Happy with moderation here?

The current level of moderation of the Religion forum is:

  • Too strict

    Votes: 7 10.1%
  • Not strict enough

    Votes: 17 24.6%
  • About right

    Votes: 45 65.2%

  • Total voters
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All Muslims are going to hell, since they don't believe Jesus is the Son of God and died for their sins.

On that point we all agree, but the purpose of this thread to to help Skinwalker overcome his demons.
that guy called skinwalker is the worst racist moderator ever !!!

Please cite an example of my "racism." Otherwise, your claim is a baseless one, making you a liar, deluded, or perhaps just mistaken.

why do you james let such a devil control these forums ???

Please cite evidence of "devils" and that I am a "devil." Your personal superstitions aren't necessarily accepted by all.

he is full of hate to islam and he deletes everything he dos'nt like whatever its good or not

I am full of criticism for Islam (it deserves to be capitalized, by the way). Hatred isn't an emotion I'm all that familiar with -sorry. I'm also full of criticism for other superstitions like Christianity, Hinduism, astrology, space alien abductions, ESP, ghosts, etc. With regard to your accusation that I "delete everything" I don't like, you are completely and utterly wrong. Again, this makes you a liar, deluded or just mistaken. But feel free to cite examples and forward these on to the administrators since the deleted posts are still visible to them as well as any moderator of the religion forum.

he just judges the threads from his point of view as if he is the reference !!

I'm not sure what you mean by this, perhaps you can clarify with an example.

that guy is very bad and i swear he is a hater and not a neutral man

I'm not neutral, this is correct. Nor do I pretend to be. I'm on the side of reason. Religion is contrary to reason, so I'm critical of it. If you can't deal with it or accept criticism of your superstitions, post elsewhere. If you can accept that others are willing and able to criticize your beliefs and even consider them delusional, feel free to post here.

you should take action because you are responsible of these forums !!!

You haven't given any grounds for "action" to be taken. Perhaps you should find a forum where your superstitions are tolerated and accepted without critical inquiry and reason. Surely there are plenty of places that would welcome you with open arms. If, however, you're willing to defend your beliefs and accept that others might find them superstitious, feel free to participate here.

If such a statement doesn't have a clear premise it is flaming

for instance
  1. "All christians are deluded" is flaming
  2. "All christians are deluded because they are stupid" is flaming
  3. "All christians are deluded because they accept an authority that is baseless" is not flaming

Since the last example is a given, the first is, therefore, not flaming. It shouldn't be necessary to qualify delusion each time any more than it should be necessary for one to qualify a statement that it is "cold outside" with an explanation of the Earth's axis relative to the sun, low/high pressure zones, etc.

having a monopoly of atheistic mods on a religious discussion is like having a monopoly of theistic mods on an atheistic discussion - something should be done to make it more impartial - Ideally there should be one agnostic, one theist and one atheist -

I'm an agnostic-atheist. Using your suggestion above, I, therefore, fill the position of two out of three moderators. Since this is a science forum, and not a delusion forum, the religion sub-forum should be the place where the reasoned minded come to discuss the affect religious delusion has upon science. This should be the place where we discuss the danger religious delusion poses to scientific progress. Instead, we get religious nutters who sign on to the board because its in the science genre just to announce their delusions to the "godless heathens" here.

or at the very least, you shouldn't have an atheist mod that is inimical (ie - SKINWALKER) -

Why should anyone with a reasoned mind be friendly or tolerant to delusion? Particularly when it poses a threat to society and scientific progress? Why shouldn't religious ideology be subjected to the exact same level of criticism, ridicule, and inquiry as other social ideologies? I'm no more harsh on religious delusion and superstition than I the food critic in your local newspaper is on the restaurants in your area.

it appears he derives a certain pleasure from using his mod powers (infractions, modifying posts, immunity from receiving infractions, inability to be put on ignore etc) -

Which is a completely unfounded statement. Without providing evidence of this, we can assume that you, too, are either a liar, deluded, or mistaken. Since you've demonstrated intellectual cowardice and dishonesty in this forum in the past -each of which I've called you out on- my money is on "liar," but that is only my opinion.

however, as it stands at the moment - at worst, it creates an atmosphere where atheistic posters have more liberties in the field of trolling

I don't suppose you've noticed that the posters in this forum I've taken the most extreme action with are atheists. Indeed, the only people I've ever banned from the Religion subforum were atheists.

Well, SkinWalker should be removed from Moderator status, for one.

Ahh.. yes. Another who doesn't like to have the voice of reason questioning his superstitions, eh? In any forum you go, there will always be those that disagree with the moderators. Its interesting to note that the loudest voices of discontent with my moderation here are also the ones that demonstrate the least amount of intellectual discourse or reasoned perspective, siding the most with superstition and the paranormal.

Like I've said many times, science forums draw kooks, nutters, and woo-woo's like flames draw moths. At least the moth has the dignity to simply perish in the flame rather than complain its too hot.

Agreed!!! SkinWalker is so damned sensitive to racism that he can see racist comments where there is none and obviously wasn't even intended.

Which is it. Am I racist or overly sensitive to racism? :cool:

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
If such a statement doesn't have a clear premise it is flaming
for instance

1. "All christians are deluded" is flaming
2. "All christians are deluded because they are stupid" is flaming
3. "All christians are deluded because they accept an authority that is baseless" is not flaming

Since the last example is a given, the first is, therefore, not flaming.
that's my point
the last is not given hence 1 and 2 become flames

having a monopoly of atheistic mods on a religious discussion is like having a monopoly of theistic mods on an atheistic discussion - something should be done to make it more impartial - Ideally there should be one agnostic, one theist and one atheist -

I'm an agnostic-atheist.
you are as deeply dyed atheist as they come -lol
an agnostic wouldn't use the word "delusion" as a synonym for religion or god at every possible opportunity
Using your suggestion above, I, therefore, fill the position of two out of three moderators. Since this is a science forum, and not a delusion forum, the religion sub-forum should be the place where the reasoned minded come to discuss the affect religious delusion has upon science.
and you still maintain the pretense of being agnostic?
This should be the place where we discuss the danger religious delusion poses to scientific progress.
and there is no "danger" that theistic claims could be valid?
(c'mon, that would at least be half the conviction of an agnostic ....)

Instead, we get religious nutters who sign on to the board because its in the science genre just to announce their delusions to the "godless heathens" here.
since you automatically label theists as "deluded" it appears your technique is to fight fire with fire

or at the very least, you shouldn't have an atheist mod that is inimical (ie - SKINWALKER) -

Why should anyone with a reasoned mind be friendly or tolerant to delusion?
more unbiased protests from the voice of agnosticism eh?

Particularly when it poses a threat to society and scientific progress?
ditto above
Why shouldn't religious ideology be subjected to the exact same level of criticism, ridicule, and inquiry as other social ideologies?
thats my point - having a monopoly of atheists to chair such a discussion (or atheists posing as agnostics) kind of forgoes a greater part of the discussion - just like having three theists to chair a discussion on atheism would raise clear objection in any impartial analysis (particularly if there was clear indication that they were vehemently opposed to atheism- that is they perceived it as a "threat" and weren't shy to slander it at every conceivable opportunity)

I'm no more harsh on religious delusion and superstition than I the food critic in your local newspaper is on the restaurants in your area.
and is the overwhelming response of theists who complain otherwise is another delusion ?

- can you name any theist on this forum who is satisfied with your mod ship? (who complains about JamesR or Cris's modship regarding their atheism?)

it appears he derives a certain pleasure from using his mod powers (infractions, modifying posts, immunity from receiving infractions, inability to be put on ignore etc) -

Which is a completely unfounded statement.
how many people need to back a claim before it is founded?
Without providing evidence of this, we can assume that you, too, are either a liar, deluded, or mistaken.
just examine your editing of posts and let the evidence speak for itself
Since you've demonstrated intellectual cowardice and dishonesty in this forum in the past
you mean spoke in favour of theism?

-each of which I've called you out on-
you mean used your powers of mod ship to edit, impose infractions and blindly let other similarly spirited atheists spout forth in support of your confidence statements at the obvious transgression of standards for discussion?

my money is on "liar," but that is only my opinion.
and as a mod, who can stop you, right?

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
however, as it stands at the moment - at worst, it creates an atmosphere where atheistic posters have more liberties in the field of trolling

I don't suppose you've noticed that the posters in this forum I've taken the most extreme action with are atheists.
once again
just examine what a theist has done to score an infraction/post editing from you and examine what an atheist has done to score the same - you will clearly see that what an atheist has to do to score an infraction varies greatly from that of a theist

Indeed, the only people I've ever banned from the Religion subforum were atheists.
and what of your editing and infractions??
My agnosticism recognizes that I can't know for sure about gods or even pink unicorns in the universe since I cannot examine the universe fully. However, I'm atheist in that I see no reason to accept that gods are necessary in the universe nor has anyone demonstrated that they are.

My use of the word "delusion" is well founded and applies to the religious superstitions of humanity, especially Islam and Christianity, which are based upon texts that are demonstrably incorrect, invented, inconsistent and out-right abominable in their treatment of humanity.

With regard to your disagreement with atheist moderation here, you are free to leave. So go. Or stay. If you choose the latter, you'll just have to accept that I'm an atheist and I think you're deluded. If you can't accept that, leave. The internet is a big place and I'm sure there are like-minded folks who will welcome you. But, if you haven't noticed, I rarely interact with you. I make exception when you troll for me -baiting me into some sort of reaction that you might be able to point your finger at the "big bad atheist mod" in an immature display of whining. I make that exception only to point out your intellectual cowardice and dishonesty -and I do so without editing your posts or giving you infractions as you so dishonestly and cowardly accuse me of.

Like I said: provide evidence of this accusation or remain a liar and an intellectual coward, afraid to support your assertions with evidence.
this guy called Skinwalker is full of hate and racist and he is like devils he hates islam and muslims very hard he should not be a moderator here because of his racist

a moderator must be an adult with full self control and very intelligent and neutral ,

i can not believe that he is tracking everything i type and either delete it or modify it from his point of view !!

for example in the topic of why blacks are more attracted to islam

http://www.sciforums.com/showthread.php?t=70689 on this link

i just answered someone who said that women are less equal in islam and corrected his wrong understanding

and anotherone wondering why muslims kill other muslims

i just said that islam is the rule and if a follower doesn't follow the right rules this does not mean that the rule itself is wrong

if your father says : don't drink wine because its harmful and then you drank the wine

dos this mean that your father is wrong .. or you are wrong because you diodnt follow the rules >???

i said that islam does not allow killing a chicken without the right to do ..

then i find that racist and hater coms delting my post and he didnt delete the other post saying women less equal

he deleted my posts saying racist posts deleted !!!

oh my god !!!

i can not believe this hater is amoderator here !!

i remember also that he was the one closed my topic after more than a year open and over than 15000 readings and answeres he closed my topic while Cris never did it although i argued with him before . !!!

this topic is here :


It certainly sounds like he is unfairly censoring you. I certainly hope that your anti-censorship stand holds even in relation to Muslims. I mean at least you are not being threatened with death. have you taken a strong public stand against the FAtwah on Rushdie and the ones taken out on the cartoonists in Denmark? Or is it only censorship in relation to your ideas that bothers you?
this guy called Skinwalker is full of hate and racist and he is like devils he hates islam and muslims very hard he should not be a moderator here because of his racist
a moderator must be an adult with full self control and very intelligent and neutral,
i can not believe that he is tracking everything i type and either delete it or modify it from his point of view !!
for example in the topic of why blacks are more attracted to islam
http://www.sciforums.com/showthread.php?t=70689 on this link
i just answered someone who said that women are less equal in islam and corrected his wrong understanding
and anotherone wondering why muslims kill other muslims
i just said that islam is the rule and if a follower doesn't follow the right rules this does not mean that the rule itself is wrong
if your father says : don't drink wine because its harmful and then you drank the wine
dos this mean that your father is wrong .. or you are wrong because you diodnt follow the rules >???
i said that islam does not allow killing a chicken without the right to do ..
then i find that racist and hater coms delting my post and he didnt delete the other post saying women less equal
he deleted my posts saying racist posts deleted !!!
oh my god !!!
i can not believe this hater is amoderator here !!
i remember also that he was the one closed my topic after more than a year open and over than 15000 readings and answeres he closed my topic while Cris never did it although i argued with him before . !!!
this topic is here :
Read the rules, http://www.sciforums.com/showthread.php?t=34473 then read your own posts and then you'll understand why you got either deleted or an infraction, stop whining it happens to everybody.
No moderator has a personal agenda, they are all chosen because of there neutrality. If you feel he is picking you out, you should, look to yourself first, and not try to mud sling, your the one at fault.
this guy called Skinwalker is full of hate and racist and he is like devils he hates islam and muslims very hard he should not be a moderator here because of his racist

Please provide evidence of my "racism."

i can not believe that he is tracking everything i type and either delete it or modify it from his point of view !!

I delete those posts that do not conform to the rules. If you feel I've deleted a post in error, you're free to PM me and I will reconsider it. Indeed, you've done so in the past and I did undelete the post, removing the passage that was a violation of the rules so that your remaining information would be visible. That seemed a fair compromise -one that I was not required to meet.

he deleted my posts saying racist posts deleted !!!

This is a fabrication. Your deleted posts are still visible to other moderators and administrators of the forum, so they can verify it. I deleted no such post. This would make you a liar, deluded or mistaken.

i can not believe this hater is amoderator here !!

You are free to post or not post. If you do not like the moderation, perhaps you will be more comfortable at another internet forum -the internet is a big place - surely you'll find a place more accommodating to your needs. If you choose to stay, I'll not change my moderation practices to accommodate individuals who are unhappy. If your post is off-topic, preaching, offensive, insulting, or otherwise violates rules posted, it is subject to deletion and/or infraction. Period.
I almost moved it to there or the Site Feedback forum, but decided to leave it here since most of those with an opinion will post/browse here to begin with. I'm genuinely interested in the opinions that others have on the subject.

I already expect those that are the most devout in their beliefs or who have already been "offended" by me to post with some sort of agreement to the OP (Norsefire, LG, et al), but I've been surprised by one or two. John99 actually seemed to disagree with the OP and leaned toward my defense.

But, just because the OP is a thread calling into question my "fairness" as a moderator, don't think I won't issue infractions for vulgarity, insults, etc. This isn't a free-for-all thread.
Off-topic posts were deleted. Since they were of the "my religion is better than yours" vein, starting with "all Muslims will go to hell because they don't believe in Jesus...", they couldn't be split into a new thread that wouldn't violate forum rules.

Also, I merged the thread with an existing thread on the topic.
Last edited:
this guy called Skinwalker is full of hate and racist and he is like devils he hates islam and muslims very hard he should not be a moderator here because of his racist

a moderator must be an adult with full self control and very intelligent and neutral ,


this topic is here :


Hey Muhammad,

dont worry about it you shuld carry on posting regardless 0.6 posts per day is not great. please post more than he wont have chance to delete are your posts r alter them


Off-topic posts were deleted. Since they were of the "my religion is better than yours" vein, starting with "all Muslims will go to hell because they don't believe in Jesus...", they couldn't be split into a new thread that wouldn't violate forum rules.

Quite right, carry on.
I almost moved it to there or the Site Feedback forum, but decided to leave it here since most of those with an opinion will post/browse here to begin with. I'm genuinely interested in the opinions that others have on the subject.

I already expect those that are the most devout in their beliefs or who have already been "offended" by me to post with some sort of agreement to the OP (Norsefire, LG, et al), but I've been surprised by one or two. John99 actually seemed to disagree with the OP and leaned toward my defense.

But, just because the OP is a thread calling into question my "fairness" as a moderator, don't think I won't issue infractions for vulgarity, insults, etc. This isn't a free-for-all thread.

devout in my belief? I could care less, really. I'm not very religious, but because alot of my family is Muslim, I just go with the flow. My race is far more important to me than my religion.

Notice how I say "Syria will prevail" not "Islam will prevail"
I actually find your patriotism admirable. But perhaps you'll also notice the addition of "or who have already been 'offended' by me" in that sentence. I'm not implying that all those who disagree with me are "devout."
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