I AM an Astrologer!

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Now compare the top chart to the bottom.

Then check the wikipedia brief explanation. Ask questions about the methodology and symbology if you dont understand...and spare me superfluous questions about turning water into gases.
I mean where do you get the procentages to make the charts.
Why has Stalin got 66.6% earth, 18.6% water and 14.9% fire ?

Its dependent either on birth certificates or word of mouth.

Like Ollie tells us he was b. at 4 am...well he was lying. Its unlikely that he was born at the fourth strike of the clock. For some resaon most people are seemingly born at the precise moment of the hour or half hour. Using the element charts it doesnt need that precision.

Thats one reson why Sapphos idea didnt seem a fruitful one - if and when she comes bacl.
Its dependent either on birth certificates or word of mouth.

Like Ollie tells us he was b. at 4 am...well he was lying. Its unlikely that he was born at the fourth strike of the clock. For some resaon most people are seemingly born at the precise moment of the hour or half hour. Using the element charts it doesnt need that precision.

Thats one reson why Sapphos idea didnt seem a fruitful one - if and when she comes bacl.

So what is the process involved ?
I will give you my details for you to use in your example.
I assure you they are real.

Birthdate: May 4th, 1977.
Birthtime: 10:15 am
Place of birth: Leiden, the Netherlands
Currently living in: Lelystad, the Netherlands
Stalin has planets in Earth signs but none in Air signs. Air signs confer lightness of expression..creativity, a need for sociability, understanding of others. Stalin wasnt a sociable man, he didnt understand people...they were pawns and he couldnt deal with them.

Saddam and Hitlers show similar elements but in different degrees.

No planets in Air Signs - Gemini, Aquarius, Libra = 0% in AIR...you've understood that yeh?
Stalin has planets in Earth signs but none in Air signs. Air signs confer lightness of expression..creativity, a need for sociability, understanding of others. Stalin wasnt a sociable man, he didnt understand people...they were pawns and he couldnt deal with them.

Saddam and Hitlers show similar elements but in different degrees.

No planets in Air Signs - Gemini, Aquarius, Libra = 0% in AIR...you've understood that yeh?

Yes, but how do you know wether Stalin has planets in earth signs or not ?
So what is the process involved ?
I will give you my details for you to use in your example.
I assure you they are real.

Birthdate: May 4th, 1977.
Birthtime: 10:15 am
Place of birth: Leiden, the Netherlands
Currently living in: Lelystad, the Netherlands

Absolutely..no probs.

I've spent too much time on here so I'll be back after work. Around 4.30 pm. With the results.
Like Ollie tells us he was b. at 4 am...well he was lying. Its unlikely that he was born at the fourth strike of the clock
And you're illiterate - I said 04:30 (it was actually nearer 04:29, but I assumed you didn't need absolute precision).
Your not making sense, Stryder.

You dont understand anything about Symbology or the many educational books on the matter from Marina Warner to the way its used in Art. You re trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. The whole point about Earth is that it is not just a rock. It can be a grain of sand just as water can fall from the sky, be a placid pond os erenity or be a storm of epic proportions..in other words they can symbolise complete opposites.

Simply describing it as a liquid is -as i say - scienitific but hardly of use to a painter or writer. It would reduce Shakespeares work to sheer utter tedium. However if you wish to stick in your rigid mindset and imitate Mr.Spock then do so but dont bother posting it to me.

It's interesting you bring up Shakespeare, from the Play Macbeth there is a prophecy given by the Witches stating "None of woman borne will harm Macbeth" of course by the end of the play we all know that Macbeth is slain and the person who does so "Was plucked from his mothers womb".

Now this has always raised a point to me over the hypocrisy that you call Astrology, for instance my birth was delayed due to complications I spent an extra 9 days from the date I was due in the womb, my poor mother had to undergo a C-section.

Are you suggesting the stars held my poor mother in this state for those extra 9 days, dictating my fated entry or does it not in fact bring to question the accuracy of your so called "art form".

Do I have one birth time, or many times due to those days where uncertainty reigned?
Its actually well balanced which is good news for you but not good for me.

Just to prove it..err I think this stuff is maybe copyrighted but anyway.


Just from the brief glance I've had it suggests someone who works within a group of people and who likes group activities where people have the same interests. I dont mean the internet but in the real world out there.

Thres no rela emphasis on any elemtn so looking elsewhere we see someone who has fixed ideas and is v.loyal. Also someone who if let down, cuts the cord and just moves on. Possible negative traits..well jealously..quite emotional but keeps it hidden.

Erm...Moon in Scorpio suggests your partly interested in this stuff...you like research, unveiling the truth.

BUT..its not much use to me..you quite well balanced actually...ask you wife, gf and so on whats your worse attribute..i'd suggest stubborness.

It's interesting you bring up Shakespeare, from the Play Macbeth there is a prophecy given by the Witches stating "None of woman borne will harm Macbeth" of course by the end of the play we all know that Macbeth is slain and the person who does so "Was plucked from his mothers womb".

Now this has always raised a point to me over the hypocrisy that you call Astrology, for instance my birth was delayed due to complications I spent an extra 9 days from the date I was due in the womb, my poor mother had to undergo a C-section.

Are you suggesting the stars held my poor mother in this state for those extra 9 days, dictating my fated entry or does it not in fact bring to question the accuracy of your so called "art form".

Do I have one birth time, or many times due to those days where uncertainty reigned?

Its interesting you mention Shakespeare because..in King Lear one brother chastises the younger brother that he is a fool to study the stars and thats often used as evidence of his scepticism. What it misses is that the younger, evil and weak brother gains the Crown..so in fact its just as likely to be the opposite. Chaucer and Shakespeare had no problem in being both sceptical and believing at the same time..it was part of the common currency.

As for birth, well again, the mindset in those days was symbolic and the plays and artwork contained symbolic messages hidden within them, paintings by D Vinci and Michelangelo are full of symbolical meanings..it was a different mindset. I;d argue that if we could conjoin medical advances with the creativity and freedom we'd have evolved. I dont think we have done. No-one nowadays can paint like they did.

So the cutting of the placenta is seen as the "symbolic" individuality of the person - "seperation" from the Mother, I'd argue that its makes sense.

She gives birth whilst still providing nutrients from the placenta. It is only when the cord is cut that you are truly living and breathing by yourself. Therefore the time the umbilical cord is cut is the true time...whether C-section...both my Sis kids were C-section..many are nowadays. It doesnt make an ounce of difference.

The cord between Mother and child still has to be cut.. people often refer to guys who ring their mothers a lot jokingly by...he's still attached by umbilical cord. C-sections make no difference...births have been induced since time immemorial.

Various words...Martial, Saturnine, Jovial, Mercurial and so on..are all from astrological sources...cutting the cord is another.
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Here's mine:


I've had it interpreted by an astrologer before (she was right) and I've done it myself as well and it worked. I'm curious about what you will get from it...
Hey thanks Billy :)
You didnt convince me thought but that aside.
The thing that you got spot on is this: "Also someone who if let down, cuts the cord and just moves on."
The group thing is just wrong, and you could have gotten the rest from the fact that im even on this forum and from observing my posts.

Im getting tired of arguing about this.
I dont believe it works and you do... lets leave it at that.
Good luck. :)
Well I could have got the rest from...but I didn't and you'll have to take my word for it. But it was a totally off the cuff thing and there was no real element bias. In other words..if you check it..all the elements are fairly evenly balanced. Which I suppose is a good thing really:)
Let's see if you can answer a very easy question...

What is my life challenge?

My god..well the 10th house is the house of ambition/striving etc so that indicates challenge and you've got mercury - pluto sitting right on it. That normally indicates unveiling the hidden..its the type of thing you'd expect in the chart of Edgar Hoover or a private detective.

I'd suggest it involves research into something that hasnt been solved yet but that just my initial instinct. Unravelling something hidden/unsolved a theorem or sorts but again this is the type of place you'd expect that type of thing as Enmos suggested. And I take his theory in good faith of course.

Wheres Sappho? LOL.
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