How artery blockages can be prevented?

If clearing the blockage of the arteries are difficult, is it possible to develop co-lateral arteries?

What needs to be done to develop co-lateral arteries?

P.J.LAKHAPATE arteries?!! :eek: that they would get clogged too? I suppose only nanomachines can do cant just introduce arteries into a body...
If clearing the blockage of the arteries are difficult, is it possible to develop co-lateral arteries?

What needs to be done to develop co-lateral arteries?


That's exactly right. And it's done by intensive exercise - ask anyone who has PAD (peripheral artery disease) what their doctor advised them to do. arteries?!! :eek: that they would get clogged too? I suppose only nanomachines can do cant just introduce arteries into a body...

Partially wrong - it can be done in the arms and legs. See my response to his question.
I can't address his Lysine treatment but Pauling was one of my chemist heroes. It was a big letdown for me when his claims about vitamin C turned out to be false.

As Fraggle said, he was a chemist and NOT a biologist - and certainly not a biological chemist. He would have done well to have stayed within his field.

Footnote: this is also a good example of why it's not wise to accept the word of scientists that aren't climatologists when they dismiss world-wide climate change.

Did you look carefully at how Linus Pauling's claims were allegedly disproven and read his counterclaims?
That's exactly right. And it's done by intensive exercise - ask anyone who has PAD (peripheral artery disease) what their doctor advised them to do.

It is interesting to note that after Bypass Surgery I have to exercise intensively

to get collateral arteries developed.

What a fantastic natural arrangement of body !!!

No doctor has told me to exercise intensively .

However I have seen that my father was walking extensively even after second heart attack.

He survived six years after second heart attack.

The third and last heart attack was when he was at home (while resting).

Based on this knowledge I started doing more exercise and yogas after my
Bypass Surgery.(Now 6 months are over)

Everybody was telling me to do very limited exercise.

But I got good results after doing the exercise.

In fact two days ago I felt like ants moving in my heart(good sensation).

Is it that collateral arteries are forming in my heart?

I also feel very energatic and enthusiastic.

I checked blood sugar and B.P also (found o.k.)

How to know whether new collateral arteries are formed?

Pls share if anybody has similar experience.

My blood pressure range is 150/90. So, I figure, the problem is plaques. For the last two months, I have been taking Lysine, Ginko, Metformin, Milk Thistle, Niacin etc. and cut out most sugar, oil from food, more vegetables and fruits, no soft drinks etc. Now the BP is 135/82. I have still a way to go. My dad died from heart attack, so I am trying to be careful. I do my normal exercises and light yoga.
Kmguru way to go! Dropping your blood pressure like that is a great start. Why are you taking Metformin? It raises lactic acid levels in the body. Are you Diabetic as well? I am sure you have spoken to a nutritional professional as part of your lifestyle. Again, I want to inform everyone of the benefits of omega vitamins found in flax brand. You can cosume it as an oil, powder, or cereal. It reduces artery build up as well as prevents it. Also, speak with your MD regarding a low dose of aspirin every day. Good luck.
I have done extensive research on Metformin. For the first 25 years of my life, I have lived on sugar products like a whole pound cake, twinkies etc with a glass of milk or half a cheese cake as my meal. My father had a similar diet and ended up as diabetic. So, it is a preventive measure and I am doing great. Several years ago, I had hypoglycemia and now it is gone. I no more drink Colas except once a month with two slices of pizza.

I think, abnormal glucose metabolism cause a lot of problems including AGE (Advanced Glycation Endproducts) Until ALT-711 or similar products are in the market, I will follow this path.

Yes, I do take Omega-3 pills when not eating Salmon. I like my DHA which helps my learning process when doing reseach in to new technologies.

Thank you.
Those of you who are on statins should be getting blood work done every 6 months or so. Statins are liver toxic to certain individuals or at certain doses. Other than that they are a great way to reduce your serum lipids.
I take Red Yeast Rice friend took Lipitor and had all types of problems so the doctor told him to take Beta-Sitosterol (which I take too).
Yeah, they have found fatty streaks (the beginning signs of atherosclerosis) on the blood vessels of fetuses and even healthy young men. You can actually have an artery partially occluded by a plaque and never notice. The problem starts when the plaque ruptures, and you get thrombus formation (ie. a blood clot).
He got a point, preventative measures can be taken but if you live long enough no matter what your chances of heart disease will be 100%. Maximum possible life span without replacing parts is 125 years.
But they've already got replacement hearts. By the time you kids reach 125 they'll have really good ones!
Recently I read that watermelon seeds when dried,powdered and consumed clear the artery blockage.

An ounce of dried watermelon seed kernels contains about 3 grams of zinc (or 25 percent of the Recommended Dietary Allowance for a woman under 50), and 2 grams of iron (or 14 percent of the RDA).

So, could be.....