Happy with moderation here?

The current level of moderation of the Religion forum is:

  • Too strict

    Votes: 7 10.1%
  • Not strict enough

    Votes: 17 24.6%
  • About right

    Votes: 45 65.2%

  • Total voters
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SkinWalker is a first-class moderator. There should be a forum rule that excessive complaints without evidence to back them up will result in more infractions ;)
We can only judge Skinwalker's moderation in relation to the rules, which state:
in posting here you accept that the Moderators have the final say, and can moderate your posts for any reason they think fit. No arguments will be entered into regarding moderation.

Actually, I can't read posts that Skinwalker has deleted, but if this is anything to judge by:

You don't deserve to complain. It's as if you are calling the police to complain that someone stole your drugs. Skinwalker has a difficult job to do, the religion and politics forums are traditionally the most controversial and prone to nasty arguments, sometimes a batch edit or delete is the only way to save a thread.

wow dude !!!

very cool to find of my comments on very hard insults were said to me !!!

everyone here can notice that i answered an insult said to me and insults said to my religion !!!

dude that was an answer after being patient for long time didnt say any bad word

and after i said what i said ( ofcourse its not polite at all ) guess what ??

he deleted only my bad words and left the insults said to me and he left that guy saying asshole to me and skinwalker didnt delete his post

thank you for this little evidence that he is racist :)


Hey man ...... notice that the posts deleted on that topic were not at all off topic neither they were flaming !!!

come on man im asking you as i asked James to make a poll and make election and ask people if they want Skinwalker to continue being moderator or not

ask people if they are satisfied with his moderation or they want him kicked out of moderating religious forum !!

i swear that Skinwalker is a very bad model for moderating anything

he is not fair at all and by the way the deleted posts prove that he deletes what he doesn't like from his point of view .

he is a big hater i insist on my openion .

So far, there's a lot of discontent with my moderation, but no valid reasons to support that I'm "unfair." Any posts that have been deleted are still on record for any moderator of this forum or any supermoderator/administrator to view.

I've deleted no posts due to racism or that weren't violations of rules. Absolutely no posts have been deleted that accused me of "deleting racist posts" that I'm aware of.

If you don't like the status of moderation here, you are free to post elsewhere on the internet. Its a big place. You'll find a place that welcomes you without criticism or inquiry.

If, however, you choose to stay here, I will continue to enforce forum rules and argue against religious delusion and superstition with reason. I have never nor will ever use moderator ability to assist in my arguments or debates because such action is not only unethical it is unnecessary. Religious delusion and superstition is self-defeating in the face of logic, reason and genuine inquiry.

All those that have accused me of using moderator ability to win arguments here are either lying, deluded, or mistaken. I'll leave it to others to decide which.

hey Skinwalker ....

why don't you just leave this forum and go away !!!!
why do you ask hundreds of people who see you are a racist and unfair moderator to leave while you are just a little 1 !!

1 vs hundreds ......... the poor 1 should leave and go away ...

this forum is not the place for you to emit and spread your complicated psychology ....

we are not here to let you give your self a feeling that you are a leader and everyone must obey you !!

you the one who should obey us when we are all on one openion :

Skinwalker abilities to moderate fairly = very very very very poor
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everyone here can notice that i answered an insult said to me and insults said to my religion !!!

You certainly should pipe up if someone insults you personally, but insulting your religion is perfectly fair game.

If your religion were as stable, peaceful and tolerant as it professes, you should have no problem with that whatsoever - water off a ducks back.
I haven't come across you before now, but you certainly come across as a rabid troll.
Shut up or go away.
Of course, "islam this islam that, but oh no, christianity is perfecto!"

And we aren't playing such a game. We're playing "let's discuss", and SkinWalker crashes the party all the damn time....

Look, if you make an anti-Christian comment, maybe you indeed deserve an infraction, much as if someone made an anti-muslim comment. But if you're going to call (as I have no doubt you are) criticism of the negative aspects of islam vis-a-vis world politics anti "islam" (verifying that beheading, or religious oppression or whatever were then core "islamic") then you don't. If you want to criticize something, then criticize. If you just want to seethe, then you get infracted.

Anyway, I don't mind Skinwalker, although he's deleted some of my posts. I mean, on a personal level, sure I'd kick him in the nuts. But that's just appropriate political discourse, down our way. He's doing fine as a mod.

hey Skinwalker ....

why don't you just leave this forum and go away !!!!
why do you ask hundreds of people who see you are a racist and unfair moderator to leave while you are just a little 1 !!

What racism is he guilty of??

1 vs hundreds ......... the poor 1 should leave and go away ...

Hundreds? One? No. I at least am not on your side.

you the one who should obey us when we are all on one openion :

But we're not all of one opinion.
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Geoff, please clarify what you said

I can criticise Christianity as I want, it defintely deserves it.
wow dude !!!

very cool to find of my comments on very hard insults were said to me !!!

everyone here can notice that i answered an insult said to me and insults said to my religion !!!...

An eye for an eye may seem fair in your culture, but there are different rules here.
An eye for an eye is fair everywhere, spidergoat

If someone murdered your entire family, wouldn't you murder them?
Maybe, but I would expect a harsh punishment. Certainly, no one's life is at stake here.
No, but the concept is the same. If SkinWalker is rude, he will be treated rudely

If you want to be respected, as they say, show some respect

So muhummad has my full support and has the right to complain about SkinWalker's absurd, rude, and pointless bullshit. I would make a better mod:)
This thread was started in 2004.

New complaints have been noted, and the topic has been covered sufficiently for now, I think. If members wish to make specific complaints rather than general ones, please post a thread in Site Feedback or Open Government.

Thread closed.
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