Happy with moderation here?

The current level of moderation of the Religion forum is:

  • Too strict

    Votes: 7 10.1%
  • Not strict enough

    Votes: 17 24.6%
  • About right

    Votes: 45 65.2%

  • Total voters
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Since Cris has stopped moderating this forum, leaving me as the sole moderator, I thought now might be a good time to poll users to find out what you think of the current level of moderation here, and the way it is done. So, please any post comments and/or suggestions here.

I am not promising that I will implement all suggestions, or change the way I moderate this forum, but I do promise to seriously consider all comments which are made.

Some things to think about:
thanks for posting this - I think it is much needed

* Is the current level of moderation too lax/too strict?
I would say it is too lax - frankly I have given up even posting reports to the mods against atheist posters that ad hom or troll - if you think I am being biased just examine the number and instances of theists receiving infractions for such things versus the number of atheists

* Are there any kinds of threads which you think are not appropriate on the Religion forum?
mostly they appear as appropriate (or at least not any less appropriate than the threads any other sub forum category is likely to generate)
I can recall a few that I thought were prematurely closed at the onset (ie before they clocked up 100+ posts in a state of cacophony)

* Where do you think the line should be drawn between religion and politics, and how can we tell if a thread falls on one or other side of the line?
its a bit of a grey area - the ideology of politics is primarily focused onthe needs, interests and concerns of a country and the ideology of religion is primarily focused on the needs, interest and concerns of god - as such issues that deal with things like economic development, trade agreements and military deployment belong on the side of politics and issues that deal with religious theory, practice and values belong on the side of religion

* Should posts which are critical of a particular religion or its believers be allowed here? What about flames (e.g. "All Christians are just deluded!")? How do we draw the line between legitimate criticism and flaming?
If such a statement doesn't have a clear premise it is flaming

for instance
  1. "All christians are deluded" is flaming
  2. "All christians are deluded because they are stupid" is flaming
  3. "All christians are deluded because they accept an authority that is baseless" is not flaming
I would also say that the unnecessary tagging of insults is an automatic indication of that needs mod attention

eg - "You are wrong, dipshit"

the test whether a criticism is legitimate or not is whether the further discussion moves toward further flaming - for instance points 1 and 2 't seem to encourage similar flaming in return

* What other issues are important in moderating this forum?
having a monopoly of atheistic mods on a religious discussion is like having a monopoly of theistic mods on an atheistic discussion - something should be done to make it more impartial - Ideally there should be one agnostic, one theist and one atheist - or at the very least, you shouldn't have an atheist mod that is inimical (ie - SKINWALKER) - it appears he derives a certain pleasure from using his mod powers (infractions, modifying posts, immunity from receiving infractions, inability to be put on ignore etc) - also there is the issue of mods from other forums (ie Q) relying on their diplomatic immunity to remain free to troll and flame - at least in the case of mods from external forums, it would be satisfactory if it was possible to put them on ignore

however, as it stands at the moment - at worst, it creates an atmosphere where atheistic posters have more liberties in the field of trolling - at best you have a forum that has the habit to slip in to exchanges of "defeating the person" rather than "defeating the argument"
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Since religion itself is based on what people told people to tell other people that wrote many tales about what they thought was said about many types of different Gods and the like what good is it to even bother? It is as phony as anything I've ever heard unless you believe in these stories. Let them tell their tales of the unexplaiable and mystic places that those Gods dwell but never come out to stop this crock of crap.
Since religion itself is based on what people told people to tell other people that wrote many tales about what they thought was said about many types of different Gods and the like what good is it to even bother? It is as phony as anything I've ever heard unless you believe in these stories. Let them tell their tales of the unexplaiable and mystic places that those Gods dwell but never come out to stop this crock of crap.

now, if you wanted to move into the realm of "intelligent discussion" you would have to take your statement of "what religion is" and provide the foundations or premises for it (as opposed to decorating your opinions with colourful adjectives)
And another thing, that stupid fuck gives me infractions whenever I make a pro-Islam or anti-Christian comment, what's the point if we aren't here to state our OPINIONS and discuss, wtf
And another thing, that stupid fuck gives me infractions whenever I make a pro-Islam or anti-Christian comment, what's the point if we aren't here to state our OPINIONS and discuss, wtf

Because we are not here to play my religion is better than your religion. Which does get kind of idiotic.
Muslims have a history of reacting to criticism disproportionately. So I don't take this thread seriously, especially the allegations of racism.
Of course, "islam this islam that, but oh no, christianity is perfecto!"

And we aren't playing such a game. We're playing "let's discuss", and SkinWalker crashes the party all the damn time....
SkinWalker is a racist, and is full of hate, he and Baron Max are proud of it...

..LOL! Hell, he probably gives me more damned infractions than any of y'all!! ...LOL!

And I'm not even a racist. I'm an equal-opportunity hater ...I hate everyone, every race, every nationality, every culture, every religion, ..., everything that has to do with humans.

And ShinWalker will probably give me an infraction for that post, too! :D

Baron Max
..LOL! Hell, he probably gives me more damned infractions than any of y'all!! ...LOL!

And I'm not even a racist. I'm an equal-opportunity hater ...I hate everyone, every race, every nationality, every culture, every religion, ..., everything that has to do with humans.

And ShinWalker will probably give me an infraction for that post, too! :D

Baron Max

You hate everything period.
You hate everything period.

No, just things involving humans. I like animals and the natural world, but without humans in it. Once humans become involved, everything gets so fucked up that it's unrecognizable or worse.

Humans suck giant donkey dicks!

Baron Max
And yet, you are a Human...

Humans do not suck. Humans are Gods, they are supreme, pure blooded beings.

Sure, we have current issues, but in the future, Humanity will reign supreme

A la Humanity!
No, just things involving humans. I like animals and the natural world, but without humans in it. Once humans become involved, everything gets so fucked up that it's unrecognizable or worse.

Humans suck giant donkey dicks!

Baron Max

I'm confused.. what was the fuss in the dogfighting thread about then ?
And yet, you are a Human...

Humans do not suck. Humans are Gods, they are supreme, pure blooded beings.

Sure, we have current issues, but in the future, Humanity will reign supreme

A la Humanity!

Not everyone sucks but on the whole humans do suck.
No, Humans are perfect.

Yes, they are perfect.

PEOPLE, as in, their minds may not be perfect.

But a Human being is a pure-blood Divine being.

So, it's not humans its just the bad people
Well, SkinWalker should be removed from Moderator status, for one.

Agreed!!! SkinWalker is so damned sensitive to racism that he can see racist comments where there is none and obviously wasn't even intended.

In fact, he'll probably give me an infraction just for using the word "racist".

Baron Max
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