how peaceful is islam ?

leopold99 said:
you are naive sciguy, totally brainwashed if you actually believe what you just wrote. there is no perfect sytem of justice, none, nowhere. including you precious whatever. i gaurentee you, i will bet my life on it that there are innocent muslims with no hands. if you doubt that statement sciguy then it is you that is not being objective.

even a patriot like me will say the american justice system isn't perfect and furthermore it never will be.

Hey, didn;t i already admit to the fact that there are handless innoncent muslims? I also provided the fact that if that;s the case, they Shariah law wasn;t being practiced properly. Didn't I? My quote's up there if you wanna check.

Also, when did i deem the Shariah law the epitome of perfecture? All i said was that it can be applied and maintained if done correctly. Also, I said that it can prove to be a repectful legal system if the application is precise and in accordance with the scholarly basis. YOU deemed it the epitome and made out to dismount it.

Also, you're more niave than I if you can make such a claim as to the tortures...truely niave. You have no idea what's happening to us out there while the media chloroforms you senseless.
SciGuySam said:
Hey, didn;t i already admit to the fact that there are handless innoncent muslims?
actually you said "there are NO handless innocent muslims, if they did then the sharia wasn't practiced properly"

now do you think it's a bit cruel to force a person to live without hands? especially if they are innocent? and you say islamic law is logical? :confused:
leopold99 said:
is this how you managed 170+ posts in the last 2 days? by spouting off nonsense?

Do you know GWB's approval ratings shot up as the gas prices went down?

Is this the American idea of what the Iraq war means?
samcdkey said:
Do you know GWB's approval ratings shot up as the gas prices went down?

Is this the American idea of what the Iraq war means?
and we also kill for the thrill
leopold99 said:
actually you said "there are NO handless innocent muslims, if they did then the sharia wasn't practiced properly"

now do you think it's a bit cruel to force a person to live without hands? especially if they are innocent? and you say islamic law is logical? :confused: seriously don't see the flaw in what you just wrote?

"there are NO handless innocent muslims, if they did then the sharia wasn't practiced properly"

what does that entail...

here's an example:

"THERE WERE NO detainees being tortured by our CIA operatives! If they were, then military law wasn't being practiced properly"

only difference is, in my case, that's actually the truth. History proves me right on that one. Go to AlAzhar univeristy archives in Egypt (if you wannt prove me wrong) and visit the Al Azhari Shariah Law school annex and find a census report; all those charged were shown to be guilty by ATLEAST 4 eye witnesses and tried based on confiscated evidence...go ahead, take your time. With the CIA, the US foriegn policy is just screwey.

Hey, we honestly don't hate the US citizens...we think you're good people (real muslims say this). Bless you all, seriously. Its your governemnt that we hate with a passion.
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SciGuySam said:
Go to AlAzhar univeristy archives in Egypt (if you wannt prove me wrong) and visit the Al Azhari Shariah Law school annex and find a census report; all those charged were shown to be guilty by ATLEAST 4 eye witnesses and tried based on confiscated evidence...go ahead, take your time. With the CIA, the US foriegn policy is just screwey.
provide a website and i'll look them up.
but here again you are stating that all handless muslims are guilty.
you cannot possibly believe that sciguy

Its your governemnt that we hate with a passion.
well don't feel too bad if americans hate your government with a passion then.
provide a website and i'll look them up.
but here again you are stating that all handless muslims are guilty.
you cannot possibly believe that sciguy

That's the reason why i said you have to go to Egypt (it was sarcasm). Al Azhar is the oldest islamic university to date. Thought its undergone some corrpution due to Husni Mubarak's rule, the records it holds of census reports are still stored and Shariah law is preserved by the professors at the institution. Also, i don't think it would've made a difference if there was a website or not, Mubarak's regime would not allow such information on the web because his government claims to pratice Shariah...if such documents were revealed to a worldwide public, then his regime would be disproved (its not like this isn't known already...idiot) and foreign pressure would increase on him to perhaps step down. Also, yeah, I know, there are cases out there of innoncent muslims being wronged, but like I said, its not the epitome of just has a high "efficiency" percentage...if you will. DON'T use that "efficiency" out of context...please. You KNOW what I mean.

well don't feel too bad if americans hate your government with a passion then.

Hey! GREAT! We hate our government too! Awesome! Now help us gain our "true freedom". Off course, by this, I mean the ability to practice islam as we SHOULD! PLEASE help us! SAVE US OH GREAT DEMOCRACIES OF THE WEST! Oh're not genuine in your cause? What...oil?!?!

You see, I'm from Sudan, so I know what having your freedom taken from you means. Hell, if US troops came to free us of the bastard Al Basheer, I'd pick up a stick and join the ranks of the US troops. This would be the case if, off course, their ultimate goal was to grant me "My freedom" (btw...that's my religious freedom to practice Islam as I SHOULD) not their version of "freedom".

But, I'll be damned if my country gets invaded and turned into the anarchist state of a corrupt gov't with Bush as the president and with a puppet gov't in power (admit it...Iraq's parliamant is a bunch of paid of mental cases who couldn't run a microwave if need be...all they have to do to remain in power is keep the pipelines clean). Then, there's a problem. That's what's happening in Iraq and what will continue to happen unless certain wrongs are righted.

Think of it this way...what would you do if a foreign nation invaded the US with no pretense and bombed you night and day to deliver you to the "open arms of their version of freedom"? Wouldn't you resist?
we need to build a box just barely big enough to hold both our governments and stick 'em in it.
then we can take turns at shooting the fish in the barrel.
i have no problems with islam but i do have problems with stupidity, and you must admit handless people is pretty stupid.

i also see another problem and that is patriotism and or nationalism.
if muslims are happy with thier people getting thier hands chopped off then so be it but don't expect me nor anyone else to like it. as a matter of fact i am shocked that there isn't more said about it.
leopold99 said:
we need to build a box just barely big enough to hold both our governments and stick 'em in it.
then we can take turns at shooting the fish in the barrel.
i have no problems with islam but i do have problems with stupidity, and you must admit handless people is pretty stupid.

i also see another problem and that is patriotism and or nationalism.
if muslims are happy with thier people getting thier hands chopped off then so be it but don't expect me nor anyone else to like it. as a matter of fact i am shocked that there isn't more said about it.

They are dictators leo, do you think they care what people think?

Do you know how Saddam dealt with all those who questioned or opposed him?
we need to build a box just barely big enough to hold both our governments and stick 'em in it.
then we can take turns at shooting the fish in the barrel.

Name the time and place! :D

i have no problems with islam but i do have problems with stupidity, and you must admit handless people is pretty stupid.
if muslims are happy with thier people getting thier hands chopped off then so be it but don't expect me nor anyone else to like it. as a matter of fact i am shocked that there isn't more said about it.

I'm sorry, but to me, I feel its justified. I have too strong a faith in my religion to deny it as I'm sure is the case with my fellow muslims. To us, there is no arguing with divine law, simple as that. If done correctly, as it should, then we have no problem with it. I have already listed the reasons why its justified, so I see no sense in hacking at it, no? :p I'm also saying that if some municiplality claimed to use Shariah and actually abused it and their power...I'd be as pissed as the next guy. That's why it pains me to see gov'ts like mine and others claiming to impose Shariah when all they do is abuse it and make up crap to justify their reasoning. It just gives a perfectly legit' legal system a REALLY bad reputation. TRUST ME, the legal work that goes into proving one's innoncence surpasses that going into convicting them. TRUST me on that one. My aunt used to be a judge for the Sudanese Shariah court, Supreme court judge as a matter of fact, during the "good times" that sudan underweant. However, she's sickened by what's going on are my fellow believers and I. Not like you can do anything about it without being deemed a "Innovator and a Heretic!" and then promptly hung....yeah, that's messed up by the Shariah book. If Shariah is being abused, its up to the scholars to correct it IMMEDIATLY so you don't have innoncent, hand-less, people. But, when all the scholars are too afraid to do anything..what's the use. Sucks, don't it?

i also see another problem and that is patriotism and or nationalism.

This has been a problem since the Mesopotamian Era. People will never understand and they will continue to be morons...that's just the way it is: -

1) Patriotism: love for one's country. Absolute loyalty and dedication, etc
2) Nationalism: Patriotism + "Make sure everyone else KNOWS that"
All religion is evil in practice. Ireland still has Protestants bombing Catholics and Catholics bombing Protestants. Bush is killing Iraqis in the name of God. Hitler was a Christian; I bet you didn't know that. In the Crusades, Jewish people were raped, murdered, Muslims killed, slaughtered. In China, you can only be Atheists or Buddhists or you are persecuted. In the Middle East, Muslims rape their women and then charge the raped victim of "fornication" which is punishable by death. Mohhammad has invaded many different areas and killed several thousand people to exand Islam. Islam has persecuted people in Lebannon and Jordan and killed millions of Christians. In turn, Nixon's troops in Lebannon killed millions of Muslims in Jesus' name. Thirty Years' War, the Crusades, Manifest Destiny... People all murdered, raped, tortured, desecrated, humiliated... all for religion. Every religion is evil, Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, Mormonism, Catholicism, Judaism, Atheism, Greek Religion, Paganism, Wiccanism, Satanism... ALL. All of them fucking religions.

People should just forget everything about religion and live for other people. REligions means nothing. Genocide in Rwanda (now only history) and Darfur means something. Female circumcision in Saudi Arabia means something. 30 million homeless people in United STates, 20% of whom have working jobs, mean something. REligion? It's only religion. Forget about it. Stop believing in stuff that makes you want to harm other people and make you hate other people. Just live and give and take and give some more. That's all you need. Trust me.

That's all you need.
Bush is killing Iraqis in the name of God. .
Yes, his god is Mammon

Hitler was a Christian;
That would surprise many people, including him, though he was probably raised a catholic, I doubt that he ever entered a church except as a child

I bet you didn't know that. In the Crusades, Jewish people were raped, murdered, Muslims killed, slaughtered.
Crusades= jihad, it was a warped Christian response to Seljuk Turks atrocities, they learned from the best (muslims), check out Islamic by the sword conversions, in Egypt (after mass conversions to islam, they wanted to go back, the sword was their reward)

Stop believing in stuff that makes you want to harm other people and make you hate other people. Just live and give and take and give some more. That's all you need. Trust me.

That's all you need

Sounds like a song, “Image” by John Lennon & “All you need is love” by McCartney & Lennon. To bad humans aren’t as evolved as that,

Jesus said to turn the other check to those that would slap you, so that they could slap that one too, but to many who have had to deal with muslim aggression & dhimmitude, they sought another method, using worldly power & worldly means to bring about God’s Kingdom, hmmm, that might be what Bush is up to?
hmm guys if this is the situation i predict two things either the muslim numbers will slim down or else the jehadis will be eradicated from the face of earth pakistan is being booby trapped once laden is caught pakistan will be iraq no shit guys no shit the jehadis propogate violence and spread the msg to kill and the muslims will take that msg and inturn they get the feeling that they r insecure and live in packs like wolfs and get agressive for small things think of it guys if u r atleast a little religious dont u get inspired by the words of ur religious leader just think of the hardcore religion guys wont they take the word of jehadi dogs from their head to ass they will muslims all around the world should get one truth they should forget jehad or forget to live on this world because u cannot take in the wildest dreams a muslim to the post of american president if they show their ass (jehadis) now bush has been too soft by just thrusting bullets and normal explosives up their ass the next will do the same but this time it will be a nuclear bomb if destruction is wat they want they will get it just remember the nazis and go ahead with ur "war" or else take the normal path and educate urself arent everybody making their living in the world?wats so special abt u guys?its high time they understood now it is iraq next iran and all middle eastern countries and then all muslim countries wat u want is wat u get u think u can capture the whole world?go ahead with this rate of tech in the world i doubt all the sheikhs' money can save ur charring asses so wat my advice is educate urself take good examples of great muslim luminaries and dont get carried away only then u can coexist with other people a nuclear bomb doesnt see how much oil and money u have or how many wives and inturn how many children u have its all in ur hands im not against u guys i respect ur unity but use for development no destruction i bet 60% of u guys around the world can read wat i have written here there goes ur education u have so many nooses around ur neck and u want to tighten the noose around the world?u better be careful it is till here that we can get u next u can raise a toast to death or life if u show ur jehadi attitude to this post go ahead ur destruction countdown ens 15 years from now
I’ve been asked on & off, why I am so mean toward Mormons & Muslims, well the truth be told,
1) I believe that the “Book of Mormon” steals Native American history, gives it to three groups of pseudo-Jews in a make-believe story, thus taking what history these people had, all the glory, inventions, ruins, art & giving it to people who never stepped foot on these shores till 1492.
2) I believe that islam is the antichrist, that by conquering so many of the former Christian lands, then converting its people out of Christianity & building the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount, it fulfilled the prophecies about what anti-Christ was

Pray for Muslims, reach out to them, they are not terrorists because of evil hearts but because of an evil system, religious fervor in islam that praises war, deceit, vengeance, rape, looting, slavery

Read this, by a former Muslim
by M. Ali

Read this, by Paul
Gal 1:6¶I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
Gal 1:7Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.
Gal 1:8But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
Gal 1:9As we said before, so say I now again, If any [man] preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.
Gal 1:10For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.
Gal 1:11¶But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man.
Gal 1:12For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught [it], but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.
2) I believe that islam is the antichrist, that by conquering so many of the former Christian lands, then converting its people out of Christianity & building the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount, it fulfilled the prophecies about what anti-Christ was]

Um, ever heard of a little thing called the CRUSADES? Christians did the exact same thing, except Christians got farther around the world that Muslims have. Do you know how many religions have risen and fallen throughout the history of human civilization?