I AM an Astrologer!

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What's hilarious is the astrology nutters that claim to predict personalities for people in the past like Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Princess Diana and the like -or well-known personalities of the present like Bush, Donald Trump and Paris Hilton. What these frauds are doing is using data to create the test rather than the test to produce the data. Anyone willing to outright lie or steal or deluded enough to have a difficult grasp on reality can do this.

Can you explain what you mean by 'use data to create the test'?
Right on all counts. You've caught my most prominent characteristics.

Thanks. :D
You've mised out the most vital information.

The timing is from the cutting of the umbilical cord.

Not only does that make sense symbolically but it makes sense practically.

You cannot very well call yourself an individual if you attached by a cord to someone else. You are only set free when you aren't receiiving nutrients and sustenance from another person.

I would have thought that was perfectly clear...which may explain why you choose to ignore it.

Babies die during birth all the time, they have both the umbilical attached at death and have it disattached. With your suggestion that you are only born when to have it disattached you are saying that those babies are "Born" even when dead. Birth you are suggesting is a reference of course to the living, which technically it's not with the terming "Still born".

Ever heard the saying: "Time waits for no man", it's not as if time stands still while someone has an umbilical attached.
I saw a special on James Randi on Nova. He was a guest lecturer on a college somewhere. Prior to the lecture, all of the students had been given a questionnaire so that he could prepare individual horoscopes for them.

On his arrival, he handed each student his horoscope. After they read them, he asked for a show of hands from those who felt their horoscope accurately described them; nearly all of the students raised their hands.

He then had them hand their "personal" horoscopes to the person seated behind them - they were all identical! One student protested that he didn't think this demonstration invalidated astrology, and Randi replied, "I cannot prove a negative. I cannot prove that Santa Claus isn't at the north pole. I can only show you that it is extremely unlikely."

Hahahah, awesome!
MisticMeg said:
Originally Posted by Billy Chyldyshe
Theres no indication of excessive emotion, in fact I'd say the complete opposite, he's very cautious about showing emotion..he almost comes across as quite cold.

To return to the chart...well after 30 secs and a brief glance..no you are not over-emotional (quite the reverse). And just to prove that astrologers are not here to provide soothing words...I;d suggest you worst attribute is being a 'CONTROL FREAK'.

Oh yes the flattery aways makes some overlook the generalizations that could apply to anyone, doesn't it?
I'll have to wait till the weekend or possibly the weekend after that to take it any further simply due to expediences of time.

The same applies to the other charts I'm afraid..I'm happy to do them and indeed to be proved wrong on some points. In fact when I'm wrong I'm a lot more interested, the query posed by Enmos deserves ome investigation...I'm not used to be overwhelmed by a plethora of charts on the same day!
I don't think you know what I'm talking about. I mean... my question is so simple and the answer is so obvious that only "what's my sun sign?" would be an easier question!!:eek:
Here's mine:

Tell me what my personality is like. ;)
I will take a bite...

Wow. You're sort of like a perfectionist, eh (strong virgo in your map)? And you have a fairly down-to-earth kind of intelligence (mercury in capricorn).

Your ascendent is virgo, so you probably use your perfectionism to grow. That said, you must be an incorrigible perfectionist. :D You are also very interested in medicine. You're intellectual and "matter-of-fact". Your family life is also important and you feel it also must be perfect.

Well... that's all I can tell unfortunately, as I forgot over 95% of what I knew about astrology... LOL!!! I could only say that much because you happen to have a very strong virgo and my wife is an incorrigeable virgo, so I'm familiar with it... LOL!!
Really? And you don't think that very vague statement wouldn't apply to millions of others?
I'm sure millions of people have that same configuration on their maps. They don't have the same map as I, though. That's the big difference, isn't?

Aren't all scientists like that "vague" statement anyways?
Oh yes the flattery aways makes some overlook the generalizations that could apply to anyone, doesn't it?

Well its easily examined.

What we need are open minded people to come on ...and then we compare the garbage written by sceptics...or my 'supposed garbage.

But 'generalised'...well everything is generalised to an extent...nothing is entirely pristine and unique.
Well its easily examined.

What we need are open minded people to come on ...and then we compare the garbage written by sceptics...or my 'supposed garbage.

But 'generalised'...well everything is generalised to an extent...nothing is entirely pristine and unique.

Bullshit! If you can actually predict stuff, you should see that a statment that can apply to anyone to an extent is not a prediction at all.

You dont want an open mind(because all the scientists here are open to you proving yourself) you want an idiot.

Newsflash: Scientists aren't idiots.
No. You're an idiot. Read my statement again:
Aren't all scientists like that "vague" statement anyways?
The word "vague" clearly modifies the noun "statement"- not "scientists".... :rolleyes:

I don't necessarily agree with Billy, but by the looks of it you are certainly not prepared to disprove antyhing that he says. I mean... if you can't even read a sentence properly.... :rolleyes:
No. You're an idiot. Read my statement again:

The word "vague" clearly modifies the noun "statement"- not "scientists".... :rolleyes:

I don't necessarily agree with Billy, but by the looks of it you are certainly not prepared to disprove antyhing that he says. I mean... if you can't even read a sentence properly.... :rolleyes:

Well you should have used "alike" then moron. Plus only preschoolers use anyways.

:Aren't all scientists alike that "vague" statement anyway?
You know what? Astrologers THINK they have something just because they have a complicated, complex system of producing a conclusion. That's actually what they delude themselves with!

I could devise a method which used the following components: the temperature in Iceland, humidity in Egypt, Dow Jones Index, number of sheep in Scotland, price of rice in Japan, unemployment numbers for Ireland, current daily catch of king crabs off Alaska, number of plane crashes in the current month, acres of land under cultivation in Spain, members logged in on SciForums, number of live births in Brazil since midnight, salinity of sea water off the coast of Argentina, and a dozen others.

Taking all that together, I could predict the chances of your winning the lottery tomorrow OR your "astrological fate."

And the first prediction (about the lottery) would be zero. See how accurate my system is? Amazing, isn't it!!!

And the second part would also be just as accurate as anything produced by any astrologer. :) Also just as amazing!
Well you should have used "alike" then moron. Plus only preschoolers use anyways.

:Aren't all scientists alike that "vague" statement anyway?

I wasn't aware that sceptics were under strict instructions to sling mindless insults at anyone who has the sheer audacity to disagree with them. I don't know what you were taught but it certainly wasn't manners.

Manners maketh the Man. Write it out 100 times.
Bullshit! If you can actually predict stuff, you should see that a statment that can apply to anyone to an extent is not a prediction at all.

You dont want an open mind(because all the scientists here are open to you proving yourself) you want an idiot.

Newsflash: Scientists aren't idiots.

Perhaps not but many were mad.;)
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