How artery blockages can be prevented?

The best preventative methods are to not smoke, maintain proper HDL/LDL cholesterol levels and exercise. Avoid drinking in excess to maintain a healthy liver.

No. There is currently no such treatment available.

No. There is absolutely no evidence that it helps in any way.

Some people are born with abnormaly high cholestreal it is genetic. At 15 i had 220 cholestreal where the average was like 100. There was a six year old that inherited cholestreal at 600 and died at age 10.

Thousand of people are working on this problem and G-d hope they find an answer.
Recently I read that Bisphenol-A a chemical used for making plastic transparent is found in the Blood samples of Diabetes and Heart Disease Patients.

This may be responsible for the blockages in the arteries.

So simple solution is to avoid water from plastic bottles, avoid milk from plastic bags etc. in short avoid contamination of water/wet food with plastics wherever Bisphenol-A is used.

Since it is difficult to find the plastic which does not contain Bisphenol-A ,IT IS BETTER TO AVOID USE OF PLASTIC FOR ANY EATABLES.

It is predicted that India will become a capital of Heart Patients by 2010.

Let us start taking necessary action.

I'd look into some serrapeptase. It is excellent for heart health in general, and can help with plaque buildup and atherosclerosis and the like. It works to reduce inflammation in the tissues. One product I know of called Fibrozym contains serrapeptase as well as bromelain and papain (papaya and pineapple enzymes), which are also excellent for you (found it at I would give it a try and see if it helps at all.
Recently I listened a lecture given by Dr Sarang Patil.from Kolhapur
According to him the Artery Blockages can be cleared by using Self Urine Therapy.
Has any body tried and are successful?

If yes pla contact me.

While sounding true, that says nothing about the mechanism. Doctors, in general are taught in med school to learn correct "procedures" not to think about mechanisms - why things happen.

We actually know how aspirin works. It is a platelet inhibitor.

Specifically, aspirin deactivates an enzyme in platelets called COX for short. That enzyme normally synthesizes thromboxane A2, a prostaglandin product that causes platelet aggregation. Thus, aspirin prevents platelet aggregation. The effect lasts for the life of the platelet, which is 7-10 days.
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If you want to reduce the pH level perhaps? But is not the blood pH should be 7.3? If you make it acidic, then the system goes out of whack and the body will create fat cells to buffer acid....

Perhaps drink a diluted KOH or Mg(OH)2 solution in the morning?

Wow, no.

Normal blood pH is 7.35 and 7.45.