how peaceful is islam ?

samcdkey said:
So one should not be polite and respectful? :confused:
i never said that.
but being in charge of 25 or so people i can tell you the last thing you need to do is patronize him.
SciGuySam said:
oh dear God...he thinks I'm a savior now...just cause I don't ridicule him and because I'm a primitive preacher...please would do us all some good.

Please learn to think, it would do you some good.

But, you're right on the mark with Shariáh SamCdKey, it is how it was created and how it should be followed.

A pair of sams beats a full house? Not likely.
leopold99 said:
i never said that.
but being in charge of 25 or so people i can tell you the last thing you need to do is patronize him.

Why does everyone feel the need to defend him?

Does he appear weak and sensitive to you?
SciGuySam said:

Remember the legal process is identical, though the puncishments are harsher in Shariáh , they were effective. and..there's a long @$$ process of documenting a case before "the dudes hand gets chopped off", believe me. Its tedious and exhaustive of all measures taken to ensure the prisoner's guilt/innoncence.
they still chop off hands ??????
leopold99 said:
they still chop off hands ??????

Remember the legal process is identical, though the punishments are harsher in Shariáh , they were effective. and..there's a long @$$ process of documenting a case before "the dudes hand gets chopped off", believe me. Its tedious and exhaustive of all measures taken to ensure the prisoner's guilt/innoncence.

During the period of the four caliphates, due to the harsh law, no one dared steal and there was, frankley, no need to steal based on the socio-economics of the time period. The equivelent of the US welfare office was overflowing with revenue and everyone was soon either rich, or middle class. I'm not saying there were no poor people, but they numbered in <1% of the population. The poor were also a result of corruption and down-regulations of the Shariáh sharáh wasn't at fault when it came to that. Simply the ruling municipality.

touche! I think...i hope...i feel...i believe... :p
(Q) said:
Please learn to think, it would do you some good.

A pair of sams beats a full house? Not likely.


Sorry if I offended you Q, I actually do need to research a bit more pertaining to a lot of subjects.
SciGuySam said:
I have a great deal of respect for you guys and I will continue to have that.

As you continue to tolerate us 98% of the time all the while molding our pea brains with the revealed truth?

As a fellow scientist and intellect.

Are these characteristics yet to be revealed?
SciGuySam said:
my quote didn;t show up?

or mebbe Sarcasm...Ur funny
answer this frikken question with a yes or a no sciguy.
do they still chop off hands in the islamic world if convicted of certain crimes?
leopold99 said:
answer this frikken question with a yes or a no sciguy.
do they still chop off hands in the islamic world if convicted of certain crimes?

I answered it.
SciGuySam said:
Sorry if I offended you Q, I actually do need to research a bit more pertaining to a lot of subjects.

But first, you'll need to understand the definition of 'research.'

And you haven't really offended me, you just seem inherently intolerably offensive.
(Q) said:
As you continue to tolerate us 98% of the time all the while molding our pea brains with the revealed truth?

Are these characteristics yet to be revealed?

Keep ridiculing, just keep it up. You can't understand because you can't relate nor do you have sufficient experience. Asking you guys to accpet shariah seems like asking a grade school student to create an atom bomb. Please, stop picking at every little twig of fallacy you find and get to the damn root already to uproot truth completely. Digging at faults does you no good, unless you transcend humanity.

and yes, we still do.