how peaceful is islam ?

samcdkey said:
What do non-Muslims say about Mohammed?

You should probably be more concerned about what Muslim apostates say about Mohammed. After all, they did experience Islam first hand, or lack thereof. ;)
(Q) said:
samcdkey said:
What do non-Muslims say about Mohammed?

You should probably be more concerned about what Muslim apostates say about Mohammed. After all, they did experience Islam first hand, or lack thereof. ;)

My dearest (Q), you should first make certain that these are truly Muslim apostates. The internet is a great tool for misinformation you know.

I already told you about Jihad watch. Now I've discovered that MEMRI which translates news items from Arabic to English for the Western media is owned by none other than
The organisation that makes these translations and sends them out is the Middle East Media Research Institute (Memri), based in Washington but with recently-opened offices in London, Berlin and Jerusalem.

Its work is subsidised by US taxpayers because as an "independent, non-partisan, non-profit" organisation, it has tax-deductible status under American law.

Memri's purpose, according to its website, is to bridge the language gap between the west - where few speak Arabic - and the Middle East, by "providing timely translations of Arabic, Farsi, and Hebrew media".

The reason for Memri's air of secrecy becomes clearer when we look at the people behind it. The co-founder and president of Memri, and the registered owner of its website, is an Israeli called Yigal Carmon.

Mr - or rather, Colonel - Carmon spent 22 years in Israeli military intelligence and later served as counter-terrorism adviser to two Israeli prime ministers, Yitzhak Shamir and Yitzhak Rabin.

Retrieving another now-deleted page from the archives of Memri's website also throws up a list of its staff. Of the six people named, three - including Col Carmon - are described as having worked for Israeli intelligence.,7792,773258,00.html
samcdkey said:

My dearest (Q), you should first make certain that these are truly Muslim apostates. The internet is a great tool for misinformation you know.
yes, I guess that would include us, as guilty parties? so, how do you judge truth or misinformation?

Now I've discovered that MEMRI which translates news items from Arabic to English for the Western media is owned by none other than
Israelis, yes, that's why we need more Americans to learn more than English, that way we don't rely on people that have other agendas

I hear, but since I don't know Urdu, can't verify that Gen Pervais told an audience in Urdu, that they ‘would never give up OBL’, yet in English said that they ‘would not rest until he was brought to justice’.

We can’t live in this big bad world, unless we learn how to communicate with it

Which reminds me, how many of our troops know Arabic? If we’re going to stay the course, we better learn, no?
WildBlueYonder said:
yes, I guess that would include us, as guilty parties? so, how do you judge truth or misinformation?

Israelis, yes, that's why we need more Americans to learn more than English, that way we don't rely on people that have other agendas

I hear, but since I don't know Urdu, can't verify that Gen Pervais told an audience in Urdu, that they ‘would never give up OBL’, yet in English said that they ‘would not rest until he was brought to justice’.

We can’t live in this big bad world, unless we learn how to communicate with it

Which reminds me, how many of our troops know Arabic? If we’re going to stay the course, we better learn, no?

Actually the BBC is a pretty good source, not only because I find it to be the most impartial (a question of degree) but they also give the primary sources. They also have correspondents in all major cities and one can generally find news which corroborates or nullifies other sources. News in the Arab world is unfortunately regulated though I find that Haaretz is a pretty liberal source of news about Israel.

Check this out:
The news of a US military operation that pays Iraqi newspapers to run stories written by "information operations" troops about how wonderfully things are going in the war should not come as a shock.

Even before the Iraq invasion, the Pentagon planned to create its own in-house propaganda and disinformation operation, to be called the Office of Strategic Influence. The program was supposedly killed after critics pointed out how easily the phony news it created could drift back into the domestic media.

Great huh?

Guess the only thing is to check out sources and keep an open mind about the propaganda filtering down.
The news of a US military operation that pays Iraqi newspapers to run stories written by "information operations" troops about how wonderfully things are going in the war should not come as a shock. Even before the Iraq invasion, the Pentagon planned to create its own in-house propaganda and disinformation operation, to be called the Office of Strategic Influence. The program was supposedly killed after critics pointed out how easily the phony news it created could drift back into the domestic media.

Yes negative propoganda is better, God forbid an Iraqi child who see's death and destruction should have hope.
Considering we're about three hours New York time from the day in which Moslems killed 3,000 people (about 95 percent of them civilians)...

Well, you know, I think that's pretty self explanatory.
Prince_James said:
Considering we're about three hours New York time from the day in which Moslems killed 3,000 people (about 95 percent of them civilians)...

Well, you know, I think that's pretty self explanatory.

And the 40,000-100,000 (we don't do body counts) killed in Iraq?
WildBlueYonder said:
yes, I guess that would include us, as guilty parties? so, how do you judge truth or misinformation?

Israelis, yes, that's why we need more Americans to learn more than English, that way we don't rely on people that have other agendas

I hear, but since I don't know Urdu, can't verify that Gen Pervais told an audience in Urdu, that they ‘would never give up OBL’, yet in English said that they ‘would not rest until he was brought to justice’.

We can’t live in this big bad world, unless we learn how to communicate with it

Which reminds me, how many of our troops know Arabic? If we’re going to stay the course, we better learn, no?

Ahhh again Randolfo spitting his venom, lies and propaganda against Islam. ( maybe not in this thread but every other thread ) :)

Wild blue blue, if you can not prove your accusation then don't bring them in your post. ( people keeping obl safe etc etc )

Prove it or don't lie about it.

Randolfo, by the way how have you been? did you convert any muslims to christianity yet? Just curious whats the status since you always wanted to do that?
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WildBlueYonder said:
this is mob psychology, like happens to people at football games (both kinds), were fans do the "wave" yell, scream, cry, laugh, (as if it really mattered in their lives)
I think conformity was an early goal of this religion, else why enforce 5 daily prayers, why is 7th century arabic culture the standard? & the names? what with that? What was that dude's name that invited us on video to convert to islam? was it Joe Doe? or Mustapha al bin Zarkawi?

I have seen this mob psychology in my local church untill they shut down my church because the priest raped 11 little boys. Pretty sick.

"And the 40,000-100,000 (we don't do body counts) killed in Iraq?"

Or do you mean terrorists and insurgents consistantly targetting civilians in the name of holy war and/or independence?

Moreover, even if America was the cause of such, it is not an indictment of a religion, as the war was not fought for religious reasons, or from a religious country.
Prince_James said:

"And the 40,000-100,000 (we don't do body counts) killed in Iraq?"

Or do you mean terrorists and insurgents consistantly targetting civilians in the name of holy war and/or independence?

Moreover, even if America was the cause of such, it is not an indictment of a religion, as the war was not fought for religious reasons, or from a religious country.

No prince. You have no proof that the sunni shia's are responsible for all this chaos. It was started by us and we hold the full responsibility. The war based on lies is our responsibility.

So Americans are to be held responsible for the actions of an insurgency that purposefully targets civilians with massive campaigns of terror and murder?

So when did we strap those guns in their hands and bombs in their cars?
Markx said:
I have seen this mob psychology in my local church untill they shut down my church because the priest raped 11 little boys. Pretty sick.
oh. what church was that? please don't lie just to make a point, we already know that there was widespread abuse, so I hope you weren't lying?
WildBlueYonder said:
oh. what church was that? please don't lie just to make a point, we already know that there was widespread abuse, so I hope you weren't lying?

Please provide proof of your lies or apologize. Thank you friend. :p
Markx said:
No prince. You have no proof that the sunni shia's are responsible for all this chaos.
ah, but al-zarkawi has tried to spark a religious war with the Shia, by blowing up Shia mosques, or do you deny that?
It was started by us
true up to a point, it was started by a cabal of neo-con extremists that stole the US gov twice, (once in Florida, the second time in Ohio), the rest of us are peaceloving people or do you deny that?
and we hold the full responsibility.
wrong, it was that cabal of neo-con extremists again, they have had had help from the jahadis, ex-baathis, mujajadeen, who instead of taking the opportunity to rebuild after sadaam, have destroyed. why have no Iraqis nor muslim governments decried the violence, and pointed up to the US that if we really wanted to help Iraqis, we would fund the reconstruction of Iraq, to be done by Iraqis, for Iraqis, not by US & foreign companies, we should only do the planning, inspections &/or supervising the work. now only the Bush friends make money, Iraqis are left with no jobs, no hope, so why not blow them up? we would go a long way to ending this war, if we let Iraqis rebuild on thier own

Markx, have you demonstrated, have you written your Senator, have you supported an anti-war candidate & walked precincts for them? No, then you too are responsible, have you had Fahrenheit 9/11 parties & shared your copy? I have at work, we watched during lunch & several borrowed it afterwards, what have you done to end this war?, sit type, gripe, huh, what?
The war based on lies is our responsibility.
it was that cabal of neo-con extremists. it’s our responsibility to show the truth

read the “Rise of the Vulcans” by James Mann

this is the cabal

here is one of their papers

center for media & democracy
Markx said:
Ahhh again WBY spitting his venom, lies and propaganda against Islam. ( maybe not in this thread but every other thread ) :)
I don’t have to, you guys do such a good job of that all by yourselves, thank you ;-p

Wild blue blue, if you can not prove your accusation then don't bring them in your post. ( people keeping obl safe etc etc
what? when has that ever stopped you? silly rabbit

Prove it or don't lie about it.
it was on “Air America”, a leftist station

WBY, by the way how have you been? did you convert any muslims to christianity yet? Just curious whats the status since you always wanted to do that?
thank you for asking, I am just an instrument, that only does a small part, but God is doing His work among muslims, every day more come to Christ, want to know how?
ok, I gotta say that, as is expected, I didn't go through and read the WHOLE forum thread...but I'll get around to that. heh. so, if any misteps are taken on my part, I apologize for that.

There are reasons, despite how absurd they are, for why my fellow muslims behave the way they do...and as it turns out, they're more cultural than religious!

Before I go into that, I just have to make a few things clear. Now, some of these things, you've probably already heard various representatives of Islam mention after anything caused by a member of our faith happens; such as, "We're a religion of peace and tolerance. Please accept that" et cetra. If I were an american who had completely lost their loved ones in the 9/11 tragedy, I wudda said "Yeah..F$%^ that!". have to understand the difference between what the person did and what their faith stands for. Having said that..

1) In Islam, killing one innocent person is as if one has killed all of humanity (this is in the quran).

2) Secondly, any act of violence or criminal activity can't be equated to one's religion. For example, when timothy mcveigh blew up the oklahoma city building his religion was never mentioned. Millions and millions of acts of violence occur in the US each day by ppl, most of whom are christian yet their religion is not linked with the act. Yet, when a person who commits a crime is muslim, he is termed islamic criminal, terrorist, extremist, or fundamentalist. Btw, i hate the word fundamentalist, cuz it just means when one is sticking to the fundamentals, is that really a bad thing?? jeez.

3) If there were smarter ppl in the our policy making camp, they would've realized like the rest of the FREE world that the issue that is the thorn is Palestine. It's amazing how the media and the US say that its Israel's land, when it has been deemed illegal occupation by the UN, Geneva Convention, and International Law. By every single country besides the US. That doesn't mean Israel should be wiped off the map NOW. We have come too far. What the world wants and what the palestinians (muslim AND CHRISTIAN Palestinians) have been saying is that they need to return to the '67 boundaries. Its funny cuz this is made out to be an issue of muslims vs. west, when many in the west are on the side of truth aka palestine. Archbishop Desmond Tutu, a leading figure in the Church has also affirmed this so many times. In fact, almost all christians in the region are in agreeance with this. In a side note, most muslims aren't arabs. In fact, the largest contingent of muslims are blacks. There are more chrisitian arabs in fact. So when dumb evangelists, conservatives, and plain idiots here say that we need to profile arabs or arabs are this and that, they are in fact doing it to their fellow christians. IDIOTS.

3) They reason the US is not liked not just in the Mideast, but the ENTIRE world, is because of its ridiculously horrible policy. It has nothing to do with religion. Islam is the SECOND LARGEST RELIGION IN THE USA. It has to do with our dumb foreign policy. We can't drop bombs on ppl, we can't occupy their lands with our military, we can't support a country that was illegally created, we can't have puppet governments there, and still expect the ppl to love us. It's interesting to note, that a study was done, and most ppl in South America hate the US due to their policy and of course bushwacker. They said, if the US believes bin laden is a problem, then they have thousands of bin ladens. Its not that they hate the ppl of the US, they can only judge the US based on how the US treats them. All though, they may hate half our dumb population who voted for BUSH TWICE! Nonetheless, our enemies are high in number cuz of our own doing. They are self-created enemies. We have no moral high ground. This country upon its induction, was a country with great ideals that meant something and were not only preached but practiced. Now, they are only a farse especially when con artists, slanderous media, corruption, and what not plagues are society. We need to improve our country through reform. Reform ourselves, our self-centered egos, and our politicians who aren't man enough to admit fault. I HAVE NEVER IN MY LIFE HEARD OF A POLITICIAN WHO EXCEPTED fault. We need leaders, good ppl, not politicians. Only then will our safety be ensured and won't have to worry about ppl hating us. If ppl hated the country itself, why do ppl wanna come here? they don't, the world just doesn't like our arrogant ways at times and especially our govenment. so see GUYS AND GALS, its not about religion, its about being fair and balanced. oh crap, sounds like fox news. lol. justice is the end of all evil. without justice their won't be peace. anything that is preached but not practiced will not be accepted.

Learn to live with honest theological differences ppl and don't make unqualified idiotic comments on ANY of the three monotheistic religions. its funny, how ALL THE SO-CALLED EXPERTS ON ISLAM AREN'T MUSLIM! its like the authority of the the catholic church aka the pope was jewish or someone from another faith. ask those who know aka ppl of the faith who know whats right and whats wrong.
leopold99 said:
pope said he was sorry for his remarks but it isn't enough for these islamic freaks.
they want him on his knees and begging.
if i was the pope i'd tell them "kiss my born again ass"

let me guess, they rioted and set off some explosives and sent in the suicide bombers. assholes
they just dont seem to realise that by rioting with violence like they are thet are just supporting the view of the source put forward by the pope. there has been a huge split in islam recently between fundamentalists and conservative muslims