I am considering brainwashing to fix my son: religious experiment.

yeah, let's douse the kid with pharmaceuticals and try to convince him to have faith in this fucked up world. genius. because you know that's working so well.

The child can have any kind of faith when he is grown up enough to understand. Without it being forced into his mind. And not all the treatments necessarily involves pharmaceuticals. They might be helpful or not, but it's always better to try this and be patient.

And the world is fucked up with or without your Jesus or the atheists. Get it over with.
This is a forum called religion. Its not really logical to call someone names for discussing religion in the religion forum.

Oh, sorry. I didn't realize that atheists weren't allowed in this section. I just assumed that they were because it's a science forum. "Smart one" isn't such a bad name. Don't be such a baby...


I have been sitting on the sidelines for awhile here at Sciforums but your OP got me back.

I have a 7 year old mild-autistic child. The very first thing we learned from the professionals is to not treat him any different then our older daughter. No free pass due to his condition. He takes no meds but at times can be very tough to work with.

He is also very smart, reading above his grade level etc etc.

IMO, it sounds as if you have let this get out of control and need to reign it in.

However, the last thing that I would ever F8cking do EVER is let someone else push their agenda on my child nor would I push an agenda or experiment on him. The best thing you can do is keep it all real.

Hell, if you want to scare him take him to the meanest streets near your home and let him see what life will be like without an education or if he turns to drugs etc. That will scare him. Take him to a prison. Sleep out on the mean streets one night if you feel like it. That will scare the crap out of both of you.

Is that what you really want ?

I bet you would get more success from a week long camping trip where you get him out in the real world, make him preform tasks where the alternative is going hungry or having no shelter because he didn't work with you as a teammate.

Or some other team building exercise regiment with him where he is required to work with others or face a self created punishment.

Another point brought up earlier is to use positive direction instead of just punishment.

Does he have any hobbies ? Like any sports ? Anything at all where he can spend his time focused on this or that task. IOW keep him busy so he doesn't have time to get in trouble.

At 9 he should be doing some activity which he likes 2-3 times a week minimum.

Any punishment needs to be explained in such a way that he understands that HE is the cause and earned it and the way to avoid it in the future is to not repeat the behavior.

Seriously, you and your wife need help in this situation. I know it's very hard and I am not going to call you incompetent parents. But this approach is unacceptable to me. If someone suggested to me that I should do what you are suggesting with my kids I would tell them to get the F8ck out. Period.

Thanks for this, you make me pause. My wife is getting a woody with talks of the family going back to church. We'll see, but thanks. Perhaps there are other ways to wake him up.
Oh, sorry. I didn't realize that atheists weren't allowed in this section. I just assumed that they were because it's a science forum. "Smart one" isn't such a bad name. Don't be such a baby...


We are allowed in everywhere, it's our birth right. ;) "Upper formats play every note ones" :p

EJDerha, what does that mean? ""Upper formats play every note ones (once)"

It doesn't mean anything John, I was trying to be funny. We use that to say "the superior can handle any level of things." First said bya computer geak, it's an inner joke with friends. But it doesn't sound the same in English. And there isn't 'once' at the end. Why did you put "once", is it something else? "ej" is enough by the way.

E: Actually it is something like "the upper format plays every program"
Because isnt that what you meant by "ones"? I know English is not your first language and i only speak one language myself.
I don't understand it. He does love us and doesn't want to do this to us. He is always hugging us and grabbing our hands to hold. He sees the consequences after the fact, but that does little to deter him. He continually hurts us over and over by displeasing or disobeying, but it is not enough of a deterrent. He puts up sketches all over the house of his favorite dinosaurs with "From Paul to Dad. There is no effective deterrent. We all have our motivations that deter us from doing wrong, but he has none. If he thinks you are wrong or have done him wrong, then anything is worth it to prove it, even if that means he has to hurt you in the process. That is how he treats others.

That is sad but still I don't think that threatening him with some eternal damnation is going to regulate him. I mean consider if breaking your hearts doesn't have any effect on him why would the introduction of a mythical figure who he has no love for be any stronger? Have you exhausted all possibilities for psychological help?
That is sad but still I don't think that threatening him with some eternal damnation is going to regulate him. I mean consider if breaking your hearts doesn't have any effect on him why would the introduction of a mythical figure who he has no love for be any stronger? Have you exhausted all possibilities for psychological help?

I think the fact his wife is religious (allegedly) and one child is as well makes the decision easier for some solution. The kid can make his mind up himself at some time but also Jay himself is also agnostic. An Agnostic is not an Atheist.
Thanks for this, you make me pause. My wife is getting a woody with talks of the family going back to church. We'll see, but thanks. Perhaps there are other ways to wake him up.

Unfortunately you are in a situation which neither the belief in god or consequences of not believing or pure punishment are going to solve. it's not going to be easy

A true story and an example of the challenge. I am a high level athletic coach for kids age 11-18. I train and work with the many of the most elite athletes in those age groups.

On one team I worked with there was a very talented kid who was his own worst enemy. He was very ODD, his parents did not disipline him effectively when he was younger and it was clear to me that he had no respect for them. At 14 he was unbelievably rude to them right in front of everyone else, he was coddled and rewarded because he was a great athlete.

Then he ran into me. To make a long story short.

I presented two worlds to him.

1) He works hard, becomes part of the team, respects his teammates and myself, follows instruction during practice and games and respects the opponent and the referee etc. With the reward of being part of the team, game time, playing time etc

2) He does not do ALL OF THESE THINGS and he sits on the bench and I trade him next year or sooner, or he can quit anytime he wants.

I made it very clear that I wasn't taking any of his crap, which worked with other coaches because they were too concerned about winning and didn't really care about developing him into a prepared athlete.

I ended up benching him after a flare up, then I benched him some more and I did so until he finally figured out that I am not going to back off.

I also spent the time he was on the bench explaining to him my words.

Which were:

"I care about your long term success and that is why I won't let you continue this behavior. It is negatively effecting you and the team."

"I want you to focus on what you can change and on what we are doing as a team and not worry about the other team, their coach, parents, fans etc, and of course the ref."

"I truly believe in you as a player and have tremendous confidence that you can be a great addition to our squad and that you are a value to us all."

"BUT, the moment your antics affect this team you are benched or gone and IT"S YOUR CHOICE."

Anytime he tried to lay the blame elsewhere I called him on it.

Eventually he learned that he had to conform and he became one of the most valuable players in the leaque and we won state that year.

2 years later he had a new coach that I knew was not much of a discplinarian. I saw him in a game in which he flipped off the ref, then the other teams coach and parents as well. He came to the sideline and saw me and started to cry and walked to his car with his parents. In his eyes I could see that he wanted to play but was essentially being rewarded for the bad behavior. The ref kicked him out not the coach.

He needed boundaries and he needed someone to care enough about him to create those boundaries and stick with them.

You can't give up on him and I feel that trying to scare him with god and hell is giving up. The boundaries are not real and have nothing to do with why he is acting out like he is.

I wish you the best of luck. It's going to take some time and some tough love to get through it but he will come out better for it in the end and he will be thankful later.
Because isnt that what you meant by "ones"? I know English is not your first language and i only speak one language myself.

No, I meant 'ones', not once. I tried to find something close to what was in my mind. Google gave that. Nevermind, it's a silly thing.
Listen to jpappl jayleew, he really makes sense. And can keep his calm unlike me. Good luck.
Perhaps a visit to the local jail and meeting some real bad guys might cause him reconsider his behaviors?
Well, hopefully that fear of retribution will work and be assimilated into his existence, then later in life regress to normal altruism. It worked for me, my daughter is fine, I guess why not for my son.

Because it's fake? Ever dated a girl who was educated in a convent? Your daughter is gonna fuck like a steam train picking up passengers when she realises you lied to her.

She'll fuck anybody she thinks is telling her the truth. Many won't be. She's gonna fuck a load of creeps 'cos you lied to her, dad.

Maybe your lies will turn your son into a rent boy. But hell, they're your kids, so do it, and be sure to tell us how it works out.