how peaceful is islam ?

samcdkey said:
(Q) and I have had a few disagreements! ;)

But he is an old guy so be sure to be considerate if he harasses you.

Two very bad observations in one sentence. I'm neither old nor do I harass you. You fill these forums with a stream of bad observations and I simply point them out, as do many others here.

It's the kooks and crackpots who complain about harassment.
leopold99 said:
if islam ever ruled the world what would a government be like?

Well, it sure as hell wouldn't have any lily-livered, doo-gooder liberals in positions of power, that's for damned sure!

There obviously wouldn't be any Christians. No gays and lezzies. There'd be no pork or pigs left in the world. We'd all be required to carry AK-47's and shoot 'em into the air on city streets every so often.

Would the Muslim government be Sunni or Shiite or Wannabees? Hmm, now THAT's gonna' be an interesting situation, ain't it? Those are all Muslim sects, yet they all hate each other?! ahh, now ya' see the reason for the vast numbers of AK-47s, right? :)

Baron Max

Originally Posted by SciGuySam

I'm still confused, but hello!

Salaam aleikum Sam.

(Q) and I have had a few disagreements!

But he is an old guy so be sure to be considerate if he harasses you.

We Muslims represent our culture here.

Welcome to sciforums!


Wa Alaikum As-salam and thank you :D. I understand, and I don't consider it harassment at all. Its constructive criticism.

Also, leopold, that's a difficult topic to tackle. I'm not sure if i can answer it since I'm not an islamic scholar or anything like that. But, it's a religious theocracy, so certain things can be expected of it: -

1) A universal religion of the majority. Tolerance of other faiths is permitted, but they will not be able to preach their religions. Theyc an practice freely however. Keep in mind, this is a theocracy, so it revolves around the idea that "We;re right and you're wrong...but we still tolerate you 100%".

2) Rule by Islamic Shariah (law). Once again, I'm not adequetly trained on it, but there are a few good books out there by REPUTABLE sources than will answer that! Also, this entails Shariah mimicking the days of the Four (mebbe five if you consider Omar Ibn Abdul Aziz) Rightly guided Caliphates...that was heaven...except during its end. Andalucia (Muslim Spain) had a good start as well..until dynasites started corrupting it.

Other speculations can be made, but I see to have a REALLY bad memory for alot of things. Anyone care to roll the dice on this (preferabbly muslims with some know-how)?
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Baron Max said:
Well, it sure as hell wouldn't have any lily-livered, doo-gooder liberals in positions of power, that's for damned sure!

There obviously wouldn't be any Christians. No gays and lezzies. There'd be no pork or pigs left in the world. We'd all be required to carry AK-47's and shoot 'em into the air on city streets every so often.

Would the Muslim government be Sunni or Shiite or Wannabees? Hmm, now THAT's gonna' be an interesting situation, ain't it? Those are all Muslim sects, yet they all hate each other?! ahh, now ya' see the reason for the vast numbers of AK-47s, right? :)

Baron Max


1) Yes, there would be christians and pigs for that matter. Pigs should be eaten in islam...touching them is not a one-way ticket to hell.

2) I dunno about Homosexuals...gonna have to research a bit

3) Err..AK's? what the heck? Were my previous posts completely pointless! :bugeye:

4) I would imagine it would be Sunni...if we're mirroring the Caliphates. I'm not condeming Shiates, but if Sunni-ism follows the prophet more closely, I think it would be more appropriate since he was the example for us all. And we don't hate each other...get the facts and truth straight from what the media tells us. ;) The Media sucks....
SciGuySam said:
Also, leopold, that's a difficult topic to tackle. I'm not sure if i can answer it since I'm not an islamic scholar or anything like that. But, it's a religious theocracy, so certain things can be expected of it: -

1) A universal religion of the majority. Tolerance of other faiths is permitted, but they will not be able to preach their religions. Theyc an practice freely however. Keep in mind, this is a theocracy, so it revolves around the idea that "We;re right and you're wrong...but we still tolerate you 100%".

2) Rule by Islamic Shariah (law). Once again, I'm not adequetly trained on it, but there are a few good books out there by REPUTABLE sources than will answer that! Also, this entails Shariah mimicking the days of the Four (mebbe five if you consider Omar Ibn Abdul Aziz) Rightly guided Caliphates...that was heaven...except during its end. Andalucia (Muslim Spain) had a good start as well..until dynasites started corrupting it.

Other speculations can be made, but I see to have a REALLY bad memory for alot of things. Anyone care to roll the dice on this (preferabbly muslims with some know-how)?
rule by islamic law eh? islam isn't a religion, it's a political movement.
A political movement?!!?! No..

Technically, what seperates Islam from the other faiths is thats its a lot less of a religion and more of a "Way of Life".

You live Islam every nanosecond that you can. Its not somehting you remember once a week on Friday or five times when you come to pray. You have to live islam and incorporate it into your being from day one. Hence the closest definition in English.."Submission". You dedicate everything you do to the cause of Allah, or atleast you try to. Don't confuse this with what people use these days to define "The cause of Allah", deeper investigation is a MUST!

Besdies, the word that you provided teh link to is not exclusively used for Islam..Deen entails ALL faiths. The Christianic Deen, the Judaic Deen, The Hindu Deen. etc. Whoever wrote that article took it from the perspective of Islam.

Deen simply translates to "faith" or "religious denomination".

Also, I know this may make no sense, but its VERY difficult to translate from Arabic to English while preserving the meaning of the word COMPLETELY. This is not te case in Vice versa. Arabic is too eloquent a language to be restricted to a single definition. That's why when Arabs say its difficult to reproduce something like the Qurán, westerners find it to be a blatant lie. But...try taking Arabic and doing it :eek: .
SciGuySam said:
1) A universal religion of the majority. Tolerance of other faiths is permitted, but they will not be able to preach their religions. Theyc an practice freely however. Keep in mind, this is a theocracy, so it revolves around the idea that "We;re right and you're wrong...but we still tolerate you 100%".

Contradiction appears to know no bounds with you. It's clear that you won't be tolerated.

2) Rule by Islamic Shariah (law). Once again, I'm not adequetly trained on it, but there are a few good books out there by REPUTABLE sources than will answer that!

Just to give some insight, Shariah law is barbarism at its finest.

Other speculations can be made, but I see to have a REALLY bad memory for alot of things. Anyone care to roll the dice on this (preferabbly muslims with some know-how)?

No, but your overactive imagination coupled with your maligned supremacy has certainly captured the moment.
Contradiction appears to know no bounds with you. It's clear that you won't be tolerated.

Contradiction? oh darn..sorry, I meant 98%...oh woe is me

ust to give some insight, Shariah law is barbarism at its finest.

Obviosuly you don;t know TRUE islamic Shariah...just CNN Shariah

No, but your overactive imagination coupled with your maligned supremacy has certainly captured the moment.

Necessary? I think not. Find sources, then come prove me wrong. Legit' sources I plea.
SciGuySam said:
A political movement?!!?! No..

Technically, what seperates Islam from the other faiths is thats its a lot less of a religion and more of a "Way of Life".

You live Islam every nanosecond that you can.
which by definition makes it more a political movement than a religious ideal.
You have to live islam and incorporate it into your being from day one. Hence the closest definition in English.."Submission".
gee sciguy that sounds like loads of fun
You dedicate everything you do to the cause of Allah, or atleast you try to.
you certainly aren't a very good spokesman for islam. i'm disliking islam more and more
Don't confuse this with what people use these days to define "The cause of Allah", deeper investigation is a MUST!
for what purpose? to find more instances of 'submit' and 'obey"?
a question for you sciguy: what happens to the anarchists in a islamic society?

Besdies, the word that you provided teh link to is not exclusively used for Islam..Deen entails ALL faiths. The Christianic Deen, the Judaic Deen, The Hindu Deen. etc. Whoever wrote that article took it from the perspective of Islam.

Deen simply translates to "faith" or "reliogious denomination".
okay, show me some articles that refer to christian deen? the US christian deen.
which by definition makes it more a political movement than a religious ideal.

uh huh. Really now? Go ahead, tell me, how so.

gee sciguy that sounds like loads of fun

oh believe me, it is. Oh! Unless you have first hand experience of what such a theocracy would be like so you can disprove me...

you certainly aren't a very good spokesman for islam. i'm disliking islam more and more

Or, mebbe, you have no linguistical empathy. Instead of criticizing, evaluate my reasoning. Come on, its a Science Forum. Scientific method, remember that?

for what purpose? to find more instances of 'submit' and 'obey"?
a question for you sciguy: what happens to the anarchists in a islamic society?

"Submit and Obey" don;t seem to like to read what I write fully. Go ahead...Take your time and follow the bullet right before this one. answered your own question...why would there be anarchy if a Religious theocracy has already been established, hmm?

okay, show me some articles that refer to christian deen? the US christian deen.

err...u still don';t get it. Go to the middle east and ask people what their "Diyana" is. Btw, that's a synonem for Deen. Rather, just go and ask people wut their Deen is. ARABIC IS THE LANGUAGE OF THE QURAN. ISLAM IS NOT A LANGUAGE! There are Arab christians AND Jews, remember that.
SciGuySam said:
uh huh. Really now? Go ahead, tell me, how so.

oh believe me, it is. Oh! Unless you have first hand experience of what such a theocracy would be like so you can disprove me...
i never practiced islam. if i did i probably have to kill myself long ago.

"Submit and Obey" don;t seem to like to read what I write fully. Go ahead...Take your time and follow the bullet right before this one.
'submit' and 'obey' are your own words your honor. answered your own question...why would there be anarchy if a Religious theocracy has already been established, hmm?
apparently you know nothing about a healthy society.

err...u still don';t get it. Go to the middle east and ask people what their "Diyana" is.
well see that's just it, i don't wanna go to to the middle east. but if i was muslim i would be forced to though wouldn't i?
Btw, that's a synonem for Deen. Rather, just go and ask people wut their Deen is. ARABIC IS THE LANGUAGE OF THE QURAN. ISLAM IS NOT A LANGUAGE! There are Arab christians AND Jews, remember that.
i noticed you haven't provided any references for a US christian deen.
(Q) said:
Two very bad observations in one sentence. I'm neither old nor do I harass you. You fill these forums with a stream of bad observations and I simply point them out, as do many others here.

It's the kooks and crackpots who complain about harassment.

Did I say you harass me?

Nah! You're cho chweet! ;)
SciGuySam said:
Other speculations can be made, but I see to have a REALLY bad memory for alot of things. Anyone care to roll the dice on this (preferabbly muslims with some know-how)?

Hey Sam,

If there is something you don't know, here is a link to my thread on Islam.

Anything not yet tackled, just add the question and I'll answer it.
SciGuySam said:
Contradiction? oh darn..sorry, I meant 98%...oh woe is me

You still won't be tolerated, 100%.

Obviosuly you don;t know TRUE islamic Shariah...just CNN Shariah

Shariah law stands on its own, with or without CNN. And since Shariah law has many interpretations without authority over any single interpretation, you're just blowing smoke out your a$$.

Necessary? I think not. Find sources, then come prove me wrong. Legit' sources I plea.

You've adequately done that yourself, without hardly trying.

ok, a site that has "political party" posed as the question. one else see nethin wrong with that? But, you know what, here;s the distinctions: -

1) ever heard of ISLAMIC POLITICAL PARTIES? Yes? Well then, if i saw a Christian Political party...would i have to assume that christianity operates as a political party? no...and, you might counter by saying that Christianity is explicitly known as a Religion, well, to you I ask, do christians live christianty? Yes, I would presume. So, once again, find the reasoning behind what I say before you attack me.

i never practiced islam. if i did i probably have to kill myself long ago.

Obviously you STILL don't understand the essence of Islam.

'submit' and 'obey' are your own words your honor.

heh...more misunderstandings. I never said they weren't my words, I told you to re-read the Arabic eloquence passage. But, you still don't understand what I'm conveying...empathy maybe?

apparently you know nothing about a healthy society.

oh? Tell me what good Anarchy has done islamic society? There is no need for anarchy to be the "Nutrient filled volcanic ash" after an erpution of revolution. Anarchy has ever done was prepare people for a better existance and help them learn from their past mistakes. I'm not going to say Islam is flawless, but it was the "ash after the eruption". Anarchy preceeded Islam, not vice versa. History proved my point.

well see that's just it, i don't wanna go to to the middle east. but if i was muslim i would be forced to though wouldn't i?

Forced to go to the middle east? Where the heck are you making your points from? Pilgrimage maybe? If so, you just contradicted yourself.

i noticed you haven't provided any references for a US christian deen.

uh huh...

A political movement?!!?! No..

Technically, what seperates Islam from the other faiths is thats its a lot less of a religion and more of a "Way of Life".

You live Islam every nanosecond that you can. Its not somehting you remember once a week on Friday or five times when you come to pray. You have to live islam and incorporate it into your being from day one. Hence the closest definition in English.."Submission". You dedicate everything you do to the cause of Allah, or atleast you try to. Don't confuse this with what people use these days to define "The cause of Allah", deeper investigation is a MUST!

Besdies, the word that you provided teh link to is not exclusively used for Islam..Deen entails ALL faiths. The Christianic Deen, the Judaic Deen, The Hindu Deen. etc. Whoever wrote that article took it from the perspective of Islam.

Deen simply translates to "faith" or "religious denomination".

Also, I know this may make no sense, but its VERY difficult to translate from Arabic to English while preserving the meaning of the word COMPLETELY. This is not te case in Vice versa. Arabic is too eloquent a language to be restricted to a single definition. That's why when Arabs say its difficult to reproduce something like the Qurán, westerners find it to be a blatant lie. But...try taking Arabic and doing it .

Deen = religious go, Christianity is a deen. get it yet?

You still won't be tolerated, 100%.

its called a theocracy for a reason...its a one predominant religion society

Shariah law stands on its own, with or without CNN. And since Shariah law has many interpretations without authority over any single interpretation, you're just blowing smoke out your a$$.

really now? And you're an expert to know? What of Shariah do you know that Wikipedia doesn't tell you, answer me that.

Leopold, what are you doing? Are you just aching to start a Faith vs Faith argument? Cus, seriously, this won't do any good. Religions have their differences...we know, we've known. Stop adding fuel to the fire, its just not right. Don't misinterpret or misquote me, I'm not out to disprove you, I'm out to reveal truth. Whether that shows that I'm right or wrong, I don't care. Don't through out nonsensical quotings to back frivilous claims. Please go through and read the posts carefully. I'm not trying to offend you or your faith, so don't take it that way. I'm out to right misconceptions. Please, cool off and stop attacking. If this is going to turn into another useless argument, then we've accomplished nothing and we're as bad as those who preceeded us. WE ACCOMPLISH NOTHING EXCEPT SUCCEEDING IN PISSING EACH OTHER OFF.
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