence that I've seen to suggest that people were naked until the Koran told them to put on clothes. That's about as preposterous as saying the same about the older biblical mythologies of the Pentateuch. There is physical evidence that clothing has been all the rage long before writing was even invented. The more likely, and plausible, explanation for the covering is environmental. The desert of Arabia is harsh (been there LG) and having oneself covered is simply good water conservation and protects the delicacy of the skin.

ToR said:
You mention superstition skin, are you aware most superstitions stem from real things but those things have been completely lost over time so that all is left is an 'irrational fear' or 'action' that is nonsensical in the modern changed world.

I'd argue that most superstitions probably stem from magical thinking: this works for my luck until it doesn't. Still, I recognize that many superstitions result from antiquated ideas whose contexts are no longer valid.

ToR said:
Little do all the religions who continue to mutilate baby boys today know they do so because snake worshippers wanted to honour the snake [...] [h]umans seem stuck on tradition, in the UK, barristers and judges still wear wigs and bat coats, why?

I can agree with that. I find both practices antiquated and illogical.

Islam about Women
"And they (women) have rights similar to those (of men) over them in kindness, and men are a degree above them." (Surah 2:228)

"Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property" (4:34)

"As for those of your women who are guilty of lewdness, call to witness four of you against them. And if they testify (to the truth of the allegation) then confine them to the houses until death take them or (until) Allah appoint for them a way" (4:15)

"And all married women (are forbidden unto you) save those (captives) whom your right hands possess. It is a decree of Allah for you." (4:24)

Women must cover themselves in public. (33:59)

Clearly Islam is a misogynistic religion. Muslim women can say they chose their life all they want, but this is the nature of cult indoctrination: it convinces you that your equalities and opportunities are secondary to the demands of the cult hierarchy. I'm sure the followers of Heaven's Gate chose to depart this life as surely as the followers of Jim Jones did in Guyana. But however sweet the Kool Aid is mixed, and however accepting the believers are of the additives, the result is the same: drinking it is wrong.

There are Muslim women who believe that various degrees of female genitial mutilation are accepted religious practices (clitorectemy). No where in the Koran is this supported, of course, but do we accept their oppression as valid simply because they are raised to believe it is right and correct? Should we not speak out against such oppression and pressure their religious cult to abandon it?

If women want to wear burkas, that's their problem. The rest of free-thinking society need not accept this and if that means believers get a bit of ridicule, the believers earned it.

I was in a buffet line recently and a Muslim woman and her husband were ahead of me. Her burka hid all but her eyes and even the loose fit of the garment failed to hide the fact that gravity had a greater affect on her than me. Someone in line behind me remarked that the burka might be doing us all a favor by hiding her features; another joked that she probably had two kids under there with her and this was a convenient way to sneak them in the buffet line. I had already told my wife, "look, a ninja."

In Dallas, Texas, a burka worn on a day other than Halloween is going to get comments. And rightly so. It should be no more different than if someone were dressed like an Elvis impersonator, Batman, or in a Jedi Knight costume. Its a kooky and antiquated costume, similar to the get-up ToR mentioned by English barristers.
i want to say that this is my last post because there are people who want to insult me and my religion .. every one represent himself with his words i can not accept to be a member of forume which accept derty words and immoral speech ..

i want to say that i know that there is alot of defamation of islam and i hope u read about islam from accurate books.. u can take a look in this book it has all the answers of ur questions


and on this site u can see alot of questions with answers about islam or u can send ur questions to be answered.

at last i hope i didnot annoy or bother any one of u .. salam
the repetetion of sexy pictures ,sexy bodies,sexy videos,sexy clothes make it very diffecult for men to hold theme selves this explainse why prostitution,fornication,husbands betray their wives with other woman and sexual ills are very spread in ur society ..
ah, i see what you mean, muslim men have no will power.
as soon as they see a woman dressed in anything other than a burka they get a hard-on and must rape it.
ur men r not more EVOLVED than our men but ur men have many apporteneties to sleep with any woman he want without even knowing her name and some of them are married men what a shame because they dont have morality's deterrent .
that's right. our men can go to the beach where women are dressed in nothing more than shoestrings and they controll themselves.

face it saudi girl you live in fear of being murdered if you live the life of a non muslim.

The point doesn't seem to be about a wish to remain modest or not but whether such actions were commanded by a deity or were more believably commanded by men claiming to write on behalf a deity.

Islam appears clearly to be a religion designed by men for the benefit of men. That many Muslim women accept their severely repressed roles indicates the the vast extent of the indioctrination they have absorbed.

So it is your contention that if one could tomorrow discredit the Quaron, then all of these Saudi Women who are now "proud" of their modesty would instantly rip off their burkas and be just as slutty as Western Women.

No, I doubt it.

What all you shallow atheists are not grasping is the Cultural Foundations for Mohamed's Revelations. What you need to understand is that Allah probably told these Modest and Honorable Women exactly what they wanted to hear, to give them warrant to protect themselves from predatory and lascivious nature of men, and to keep husbands less tempted to leave their own homes.
Some Muslim society punish the rape victim, maybe we could expect some unreported sex crimes. But I do agree with your point about western women being sex object and of low moral standards.

Yes, of course. Was she abiding by all of the customs and protocols that women are supposed to follow so that they AREN'T raped? No! Then it WAS her fault, wasn't it.

Just like in the West, women shave their legs in preparation for sex, they go out dancing in preparation for sex, they get drunk in preparation for sex, they go home with a man in preparation for sex, and so she has sex just like every weekend, just like she is always bragging about at the Office, but the man says something wrong at the wrong moment and then SUDDENLY IT HAS BECOME RAPE. And the West is stupid enough to prosecute the Man.


Women should need to back up a couple a hundred years in the West. Go out with men only after proper introductions. No drinking. No smoking. No doors closed unless there is a proposal of marriage going on.

But as it is now Western Woman are the most unmitigated sluts, and they should instantly suspend all these silly rape laws as ridiculously obsolete.

When every woman over 12 years old can't think of anything else but getting screwed every weekend of their life, it certainly is NO CRIME to oblige them.

Or perhaps we could impose a fine. The Men should at least give these western whores $20 for their time.