how peaceful is islam ?

who said anything about being pissed off?

to be honest it wouldn't bother me in the least if christianity and islam and buddhism and judaism and hinduism and all the other tribal nonsense went straight to hell.

and you are correct, moaning and groaning whose religion is the best gets us nowhere. but i do know this, religion HAS NO PLACE IN THE GOVERNMENT. period
that right there is going to be the major reason islam will not be a major political force.
ok...Aside from what I will obviosuly disagree with, the government thing...I'm sorry, but you're wrong.

It WAS a dominant force in the past for nearly half a century and it CAN be a dominant AND respected force in the future. Problem is, no one is willing to apply it correctly. Honestly, I've read deep into Shariáh and it can be integrated successfully and in a modern fashion. Its so flexible; temporally speaking. The rules seem barberic to the west because to this day, the west has not seen a legit' case of Shariáh being used properly, and I don't blame the western mindset. With Psychos like Qadaffi and Al-Basheer in power claiming to practice Shariáh, its no wonder.

Before you bash me using modern day accounts, PLEASE...I FREAKING BESIEGE YOU to have some empathy and look at this through a Muslim's vantage point. Also, look at the reasoning behind it anmd UNDERSTAND Shariah completely through historical (choose the period wisely) and NON-apostalate accounts in order to gain the FULL truth. If it was any secular legal system, I'm sure you'd have no problem with have the courtesy to do that with Shariáh law as well. I mean no offense by that...I'm just saying what ought to be done to gain knowledge...investigation...INDEPTH investigation.
leopold99 said:
who said anything about being pissed off?

to be honest it wouldn't bother me in the least if christianity and islam and buddhism and judaism and hinduism and all the other tribal nonsense went straight to hell.

and you are correct, moaning and groaning whose religion is the best gets us nowhere. but i do know this, religion HAS NO PLACE IN THE GOVERNMENT. period
that right there is going to be the major reason islam will not be a major political force.

Then you should know that clerics really don't have much power in deciding laws in any Islamic government.

In each and every Islamic country, it is the government that decides whether to use the Sharia or not, and if yes, how it is interpreted. So if Saddam or Ahmedinejad says women can work, no one says no. If King Saud says women must wear hijab, that is the law.

You have to understand that the Shariah is written by men and is open to intepretation and changes.

There are no actual directions if and how it is to be used.

How it is used is a reflection of the level of education and exposure to other cultures and the policies of the government.

And you'll find a great deal of difference in the cities and rural areas (like in the US).
SciGuySam said:
I'm out to reveal truth. I'm not trying to offend you or your faith, so don't take it that way. I'm out to right misconceptions. WE ACCOMPLISH NOTHING EXCEPT SUCCEEDING IN PISSING EACH OTHER OFF.

Come now, how could you possibly get pissed off, you're here to set us all straight, you're going to reveal the truth and right our misconceptions.

If anything, we should be kissing your a$$ and worshipping the very pixels your words reside.

But, I'm sure you'll clear up that misconception, too.
(Q) said:
Come now, how could you possibly get pissed off, you're here to set us all straight, you're going to reveal the truth and right our misconceptions.

If anything, we should be kissing your a$$ and worshipping the very pixels your words reside.

But, I'm sure you'll clear up that misconception, too.

oh dear God...he thinks I'm a savior now...just cause I don't ridicule him and because I'm a primitive preacher...please would do us all some good.

But, you're right on the mark with Shariáh SamCdKey, it is how it was created and how it should be followed.
you are sadly mistaken if you think a modern people will be ruled by religion.
especially the US.
as a matter of fact outside the ME only africa fits the bill.
samcdkey said:
There are no actual directions if and how it is to be used.
in the US that is what judges do, interpret the law.
but US law is based on logic and common sense not religion.
leopold99 said:
you are sadly mistaken if you think a modern people will be ruled by religion.
especially the US.
as a matter of fact outside the ME only africa fits the bill.

Meh...only time will tell. Till then, you can't make false conjectures as historians have tried in the past...

Let's just have our intelligent gentlemen's disagreements till that time. Hell, its "truth", so it wouldn't matter once an outcome occurs, right? :D
SciGuySam said:
oh dear God...he thinks I'm a savior now...just cause I don't ridicule him and because I'm a primitive preacher...please would do us all some good.

But, you're right on the mark with Shariáh SamCdKey, it is how it was created and how it should be followed.

Don't mind (Q), all his insults are love words in disguise, he has poor communication skills.
Just be polite and respectful with him.

Yes, I've been reading up on the Shariah.

Did you know that when the Wahabis came to power in Saudi Arabia, they discarded the interpretations of all progressive Islamic scholars of the last 1400 years?
samcdkey said:
Don't mind (Q), all his insults are love words in disguise, he has poor communication skills. Just be polite and respectful with him.
i guess you know he's a mod, right?
leopold99 said:
in the US that is what judges do, interpret the law.
but US law is based on logic and common sense not religion.

and they don't in Shariáh?

I have a great deal of respect for you guys and I will continue to have that. As a fellow scientist and intellect. We'll have our disagreements and all, and I don;t mind, like I said in the comment above :D
samcdkey said:
Did you know that when the Wahabis came to power in Saudi Arabia, they discarded the interpretations of all progressive Islamic scholars of the last 1400 years?

that's why SA failed as a ISlamic Theocracy. Period. See my point?
leopold99 said:
have no idea.
is the sharia based on logic and common sense?


Remember the legal process is identical, though the punishments are harsher in Shariáh , they were effective. and..there's a long @$$ process of documenting a case before "the dudes hand gets chopped off", believe me. Its tedious and exhaustive of all measures taken to ensure the prisoner's guilt/innoncence.

During the period of the four caliphates, due to the harsh law, no one dared steal and there was, frankley, no need to steal based on the socio-economics of the time period. The equivelent of the US welfare office was overflowing with revenue and everyone was soon either rich, or middle class. I'm not saying there were no poor people, but they numbered in <1% of the population. The poor were also a result of corruption and down-regulations of the Shariáh sharáh wasn't at fault when it came to that. Simply the ruling municipality.
leopold99 said:
have no idea.
is the sharia based on logic and common sense?

It has been interpreted by various scholars over 1000+ years.

It is representative of the politics of all these periods.

So there are hardliners and liberals all throughout.