How artery blockages can be prevented?

I had my first cholesterol test in 1958 and now have 50 years of data. Back then only the total and Triglyceride were measured - no one knew much about HDL and LDL, but I followed the literature as I still do. (I also have EKG traces from that era to the present - I always make the doctors either run a copy for me or Xerox.)

There was a well done study, about 25 years ago, that showed the cholesterol level was not nearly as important as the total Cholesterol/ HDL ratio, so I started to track mine. (I have copy of the study filed away, but hope someone will give a link to more recent update.)

The CAUSAL importance of cholesterol has steadily decreased with the passage of the years. It is now considered to be more a secondary to infections* in that the plack, rich in it, is sort of the body's natural attempt to provide a protective cover to an area of the vessel wall with chronic mild infection.

There have been many epidemiological studies - for example Orientals have less trouble with heart disease, but when they move to San Francisco, eat and live like Americans, they die like Americans. Some Mediterranean peoples, especially some on the Greek islands, get more than 1/3 of the caloric intake from fats; yet have some of the lowest rates of heart problems. When I read that study about 5 years ago, I changed to my current breakfast, which was already a one minute micro-waved banana with about equal volume or raw oats mashed into it to include about an equal volume of Canola oil also mixed in. - It is nutritional essentially the same as olive oil (that the Island dwelling Greeks eat) but much cheaper.** Ever since my C. /HDL ratio has been pleasingly low. In fact the blood taken on 5May08 had the best ratio ever - slightly less than 3.00 with C = 210 and HDL equal 71, in common units of measure.

I swim laps at least three times each week and take brisk walks for half an hour before going to bed with shot of vodica, first used first as a mouth wash, but followed with full glass of water as a chaser. (I live in a high-rise, one of 6 inside a private park - a secure area - I would not go on the Sao Paulo streets that late.)

I like Brazil as there are many good, cheap fruits and vegetable year round. I eat a lot of fish, smaller ones usually, as I fear the Hg accumulation that builds up in the bodies of the bigger ones like sharks. Red meat less than twice a month. I had my first exercise stress test recently. - I had only one problem - I wanted the doctor controlling the machine and busily making notes, to make the tread mill go faster. - But he would not - the machine was at its safety limit - people tend to fall off he said if it goes faster. Keep your worries low and your sex activity high. (I get annual PSA tests and they are low. I think it reasonable that failure to void the prostrate on a regular basis could cause it to enlarge, but that is just a simple physics POV. - never read that.) Masturbate if you need to, but I have beautiful and sexy Ph.D. wife.
*Probably why a baby asprin each day is often now recommended. _ I do not take - I avoid all medicines. I think my body is smarter than medical science still. I try to do what I suppose my evolutionaly ancestors did - if food scrap falls on the floor, I eat it. I bet my immune system is strong. Bring on your "bird flu." I am ready. I had and anti-biotic once in Brazil, about a decade ago (Some germs have evolved to be good at their job too. Probably one not present in the USA got me.) but that was the first in more than 50 years. I took it because my body was not winning the battle and five days was enough of mild fever.
**I have no money worries now but habits that were necessary in college are still deeply ingrained in me. My kids / grandchildren say I am "cheap," but I prefer "frugal," and see no reason to change - that would be un-natural for me and a stress producing conscious effort. I get irrational, but significant pleasure, when I buy something I NEED on sale.
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The CAUSAL importance of cholesterol has steadily decreased with the passage of the years. It is now considered to be more a secondary to infections* in that the plack, rich in it, is sort of the body's natural attempt to provide a protective cover to an area of the vessel wall with chronic mild infection.
Infection by what...nanobacteria???
Hi Billy T, do you now or did you ever smoke tobacco and if so, did you notice a difference in you C levels after quitting?
I never bought a pack of cigarettes in my life, but in college, used a few without inhaling to see if I could make smoke rings. (I could make poor quality ones, but only by tapping cheeks with hands.)

I did do an interesting "C experiment" once. McDonnals happened to have a "two for the price of one" special on egg McMuffins, I ate six, paid for three on each of the two mornings just before day of blood test. (Normally back then I ate about a dozen every month but have had only about a dozen in the last 40 years now. I had very significantly higher C level on that test than any other.

I also did a salt sensitivity test years ago. Sat in chair, reading book and measured blood pressure at every chapter end. After first two, which were the same, I ate a tablespoon of salt and washed it down with glass of water and continued to read book and measure at chapter ends. I do not remember the details but if there was any elivation of blood pressure, it was quite small. Clearly I am not amoung the ~5% of the population that is "salt sensitive." My resting blood pressure is usually110/70 but some times 120/80 almost alway with difference of 40. In Brazil the drop the finaL 0. I.e. here it is 12/8 or 11/7.

Public health authorities, often tell things that apply to only part of the population that are not universally true. (I approve of this.) I do not use a lot of salt*, but do not limit myself either. I only use butter on fresh corn. (corn in Brazil is popular with Brazilians, even sold by street venders from little carts with bottled gas keeping it steaming hot, but IMHO it is only fit for horses. - very tough, hard etc.

Another example of miss-leading, but every useful, public health edicts is to keep your insulin in the ice box. Think about it - temperature of 98.6F (or 37C ) will not destroy it. If you leave it on the kitchen table after breakfast and at noon the sun is shinning on the bottle, that can denature it. Simple way to avoid this, is have people keep it in the ice box.

At APL/JHU I was minor part of the team that made the inplanted insulin pump that Medtronics now sells.
Its storage chamber is at less than atmospheric pressure (and maintain that way during the refill process) - It must "suck" the insulin in. Doctors do not pump it in thru the rubber-like diaphram the refill needle passes thru. The insulin used is very concentrated an would kill if just injected into the body. It stays at 37C for more than a month - approximately the time between refills. The pump is a very sophisticated design - based on our knowlege gained by making many small, highly-reliable, light-weight, harsh-enviroment-tolerant, devices for space craft. - It is amazing how alike the requirements for putting something in orbit is like the requirements for putting device inside the human body. The pump also has telimetry - tells it health to the external monitor. If the there should ever be a leak, it will tell us (among many other things it tells) and the leak would be body fluids into the pump, not insulin out into the body.

Unfortunately it is an open loop control system. The patient must estimate the need for insulin after eating and still stick finger at least daily, but the insuling is given with a time profile more natural than with an injection. - By now there should be data - I hope and expect that this has resulted in less side effects, such as blindness, but Medtronics took over the program years ago. We made only a dozen or so prototypes for implant at a couple of local hospitas as I recal. - They surely either already know or have on-going studies.

If I needed one - it would be the one I helped design. (I designed an implantable blood sugar level sensor for even better closed loop control (did not need commands from the patient.) I am sure had a good chance of working as I had it measure in the clear, constantly changing, CSF, not the blood. It used LED and polarizers to measure the optical rotation. As far as I know, it is still true that no one has made one, working in the blood, that will work for more than a couple of weeks. The most common approach is to make a sugar fuel cell and monitor the voltage/current from it, but they all fail, will not keep any calibration.

Mine was never built, but I did careful sensitivity, S/N, etc. modeling studies of it. It was not perfect, but surely better than the patient. It required that three vertibra be fused into one rigid structure. While this is quite a common proceedure (for sever back problems), even I did not like that idea on a healthy spine. Perhaps some day it will be dug up out of the APL/JHU files and find limited use.
*I never add additional suggar to any thing, but do eat many things that contain it, when an artifically sweetened version is not available. Humans did not evolve with it. the pancress is a fine tuned sensitive organ. Hitting your insulin system with candy bar of sugar is like playing a piano with a hammer. (Probally can be done without significant harm in many cases, but I suspect there is always some damage.) Less than 500 years ago, refined sugar was more costly than gold. IMHO, it is a slow posion.
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Infection by what...nanobacteria???
I do not know anything about them. I have the impression, but do not remember why, that they enter from the blood side of the wall, not the body side. Obviously, they are sort of dormant - not rapidly spreading. I am not even sure they are a form of bacteria. Could be a prion or virus?
Hitting your insulin system with candy bar of sugar is like playing a piano with a hammer. (Probally can be done without significant harm in many cases, but I suspect there is always some damage.)
All the more reason to use sugar as fuel instead of food crops.

Corn is one of natures most perfect foods.
i hear that eating red meat can cause some serious artery blockage - especially in males because it literally rots in your stomach until it comes out your rear end
Corn is one of natures most perfect foods.
Perhaps, but if lima beans are also part of the dish then all the amino acids needed for all proteins are present. Corn lacks two* (lysine and ?) as I remember.
That mix is very old. The Incas used it. I think it is called sucatash (or something like that).

I am very impressed with the unconscious wisdom that human kind has put in to practice (not sleeping with first cousin etc.)
Humans make many correlations unconsciously, but only the more accurate ones universally survive in many cultures. I am inclined to think tha "modern" medical science may have lost as much as it knows with the destruction of "primative medical practice." Fortunately, it is now begining to realize this and seriously testing some native preparations.

* I think some truely perfect corn does now exist, thanks to "GM foods."
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I am very impressed with the unconscious wisdom that human kind has put in to practice (not sleeping with first cousin etc.)
Humans make many correlations unconsciously, but only the more accurate ones universally survive in many cultures.
* I think some truely perfect corn does now exist, thanks to "GM foods."

Thing is human kind had hundreds of thousands of years to develop the correct correlations regarding nutrition, healing, health etc when life was 'simpler', but putting it more correctly, probably before the establishment of large cities and mass migrations. As humans lost their roots, traditions and natural knowledge they entered a period of ignorance until science and mass education came along with all their vested interests teaching us whole new ways of thinking / living / believing etc, which themselves are concepts so new (even when sometimes they're old hat and just simply 'forgotten') that they are in a constant state of flux see-sawing through past present and what might be future, so it's not surprising that we are slowly re-discovering the wisdoms inherent in ancient knowledge.
EDTA Chelation does target calcification of the arteries as well as heavy it removes both. There are only a few different products out there that do this, and it is a bit controversial as to whether or not it works, but I've heard many swear by it. And it definitely saves you from surgery. Of course, lifestyle changes would also be necessary as well, as pointed our by others (changes it diet, exercise, etc.).

Also, it's worth it to mention that lecithin works wonders to cholesterol. It both lowers the LDL (bad cholesterol), and increases the HDL (good cholesterol). Definitely worth taking to prevent future problems. I get my supplements at, and they sell both the EDTA Chelation and lecithin. They also have a good article on lecithin that's worth reading if you're interested in it.
Is it possible to use Magnetic Therapy?
Has anybody used Magnetic Therapy?...
Yes it is possible, and was once widely used, but achieves no non-placebo results. It was quite common more than a century ago. - Ignorant people, including many scientists of the era, aligned their beds NS etc. (I am not sure, but seem to recall that Newton did so. - not often one can, with justification, call Newton "ignornate.")
Do not adopt the ignorant POV of more than 100 years ago. We understand too much now about ferromagnetism:

Magnetic fields only exert force of any significance on PIECES* of ferromagnetic material. This is because to be ferromagnetic there must be many thousands of mutually interacting atoms, each of which has unbalance electron spins. Normally there simply are not any such PIECES of ferromagnetic material in the human body.

In earlier eras when people were both ignorant of this "PIECES requirement" and impressed by magnets moving thing with no need for contact they did have faith in magnetic cures and reported them as happening - This is placebo effect in a very pure form as now we understand that mutual interaction between unpaired electron spins is required in PIECES of ferromagnetic materials of the magnet to exert any significant force (compared to the much greater thermal collision forces** that are constantly knocking the atoms around (even their aggregates- as in "Brownian motion.)"

There have however been cases where magnetic fields have been used to achieve real therapeutic effect:

(1) To help remove steel bullets from critical, surgically difficult, locations
(2) To help guide the tip of some cable being inserted via the veins to the desired location.
(3) As an experimental non-surgical cure for aneurisms. I.e. some very fine iron dust like particles were introduce into the blood stream "up-stream" from the aneurisms and the magnetic field caused them to accumulate inside the "aneurism bubble." Then they tended to self adhere and stay there strengthening the weak spot in the blood vessel wall until the body's natural processes wall them off. (I may not have all the details exactly correct - I do not think this procedure every got much beyond the experimental stage.)

Even (1) and (2) are rarely used.
*The PIECE can be very small - a speck of dust in size and still contain the thousands of atoms required to mutually interact and form a "magnetic domain."

**Few realize that the reason all of the strongest modern magnets use rare earth materials is directly related to this. I.e. many of them have unpaired spins (or even orbital magnetic moments - I think) in their INNER incomplete electron shell and these orbital are protected during collisions by the more distant outer electronic shells, which do deform etc. during the collisions. All typical (iron/nickel) ferromagnets have a temperature (the Currie temp, I think it is called) above which they are not ferromagnetic as the thermal collisions destroy the mutual interactions that make them ferromagnetic. I assume rare earth magnets do too, but typically closer to their melting temperature I would bet - They were not much known back when I was learning about magnetic domains, etc.
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Following reference says drink 8 ounces/day of pomegranate juice for 3 years and clear all the artery blockages

tPomegranate Juice Consumption for 3 Years by Patients with Carotid Artery Stenosis Reduces Common Carotid Intima-Media Thickness, Blood Pressure and LDL Oxidation
Aviram M, Rosenblat M, Gaitini D, Nitecki S, Hoffman A, Dornfeld, Volkova N, Presser D, Attias J, Liker H, Hayek T.
Clinical Nutrition (2004), 23: 423-433.
This randomized controlled pilot study of 19 patients (ages 65-75) is the first to show that pomegranate juice may reduce the amount of plaque in the arteries of patients with heavy plaque buildup (severe carotid artery stenosis) as well as substantially benefiting several important blood parameters. Ten patients consumed 8 oz. a day of POM Wonderful pomegranate juice for 1 year. Nine patients who did not consume pomegranate juice served as controls. The intima-media thickness (IMT) of the carotid artery wall was measured and blood samples were taken at the beginning of the study and at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. After 1 year, those patients who did not consume pomegranate juice showed a 9% increase in IMT, while those consuming juice showed a decrease in IMT of up to 30%. Furthermore, for those drinking pomegranate juice, systolic (but not diastolic) blood pressure was reduced by 21%, total antioxidant status of the blood increased by 130%, LDL oxidation decreased by 90%, antibodies to oxidized LDL decreased by 19% and serum paraoxonase 1 (PON1) increased by 83%. Major blood biochemical markers were not affected, including levels of LDL and HDL cholesterol. Benefits were maintained in five patients who continued drinking pomegranate juice for 2 additional years, with furher improvements in serum lipid peroxidation.

Is this information reliable.

Has anybody tried pomegranate juice and cleared the artery blockages?

Pls share your experience.
