How artery blockages can be prevented?

Is it that bacteria consumes oxygen hence adequate oxygen is not available to the body and hence LDL , VLDL and Tryglyceride formation takes place ?

This kind of thinking seems to be probable because of my personal experience.
I was doing the necessary exercise and eating nutritous food.Yet I had to undergo bypass surgery.

Now I want to ensure that other arteries will not be totally blocked.

Is it that bacteria consumes oxygen hence adequate oxygen is not available to the body...
No. That was not my speculation. I do not think it is known why LDL etc deposits on the artery wall, but it is now quite well accepted that it does so in areas that are inflamed and that inflamation, if not due to mechanical causes, is usually due to infections (bacteria). I also have a strong general belief that the body has many modes of adptation to stresses - trys to maintain homestatus. If there were bacterial surface infection on the interior wall of an artery, I think the bacteria would get a significant part of its needed oxygen from the blood of the artery. (Some oxygen from the blood circulating in the artery wall itself, perhaps also). Thus, one way for the body to adapt -fight the infection - would be to coat the area with some wax-like substance to imped the transport of oxygen to the bacteria. - That is all speculation on my part, but seems to me to be a plausible reason why colesteroil deposits on the arterial wall.

I also tend to believe that the fever that comes with most systemic infections is an adaptation of the body - the biochemisty of the bacteria will speed up and this will make it need more energy (it sugar foods) and Oxygen.
I have not taken asprin for more than 40 years to depress a small fever. - Finally medical science is now coming around to my POV and recomending not to take asprin for mild fevers.

One of my original and favorate statements is: "My body is smarter than all the doctors put together." *I rarely visit a doctor, except for annual checkup, mainly of PSA level. In the 14+ years I have been in Brazil, only once did I visit a doctor and then take an anti-biotic. That was after giving my body a week to get well on its own; However one thing to also remember, is that bacteria etc. have been evolving their "attack skills" for eons so your body's highly evolved "defense systems" do not always win the battle with them. Without much concern, I will put my well exercised immune system up against "bird flu" or most other agents many fear.
*My father was a "country doctor" - A GP. One of his favorate statements was: "I am in partnership with 'mother nature.' - She cures 'em, and I send out the bills."
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Vitamin C seems to be good for inflammation and low-level bacterial infections. Selenium is good too.

I've heard good things about barley tea. Allegedly barley tea completely cleaned out arterial deposits in one test in the mid 1980s. Unfortunately the magazine article didn't say where the test was conducted or by whom, but barley tea is a low risk and low impact regimen. Flaxseed oil is supposed to be good also, and garlic.
I came to know that Triglyceride is a sticky substance.
It sticks inside the artery.
When calcium present in the blood deposits inside the artery , the blockage occurs.
It is claimed that 75% of the blockages are made up of Calcium.
What are the Decalcification methods to clear the blockages?

artery blockage prevention

One of the best ways to prevent as well as reduce artery blockage is through the use of omega vitamines. A daily dose of flax seed oil or flax seed is a good way to start. Flax golden cereal is a great way to start the day. Nutritional studies (this is just from memory, sorry I can't quote one) have shown that omega vitamines are the best way for prevention as well as reduction of artery blockage, unless it is embolic or due to injury of the artery wall.
As I understand blood pH plays vital role.
If it is slightly below 7 , precipitation will be less.
Is it true that Aspirin tablets are given for reducing blood pH.


Life would be very unpleasant with a blood pH less than 7. You would end up in the hospital either on a ventilator or a bipap for respiratory support. The normal pH ranges from 7.35 to 7.45. It is dangerous to try and drink anything that would change this internal balance. Talk to someone before you try this, I would not like to see you in the emergency department. As far as using Aspirin tablets it is used to "thin" the blood during and after a heart attack. Makes it a bit hard to clot as well.
...As far as using Aspirin tablets it is used to "thin" the blood ...
While sounding true, that says nothing about the mechanism. Doctors, in general are taught in med school to learn correct "procedures" not to think about mechanisms - why things happen. Thus, they often make statements that seem to have "mechanistic content" but do not. I.e. in this case, does the average space between the blood cells increase when aspirin is in the blood? I.e. the fluid to cell mass ratio is increased? - That would be my idea of "thinning the blood", but I happen to know that is not the main way aspirin helps. Before telling how it does, I will give my favorite example of a doctor's sort of "zero mechanistic content," but useful statement to a patient. (Part of the "procedure" he probably learned in med school, very likely in the self-protection from lawsuit class.):

"Don't drive or operate machinery after taking these pills for your pain as they contain a narcoleptic agent which causes drowsiness." At least 95% of all doctors have no idea as to the mechanism of morphine's etc. action. There is just too much to learn in med school. (I do think medical students have time for at least one class in "fancy words impress" psychology, - make larger fees acceptible.)

This "follow the proceedure" POV was vividly illustrated to me while working on a monkey with a neurosurgeon I greatly admire for his skill. We had exposed the monkey's spinal cord's sheath (called the "Dura" as it is tough) and dropped a steel ball directly on it thru a guide tube from a standard height. We then waiting our standard half hour to simulate the ride from car crash to hospital operating table before starting to perfuse the injured region. Three needles were inserted thru the Dura sheath during that wait. One was above and one was below the injury site for the entrance and exit of the "cocktail of drugs" solution under test. This solution came from a beaker on an elevated platform by "gravity flow."

The third needle was inserted in the neck, as near the brain as possible. That required some more exposure of the Dura. This needle connected to a pressure gauge. If too much pressure is applied to the cerebral spinal fluid in the brain the brain’s blood vessels will compress and the monkey’s will die in a few minutes. (Not sure I remember, but think 40 or 50 cm of water was a "safe limit.") I tried during several different operations to explain that so long as we made sure highest liquid in the beaker supplying the perfusion fluid was less than 40 cm above the table the monkey was resting on that there was no need for the third needle's connection to the pressure gauge or the associated second exposure of the Dura. The doctor completely understood my argument, but "that was not the procedure."*

Now to the mechanism of "blood thinning" (by memory): Typically a red blood cell lives about a month but like the lenses in your eye, becomes stiffer / less deformable with age. This tends to make them slow, perhaps even get stuck for a while in the fine capillaries. Aspirin helps keep the blood cells more flexible as they age. Not sure now, but think the aspirin molecule becomes attached to some specific place(s) on the cell to do this. In the fine capillaries, as I recall, the cell tends to "tank tread" as well as roll along one wall side. Perhaps the "tank treading" is how the oxygen is "unbound" but I am just speculation on this. - Perhaps no one knows? Perhaps the higher local CO2 has changed the pH to facilitate the "unbinding" - Dose anyone know how the O2 is released?
*If he did as I was suggesting, perhaps the paper to follow would be rejected. My name is on a few of those papers, so I kept quite after a few tries, especially after one monekey tried to bite me later. That can be very dangerous if they have a "Simian B" virus - only a "cold" for them, but often fatal to humans. Fortunate, he only slightly scratched me and I immediately sucked and spit out blood from etc from the scratch, even making it bleed more to "wash" wound area.
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Life would be very unpleasant with a blood pH less than 7. You would end up in the hospital either on a ventilator or a bipap for respiratory support. The normal pH ranges from 7.35 to 7.45.

In the competition to selling water at $8.00 per gallon, some companies are selling slightly alkaline water perhaps a pH of 7.4. Yes it is dangerous to make blood fluid acidic as body will be hard at work to balance the pH. Since pH curve is non-linear, it will take progressively more work as the pH goes down....

The best solution is REM sleep and let the body repair on its own. There was aCBS 60 minutes piece on sleep that shows you how the body does not work well with lack of sleep.

Inflammation is a major cause of many problems including rapid aging. Make sure to keep it down through food nutrition....Asian Indian professionals (in India or USA) eat well and yet have a lot of heart problems. My theory is, that is due to stress period.
I have not seen or heard of this -do you have a link or reference?

In 2004 a Mayo Clinic team led by infectious disease expert, Franklin Cockerill, MD, PhD, John Lieske, MD, and Virginia M. Miller, PhD. at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota reports to have isolated nanobacteria in diseased human arteries and kidney stones. Their results were accepted and published in 2004 and 2006 respectively.[7][8] These findings were confirmed in 2005 by László Puskás, PhD at the DNA Lab, University of Szeged, Hungary. Dr. Puskás identified these particles in cultures obtained from human atherosclerotic aortic walls and blood samples of atherosclerotic patients but the group was unable to detect DNA in these samples.[9] For historical interest it has to be noted that the content of the referred paper was originally submitted to Nature as "Letter to Editor" for fast publication several years earlier. It was rejected after almost four months of peer-review process on the basis of the lack of detection of any kind of genetic material.

In 2004 a Mayo Clinic team led by infectious disease expert, Franklin Cockerill, MD, PhD, John Lieske, MD, and Virginia M. Miller, PhD. at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota reports to have isolated nanobacteria in diseased human arteries and kidney stones. Their results were accepted and published in 2004 and 2006 respectively.[7][8] These findings were confirmed in 2005 by László Puskás, PhD at the DNA Lab, University of Szeged, Hungary. Dr. Puskás identified these particles in cultures obtained from human atherosclerotic aortic walls and blood samples of atherosclerotic patients but the group was unable to detect DNA in these samples.[9] ...
Thanks. I read wiki article from which your above quote is taken. Also there is:

"... "Nanobac Oy" later absorbed in 2003 by a publicly traded Nanobacteria research company in Tampa, Florida founded by Nanobiotic developer Gary Mezo, 'Nanobac Pharmaceuticals, Inc.', to market medical diagnostic kits for identifying nanobacteria to medical researchers, and are developing prescription medical treatments for calcification-associated diseases. This has raised doubts concerning their impartiality ..."

Likewise, the nano-scale structure NASA thinks may be fossil remains of nanobacteria found in meteroite, ALH 84001, which is believed to be from Mars, I think, are also suspect as NASA needs to justify the millions spent on serch for exta-Earth life forms. Only the Mayo Clinic group is without stong bias towards the existence of any life related process being associated with "nanobacteria" and theyhave never observed any thing clearly indicating they are any aspect of life. All they claim is nano paricle are found is humans et. al. where calcium deposits. Thus I prefer to call them by the name many others do: "Calcifying Nano Particles, CNPs, not nanoBACTERIA, as they have none of the properties of BACTERIA not their size, lack both DNA and RNA, will not replicate - are only "found" basically as small calcium structures, typically as part of larger calcium deposts - Sort of like small quatrz crystals are often found as "inclusions" within larger ones.

Certainly the name "nanoBACTERIA" IS A GROSS DISTORTION of the know facts common to ALL BACTERIA, including the ability to produce at least one specific disease. (Just being found in calcium deposit on arterial walls or in kidney stones, is not evidence that they even cause these aflictions. Until there is some direct evidence that they can at least repilcate, I will call then non-living CNPs.

In contrast consider the Prions. They also have no DNA, very likely no RNA yet they come in various forms that cause specific disease (mad cow disease, and at leas 10 others.) I do not think it is fully know how they replicat, but they do - small inculation will fill the cow´s brain with them in a few months. etc. It is sort a border line case to call either virus or prion a life form, and can go either way with different definition of life; but there is no way that the CNPs should be considered life (unless as is the case with main proponets of that POV you are selling a product related to detecting these dangerous nanobacterial life forms.) ;) Again:

Certainly the name "nanoBACTERIA" IS A GROSS DISTORTION.

Closely related are:
"Nanobes are tiny filamental structures first found in some rocks and sediments. Some hypothesize that they are the smallest form of life, 1/10th the size of the smallest known bacteria. Nanobes were discovered in 1996 (published in American Mineralogist, vol 83., 1998) by Philipa Uwins, University of Queensland, Australia.[1] They were found growing from rock samples (both full-diameter and sidewall cores) of Jurassic and Triassic sandstones, originally retrieved from an unspecified number of oil exploration wells off Australia's west coast. Depths of retrieval were between 3400 and 5100m below sea bed. ..."


These are about the same size, as I recal, as the long thin "whiskers" that grow on metal tin. I do not want to be "left behind" in the "new life-form movement" so, let me here-by be the first to suggest these "tin whiskers" are a new form of "metalic life." :rolleyes: ;)
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According to Swami Ramdevbaba(India) mainly one has to perform PRANAYAM (Breathing Exercise ) daily for one hour minimum.

This helps in clearing the artery blockages.

Also it reduces Trighycerides, LDL formation, High B.P.

Pls share your experiences about this fact.

My mother lived for over 95 years and never had anything wrong with her heart, she ate what she wanted but never overate and did not exercises at all. Her parents lived into their 100's. I'll be lucky to make it anywhere near that. What I believe helps is a good genetic background. If old age runs in your family then you will probably live long also as long as you balance everything in your life as best you can. Eat whatever you want just don't eat allot. ;)
The problem is if old age does not run in your family or that you changed the eating habits towards junk food from your parents....then what do you do? I think, in case of short lived lineage, you can improve that using healthy eating habits and reduce stress level.

One items I read is that get REM sleep everyday. That repairs the body every night. And eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.

Lately I am experiementing with protein shakes that the body builders use and found to be very energizing...someday, I can go to my local clinic, have them take my stem cells and freeze it for later when I am ready to go blind or something....