I am considering brainwashing to fix my son: religious experiment.


I seriously can stand this anymore. I am hypersensitive about children and animals and it's making me sick and angry to read some 'religious freak' posts.

And if you love your child, dedicate your life to him, no matter how difficult, painful and excruciating it is and BE PATIENT. He is just a child and he is your child, you can't give up on your child.

First of all we have to to take into account that this is a real situation, could be just some forum "experiment". But also that his wife is religious, this is not about LEW alone.
What makes you think you can force religion on your son..
I am assuming that your use of the word 'brainwashing' wasn't serious, because if it was that's sick.
You can teach your son about religion but only for the right reasons. You can't expect him to go for it, it is something he needs to work out for himself.
Also, it sounds to me as if you are searching for an easy way to compensate for your shortcomings as a parent.

That is what religion is when you teach it to children and expect them to follow it. Isn't it?

Easy way...hmmm..this is absolutely the most difficult solution there is that I can think of. I'm looking for a solution that will work. We've tried everything. Just name it, i'll give you the date and length of time it was tried. We've not given up yet, but this may be the last viable option to try at his age.
Make a life size image of Jesus and wait for him to perform a miracle?
To make him memorise the Bible out loud?
Oh, may be he is "possessed", why don't you tie boy to a bed hand a help with an exorcism.
Wait no, he should purify him with fire, then make him kiss a blood crying Mary statue thousand times a day.

This is fucking unbelievable. And the most unbelievable part is that you religious freaks demanding any kind of respect. And blaming atheists of being full of hatred. You are so disgusting and infuriating, all of you deserve to be hated. You are poisonous and lack the slightest respect or love for human life.

You all should be banned by law from aproaching any human being under 21, let alone allowed to have any children of your own.


That's flaming funny! :D

Look, this is a question if religion will work, not God or another god or spirits or things. Will the idea of heaven and hell work the same as the idea of accountability. It just so happens that religion offers a "tangible" thing to enforce the accountability without having to depend on one's own personal conscience. If there's one thing it does well, it is to teach that we are scum compared to a god. My son needs to realize that everything is not about him and that things he does do have consequences that he may or may not like, but has no control over them other than prevention. The only requirement is belief. If you believe then it is easy to find out how to act in scripture. For a child, he will believe if I say its true. This will be the first lie I told him...of course in the frame of religion it isn't a lie...so if I am or not depends on when he finally decides for himself. Hopefully, by then he'll be able to understand and the need justifies the means.
First of all we have to to take into account that this is a real situation, could be just some forum experiment. But also that his wife is religious, this is not about LEW alone.

John I am reacting this way, because I assume this is a real situation. If it's not, he should be banned. Why would anyone like to take any kind of a negative attention? What could be the outcome of any possible experiment of the sort?
Wow! He already has manipulating behavior and you want to correct this with your own manipulating behavior. Does this make sense? You’re going to con him into believing something you want him to believe as true to control him. Present reality the way you want him to see it rather than the way it really is.

I guess God is the perfect entity for the job. Good luck with that! :mufc:

That's flaming funny! :D

Look, this is a question if religion will work, not God or another god or spirits or things. Will the idea of heaven and hell work the same as the idea of accountability. It just so happens that religion offers a "tangible" thing to enforce the accountability without having to depend on one's own personal conscience. If there's one thing it does well, it is to teach that we are scum compared to a god. My son needs to realize that everything is not about him and that things he does do have consequences that he may or may not like, but has no control over them other than prevention. The only requirement is belief. If you believe then it is easy to find out how to act in scripture.

The post is not addressed to you, but good to know that you are not that far gone.
John I am reacting this way, because I assume this is a real situation. If it's not, he should be banned. Why would anyone like to take any kind of a negative attention? What could be the outcome of any possible experiment of the sort?

You are right but there is always that possibility.
this thread is AWESOME, thanks for sharing jayleew.

without god there truly are no justified morals. all incentives to do good and avoid bad miss the absolutism that makes them fool proof, except god.

What is awesome(as in awesome in it's hypocrisy) is that your theology leads you to believe that murder is a noble and moral act if the victim holds a dissenting view. :rolleyes:

this doesn't mean atheists can't be moral, it's just that their morality would be a leap of faith, and not something objectively real.

No, their morality would be based on the real world and not some pie in the sky notion of reward for being a good boy (which ironically in your case includes murdering dissenters)
John I am reacting this way, because I assume this is a real situation. If it's not, he should be banned. Why would anyone like to take any kind of a negative attention? What could be the outcome of any possible experiment of the sort?

It is very real, and I hope to share the result with you all in a couple years. I always come back to hash out the latest philosophical dilemma here. My hope is that my son comes to understand the value of another person when push comes to shove. He'll tell you he understands now with his words, but his actions do not say the same thing. Before I proceed I wanted to hear everyone's opinions and beliefs. I don't want him to end up a troubled teen if I can help it. If Jesus is the way, then I ought to try?
Are you for real?

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

We are talking about a nine years old child with a serious problem. He needs hard rock patience and serious therapy. What are you suggesting that he sould do?

Make a life size image of Jesus and wait for him to perform a miracle?
To make him memorise the Bible out loud?
Oh, may be he is "possessed", why don't you tie boy to a bed hand a help with an exorcism.
Wait no, he should purify him with fire, then make him kiss a blood crying Mary statue thousand times a day.

This is fucking unbelievable. And the most unbelievable part is that you religious freaks demanding any kind of respect. And blaming atheists of being full of hatred. You are so disgusting and infuriating, all of you deserve to be hated. You are poisonous and lack the slightest respect or love for human life.

You all should be banned by law from aproaching any human being under 21, let alone allowed to have any children of your own.

stfu. you're no better than a religious hypocrite with your hateful rhetoric.

if you had subdued your blinding rage long enough to read what i wrote you'd see that i didn't recommend religion, i recommended jesus.

how about praying for his son and introducing him to a philosophy that's widely accepted and has been studied by scholars, atheist and religious alike, for 2000 years? one that claims that you're valuable, lovable, powerful, and accountable.

jayleew doesn't even believe, yet he recognizes the benefits of the philosophy. i on the other hand do believe, and have experience the power of prayer, and have had jesus (not the philosophy) change my mind.
Wow! He already has manipulating behavior and you want to correct this with your own manipulating behavior. Does this make sense? You’re going to con him into believing something you want him to believe as true to control him. Present reality the way you want him to see it rather than the way it really is.

I guess God is the perfect entity for the job. Good luck with that! :mufc:

It's freakin me out for sure, but that's it.
jayleew said:
If Jesus is the way, then I ought to try?

Jesus? Even if he had existed. I think he's dead. Have you ever tried to get help from a dead person. It doesn't work very well...:mufc:
You are right, he needs a wake-up call. And this is it..."there is a god and he's watching you and routing for you. Turn it around for god or face the judgment of sin."

That's all we got left to try.

What the hell is wrong with YOU? Aside from the obvious hypocracy, um... are you trying to create a murder-suicide situation in your house? He can't control himself due to a developmental disorder, and you want to lay a bunch of religious guilt on his shoulders too? Please stop this nonsense before someone gets hurt.
Jesus? Even if he had existed. I think he's dead. Have you ever tried to get help from a dead person. It doesn't work very well...:mufc:

i guess you missed the part about the resurrection. :rolleyes:

i tried and it did help immensely. have you tried, or are you speaking from sheer ignorance?
Here's an email I just sent to my wife. We've been battling with my son's ODD since he was 5. This explains the reason why I am considering teaching my son about God. I believe this is one of the good uses of religion. This is in response to yet another issue he had on the bus. He will be 9 this November:

So what do you all think about the experiment to see if there is use for religion? Do you think it will work?

I am sorry to hear about your situation, I have 3 boys myself who have been raised without religion or physical punishment and have turned out wonderfully (I know this doesn't help you at the moment, sorry). I don't know the details of your parenting or your son but I have to say this whole idea is a copout. You can't or shouldn't base your parenting on a lie. :(
If he seems nice and understanding to you in person then you need to start digging to find out what the problem is. Threatening him with eternal damnation does not address any problem, at best it suppresses it..
What the hell is wrong with YOU? Aside from the obvious hypocracy, um... are you trying to create a murder-suicide situation in your house? He can't control himself due to a developmental disorder, and you want to lay a bunch of religious guilt on his shoulders too? Please stop this nonsense before someone gets hurt.

i agree with you here. religious guilt, fear, condemnation...none of this will make it any better. after all, that's not what jesus uses.
jayleew doesn't even believe, yet he recognizes the benefits of the philosophy. i on the other hand do believe, and have experience the power of prayer, and have had jesus (not the philosophy) change my mind.

Well, I am curious really if there is this benefit of the philosophy. I would think yes. Philosophy is good to improve thinking. That is why I call it an experiment. In reality, this is not a laughing matter and not something I take lightly. If I do it, it will be as it once was. Only my wife and my peers at church will know that I'm there primarily for my son's sake. But I will sing the songs and put on a show for him. But, I am agnostic, so perhaps someone or something will convince me that I made an error in judgment when I decided god didn't or most likely doesn't exist.
i guess you missed the part about the resurrection. :rolleyes:

i tried and it did help immensely. have you tried, or are you speaking from sheer ignorance?

religious guilt, fear, condemnation...none of this will make it any better. after all, that's not what jesus uses.

Why don't you try reading, learning, and thinking for yourself, little Missy, before you ask someone else if they are speaking from sheer ignorance...:mufc: