I am considering brainwashing to fix my son: religious experiment.

John99 said:
Well there goes the "intelligent discussion"

He's very creative, though. I LOVE THIS!
Absolutely hilarious…
Are you for real?

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

We are talking about a nine years old child with a serious problem. What are you suggesting that he sould do?

Make a life size image of Jesus and wait for him to perform a miracle?
To make him memorise the Bible out loud?
Oh, may be he is "possessed", why don't you tie boy to a bed hand a help with an exorcism.
Wait no, he should purify him with fire, then make him kiss a blood crying Mary statue thousand times a day.

This is fucking unbelievable. And the most unbelievable part is that you religious freaks demanding any kind of respect. And blaming atheists of being full of hatred. You are so disgusting and infuriating, all of you deserve to be hated. You are poisonous and lack the slightest respect or love for human life.

You all should be banned by law from aproaching any human being under 21, let alone allowed to have any children of your own.
of that whole post..this was the only advice you had to offer..
He needs hard rock patience and serious therapy.
the rest was just an emotion outburst..given the choice..i would prefer jesus over you..
Thanks, everything you said is how I intend to proceed and I need to think some more on it.

But, for now we are going to set up this experiment. If we move on it, it will be the toughest solution to implement, especially for me.

you will have to ask more specific questions..as i post alot and don't always remember what i say..
Wow! He already has manipulating behavior and you want to correct this with your own manipulating behavior. Does this make sense? You’re going to con him into believing something you want him to believe as true to control him. Present reality the way you want him to see it rather than the way it really is.

there is truth in this..
Because it's fake? Ever dated a girl who was educated in a convent? Your daughter is gonna fuck like a steam train picking up passengers when she realises you lied to her.

She'll fuck anybody she thinks is telling her the truth. Many won't be. She's gonna fuck a load of creeps 'cos you lied to her, dad.

Maybe your lies will turn your son into a rent boy. But hell, they're your kids, so do it, and be sure to tell us how it works out.

succumb to your fears much?

this is actually a minority scenario ,it does not apply to every one in this situation..
Did you edit your last post because you finally figured it out? It’s in his photo album.
It says "Lori_7 God told me to tell you he doesn’t speak to you." I thought it was funnier than hell...:mufc:
Thumbs up, smart one.
Did you edit your last post because you finally figured it out? It’s in his photo album.
It says "Lori_7 God told me to tell you he doesn’t speak to you." I thought it was funnier than hell...:mufc:
Thumbs up, smart one.

No i deleted it by accident and to much trouble remembering exactly what i posted. Something about Jack the Ripper telling jokes while drinking heavily.

How do you know that is his photo album? I cant access it and i cant read that little print.
Because it's fake? Ever dated a girl who was educated in a convent? Your daughter is gonna fuck like a steam train picking up passengers when she realises you lied to her.

She'll fuck anybody she thinks is telling her the truth. Many won't be. She's gonna fuck a load of creeps 'cos you lied to her, dad.

Maybe your lies will turn your son into a rent boy. But hell, they're your kids, so do it, and be sure to tell us how it works out.

Probably not, but she won't respect her dad as much.
Has the child had any psychological evaluation? At the school? I assume yes, because of the mentioned ODD?
Has the child been uprooted or in other words, has the family been moving a lot?
As you have hinted, we can't do that anymore. All we can do is repeatedly punish over and over using a host of things, and encourage with the same propaganda to our son and hope that he will make a better decision. But, he knows he doesn't have to because he doesn't care about any punishment. It's only a minor and temporary inconvenience to him. He's very smart and even even manipulates the teachers to send him home. If he wants a day off, he knows just what he needs to do to do it and not get in too much trouble. The difference between my son and daughter (who is perfectly healthy) is that I brought her up with Christian teaching.

The fruit of the politically correct athiest way is coming upon you jayleew. Be prepared for a lot more heart ache and suffering as you see your son reach his athiest potential. No moral compass. No moral guidance. As you know in the politically corrected world there are no such thing as morals anymore. Only freedom to be what you want to be and the outcomes of the exercising of that freedom. Your son is "free" prepare to weep.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
If it hasn't already been suggested, perhaps a well qualified and experienced behavioral child psychologist will have some suggestions. Scarring a child with images of Hell could do a lot of emotional damage which may, in the future, manifest itself in all sorts of unknown ways. From being scared to explore ideas to becoming a suicide bomber. Or it could be OK.

I personally am not sure that kids are supposed to behave ALL the time. To some degree it's perfectly normal.

If it were me, I'd try full contact martial arts and other contact sports. I know a cage-fighter who has a really bad temper, but over the years has learned not to drink any alcohol and lives to cage fight (which he makes pretty good money at). I'm not suggesting your son will become a cage fighter, but that he may need an outlet.
If it hasn't already been suggested, perhaps a well qualified and experienced behavioral child psychologist will have some suggestions. Scarring a child with images of Hell could do a lot of emotional damage which may, in the future, manifest itself in all sorts of unknown ways. From being scared to explore ideas to becoming a suicide bomber. Or it could be OK.

I personally am not sure that kids are supposed to behave ALL the time. To some degree it's perfectly normal.

If it were me, I'd try full contact martial arts and other contact sports. I know a cage-fighter who has a really bad temper, but over the years has learned not to drink any alcohol and lives to cage fight (which he makes pretty good money at). I'm not suggesting your son will become a cage fighter, but that he may need an outlet.

I totally agree. The child must first be guided to exploring what is at the core of their disgruntlement. Then they can be given testimonial examples of similar cases, so that they can determine that their issues are not isolated within themselves. More guidance then is displayed to the child as to alternate ideas and avenues of possible solution. Finally the child may need time to formulate a course of action, even if that requires a year of home schooling, or some other form of free coursework environment, compatible with the parent's schedules, and/or the schools alternate classroom structures.
of that whole post..this was the only advice you had to offer..

the rest was just an emotion outburst..given the choice..i would prefer jesus over you..

It's not an advise. The post is addressed to another member who suggests Jesus is better than any other alternative. Of course it's an outburst, I am a sensible human being.
succumb to your fears much?

I've shagged a few convent educated girls. I think you miss the point.

this is actually a minority scenario ,it does not apply to every one in this situation..

It applies _here_ he is considering using religion as a means to control his kids. Not because he believes it. It's deliberate deception. It's pretty hideous.