I AM an Astrologer!

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You know what? Astrologers THINK they have something just because they have a complicated, complex system of producing a conclusion. That's actually what they delude themselves with!

I could devise a method which used the following components: the temperature in Iceland, humidity in Egypt, Dow Jones Index, number of sheep in Scotland, price of rice in Japan, unemployment numbers for Ireland, current daily catch of king crabs off Alaska, number of plane crashes in the current month, acres of land under cultivation in Spain, members logged in on SciForums, number of live births in Brazil since midnight, salinity of sea water off the coast of Argentina, and a dozen others.

Taking all that together, I could predict the chances of your winning the lottery tomorrow OR your "astrological fate."

And the first prediction (about the lottery) would be zero. See how accurate my system is? Amazing, isn't it!!!

And the second part would also be just as accurate as anything produced by any astrologer. :) Also just as amazing!
Oh wise one of the oracle of Delphi!!!! How many toes do I have on my feet!?
I wasn't aware that sceptics were under strict instructions to sling mindless insults at anyone who has the sheer audacity to disagree with them. I don't know what you were taught but it certainly wasn't manners.

Manners maketh the Man. Write it out 100 times.
No man. I insulted him first- it's my fault.
What we need are open minded people to come on

In other words, people who agree with you.

...and then we compare the garbage written by sceptics...

Those who question your claims.

or my 'supposed garbage.

An erroneous statement considering you have yet to provide anything other than your claims, guesswork and some colorful charts.

But 'generalised'...well everything is generalised to an extent...nothing is entirely pristine and unique.

Perhaps, but your woo-woo tactics here are not unique at all.
I will take a bite...

Wow. You're sort of like a perfectionist, eh (strong virgo in your map)? And you have a fairly down-to-earth kind of intelligence (mercury in capricorn).

Your ascendent is virgo, so you probably use your perfectionism to grow. That said, you must be an incorrigible perfectionist. :D You are also very interested in medicine. You're intellectual and "matter-of-fact". Your family life is also important and you feel it also must be perfect.

Well... that's all I can tell unfortunately, as I forgot over 95% of what I knew about astrology... LOL!!! I could only say that much because you happen to have a very strong virgo and my wife is an incorrigeable virgo, so I'm familiar with it... LOL!!

Not really that much of a perfectionist, I'm a classic underachiever.:p
But not one astrologer has ever demonstrated the ability to make a valid prediction based on "star charts" and the nonsense they claim reveals information about the individual's future based on their birthdate. Moreover, each astrologer fails to consider adequately the astronomical bodies and matter that aren't visible but have more chance of influencing a single individual on Earth.

The only force that has ever been suggested that could fit the astrology claim is gravity. And there is far more gravitational pull from the physicians and nurses that deliver a baby than even the Moon or the Sun much less the other stars and planets.

Astrology is bunk. For those able to do a good cold read and convince the gullible, its a good money-maker.

I've already dismissed the cold reading although I suspect it could be used in one to one consultations by the unscrupulous. There are dodgy people in every profession whether it be the plumber or the politician...astrologers aren't immune.

A good money money-maker. I wish! In any case its just a hobby..and most people interested do it on an amateur basis although I do get the odd bottle of wine foisted as a thank you. Not much reward for several hours work...so kicked that in the head!

The 'gravititational' argument is a hackneyed one...no astrologer worth his salt would proclaim that there was any causal link between gravity and astrology. The only one to do so is the scientist and astronomer Percy Seymour and he is taking the approach made by others posters of some rather over complicated scientific links to do with Solar activity..environmental effects such as electro-magnetic forces.
What else? Tell me more :p

Well we've already heard from every sceptic on here that it is very easy to produce a reading by using err..ah cold reading.

Its only fair that they should be allowed to show off their full array of talents first. I can't wait. ;D

I will make some interventions though...when they get it wrong, and take it from me - they will! I'll be here to put them right so bring it on, guys..give us some cold readings of SAM's chart. Lets see how easy it REALLY is?

..meanwhile I'm taking a short break, I like to see others do the work for a change!
Not really that much of a perfectionist, I'm a classic underachiever.:p

I guess your ascendent must mean that you should try to achieve more...!
Because the ascendent shows you how you can grow (correct me if I'm wrong, Billy :p )....
Well we've already heard from every sceptic on here

..meanwhile I'm taking a short break, I like to see others do the work for a change!

Taking a break from what? Insulting everyones intelligence?

You haven't done anything yet. Nada. Zip. Zero.
The 'gravititational' argument is a hackneyed one...no astrologer worth his salt would proclaim that there was any causal link between gravity and astrology. The only one to do so is the scientist and astronomer Percy Seymour and he is taking the approach made by others posters of some rather over complicated scientific links to do with Solar activity..environmental effects such as electro-magnetic forces.

Let's look at Skinwalker's post again.

Skinwalker said:
The only force that has ever been suggested that could fit the astrology claim is gravity.

You are dismissing the only known possible causal force (as hopeless as it is) for astrological claims. This leaves you with nothing. Which is why astrology has as much credibility as reading the future in tea leaves, or animal entrails.
Taking a break from what? Insulting everyones intelligence?

No, showing up your own cowardice and lack of heart for a fair discussion.

Lets go over it again.

1) SAM helpfully sticks his astrology chart up and asks for an interpretation.

2) The sceptics say that this is pointless because its merely 'cold reading' (a very silly statement as SAM isnt in the room with me).

3) Therefore I call their bluff. If these chart interpretation are as easy as the Sceptics say they are then why are they so wary of providing an example of these cold readings.

There are a plethora of sceptics here yet no one has the strength of belief to take up the gauntlet and prove their point?

What are they scared of...they can only make fools of themselves?

I can't think of a fairer experiment and in double-blind controls, yet they're scarpering the scene like a bunch of lemmings. :D

I guess your ascendent must mean that you should try to achieve more...!
Because the ascendent shows you how you can grow (correct me if I'm wrong, Billy :p )....

Its the image one presents to the world. So if Tony Blair has Mars exactly on the ascendent - as he does - then he is going to present at image of being decisive and commanding. And thats something that is developed from childhood and the person grows into the image he want to present.

That rest of the chart could contradict this entirely, in which case he may well be an weak and indecisive person who throw up the chaff of being powerful, decisive and a bold leader.
No, showing up your own cowardice and lack of heart for a fair discussion.

Lets go over it again.

Ah, I see you're still being deceitful and refuse to answer anyones questions about how astrology works. And now you seem to be claiming some sort of victory. Of course, you'll probably claim ultimate victory once everyone starts ignoring you because you don't answer their questions.

You don't really know how it works, do you?

The question is 'does it work'?

The list of imponderables is a very long one. 'The proof is in the pudding' and so far the sceptics have only shown consistency in running scared.

You proclaimed proudly - and wrongly - that astrology was merely a case of cold reading.

Well we are all awaiting your 'cold readings'...don't hold your breath, folks :)
Two pages to go and I get to pull a
on this thread. The main reason for this is when threads get too long they become too jumbled with peoples discussion and either needs a Restart or just an outright closing.

I think two pages is ample enough time for Billy to pull some Scientific proof out of a hat, so 20 pages might be the limit on this discussion.

Before you retort Billy about how much scientific proof we need or how the sceptics are running around like headless chickens, I would suggest not wasting your time on such response posts and crack on with actually supplying scientifically submittable data that doesn't just test (...peoples patience...) but with out a doubt proves a case.

I think you'll be hard pressed, prove me wrong, either way it's not going to change me or anyone else.
Very wise, Stryder.

Just as your 'Cold Reading Theory' was about to bite the dust.

As for SAM. I'm a man of my word. You'll get a concise but accurate chart analysis some time this week. I'm no quitter. :cool:
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