I AM an Astrologer!

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Well you know a light bulb has more physical influence on a person's life on Earth than the miniscule amounts of energy we recieve from the planets, so astrology is pure poppycock.

You might as use the outdated "humours" theory of disease.
It doesnt make an ounce of difference.

I'm afraid that is where you are wrong, I could of been enduced sooner however due to complications and perhaps the doctor not being available (or taking a break from a long shift) the time was dictated by the people that worked in the hospital.

Mind you, your a believer of a set fate. Unfortunately for you it has been proven (proven by observation) at the very source of all matter that paradoxical wave functions exist. They do so to deal with the Chaos of lifeforms interacting with one another (after all a rock is inert, it doesn't make decisions) and if it wasn't the case the universe would be a very inert and straight forwards place, following rules and boundaries.

There are small paradoxes that can occur, where a persons observation of the universe doesn't have to follow one particular path but take another.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that a persons birth is never by universal standards "absolute" and only those that know nothing of the universes complexities would suggest otherwise.
My god..well the 10th house is the house of ambition/striving etc so that indicates challenge and you've got mercury - pluto sitting right on it. That normally indicates unveiling the hidden..its the type of thing you'd expect in the chart of Edgar Hoover or a private detective.

I'd suggest it involves research into something that hasnt been solved yet but that just my initial instinct. Unravelling something hidden/unsolved a theorem or sorts but again this is the type of place you'd expect that type of thing as Enmos suggested. And I take his theory in good faith of course.

Wheres Sappho? LOL.

And all that means what?
Here's mine:

Tell me what my personality is like. ;)

Here's mine:

Tell me what my personality is like.

Your life is within two circles, with orthogonal energy lines running through the circles while emitting numbers and symbols. Your inner self is multi-faceted, red, green and blue.

Based on that chart, I would have to say your personality is highly emotional, you crave attention and always want the last word.
Your life is within two circles, with orthogonal energy lines running through the circles while emitting numbers and symbols. Your inner self is multi-faceted, red, green and blue.

Based on that chart, I would have to say your personality is highly emotional, you crave attention and always want the last word.

You need to practise
Modest, unobtrusive, and often rather quiet or shy, you are a person who is content to be in the background or to serve as an assistant, in the supporting role rather than in the lead. You are quite humble in your own assessment of yourself and you have a very strong perfectionistic attitude, with a tendency to be overly self-critical. No matter how well you do something, you always see the flaws in it and how it could be improved. Often you will simply refuse to attempt something because you feel you cannot meet your own high standards.

Serious, disciplined, and quietly ambitious, you are driven to prove yourself and to achieve material accomplishments and success. Your work, your position in the world, and your contributions to society are very important to you. You will persevere through enormous hardship and frustration in order to reach a goal you have set for yourself, and you often sacrifice much in the area of personal relationships and home life in order to do so.

Now that is me (offline of course):p
People who call themselves "astrologers" are either lying or deluded. As previously shown by others in this thread, the scientific evidence shows that astrology is nothing more than cold reading in most cases and when controls are placed on the "astrologer," they can do no better than chance with predicting someone's personality.

What's hilarious is the astrology nutters that claim to predict personalities for people in the past like Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Princess Diana and the like -or well-known personalities of the present like Bush, Donald Trump and Paris Hilton. What these frauds are doing is using data to create the test rather than the test to produce the data. Anyone willing to outright lie or steal or deluded enough to have a difficult grasp on reality can do this.
People who call themselves "astrologers" are either lying or deluded. As previously shown by others in this thread, the scientific evidence shows that astrology is nothing more than cold reading in most cases and when controls are placed on the "astrologer," they can do no better than chance with predicting someone's personality.

What's hilarious is the astrology nutters that claim to predict personalities for people in the past like Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Princess Diana and the like -or well-known personalities of the present like Bush, Donald Trump and Paris Hilton. What these frauds are doing is using data to create the test rather than the test to produce the data. Anyone willing to outright lie or steal or deluded enough to have a difficult grasp on reality can do this.

Totally agreed. It's quite a simple thing to draw up a "chart" on anyone who's life is pretty much on public record and can be read about in dozens of different places.
My god..well the 10th house is the house of ambition/striving etc so that indicates challenge and you've got mercury - pluto sitting right on it. That normally indicates unveiling the hidden..its the type of thing you'd expect in the chart of Edgar Hoover or a private detective.

I'd suggest it involves research into something that hasnt been solved yet but that just my initial instinct. Unravelling something hidden/unsolved a theorem or sorts but again this is the type of place you'd expect that type of thing as Enmos suggested. And I take his theory in good faith of course.

Wheres Sappho? LOL.
Huumm... that's an interesting answer, I wasn't expecting that.
Yes, that's part of my work (hence "TruthSeeker"). But that's not my life challenge- it's my greatest ambition. I meant... what must I overcome?

There's something very specific that you look for that will answer that question. It's pretty blatant on the map.... (some people claim it's connected with previous lifes)...
Astrology is like two people who bought the same shirt at walmart. They both wear the same clothes but the inside has a different creamy filling.
People who call themselves "astrologers" are either lying or deluded. As previously shown by others in this thread, the scientific evidence shows that astrology is nothing more than cold reading in most cases and when controls are placed on the "astrologer," they can do no better than chance with predicting someone's personality.

You're quite correct about 'cold reading' being used by clairvoyants, mediums, tarot reading and so on. A suscribed to the Sceptical Inquirer and I'm familiar with James Randi and I don't doubt for a second that he is correct.

A lot of what you say I don't disagree with and I'm sure there are some astrologers who use it. As the majority work via post, the internet or other means where they dont have one to one contact then its impossible to use cold reading. Its hard to know how it would be used.

If I had more time I'd be interested in looking in more detail at the charts..in may seem unlikely to ppl here but it actually takes several hours for just one chart which is why i was sceptical of Sapphos idea. Its a lot easier to use a totally random process of using charts of the elements.

Its has advantages..it takes only a few secs of my time, its based on clear rules that have always been used since the frist civilisations and importantly for you - there is no possibilty of any cold reading (esp if the subjects are dead.:)
I'm afraid that is where you are wrong, I could of been enduced sooner however due to complications and perhaps the doctor not being available (or taking a break from a long shift) the time was dictated by the people that worked in the hospital.

Mind you, your a believer of a set fate. Unfortunately for you it has been proven (proven by observation) at the very source of all matter that paradoxical wave functions exist. They do so to deal with the Chaos of lifeforms interacting with one another (after all a rock is inert, it doesn't make decisions) and if it wasn't the case the universe would be a very inert and straight forwards place, following rules and boundaries.

There are small paradoxes that can occur, where a persons observation of the universe doesn't have to follow one particular path but take another.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that a persons birth is never by universal standards "absolute" and only those that know nothing of the universes complexities would suggest otherwise.

You've mised out the most vital information.

The timing is from the cutting of the umbilical cord.

Not only does that make sense symbolically but it makes sense practically.

You cannot very well call yourself an individual if you attached by a cord to someone else. You are only set free when you aren't receiiving nutrients and sustenance from another person.

I would have thought that was perfectly clear...which may explain why you choose to ignore it.
It means my greatest ambition is to solve a great mystery nobody has ever been able to solve. And he's bang on on that, actually..... :eek:

I'll have to wait till the weekend or possibly the weekend after that to take it any further simply due to expediences of time.

The same applies to the other charts I'm afraid..I'm happy to do them and indeed to be proved wrong on some points. In fact when I'm wrong I'm a lot more interested, the query posed by Enmos deserves ome investigation...I'm not used to be overwhelmed by a plethora of charts on the same day!
Your life is within two circles, with orthogonal energy lines running through the circles while emitting numbers and symbols. Your inner self is multi-faceted, red, green and blue.

Based on that chart, I would have to say your personality is highly emotional, you crave attention and always want the last word.

Spoken by a true amateur!

Theres no indication of excessive emotion, in fact I'd say the complete opposite, he's very cautious about showing emotion..he almost comes across as quite cold.

I think you've played into my hands here and opened up an interesting avenue.

Sceptics, esp James Randi (who i actually quite admire on the quiet) are often keen to prove that they can do just as well as the Astrologer. I've always disputed this. Mainly because the difference in Randis charts are that they are very positive and say stuff like 'you have a great sense of humour'...these are mere tricks. EVERYONE thinks they have a great sense of humour. Who is going to admit not to having any humour, personality, creativity..all the buzzwords.

Q's analysis is already wrong but i'd challenge him to go on and on. Its not unusual to fill 10 or 20 pgs in an analysis so it'll be interesting to see how he fares if he is really up for it.

To return to the chart...well after 30 secs and a brief glance..no you are not over-emotional (quite the reverse). And just to prove that astrologers are not here to provide soothing words...I;d suggest you worst attribute is being a 'CONTROL FREAK'.

Just as Enmos..was 'PLAIN STUBBORNESS'....no cold reading there?;)
It means my greatest ambition is to solve a great mystery nobody has ever been able to solve. And he's bang on on that, actually..... :eek:

Really? And you don't think that very vague statement wouldn't apply to millions of others?
Theres no indication of excessive emotion, in fact I'd say the complete opposite, he's very cautious about showing emotion..he almost comes across as quite cold.

To return to the chart...well after 30 secs and a brief glance..no you are not over-emotional (quite the reverse). And just to prove that astrologers are not here to provide soothing words...I;d suggest you worst attribute is being a 'CONTROL FREAK'.

Right on all counts. You've caught my most prominent characteristics.
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Spoken by a true amateur!

Theres no indication of excessive emotion, in fact I'd say the complete opposite, he's very cautious about showing emotion..he almost comes across as quite cold.

He is a she.

And if you'd read what I wrote, you'd realize I was merely describing the silly chart.

I think you've played into my hands here and opened up an interesting avenue.

No, actually it was YOU who has been duped.

I saw a special on James Randi on Nova. He was a guest lecturer on a college somewhere. Prior to the lecture, all of the students had been given a questionnaire so that he could prepare individual horoscopes for them.

On his arrival, he handed each student his horoscope. After they read them, he asked for a show of hands from those who felt their horoscope accurately described them; nearly all of the students raised their hands.

He then had them hand their "personal" horoscopes to the person seated behind them - they were all identical! One student protested that he didn't think this demonstration invalidated astrology, and Randi replied, "I cannot prove a negative. I cannot prove that Santa Claus isn't at the north pole. I can only show you that it is extremely unlikely."
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